Ejemplo n.º 1
def setup_IR():
    config = Container()
    seviriRttov = pyrttov.Rttov()

    chan_list_seviri = (6, 9)  #  4
    # https://nwp-saf.eumetsat.int/downloads/rtcoef_rttov12/ir_srf/rtcoef_msg_4_seviri_srf.html
    config.nchan = len(chan_list_seviri)
    config.chan_seviri_names = ('WV73', 'IR108')  # 'NIR16', 'IR39',

    seviriRttov.FileCoef = '{}/{}'.format(
    seviriRttov.FileSccld = '{}/{}'.format(
        path_RTTOV, "/rtcoef_rttov13/cldaer_visir/sccldcoef_msg_4_seviri.dat")

    seviriRttov.Options.StoreRad = False
    seviriRttov.Options.Nthreads = 48
    seviriRttov.Options.NprofsPerCall = 840

    seviriRttov.Options.AddInterp = True
    seviriRttov.Options.AddSolar = True  # true with MFASIS
    seviriRttov.Options.AddClouds = True
    seviriRttov.Options.GridBoxAvgCloud = True
    seviriRttov.Options.UserCldOptParam = False
    seviriRttov.Options.VisScattModel = 1  # MFASIS=3  / 1 for IR sim necessary!
    seviriRttov.Options.IrScattModel = 2
    seviriRttov.Options.OzoneData = False
    seviriRttov.Options.VerboseWrapper = False
    seviriRttov.Options.Verbose = False  # False: do not print warnings

    # ApplyRegLimits=True: Input profiles can be clipped to the regression limits when the limits are exceeded
    seviriRttov.Options.ApplyRegLimits = True

    except pyrttov.RttovError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Error loading instrument(s): {!s}".format(e))

    irAtlas = pyrttov.Atlas()
    irAtlas.AtlasPath = '{}/{}'.format(path_RTTOV, "/emis_data")

    #brdfAtlas = pyrttov.Atlas()
    #brdfAtlas.AtlasPath = '{}/{}'.format(path_RTTOV, "/brdf_data")

    config.seviriRttov = seviriRttov
    config.irAtlas = irAtlas
    #config.brdfAtlas = brdfAtlas
    return config
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def do_init(self, opt):
     """Initialize the Rttov object. Optionally accepts instrument as input."""
     self.instrument = opt if opt else 'iasi'
     # Set up Rttov object
     self.Rttov = pyrttov.Rttov()
     if self.instrument in list(INSTRUMENTS.keys()):
         self.Rttov.FileCoef = INSTRUMENTS[self.instrument]
         self.Rttov.FileCoef = self.instrument
     # Set options
     self.Rttov.Options.AddInterp = True
     self.Rttov.Options.InterpMode = 4  #4 is highest fidelity, 5 is all-around
     self.Rttov.Options.VerboseWrapper = 0
     self.Rttov.Options.StoreTrans = True
     self.Rttov.Options.StoreRad2 = True
     # Load instrument
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setup_rttov(chan_list, chanfile, cldfile, in_prof, n_threads):
    """Main RTTOV setup functions."""
    my_rttov = pyrttov.Rttov()
    my_rttov.FileCoef = chanfile
    my_rttov.FileSccld = cldfile
    my_rttov.Options.AddInterp = True
    my_rttov.Options.AddSolar = False
    my_rttov.Options.VerboseWrapper = True
    my_rttov.Options.AddClouds = True
    my_rttov.Options.CheckOpts = True
    my_rttov.Options.DoCheckinput = True
    my_rttov.Options.Nthreads = n_threads
    my_rttov.Options.NprofsPerCall = 5

    my_rttov.Profiles = in_prof
    in_prof.Icede[:, :] = 0

    return my_rttov, len(chan_list)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def runRTTOV(profileDict):
    nlevels = profileDict['P'].shape[1]
    nprofiles = profileDict['P'].shape[0]
    myProfiles = pyrttov.Profiles(nprofiles, nlevels)
    myProfiles.GasUnits = 2
    myProfiles.P = profileDict['P']
    myProfiles.T = profileDict['T']
    myProfiles.Q = profileDict['Q']
    myProfiles.Angles = profileDict['Angles']
    myProfiles.S2m = profileDict['S2m']
    myProfiles.Skin = profileDict['Skin']
    myProfiles.SurfType = profileDict['SurfType']
    myProfiles.SurfGeom = profileDict['SurfGeom']
    myProfiles.DateTimes = profileDict['Datetimes']
    month = profileDict['Datetimes'][0, 1]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Set up Rttov instance
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Create Rttov object for the TIRS instrument

    tirsRttov = pyrttov.Rttov()
    #    nchan_tirs = 1

    # Set the options for each Rttov instance:
    # - the path to the coefficient file must always be specified
    # - specify paths to the emissivity and BRDF atlas data in order to use
    #   the atlases (the BRDF atlas is only used for VIS/NIR channels so here
    #   it is unnecessary for HIRS or MHS)
    # - turn RTTOV interpolation on (because input pressure levels differ from
    #   coefficient file levels)
    # - set the verbose_wrapper flag to true so the wrapper provides more
    #   information
    # - enable solar simulations for SEVIRI
    # - enable CO2 simulations for HIRS (the CO2 profiles are ignored for
    #   the SEVIRI and MHS simulations)
    # - enable the store_trans wrapper option for MHS to provide access to
    #   RTTOV transmission structure
    s = pyrttov.__file__
    envPath = os.sep.join(s.split(os.sep)[:-6])
    rttovPath = os.path.join(envPath, 'share')
    rttovCoeffPath = os.path.join(rttovPath, 'rttov')
    rttovEmisPath = os.path.join(rttovCoeffPath, 'emis_data')
    rttovBRDFPath = os.path.join(rttovCoeffPath, 'brdf_data')
    if not os.path.exists(rttovBRDFPath):
        print("downloading atlases.....")
        ftp = ftplib.FTP("ftp.star.nesdis.noaa.gov")
        ftp.login("anonymous", "")

        ftp.cwd('/pub/smcd/emb/mschull/')  # change directory to /pub/
        getFile(ftp, 'rttov_atlas.tar')

        untar('rttov_atlas.tar', rttovPath)

        subprocess.check_output("chmod 755 %s%s*.H5" % (rttovEmisPath, os.sep),
        subprocess.check_output("chmod 755 %s%s*.H5" % (rttovBRDFPath, os.sep),
    tirsRttov.FileCoef = '{}/{}'.format(rttovCoeffPath,
    tirsRttov.EmisAtlasPath = rttovEmisPath
    tirsRttov.BrdfAtlasPath = rttovBRDFPath

    tirsRttov.Options.AddInterp = True
    tirsRttov.Options.StoreTrans = True
    tirsRttov.Options.StoreRad2 = True
    tirsRttov.Options.VerboseWrapper = True

    # Load the instruments:

    except pyrttov.RttovError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Error loading instrument(s): {!s}".format(e))

    # Associate the profiles with each Rttov instance
    tirsRttov.Profiles = myProfiles
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load the emissivity and BRDF atlases
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Load the emissivity and BRDF atlases:
    # - load data for August (month=8)
    # - note that we only need to load the IR emissivity once and it is
    #   available for both SEVIRI and HIRS: we could use either the seviriRttov
    #   or hirsRttov object to do this
    # - for the BRDF atlas, since SEVIRI is the only VIS/NIR instrument we can
    #   use the single-instrument initialisation

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Call RTTOV
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Since we want the emissivity/reflectance to be calculated, the
    # SurfEmisRefl attribute of the Rttov objects are left uninitialised:
    # That way they will be automatically initialise to -1 by the wrapper

    # Call the RTTOV direct model for each instrument:
    # no arguments are supplied to runDirect so all loaded channels are
    # simulated
    except pyrttov.RttovError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Error running RTTOV direct model: {!s}".format(e))

    return tirsRttov
Ejemplo n.º 5
def runRTTOV(profileDict):
    nlevels = profileDict['P'].shape[1]
    nprofiles = profileDict['P'].shape[0]
    myProfiles = pyrttov.Profiles(nprofiles, nlevels)
    myProfiles.GasUnits = 2
    myProfiles.P = profileDict['P']
    myProfiles.T = profileDict['T']
    myProfiles.Q = profileDict['Q']
    myProfiles.Angles = profileDict['Angles']
    myProfiles.S2m = profileDict['S2m']
    myProfiles.Skin = profileDict['Skin']
    myProfiles.SurfType = profileDict['SurfType']
    myProfiles.SurfGeom = profileDict['SurfGeom']
    myProfiles.DateTimes = profileDict['Datetimes']
    month = profileDict['Datetimes'][0, 1]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Set up Rttov instance
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Create Rttov object for the TIRS instrument

    tirsRttov = pyrttov.Rttov()
    nchan_tirs = 1

    # Set the options for each Rttov instance:
    # - the path to the coefficient file must always be specified
    # - specify paths to the emissivity and BRDF atlas data in order to use
    #   the atlases (the BRDF atlas is only used for VIS/NIR channels so here
    #   it is unnecessary for HIRS or MHS)
    # - turn RTTOV interpolation on (because input pressure levels differ from
    #   coefficient file levels)
    # - set the verbose_wrapper flag to true so the wrapper provides more
    #   information
    # - enable solar simulations for SEVIRI
    # - enable CO2 simulations for HIRS (the CO2 profiles are ignored for
    #   the SEVIRI and MHS simulations)
    # - enable the store_trans wrapper option for MHS to provide access to
    #   RTTOV transmission structure

    tirsRttov.FileCoef = '{}/{}'.format(

    #tirsRttov.EmisAtlasPath = os.path.join(base,'ALEXIdisALEXIfusion','rttov113','emis_data')
    tirsRttov.EmisAtlasPath = '{}/{}'.format(rttov_installdir, "emis_data")
    print "%s" % tirsRttov.EmisAtlasPath
    tirsRttov.BrdfAtlasPath = '{}/{}'.format(rttov_installdir, "brdf_data")
    #tirsRttov.BrdfAtlasPath = os.path.join(base,'ALEXIdisALEXIfusion','rttov113','brdf_data')

    tirsRttov.Options.AddInterp = True
    tirsRttov.Options.StoreTrans = True
    tirsRttov.Options.StoreRad2 = True
    tirsRttov.Options.VerboseWrapper = True

    # Load the instruments:

    except pyrttov.RttovError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Error loading instrument(s): {!s}".format(e))

    # Associate the profiles with each Rttov instance
    tirsRttov.Profiles = myProfiles
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load the emissivity and BRDF atlases
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Load the emissivity and BRDF atlases:
    # - load data for August (month=8)
    # - note that we only need to load the IR emissivity once and it is
    #   available for both SEVIRI and HIRS: we could use either the seviriRttov
    #   or hirsRttov object to do this
    # - for the BRDF atlas, since SEVIRI is the only VIS/NIR instrument we can
    #   use the single-instrument initialisation

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Call RTTOV
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Since we want the emissivity/reflectance to be calculated, the
    # SurfEmisRefl attribute of the Rttov objects are left uninitialised:
    # That way they will be automatically initialise to -1 by the wrapper

    # Call the RTTOV direct model for each instrument:
    # no arguments are supplied to runDirect so all loaded channels are
    # simulated
    except pyrttov.RttovError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Error running RTTOV direct model: {!s}".format(e))

    return tirsRttov
Ejemplo n.º 6
    crtmOb.nThreads = 1
    crtmOb.StoreTrans = True
    crtmOb.StoreEmis = True

    # End Run CRTM

    # Run RTTOV

    # Create Rttov object
    rttovObj = pyrttov.Rttov()
    # set options.
    rttovObj.Options.AddInterp = False
    rttovObj.Options.InterpMode = 3
    rttovObj.Options.FixHgpl = True
    rttovObj.Options.RegLimitExtrap = False
    rttovObj.Options.Spacetop = False
    rttovObj.Options.Lgradp = False
    rttovObj.Options.StoreTrans = True
    rttovObj.Options.StoreRad = True
    rttovObj.Options.StoreRad2 = True
    rttovObj.Options.StoreEmisTerms = True
    rttovObj.Options.VerboseWrapper = True
    rttovObj.Options.CO2Data = True
    rttovObj.Options.OzoneData = True
    rttovObj.Options.COData = True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def setup_VIS():
    config = Container()
    seviriRttov = pyrttov.Rttov()

    # select channels
    chan_list_seviri = (
    )  # 2 )   # https://nwp-saf.eumetsat.int/downloads/rtcoef_rttov12/ir_srf/rtcoef_msg_4_seviri_srf.html
    config.nchan = len(chan_list_seviri)
    config.chan_seviri_names = (
        'VIS06', )  # 'VIS08') #, 'NIR16', 'IR39', 'WV73', 'IR108')

    # Set the options for each Rttov instance:
    # - the path to the coefficient file must always be specified
    # - turn RTTOV interpolation on (because input pressure levels differ from
    #   coefficient file levels)
    # - set the verbose_wrapper flag to true so the wrapper provides more
    #   information
    # - enable solar simulations for SEVIRI
    # - enable CO2 simulations for HIRS (the CO2 profiles are ignored for
    #   the SEVIRI and MHS simulations)

    seviriRttov.FileCoef = '{}/{}'.format(
    seviriRttov.FileSccld = '{}/{}'.format(
        path_RTTOV, "/rtcoef_rttov13/cldaer_visir/sccldcoef_msg_4_seviri.dat")
    # seviriRttov.FileMfasisCld = '{}/{}'.format(path_RTTOV,
    #                                       "/rtcoef_rttov12/mfasis_lut/rttov_mfasis_cld_msg_4_seviri_opac.H5")
    seviriRttov.FileMfasisCld = '{}/{}'.format(

    seviriRttov.Options.StoreRad = False
    seviriRttov.Options.Nthreads = 48
    seviriRttov.Options.NprofsPerCall = 840

    seviriRttov.Options.AddInterp = True
    seviriRttov.Options.AddSolar = True
    seviriRttov.Options.AddClouds = True
    seviriRttov.Options.GridBoxAvgCloud = True
    seviriRttov.Options.UserCldOptParam = False
    seviriRttov.Options.VisScattModel = 3  # MFASIS=3
    seviriRttov.Options.IrScattModel = 2
    seviriRttov.Options.OzoneData = False
    seviriRttov.Options.VerboseWrapper = False  #True
    seviriRttov.Options.Verbose = False  # False: do not print warnings

    # ApplyRegLimits=True: Input profiles can be clipped to the regression limits when the limits are exceeded
    seviriRttov.Options.ApplyRegLimits = True

    # Load the instruments: for HIRS and MHS do not supply a channel list and
    except pyrttov.RttovError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Error loading instrument(s): {!s}".format(e))

    irAtlas = pyrttov.Atlas()
    irAtlas.AtlasPath = '{}/{}'.format(path_RTTOV, "/emis_data")

    brdfAtlas = pyrttov.Atlas()
    brdfAtlas.AtlasPath = '{}/{}'.format(path_RTTOV, "/brdf_data")

    config.seviriRttov = seviriRttov
    config.irAtlas = irAtlas
    config.brdfAtlas = brdfAtlas
    return config