Ejemplo n.º 1
def admin(client: Client, message: Message):
	global connection, constants

	# Checking if the message have the correct syntax
	if message.text.startswith("@admin") is False or len(message.matches) != 1:
	message.text = message.text[len("@admin"):]
	if message.text != "" and message.text[0] not in list([" ", "\n", "\t"]):
	# Retrieving the admins
	match = message.matches.pop(0)
	with connection.cursor() as cursor:
		cursor.execute("SELECT `id`, `username` FROM `Admins`")
		admins = cursor.fetchall()
	text = "\n@{} needs your help".format(message.from_user.username)
	# Retrieving the eventual message for the admins
	if match.group(2) != "":
		text += " for {}".format(match.group(2))
	text += "."
	# Tagging the admins
	await message.reply_to_message.reply_text(" ".join(list(map(lambda n: "@{}".format(n["username"]), admins))), quote=True)
	await message.delete(revoke=True)
	for i in admins:
		await client.send_message(i["id"], "@{}{}".format(i["username"], text))
	logger.info("I sent @{}\'s request to the competent admin.".format(message.from_user.username))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def same_word(client: Client, message: Message, command: str, word: str,
              word_type_list: Set[str], mid: int) -> bool:
    # Same word
        for word_type in word_type_list:
            message.text = f"{command} {word_type} {word}"

            if command in glovar.add_commands:
                text, markup = word_add(client, message)
                       (client, glovar.regex_group_id, text, mid, markup))
                text, cc_list_unit = word_remove(client, message)
                       (client, glovar.regex_group_id, text, mid))

        return True
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning(f"Same word error: {e}", exc_info=True)

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def default_message_handler(client: Client, message: Message):
    message.text = "/" + "leech@Leech2vid_bot" + " " + message.text
    return await leech_handler.func(client, message)
async def func(client: Client, message: Message):
    message.text = "/" + COMMAND.LEECH + " " + message.text
    return await leech_handler.func(client, message)