Ejemplo n.º 1
def modified_knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99):
    Baker's modified Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. [4]_

    s_coords        : array
                      nx2 spatial coordinates
    t_coords        : array
                      nx1 temporal coordinates
    delta           : float
                      threshold for proximity in space
    tau             : float
                      threshold for proximity in time
    permutations    : int
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (default is 99)

    modknox_result  : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue)
    stat            : float
                      value of the modified knox test for the dataset
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic

    .. [4] R.D. Baker. Identifying space-time disease clusters. Acta Tropica,
       91(3):291-299, 2004

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path, 'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    Run the modified Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5,
    respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in
    space, and 5 units in time.

    >>> result = modified_knox(events.space, events.t, delta=20, tau=5, permutations=99)

    Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the
    results dictionary. This reports the difference between the observed
    and expected Knox statistic.

    >>> print("%2.8f" % result['stat'])

    Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case,
    the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction.

    >>> print("%2.2f" % result['pvalue'])

    s = s_coords
    t = t_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # identify events within thresholds
    spacmat = np.ones((n, n))
    spacbin = sdistmat <= delta
    spacmat = spacmat * spacbin
    timemat = np.ones((n, n))
    timebin = tdistmat <= tau
    timemat = timemat * timebin

    # calculate the observed (original) statistic
    knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
    obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

    # calculate the expectated value
    ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()

    # calculate the modified stat
    stat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # return results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat
    distribution = []

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    for p in range(permutations):
        rtdistmat = util.shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, range(n))
        timemat = np.ones((n, n))
        timebin = rtdistmat <= tau
        timemat = timemat * timebin

        # calculate the observed knox again
        knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
        obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

        # calculate the expectated value again
        ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()

        # calculate the modified stat
        tempstat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(distribution)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # return results
    modknox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return modknox_result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def modified_knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99):
    Baker's modified Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. [Baker2004]_

    s_coords        : array
                      (n, 2), spatial coordinates.
    t_coords        : array
                      (n, 1), temporal coordinates.
    delta           : float
                      threshold for proximity in space.
    tau             : float
                      threshold for proximity in time.
    permutations    : int, optional
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (the default is 99).

    modknox_result  : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue).
    stat            : float
                      value of the modified knox test for the dataset.
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path, 'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    Run the modified Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5,
    respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in
    space, and 5 units in time.

    >>> result = modified_knox(events.space, events.t, delta=20, tau=5, permutations=99)

    Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the
    results dictionary. This reports the difference between the observed
    and expected Knox statistic.

    >>> print("%2.8f" % result['stat'])

    Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case,
    the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction.

    >>> print("%2.2f" % result['pvalue'])

    s = s_coords
    t = t_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # identify events within thresholds
    spacmat = np.ones((n, n))
    spacbin = sdistmat <= delta
    spacmat = spacmat * spacbin
    timemat = np.ones((n, n))
    timebin = tdistmat <= tau
    timemat = timemat * timebin

    # calculate the observed (original) statistic
    knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
    obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

    # calculate the expectated value
    ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()

    # calculate the modified stat
    stat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # return results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat
    distribution = []

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    for p in range(permutations):
        rtdistmat = util.shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, range(n))
        timemat = np.ones((n, n))
        timebin = rtdistmat <= tau
        timemat = timemat * timebin

        # calculate the observed knox again
        knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
        obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

        # calculate the expectated value again
        ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()

        # calculate the modified stat
        tempstat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(distribution)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # return results
    modknox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return modknox_result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mantel(s_coords,
    Standardized Mantel test for spatio-temporal interaction. [2]_

    s_coords        : array
                      nx2 spatial coordinates

    t_coords        : array
                      nx1 temporal coordinates

    permutations    : int
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (default is 99)

    scon            : float
                      constant added to spatial distances

    spow            : float
                      value for power transformation for spatial distances

    tcon            : float
                      constant added to temporal distances

    tpow            : float
                      value for power transformation for temporal distances

    mantel_result   : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue)
    stat            : float
                      value of the knox test for the dataset
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic

    .. [2] N. Mantel. 1967. The detection of disease clustering and a
        generalized regression approach. Cancer Research, 27(2):209-220.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    The standardized Mantel test is a measure of matrix correlation between
    the spatial and temporal distance matrices of the event dataset. The
    following example runs the standardized Mantel test without a constant
    or transformation; however, as recommended by Mantel (1967) [2]_, these
    should be added by the user. This can be done by adjusting the constant
    and power parameters.

    >>> result = mantel(events.space, events.t, 99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0)

    Next, we examine the result of the test.

    >>> print("%6.6f"%result['stat'])

    Finally, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistic for each of the 99
    permutations. According to these parameters, the results indicate
    space-time interaction between the events.

    >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue'])


    t = t_coords
    s = s_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    distmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    timemat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # calculate the transformed standardized statistic
    timevec = (util.get_lower(timemat) + tcon)**tpow
    distvec = (util.get_lower(distmat) + scon)**spow
    stat = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    # return the results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    dist = []
    for i in range(permutations):
        trand = util.shuffle_matrix(timemat, range(n))
        timevec = (util.get_lower(trand) + tcon)**tpow
        m = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    ## establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(dist)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # report the results
    mantel_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return mantel_result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mantel(s_coords, t_coords, permutations=99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0):
    Standardized Mantel test for spatio-temporal interaction. [Mantel1967]_

    s_coords        : array
                      (n, 2), spatial coordinates.
    t_coords        : array
                      (n, 1), temporal coordinates.
    permutations    : int, optional
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (the default is 99).
    scon            : float, optional
                      constant added to spatial distances (the default is 1.0).
    spow            : float, optional
                      value for power transformation for spatial distances
                      (the default is -1.0).
    tcon            : float, optional
                      constant added to temporal distances (the default is 1.0).
    tpow            : float, optional
                      value for power transformation for temporal distances
                      (the default is -1.0).

    mantel_result   : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue).
    stat            : float
                      value of the knox test for the dataset.
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt.shp")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    The standardized Mantel test is a measure of matrix correlation between
    the spatial and temporal distance matrices of the event dataset. The
    following example runs the standardized Mantel test without a constant
    or transformation; however, as recommended by Mantel (1967) [2]_, these
    should be added by the user. This can be done by adjusting the constant
    and power parameters.

    >>> result = mantel(events.space, events.t, 99, scon=1.0, spow=-1.0, tcon=1.0, tpow=-1.0)

    Next, we examine the result of the test.

    >>> print("%6.6f"%result['stat'])

    Finally, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistic for each of the 99
    permutations. According to these parameters, the results indicate
    space-time interaction between the events.

    >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue'])


    t = t_coords
    s = s_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    distmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    timemat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # calculate the transformed standardized statistic
    timevec = (util.get_lower(timemat) + tcon) ** tpow
    distvec = (util.get_lower(distmat) + scon) ** spow
    stat = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    # return the results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    dist = []
    for i in range(permutations):
        trand = util.shuffle_matrix(timemat, range(n))
        timevec = (util.get_lower(trand) + tcon) ** tpow
        m = stats.pearsonr(timevec, distvec)[0].sum()

    ## establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(dist)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # report the results
    mantel_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return mantel_result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def modified_knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99):

    s = s_coords
    t = t_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # identify events within thresholds
    spacmat = np.ones((n, n))
    spacbin = sdistmat <= delta
    spacmat = spacmat * spacbin
    timemat = np.ones((n, n))
    timebin = tdistmat <= tau
    timemat = timemat * timebin

    # calculate the observed (original) statistic
    knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
    obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

    # calculate the expectated value
    ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()

    # calculate the modified stat
    stat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # return results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat
    distribution = []

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    for p in range(permutations):
        rtdistmat = util.shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, range(n))
        timemat = np.ones((n, n))
        timebin = rtdistmat <= tau
        timemat = timemat * timebin

        # calculate the observed knox again
        knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
        obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

        # calculate the expectated value again
        ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()
        eknox   = expstat / (n - 1.0)

        # calculate the modified stat
        tempstat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(distribution)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # return results
    modknox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue,'eknox': eknox }
    return modknox_result
Ejemplo n.º 6
def knox(events, delta, tau, permutations=99):
    Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. [1]_

    events          : space time events object
                      an output instance from the class SpaceTimeEvents
    delta           : float
                      threshold for proximity in space
    tau             : float
                      threshold for proximity in time
    permutations    : int
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (default is 99)

    knox_result     : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue)
    stat            : float
                      value of the knox test for the dataset
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic

    .. [1] E. Knox. 1964. The detection of space-time
       interactions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C
       (Applied Statistics), 13(1):25-30.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    Run the Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5,
    respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in
    space, and 5 units in time.

    >>> result = knox(events,delta=20,tau=5,permutations=99)

    Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the
    results results dictionary. This reports that there are 13 events close
    in both space and time, according to our threshold definitions.

    >>> print(result['stat'])

    Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case,
    the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction between
    the events.

    >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue'])

    n = events.n
    s = events.space
    t = events.t

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # identify events within thresholds
    spacmat = np.ones((n, n))
    test = sdistmat <= delta
    spacmat = spacmat * test

    timemat = np.ones((n, n))
    test = tdistmat <= tau
    timemat = timemat * test

    # calculate the statistic
    knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
    stat = (knoxmat.sum() - n) / 2

    # return results (if no inference)
    if permutations == 0:
        return stat
    distribution = []

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    for p in range(permutations):
        rtdistmat = util.shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, range(n))
        timemat = np.ones((n, n))
        test = rtdistmat <= tau
        timemat = timemat * test
        knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
        k = (knoxmat.sum() - n) / 2

    # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(distribution)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # return results
    knox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return knox_result
Ejemplo n.º 7
def modified_knox(s_coords, t_coords, delta, tau, permutations=99):

    s = s_coords
    t = t_coords
    n = len(t)

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # identify events within thresholds
    spacmat = np.ones((n, n))
    spacbin = sdistmat <= delta
    spacmat = spacmat * spacbin
    timemat = np.ones((n, n))
    timebin = tdistmat <= tau
    timemat = timemat * timebin

    # calculate the observed (original) statistic
    knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
    obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

    # calculate the expectated value
    ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
    expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()

    # calculate the modified stat
    stat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # return results (if no inference)
    if not permutations:
        return stat
    distribution = []

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    for p in range(permutations):
        rtdistmat = util.shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, range(n))
        timemat = np.ones((n, n))
        timebin = rtdistmat <= tau
        timemat = timemat * timebin

        # calculate the observed knox again
        knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
        obsstat = (knoxmat.sum() - n)

        # calculate the expectated value again
        ssumvec = np.reshape((spacbin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        tsumvec = np.reshape((timebin.sum(axis=0) - 1), (n, 1))
        expstat = (ssumvec * tsumvec).sum()
        eknox = expstat / (n - 1.0)

        # calculate the modified stat
        tempstat = (obsstat - (expstat / (n - 1.0))) / 2.0

    # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(distribution)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # return results
    modknox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue, 'eknox': eknox}
    return modknox_result
Ejemplo n.º 8
def knox(events, delta, tau, permutations=99):
    Knox test for spatio-temporal interaction. [1]_

    events          : space time events object
                      an output instance from the class SpaceTimeEvents
    delta           : float
                      threshold for proximity in space
    tau             : float
                      threshold for proximity in time
    permutations    : int
                      the number of permutations used to establish pseudo-
                      significance (default is 99)

    knox_result     : dictionary
                      contains the statistic (stat) for the test and the
                      associated p-value (pvalue)
    stat            : float
                      value of the knox test for the dataset
    pvalue          : float
                      pseudo p-value associated with the statistic

    .. [1] E. Knox. 1964. The detection of space-time
       interactions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C
       (Applied Statistics), 13(1):25-30.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pysal

    Read in the example data and create an instance of SpaceTimeEvents.

    >>> path = pysal.examples.get_path("burkitt")
    >>> events = SpaceTimeEvents(path,'T')

    Set the random seed generator. This is used by the permutation based
    inference to replicate the pseudo-significance of our example results -
    the end-user will normally omit this step.

    >>> np.random.seed(100)

    Run the Knox test with distance and time thresholds of 20 and 5,
    respectively. This counts the events that are closer than 20 units in
    space, and 5 units in time.

    >>> result = knox(events,delta=20,tau=5,permutations=99)

    Next, we examine the results. First, we call the statistic from the
    results results dictionary. This reports that there are 13 events close
    in both space and time, according to our threshold definitions.

    >>> print(result['stat'])

    Next, we look at the pseudo-significance of this value, calculated by
    permuting the timestamps and rerunning the statistics. In this case,
    the results indicate there is likely no space-time interaction between
    the events.

    >>> print("%2.2f"%result['pvalue'])

    n = events.n
    s = events.space
    t = events.t

    # calculate the spatial and temporal distance matrices for the events
    sdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(s)
    tdistmat = cg.distance_matrix(t)

    # identify events within thresholds
    spacmat = np.ones((n, n))
    test = sdistmat <= delta
    spacmat = spacmat * test

    timemat = np.ones((n, n))
    test = tdistmat <= tau
    timemat = timemat * test

    # calculate the statistic
    knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
    stat = (knoxmat.sum() - n) / 2

    # return results (if no inference)
    if permutations == 0:
        return stat
    distribution = []

    # loop for generating a random distribution to assess significance
    for p in range(permutations):
        rtdistmat = util.shuffle_matrix(tdistmat, range(n))
        timemat = np.ones((n, n))
        test = rtdistmat <= tau
        timemat = timemat * test
        knoxmat = timemat * spacmat
        k = (knoxmat.sum() - n) / 2

    # establish the pseudo significance of the observed statistic
    distribution = np.array(distribution)
    greater = np.ma.masked_greater_equal(distribution, stat)
    count = np.ma.count_masked(greater)
    pvalue = (count + 1.0) / (permutations + 1.0)

    # return results
    knox_result = {'stat': stat, 'pvalue': pvalue}
    return knox_result