Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
        gt = rng.binomial(1, 0.5, 100)
        est = rng.rand((100))

        self.roc1 = ROC(gt, est)
        self.roc2 = ROC([True, True, True, False, False, False],
                        [.9, .8, .35, .4, .3, .1])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_bootstrapping(self, gt, est, seed):
        if not np.isnan(gt).any() and not np.isnan(est).any() \
           and len(gt) == len(est) and len(gt) >= 2:
            roc = ROC(gt, est)

            if seed < 0 or seed > 2**32 - 1:
                with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                bs_roc = roc.bootstrap(seed)
                assert np.isin(bs_roc.ground_truth, roc.ground_truth).all()
                assert np.isin(bs_roc.estimates, roc.estimates).all()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_auc_hypothesis(self, gt, est):
     if np.isnan(gt).any() or np.isnan(est).any():
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             ROC(gt, est)
     elif len(gt) != len(est):
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             ROC(gt, est)
     elif len(gt) < 2:
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             ROC(gt, est)
         roc = ROC(gt, est)
         assert 1 >= roc.auc >= 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_roc_ran_twice(self, gt, est):
        if not np.isnan(gt).any() and not np.isnan(est).any() \
           and len(gt) == len(est) and len(gt) >= 2:
            roc = ROC(gt, est)
            fps, tps, thr = roc.roc()
            assert np.isclose(roc.tps, tps).all()
            assert np.isclose(roc.fps, fps).all()

            # Replace input with nothing, so that it's unable to compute the
            # ROC curve.
            roc.ground_truth = None
            new_fps, new_tps, new_thr = roc.roc()
            assert np.isclose(new_fps, fps).all()
            assert np.isclose(new_tps, tps).all()
            assert np.isclose(new_thr, thr).all()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_bootstrap_helper(self, gt, est, seed):
     if np.isnan(gt).any() or np.isnan(est).any() \
        or len(gt) != len(est) or len(gt) < 2:
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             roc = ROC(gt, est)
             bootstrap_roc_((roc, seed))
         roc = ROC(gt, est)
         if seed < 0 or seed > 2**32 - 1:
             with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                 bootstrap_roc_((roc, seed))
             bs_roc = bootstrap_roc_((roc, seed))
             assert np.isin(bs_roc.ground_truth, roc.ground_truth).all()
             assert np.isin(bs_roc.estimates, roc.estimates).all()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_bootstrap_roc_ex1(self):
        gt = [True, True, False, False]
        est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        roc = ROC(gt, est)

        result = bootstrap_roc(roc)
        assert len(result) == 1000
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_bootstrap_roc_ex2(self):
        ex_rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
        num = 10000
        ex_gt = ex_rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
        ex_est = ex_rng.rand((num))
        ex_roc = ROC(ex_gt, ex_est)
        ex_roc_auc_list = [roc.auc for roc in bootstrap_roc(ex_roc, seed=37)]

        assert np.isclose(np.mean(ex_roc_auc_list), 0.5042963196452369)
        assert np.isclose(np.var(ex_roc_auc_list)**.5, 0.006105232099260582)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_bootstrap_roc_n_jobs(self):
        gt = [True, True, False, False]
        est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        roc = ROC(gt, est)

        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            bootstrap_roc(roc, n_jobs=0)

        for n_jobs in [-2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]:
            result = bootstrap_roc(roc, n_jobs=n_jobs)
            assert len(result) == 1000
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_bootstrap_roc_num_bootstraps(self):
        gt = [True, True, False, False]
        est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        roc = ROC(gt, est)

        for num_bootstraps in [-1000, -1, 0]:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                bootstrap_roc(roc, num_bootstraps=num_bootstraps)

        for num_bootstraps in [1, 2, 8, 100, 1000, 10000]:
            result = bootstrap_roc(roc, num_bootstraps=num_bootstraps)
            assert len(result) == num_bootstraps
Ejemplo n.º 10
class TestROCExample1():
    def setup(self):
        self.gt = [0, 0, 1, 1]
        self.est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
        self.roc = ROC(self.gt, self.est)

    def test_roc(self):
        fps, tps, thresholds = self.roc.roc()

        np.testing.assert_allclose(fps, np.array([0, .5, 1]))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(tps, np.array([.5, .5, 1]))
        np.testing.assert_allclose(thresholds, np.array([.4, .3, .1]))

    def test_auc(self):
        auc = self.roc.auc

        np.testing.assert_allclose(5/8, auc)
Ejemplo n.º 11
class TestROCBootstrap(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
        num = 100
        gt = rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
        est = rng.rand((num))
        self.roc = ROC(gt, est)

    def test_bootstrap_confidence_default(self):
        bsp = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence()

        assert bsp.xrange.size == 101
        assert not bsp.min
        assert not bsp.max
        assert not bsp.mean
        assert bsp.min_quantile.size == 101
        assert bsp.max_quantile.size == 101
        assert (bsp.min_quantile <= bsp.max_quantile).all()

    def test_bootstrap_confidence_num_bootstraps(self):
        for num_bootstraps in [-1000, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000]:
            if num_bootstraps <= 0:
                with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                bsp = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(

                assert bsp.xrange.size == 101
                assert not bsp.min
                assert not bsp.max
                assert not bsp.mean
                assert bsp.min_quantile.size == 101
                assert bsp.max_quantile.size == 101
                assert (bsp.min_quantile <= bsp.max_quantile).all()

    def test_bootstrap_confidence_num_bootstrap_jobs(self):
        for num_jobs_1, num_jobs_2 in product([-1, 1, 4], repeat=2):
            bsp1 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(
                num_bootstrap_jobs=num_jobs_1, seed=37)
            bsp2 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(
                num_bootstrap_jobs=num_jobs_2, seed=37)

            assert np.isclose(bsp1.min_quantile, bsp2.min_quantile).all()
            assert np.isclose(bsp1.max_quantile, bsp2.max_quantile).all()

    def test_bootstrap_confidence_show_min_max(self):
        bsp1 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(show_min_max=True, seed=37)

        assert bsp1.xrange.size == 101
        assert bsp1.min.size == 101
        assert bsp1.max.size == 101
        assert not bsp1.mean
        assert bsp1.min_quantile.size == 101
        assert bsp1.max_quantile.size == 101
        assert (bsp1.min_quantile <= bsp1.max_quantile).all()

        bsp2 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(show_min_max=False, seed=37)

        assert not bsp2.min
        assert not bsp2.max
        assert np.isclose(bsp1.min_quantile, bsp2.min_quantile).all()
        assert np.isclose(bsp1.max_quantile, bsp2.max_quantile).all()

    def test_bootstrap_confidence_mean_roc(self):
        bsp1 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(mean_roc=True, seed=37)

        assert bsp1.xrange.size == 101
        assert not bsp1.min
        assert not bsp1.max
        assert bsp1.mean.size == 101
        assert bsp1.min_quantile.size == 101
        assert bsp1.max_quantile.size == 101
        assert (bsp1.min_quantile <= bsp1.max_quantile).all()

        bsp2 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(mean_roc=False, seed=37)

        assert not bsp2.mean
        assert np.isclose(bsp1.min_quantile, bsp2.min_quantile).all()
        assert np.isclose(bsp1.max_quantile, bsp2.max_quantile).all()

        bsp3 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(
            mean_roc=True, show_min_max=True, seed=37)

        assert (bsp3.min <= bsp3.mean).all()
        assert (bsp3.mean <= bsp3.max).all()

    def test_bootstrap_confidence_p_value(self):
        for p_value in [-1, -0.001, 1, 1.001, 10]:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        bsp1 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(p_value=.5, seed=37)
        bsp2 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(p_value=.1, seed=37)
        bsp3 = self.roc.bootstrap_confidence(p_value=0, seed=37)

        assert (bsp3.min_quantile <= bsp2.min_quantile).all()
        assert (bsp2.min_quantile <= bsp1.min_quantile).all()
        assert (bsp1.min_quantile <= bsp1.max_quantile).all()
        assert (bsp1.max_quantile <= bsp2.max_quantile).all()
        assert (bsp2.max_quantile <= bsp3.max_quantile).all()

    def test_plot_with_bootstrap(self):
        """Could be tested better, any improvements are welcome."""
        ax = self.roc.plot(bootstrap=True)
        assert ax

        ax = self.roc.plot(bootstrap=True, show_min_max=True)
        assert ax

        ax = self.roc.plot(bootstrap=True, show_min_max=True, label='test')
        assert ax

        ax = self.roc.plot(bootstrap=True, mean_roc=True)
        assert ax

        ax = self.roc.plot(bootstrap=True, mean_roc=True, label='test')
        assert ax

        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            self.roc.plot(bootstrap=False, mean_roc=True)

        ax = self.roc.plot(bootstrap=False)
        assert ax
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def setup(self):
     self.gt = [0, 0, 1, 1]
     self.est = [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4]
     self.roc = ROC(self.gt, self.est)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_auc_all_gt_equal(self):
        roc = ROC([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0])
        assert np.isclose(roc.auc, 1.0)

        roc = ROC([1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1])
        assert np.isclose(roc.auc, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_auc_two_values(self):
        roc = ROC([0, 1], [0, 1])
        assert np.isclose(roc.auc, 1.0)

        roc = ROC([0, 1], [1, 0])
        assert np.isclose(roc.auc, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_auc_three_values(self):
     roc = ROC([False, True, False], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     assert np.isclose(roc.auc, 0.0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
"""Simple example how to compare two ROC curves."""

import numpy as np

from pyroc import ROC, compare_bootstrap, compare_binary

# Simple example to test bootstrap
ex_rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
num = 100
ex_gt = ex_rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
ex_est = ex_rng.rand((num))
ex_roc1 = ROC(ex_gt, ex_est)

ex_roc2 = ROC([True, True, True, False, False, False],
              [.9, .8, .35, .4, .3, .1])

print(compare_bootstrap(ex_roc1, ex_roc2, seed=37))
print(compare_binary(ex_roc1, ex_roc2, seed=37))
print(compare_bootstrap(ex_roc1, ex_roc1, seed=37))
print(compare_binary(ex_roc1, ex_roc1, seed=37))
print(ex_roc1 < ex_roc2)
print(ex_roc1 <= ex_roc2)
print(ex_roc1 > ex_roc2)
print(ex_roc1 >= ex_roc2)
print(ex_roc1 == ex_roc2)
Ejemplo n.º 17
"""Simple example to show how to use bootstrapping for ROC curves."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pyroc import ROC, bootstrap_roc

# Simple example to test bootstrap
ex_rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
num = 100
ex_gt = ex_rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
ex_est = ex_rng.rand((num))
ex_roc = ROC(ex_gt, ex_est)
ex_roc_list = bootstrap_roc(ex_roc, seed=37)
ex_roc_auc_list = [roc.auc for roc in ex_roc_list]

print(f'Average ROC AUC: {np.mean(ex_roc_auc_list)}'
      f' +/- {np.var(ex_roc_auc_list)**.5}')

ax = ex_roc.plot(bootstrap=True,
ax = ex_roc.plot(bootstrap=True,
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def setUp(self):
     rng = np.random.RandomState(37)
     num = 100
     gt = rng.binomial(1, 0.5, num)
     est = rng.rand((num))
     self.roc = ROC(gt, est)