Ejemplo n.º 1
 class Numbers(CheckedPVector):
     __type__ = optional(int, float)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class NaturalsVector(CheckedPVector):
    __type__ = optional(Naturals)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class LinkedList(PClass):
    value = field(type='class_test.Numbers')
    next = field(type=optional('class_test.LinkedList'))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class OptionalNaturals(CheckedPVector):
    __type__ = optional(int)
    __invariant__ = lambda value: (value is None or value >= 0,
                                   'Negative value')
Ejemplo n.º 5
class WrittenAction(PClass):
    An Action that has been logged.

    This class is intended to provide a definition within Eliot of what an
    action actually is, and a means of constructing actions that are known to
    be valid.

    @ivar WrittenMessage start_message: A start message whose task UUID and
        level match this action, or C{None} if it is not yet set on the
    @ivar WrittenMessage end_message: An end message hose task UUID and
        level match this action. Can be C{None} if the action is
    @ivar TaskLevel task_level: The action's task level, e.g. if start
        message has level C{[2, 3, 1]} it will be
        C{TaskLevel(level=[2, 3])}.
    @ivar UUID task_uuid: The UUID of the task to which this action belongs.
    @ivar _children: A L{pmap} from L{TaskLevel} to the L{WrittenAction} and
        L{WrittenMessage} objects that make up this action.

    start_message = field(type=optional(WrittenMessage),
    end_message = field(type=optional(WrittenMessage),
    task_level = field(type=TaskLevel, mandatory=True)
    task_uuid = field(type=unicode, mandatory=True, factory=unicode)
    # Pyrsistent doesn't support pmap_field with recursive types.
    _children = pmap_field(TaskLevel, object)

    def from_messages(cls,
        Create a C{WrittenAction} from C{WrittenMessage}s and other

        @param WrittenMessage start_message: A message that has
            C{ACTION_STATUS_FIELD}, C{ACTION_TYPE_FIELD}, and a C{task_level}
            that ends in C{1}, or C{None} if unavailable.
        @param children: An iterable of C{WrittenMessage} and C{WrittenAction}
        @param WrittenMessage end_message: A message that has the same
            C{action_type} as this action.

        @raise WrongTask: If C{end_message} has a C{task_uuid} that differs
            from C{start_message.task_uuid}.
        @raise WrongTaskLevel: If any child message or C{end_message} has a
            C{task_level} that means it is not a direct child.
        @raise WrongActionType: If C{end_message} has an C{ACTION_TYPE_FIELD}
            that differs from the C{ACTION_TYPE_FIELD} of C{start_message}.
        @raise InvalidStatus: If C{end_message} doesn't have an
            C{action_status}, or has one that is not C{SUCCEEDED_STATUS} or
        @raise InvalidStartMessage: If C{start_message} does not have a
            C{ACTION_STATUS_FIELD} of C{STARTED_STATUS}, or if it has a
            C{task_level} indicating that it is not the first message of an

        @return: A new C{WrittenAction}.
        actual_message = [
            for message in [start_message, end_message] + list(children)
            if message
        action = cls(
        if start_message:
            action = action._start(start_message)
        for child in children:
            if action._children.get(child.task_level, child) != child:
                raise DuplicateChild(action, child)
            action = action._add_child(child)
        if end_message:
            action = action._end(end_message)
        return action

    def action_type(self):
        The type of this action, e.g. C{"yourapp:subsystem:dosomething"}.
        if self.start_message:
            return self.start_message.contents[ACTION_TYPE_FIELD]
        elif self.end_message:
            return self.end_message.contents[ACTION_TYPE_FIELD]
            return None

    def status(self):
        message = self.end_message if self.end_message else self.start_message
        if message:
            return message.contents[ACTION_STATUS_FIELD]
            return None

    def start_time(self):
        The Unix timestamp of when the action started, or C{None} if there has
        been no start message added so far.
        if self.start_message:
            return self.start_message.timestamp

    def end_time(self):
        The Unix timestamp of when the action ended, or C{None} if there has been
        no end message.
        if self.end_message:
            return self.end_message.timestamp

    def exception(self):
        If the action failed, the name of the exception that was raised to cause
        it to fail. If the action succeeded, or hasn't finished yet, then
        if self.end_message:
            return self.end_message.contents.get(EXCEPTION_FIELD, None)

    def reason(self):
        The reason the action failed. If the action succeeded, or hasn't finished
        yet, then C{None}.
        if self.end_message:
            return self.end_message.contents.get(REASON_FIELD, None)

    def children(self):
        The list of child messages and actions sorted by task level, excluding the
        start and end messages.
        return pvector(
            sorted(self._children.values(), key=lambda m: m.task_level))

    def _validate_message(self, message):
        Is C{message} a valid direct child of this action?

        @param message: Either a C{WrittenAction} or a C{WrittenMessage}.

        @raise WrongTask: If C{message} has a C{task_uuid} that differs from the
            action's C{task_uuid}.
        @raise WrongTaskLevel: If C{message} has a C{task_level} that means
            it's not a direct child.
        if message.task_uuid != self.task_uuid:
            raise WrongTask(self, message)
        if not message.task_level.parent() == self.task_level:
            raise WrongTaskLevel(self, message)

    def _add_child(self, message):
        Return a new action with C{message} added as a child.

        Assumes C{message} is not an end message.

        @param message: Either a C{WrittenAction} or a C{WrittenMessage}.

        @raise WrongTask: If C{message} has a C{task_uuid} that differs from the
            action's C{task_uuid}.
        @raise WrongTaskLevel: If C{message} has a C{task_level} that means
            it's not a direct child.

        @return: A new C{WrittenAction}.
        level = message.task_level
        return self.transform(("_children", level), message)

    def _start(self, start_message):
        Start this action given its start message.

        @param WrittenMessage start_message: A start message that has the
            same level as this action.

        @raise InvalidStartMessage: If C{start_message} does not have a
            C{ACTION_STATUS_FIELD} of C{STARTED_STATUS}, or if it has a
            C{task_level} indicating that it is not the first message of an
        if start_message.contents.get(ACTION_STATUS_FIELD,
                                      None) != STARTED_STATUS:
            raise InvalidStartMessage.wrong_status(start_message)
        if start_message.task_level.level[-1] != 1:
            raise InvalidStartMessage.wrong_task_level(start_message)
        return self.set(start_message=start_message)

    def _end(self, end_message):
        End this action with C{end_message}.

        Assumes that the action has not already been ended.

        @param WrittenMessage end_message: An end message that has the
            same level as this action.

        @raise WrongTask: If C{end_message} has a C{task_uuid} that differs
            from the action's C{task_uuid}.
        @raise WrongTaskLevel: If C{end_message} has a C{task_level} that means
            it's not a direct child.
        @raise InvalidStatus: If C{end_message} doesn't have an
            C{action_status}, or has one that is not C{SUCCEEDED_STATUS} or

        @return: A new, completed C{WrittenAction}.
        action_type = end_message.contents.get(ACTION_TYPE_FIELD, None)
        if self.action_type not in (None, action_type):
            raise WrongActionType(self, end_message)
        status = end_message.contents.get(ACTION_STATUS_FIELD, None)
        if status not in (FAILED_STATUS, SUCCEEDED_STATUS):
            raise InvalidStatus(self, end_message)
        return self.set(end_message=end_message)