Ejemplo n.º 1
    def creditor_restore(self):
        """ Restore creditor, returns redirect. """

        id = int(self.request.matchdict.get("id"))

        c = Creditor.by_id(id)
        if not c:
            return HTTPNotFound()
        """ Authorization check. """
        if c.private and c.user_id is not authenticated_userid(self.request):
            return HTTPForbidden()

        c.archived = False
        self.request.session.flash("Creditor %s restored" % (c.title), "status")
        return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_url("creditors_archived"))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def creditor_edit(self):
        """ Edit creditor. """

        id = int(self.request.matchdict.get("id"))

        c = Creditor.by_id(id)
        if not c:
            return HTTPNotFound()
        """ Authorization check. """
        if c.private and c.user_id is not authenticated_userid(self.request):
            return HTTPForbidden()

        form = CreditorEditForm(self.request.POST, c, csrf_context=self.request.session)

        if self.request.method == "POST" and form.validate():
            self.request.session.flash("Creditor %s updated" % (c.title), "status")
            return HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_url("creditors"))
        return {"title": "Edit creditor", "form": form, "id": id, "action": "creditor_edit"}