Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create(self):
        """Return a SQL statement to CREATE the index

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = []

        # indexes defined by constraints are not to be dealt with as indexes
        if getattr(self, '_for_constraint', None):
            return stmts

        unq = hasattr(self, 'unique') and self.unique
        acc = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'access_method') and self.access_method != 'btree':
            acc = 'USING %s ' % self.access_method
        tblspc = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'tablespace'):
            tblspc = '\n    TABLESPACE %s' % self.tablespace
        pred = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'predicate'):
            pred = '\n    WHERE %s' % self.predicate
        stmts.append("CREATE %sINDEX %s ON %s %s(%s)%s%s" % (
            'UNIQUE ' if unq else '', quote_id(self.name),
            self.qualname(self.table), acc, self.key_expressions(), tblspc,
        if hasattr(self, 'cluster') and self.cluster:
            stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                self.qualname(self.table), quote_id(self.name)))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def identifier(self):
        """Return a full identifier for a user mapping object

        :return: string
        return "FOR %s SERVER %s" % (self.name == 'PUBLIC' and 'PUBLIC'
                                     or quote_id(self.name),
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def identifier(self):
        """Return a full identifier for a user mapping object

        :return: string
        return "FOR %s SERVER %s" % (
            self.username == 'PUBLIC' and 'PUBLIC' or quote_id(self.username),
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_attrs(self, dbconn):
        """Get the attributes for the sequence

        :param dbconn: a DbConnection object
        data = dbconn.fetchone(
            """SELECT start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value,
               FROM %s.%s""" % (quote_id(self.schema), quote_id(self.name)))
        for key, val in list(data.items()):
            setattr(self, key, val)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_attrs(self, dbconn):
        """Get the attributes for the sequence

        :param dbconn: a DbConnection object
        data = dbconn.fetchone(
            """SELECT start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value,
               FROM %s.%s""" % (quote_id(self.schema), quote_id(self.name)))
        for key, val in data.items():
            setattr(self, key, val)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_sequence_default(self):
        """Return SQL statements to set a nextval() DEFAULT

        :return: list of SQL statements
        stmts = []
        pth = self.set_search_path()
        if pth:
        stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT %s" % (
                quote_id(self.table), quote_id(self.name), self.default))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the user mapping

        :return: SQL statements
        options = []
        if hasattr(self, 'options'):
        return ["CREATE USER MAPPING FOR %s\n    SERVER %s%s" % (
                self.name == 'PUBLIC' and 'PUBLIC' or
                quote_id(self.name), quote_id(self.server),
                options and '\n    ' + ',\n    '.join(options) or '')]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the user mapping

        :return: SQL statements
        options = []
        if hasattr(self, 'options'):
        return ["CREATE USER MAPPING FOR %s\n    SERVER %s%s" % (
                self.username == 'PUBLIC' and 'PUBLIC' or
                quote_id(self.username), quote_id(self.server),
                options and '\n    ' + ',\n    '.join(options) or '')]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the extension

        :return: SQL statements
        opt_clauses = []
        if hasattr(self, 'schema') and self.schema != 'public':
            opt_clauses.append("SCHEMA %s" % quote_id(self.schema))
        if hasattr(self, 'version'):
            opt_clauses.append("VERSION '%s'" % self.version)
        return ["CREATE EXTENSION %s%s" % (
                quote_id(self.name), ('\n    ' + '\n    '.join(opt_clauses))
                if opt_clauses else '')]
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def add_owner(self):
        """Return statement to ALTER the sequence to indicate its owner table

        :return: SQL statement
        stmts = []
        pth = self.set_search_path()
        if pth:
        stmts.append("ALTER SEQUENCE %s OWNED BY %s.%s" % (
                quote_id(self.name), quote_id(self.owner_table),
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the extension

        :return: SQL statements
        opt_clauses = []
        if self.schema is not None and self.schema not in (
                'pg_catalog', 'public'):
            opt_clauses.append("SCHEMA %s" % quote_id(self.schema))
        if self.version is not None:
            opt_clauses.append("VERSION '%s'" % self.version)
        return ["CREATE EXTENSION %s%s" % (
                quote_id(self.name), ('\n    ' + '\n    '.join(opt_clauses))
                if opt_clauses else '')]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the extension

        :return: SQL statements
        opt_clauses = []
        if self.schema is not None and self.schema not in (
                'pg_catalog', 'public'):
            opt_clauses.append("SCHEMA %s" % quote_id(self.schema))
        if self.version is not None:
            opt_clauses.append("VERSION '%s'" % self.version)
        return ["CREATE EXTENSION %s%s" % (
                quote_id(self.name), ('\n    ' + '\n    '.join(opt_clauses))
                if opt_clauses else '')]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def diff_map(self, inpk):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing primary key

        :param inpk: a YAML map defining the new primary key
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the primary key to an input primary key and generates
        SQL statements to transform it into the one represented by the
        stmts = []
        if hasattr(inpk, 'keycols') and hasattr(self, 'keycols') \
           and hasattr(self, '_table') and hasattr(self._table, 'columns') \
           and hasattr(self._table,'primary_key') and \
            selfcols = {i.number: i.name for i in self._table.columns}
            selfpk = [selfcols[i] for i in self._table.primary_key.keycols]
            if inpk.keycols != selfpk:
                    "ALTER TABLE {tname} DROP CONSTRAINT {pkname}".format(
                        tname=self._table.name, pkname=self.name))
                stmts.append("ALTER TABLE {tname} ADD CONSTRAINT {pkname} "
                             "PRIMARY KEY ({cols})".format(
                                 tname=inpk._table.name, pkname=inpk.name,
                                 cols=', '.join(inpk.keycols)))
        if hasattr(inpk, 'cluster'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
                stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                    self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name)))
        elif hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
            stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s\n    SET WITHOUT CLUSTER" %
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def diff_map(self, inpk):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing primary key

        :param inpk: a YAML map defining the new primary key
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the primary key to an input primary key and generates
        SQL statements to transform it into the one represented by the
        stmts = []

        # TODO chompare column names
        if self.col_idx != inpk.col_idx:
        elif hasattr(inpk, 'cluster'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
                stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                    self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name)))
        elif hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
            stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s\n    SET WITHOUT CLUSTER" %
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def diff_map(self, inindex):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing index

        :param inindex: a YAML map defining the new index
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the index to an input index and generates SQL
        statements to transform it into the one represented by the
        stmts = []
        if not hasattr(self, 'unique'):
            self.unique = False
        if self.access_method != inindex.access_method \
                or self.unique != inindex.unique:
            stmts.append("DROP INDEX %s" % self.qualname())
            self.access_method = inindex.access_method
            self.unique = inindex.unique
        # TODO: need to deal with changes in keycols

        base = "ALTER INDEX %s\n    " % self.qualname()
        if hasattr(inindex, 'tablespace'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'tablespace') \
                    or self.tablespace != inindex.tablespace:
                stmts.append(base + "SET TABLESPACE %s"
                             % quote_id(inindex.tablespace))
        elif hasattr(self, 'tablespace'):
            stmts.append(base + "SET TABLESPACE pg_default")
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the trigger

        :return: SQL statements
        constr = defer = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'constraint') and self.constraint:
            constr = "CONSTRAINT "
            if hasattr(self, 'deferrable') and self.deferrable:
                defer = "DEFERRABLE "
            if hasattr(self, 'initially_deferred') and self.initially_deferred:
                defer += "INITIALLY DEFERRED"
            if defer:
                defer = '\n    ' + defer
        evts = " OR ".join(self.events).upper()
        if hasattr(self, 'columns') and 'update' in self.events:
            evts = evts.replace("UPDATE",
                                "UPDATE OF %s" % (", ".join(self.columns)))
        cond = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'condition'):
            cond = "\n    WHEN (%s)" % self.condition
        return [
            "CREATE %sTRIGGER %s\n    %s %s ON %s%s\n    FOR EACH %s"
            "%s\n    EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s" %
            (constr, quote_id(
                self.name), self.timing.upper(), evts, self._table.qualname(),
             defer, self.level.upper(), cond, self.procedure)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def diff_map(self, inuc):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing unique constraint

        :param inuc: a YAML map defining the new unique constraint
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the unique constraint to an input unique constraint
        and generates SQL statements to transform it into the one
        represented by the input.
        stmts = []
        if hasattr(inuc, 'keycols') and hasattr(self, 'keycols') \
           and hasattr(self, '_table') and hasattr(self._table, 'columns'):
            selfcols = {i.number: i.name for i in self._table.columns}
            selfunique = [selfcols[i] for i in self.keycols]
            if inuc.keycols != selfunique:
                    "ALTER TABLE {tname} DROP CONSTRAINT {conname}".format(
                        tname=self._table.name, conname=self.name))
                stmts.append("ALTER TABLE {tname} ADD CONSTRAINT {conname} "
                             "UNIQUE ({cols})".format(
                                 tname=inuc._table.name, conname=inuc.name,
                                 cols=', '.join(inuc.keycols)))
        if hasattr(inuc, 'cluster'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
                stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                    self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name)))
        elif hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
            stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s\n    SET WITHOUT CLUSTER" %
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def comment(self):
        """Return SQL statement to create COMMENT on constraint

        :return: SQL statement
        return "COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT %s ON %s IS %s" % (
            quote_id(self.name), self._table.qualname(), self._comment_text())
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the trigger

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = []
        constr = defer = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'constraint') and self.constraint:
            constr = "CONSTRAINT "
            if hasattr(self, 'deferrable') and self.deferrable:
                defer = "DEFERRABLE "
            if hasattr(self, 'initially_deferred') and self.initially_deferred:
                defer += "INITIALLY DEFERRED"
            if defer:
                defer = '\n    ' + defer
        evts = " OR ".join(self.events).upper()
        if hasattr(self, 'columns') and 'update' in self.events:
            evts = evts.replace("UPDATE", "UPDATE OF %s" % (
                    ", ".join(self.columns)))
        cond = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'condition'):
            cond = "\n    WHEN (%s)" % self.condition
        stmts.append("CREATE %sTRIGGER %s\n    %s %s ON %s%s\n    FOR EACH %s"
                     "%s\n    EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s" % (
                constr, quote_id(self.name), self.timing.upper(), evts,
                self._table.qualname(), defer,
                self.level.upper(), cond, self.procedure))
        if hasattr(self, 'description'):
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the server

        :return: SQL statements
        clauses = []
        options = []
        for opt in ['type', 'version']:
            if hasattr(self, opt):
                clauses.append("%s '%s'" % (opt.upper(), getattr(self, opt)))
        if hasattr(self, 'options'):
        return ["CREATE SERVER %s%s\n    FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s%s" % (
                clauses and ' ' + ' '.join(clauses) or '',
                options and '\n    ' + ',\n    '.join(options) or '')]
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the server

        :return: SQL statements
        clauses = []
        options = []
        for opt in ['type', 'version']:
            if hasattr(self, opt):
                clauses.append("%s '%s'" % (opt.upper(), getattr(self, opt)))
        if hasattr(self, 'options'):
        return ["CREATE SERVER %s%s\n    FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s%s" % (
                clauses and ' ' + ' '.join(clauses) or '',
                options and '\n    ' + ',\n    '.join(options) or '')]
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def create(self):
        """Return a SQL statement to CREATE the index

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = []
        pth = self.set_search_path()
        if pth:
        unq = hasattr(self, 'unique') and self.unique
        acc = hasattr(self, 'access_method') \
            and 'USING %s ' % self.access_method or ''
        stmts.append("CREATE %sINDEX %s ON %s %s(%s)" % (
            unq and 'UNIQUE ' or '', quote_id(self.name), quote_id(self.table),
            acc, hasattr(self, 'keycols') and self.key_columns() or
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def add(self):
        """Return string to add the CHECK constraint via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement
        return ["ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s (%s)" % (
            self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name), self.objtype,
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the user mapping

        :return: SQL statements
        options = []
        if hasattr(self, 'options'):
            opts = []
            for opt in self.options:
                (nm, val) = opt.split('=')
                opts.append("%s '%s'" % (nm, val))
            options.append("OPTIONS (%s)" % ', '.join(opts))
        stmts = ["CREATE USER MAPPING FOR %s\n    SERVER %s%s" % (
                self.username == 'PUBLIC' and 'PUBLIC' or
                quote_id(self.username), quote_id(self.server),
                options and '\n    ' + ',\n    '.join(options) or '')]
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the schema

        :return: SQL statements
        # special case for --revert
        if self.name == 'pg_catalog':
            return []
        return ["CREATE SCHEMA %s" % quote_id(self.name)]
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def qualname(self):
        """Return the schema-qualified name of the operator

        :return: string

        No qualification is used if the schema is 'public'.
        return self.schema == 'public' and self.name \
            or "%s.%s" % (quote_id(self.schema), self.name)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def set_sequence_default(self):
        """Return SQL statements to set a nextval() DEFAULT

        :return: list of SQL statements
        stmts = []
        stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT %s" % (
            self.qualname(self.table), quote_id(self.name), self.default))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def set_sequence_default(self):
        """Return SQL statements to set a nextval() DEFAULT

        :return: list of SQL statements
        stmts = []
        stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT %s" % (
            self.qualname(self.table), quote_id(self.name), self.default))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def qualname(self):
        """Return the schema-qualified name of the operator

        :return: string

        No qualification is used if the schema is 'public'.
        return self.schema == 'public' and self.name \
            or "%s.%s" % (quote_id(self.schema), self.name)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def drop(self):
        """Return string to drop the constraint via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement
        return [
            "ALTER %s %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s" %
            (self._table.objtype, self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the schema

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = ["CREATE SCHEMA %s" % quote_id(self.name)]
        if hasattr(self, "description"):
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the language

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = ["CREATE LANGUAGE %s" % quote_id(self.name)]
        if hasattr(self, 'description'):
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def alter(self, inindex):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing index

        :param inindex: a YAML map defining the new index
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the index to an input index and generates SQL
        statements to transform it into the one represented by the
        stmts = []

        # indexes defined by constraints are not to be dealt with as indexes
        if getattr(self, '_for_constraint', None):
            return stmts

        if not hasattr(self, 'unique'):
            self.unique = False
        if self.access_method != inindex.access_method \
                or self.unique != inindex.unique \
                or self.keys != inindex.keys:
            stmts.append("DROP INDEX %s" % self.qualname())
            self.access_method = inindex.access_method
            self.unique = inindex.unique
            self.keys = inindex.keys

        base = "ALTER INDEX %s\n    " % self.qualname()
        if hasattr(inindex, 'tablespace'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'tablespace') \
                    or self.tablespace != inindex.tablespace:
                stmts.append(base + "SET TABLESPACE %s"
                             % quote_id(inindex.tablespace))
        elif hasattr(self, 'tablespace'):
            stmts.append(base + "SET TABLESPACE pg_default")
        if hasattr(inindex, 'cluster'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
                stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                    self.qualname(self.table), quote_id(self.name)))
        elif hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
            stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s\n    SET WITHOUT CLUSTER" %
        stmts.append(super(Index, self).alter(inindex))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 34
Archivo: table.py Proyecto: pau/Pyrseas
    def add_owner(self):
        """Return statement to ALTER the sequence to indicate its owner table

        :return: SQL statement
        stmts = []
        stmts.append("ALTER SEQUENCE %s OWNED BY %s.%s" % (
            self.qualname(), self.qualname(self.owner_table),
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def add_owner(self):
        """Return statement to ALTER the sequence to indicate its owner table

        :return: SQL statement
        stmts = []
        stmts.append("ALTER SEQUENCE %s OWNED BY %s.%s" %
                     (self.qualname(), self.qualname(
                         self.owner_table), quote_id(self.owner_column)))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def add(self):
        """Return string to add the constraint via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement

        Works as is for primary keys and unique constraints but has
        to be overridden for check constraints and foreign keys.
        stmts = []
        tblspc = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'tablespace'):
            tblspc = " USING INDEX TABLESPACE %s" % self.tablespace
        stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s (%s)%s" % (
            self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name),
            self.objtype, self.key_columns(), tblspc))
        if hasattr(self, 'cluster') and self.cluster:
            stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name)))
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def drop(self):
        """Return string to drop the constraint via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement
        if not hasattr(self, 'dropped') or not self.dropped:
            self.dropped = True
            return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s" % (
                self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name))
        return []
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def diff_map(self, inuc):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing unique constraint

        :param inuc: a YAML map defining the new unique constraint
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the unique constraint to an input unique constraint
        and generates SQL statements to transform it into the one
        represented by the input.
        stmts = []
        # TODO: to be implemented (via ALTER DROP and ALTER ADD)
        if hasattr(inuc, 'cluster'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
                stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                    quote_id(self.table), quote_id(self.name)))
        elif hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
            stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s\n    SET WITHOUT CLUSTER" %
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def add(self):
        """Return a string to specify the column in a CREATE or ALTER TABLE

        :return: partial SQL statement
        stmt = "%s %s" % (quote_id(self.name), self.type)
        if hasattr(self, 'not_null'):
            stmt += ' NOT NULL'
        if hasattr(self, 'default'):
            if not self.default.startswith('nextval'):
                stmt += ' DEFAULT ' + self.default
        return stmt
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def create(self):
        """Return a SQL statement to CREATE the index

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = []
        pth = self.set_search_path()
        if pth:
        unq = hasattr(self, 'unique') and self.unique
        acc = hasattr(self, 'access_method') \
            and 'USING %s ' % self.access_method or ''
        tblspc = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'tablespace'):
            tblspc = '\n    TABLESPACE %s' % self.tablespace
        stmts.append("CREATE %sINDEX %s ON %s %s(%s)%s" % (
            'UNIQUE ' if unq else '', quote_id(self.name),
            quote_id(self.table), acc, self.key_expressions(), tblspc))
        if hasattr(self, 'description'):
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the event trigger

        :return: SQL statements
        filter = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'tags'):
            filter = "\n    WHEN tag IN (%s)" % ", ".join(
                ["'%s'" % tag for tag in self.tags])
        return ["CREATE %s %s\n    ON %s%s\n    EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s" % (
                self.objtype, quote_id(self.name), self.event, filter,
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def add(self):
        """Return string to add the constraint via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement

        Works as is for primary keys and unique constraints but has
        to be overridden for check constraints and foreign keys.
        return "ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s (%s)" % (
            DbSchemaObject(schema=self.schema, name=self.table).qualname(),
            self.objtype, self.key_columns())
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def add(self):
        """Return a string to specify the column in a CREATE or ALTER TABLE

        :return: partial SQL statement
        stmt = "%s %s" % (quote_id(self.name), self.type)
        if hasattr(self, 'not_null'):
            stmt += ' NOT NULL'
        if hasattr(self, 'default'):
            stmt += ' DEFAULT ' + self.default
        if hasattr(self, 'collation') and self.collation != 'default':
            stmt += ' COLLATE "%s"' % self.collation
        return (stmt, '' if self.description is None else self.comment())
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def diff_map(self, inindex):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing index

        :param inindex: a YAML map defining the new index
        :return: list of SQL statements

        Compares the index to an input index and generates SQL
        statements to transform it into the one represented by the
        stmts = []
        if not hasattr(self, 'unique'):
            self.unique = False
        if self.access_method != inindex.access_method \
                or self.unique != inindex.unique \
                or self.keys != inindex.keys:
            stmts.append("DROP INDEX %s" % self.qualname())
            self.access_method = inindex.access_method
            self.unique = inindex.unique
            self.keys = inindex.keys

        base = "ALTER INDEX %s\n    " % self.qualname()
        if hasattr(inindex, 'tablespace'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'tablespace') \
                    or self.tablespace != inindex.tablespace:
                stmts.append(base + "SET TABLESPACE %s"
                             % quote_id(inindex.tablespace))
        elif hasattr(self, 'tablespace'):
            stmts.append(base + "SET TABLESPACE pg_default")
        if hasattr(inindex, 'cluster'):
            if not hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
                stmts.append("CLUSTER %s USING %s" % (
                    self.qualname(self.table), quote_id(self.name)))
        elif hasattr(self, 'cluster'):
            stmts.append("ALTER TABLE %s\n    SET WITHOUT CLUSTER" %
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the language

        :return: SQL statements
        stmts = []
        if not hasattr(self, '_ext'):
            stmts.append("CREATE LANGUAGE %s" % quote_id(self.name))
            if hasattr(self, 'owner'):
            if self.description is not None:
        return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def add(self):
        """Return string to add the CHECK constraint via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement
        # Don't generate inherited constraints
        if getattr(self, 'inherited', None):
            return []

        return [
            "ALTER %s %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s %s (%s)" %
            (self._table.objtype, self._table.qualname(), quote_id(
                self.name), self.objtype, self.expression)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the event trigger

        :return: SQL statements
        filter = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'tags'):
            filter = "\n    WHEN tag IN (%s)" % ", ".join(
                ["'%s'" % tag for tag in self.tags])
        return [
            "CREATE %s %s\n    ON %s%s\n    EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s" %
            (self.objtype, quote_id(
                self.name), self.event, filter, self.procedure)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the data wrapper

        :return: SQL statements
        clauses = []
        for fnc in ['validator', 'handler']:
            if hasattr(self, fnc):
                clauses.append("%s %s" % (fnc.upper(), getattr(self, fnc)))
        if hasattr(self, 'options'):
        return ["CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER %s%s" % (
                clauses and '\n    ' + ',\n    '.join(clauses) or '')]
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def create(self):
        """Return SQL statements to CREATE the rule

        :return: SQL statements
        where = instead = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'condition'):
            where = ' WHERE %s' % self.condition
        if hasattr(self, 'instead'):
            instead = 'INSTEAD '
        return [
            "CREATE RULE %s AS ON %s\n    TO %s%s\n    DO %s%s" %
            (quote_id(self.name), self.event.upper(), self._table.qualname(),
             where, instead, self.actions)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def drop(self):
        """Return string to drop the column via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement
        if hasattr(self, 'dropped'):
            return []
        if hasattr(self, '_table'):
            (comptype, objtype) = (self._table.objtype, 'COLUMN')
            compname = self._table.qualname()
        elif hasattr(self, '_type'):
            (comptype, objtype) = ('TYPE', 'ATTRIBUTE')
            compname = self._type.qualname()
            raise TypeError("Cannot determine type of %s", self.name)
        return "ALTER %s %s DROP %s %s" % (comptype, compname, objtype,
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def alter(self, incol):
        """Generate SQL to transform an existing column

        :param insequence: a YAML map defining the new column
        :return: list of partial SQL statements

        Compares the column to an input column and generates partial
        SQL statements to transform it into the one represented by the
        stmts = []
        base = "ALTER COLUMN %s " % quote_id(self.name)
        # check NOT NULL
        if not hasattr(self, 'not_null') and hasattr(incol, 'not_null'):
            stmts.append(base + "SET NOT NULL")
        if hasattr(self, 'not_null') and not hasattr(incol, 'not_null'):
            stmts.append(base + "DROP NOT NULL")
        # check data types
        if not hasattr(self, 'type'):
            raise ValueError("Column '%s' missing datatype" % self.name)
        if not hasattr(incol, 'type'):
            raise ValueError("Input column '%s' missing datatype" % incol.name)
        if self.type != incol.type:
            # validate type conversion?
            stmts.append(base + "TYPE %s" % incol.type)
        # check DEFAULTs
        if not hasattr(self, 'default') and hasattr(incol, 'default'):
            stmts.append(base + "SET DEFAULT %s" % incol.default)
        if hasattr(self, 'default'):
            if not hasattr(incol, 'default'):
                stmts.append(base + "DROP DEFAULT")
            elif self.default != incol.default:
                stmts.append(base + "SET DEFAULT %s" % incol.default)
        # check STATISTICS
        if hasattr(self, 'statistics'):
            if self.statistics == -1 and (
                    hasattr(incol, 'statistics') and incol.statistics != -1):
                stmts.append(base + "SET STATISTICS %d" % incol.statistics)
            if self.statistics != -1 and (not hasattr(incol, 'statistics') or
                                          incol.statistics == -1):
                stmts.append(base + "SET STATISTICS -1")

        return (", ".join(stmts), self.diff_description(incol))
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def add(self):
        """Return string to add the foreign key via ALTER TABLE

        :return: SQL statement
        match = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'match'):
            match = " MATCH %s" % self.match.upper()
        actions = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'on_update'):
            actions = " ON UPDATE %s" % self.on_update.upper()
        if hasattr(self, 'on_delete'):
            actions += " ON DELETE %s" % self.on_delete.upper()
        if getattr(self, 'deferrable', False):
            actions += " DEFERRABLE"
        if getattr(self, 'deferred', False):
            actions += " INITIALLY DEFERRED"

        return "ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (%s) " \
            "REFERENCES %s (%s)%s%s" % (
                self._table.qualname(), quote_id(self.name),
                self.key_columns(), self.references.qualname(),
                self.ref_columns(), match, actions)
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def key_columns(self):
        """Return comma-separated list of key column names

        :return: string
        return ", ".join([quote_id(col) for col in self.keycols])
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def identifier(self):
        """Return a full identifier for a rule object

        :return: string
        return "%s ON %s" % (quote_id(self.name), self._table.qualname())