Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_deramp(fname, ramp_type, mask_file=None, out_file=None, datasetName=None):
    """ Remove ramp from each 2D matrix of input file
    Parameters: fname     : str, data file to be derampped
                ramp_type : str, name of ramp to be estimated.
                mask_file : str, file of mask of pixels used for ramp estimation
                out_file  : str, output file name
                datasetName : str, output dataset name, for ifgramStack file type only
    Returns:    out_file  : str, output file name
    print('remove {} ramp from file: {}'.format(ramp_type, fname))
    if not out_file:
        fbase, fext = os.path.splitext(fname)
        out_file = '{}_ramp{}'.format(fbase, fext)

    start_time = time.time()
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(fname)

    # mask
    if os.path.isfile(mask_file):
        mask = readfile.read(mask_file, datasetName='mask')[0]
        print('read mask file: '+mask_file)
        mask = np.ones((int(atr['LENGTH']), int(atr['WIDTH'])))
        print('use mask of the whole area')

    # deramping
    k = atr['FILE_TYPE']
    if k == 'timeseries':
        print('reading data ...')
        data = readfile.read(fname)[0]
        print('estimating phase ramp ...')
        data = deramp(data, mask, ramp_type=ramp_type, metadata=atr)[0]
        writefile.write(data, out_file, ref_file=fname)

    elif k == 'ifgramStack':
        obj = ifgramStack(fname)
        if not datasetName:
            datasetName = 'unwrapPhase'
        with h5py.File(fname, 'a') as f:
            ds = f[datasetName]
            dsNameOut = '{}_ramp'.format(datasetName)
            if dsNameOut in f.keys():
                dsOut = f[dsNameOut]
                print('access HDF5 dataset /{}'.format(dsNameOut))
                dsOut = f.create_dataset(dsNameOut, shape=(obj.numIfgram, obj.length, obj.width),
                                         dtype=np.float32, chunks=True, compression=None)
                print('create HDF5 dataset /{}'.format(dsNameOut))

            prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=obj.numIfgram)
            for i in range(obj.numIfgram):
                data = ds[i, :, :]
                data = deramp(data, mask, ramp_type=ramp_type, metadata=atr)[0]
                dsOut[i, :, :] = data
                prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix='{}/{}'.format(i+1, obj.numIfgram))
            print('finished writing to file: '.format(fname))

    # Single Dataset File
        data = readfile.read(fname)[0]
        data = deramp(data, mask, ramp_type, metadata=atr)[0]
        print('writing >>> {}'.format(out_file))
        writefile.write(data, out_file=out_file, ref_file=fname)

    m, s = divmod(time.time()-start_time, 60)
    print('time used: {:02.0f} mins {:02.1f} secs.'.format(m, s))
    return out_file
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_unwrap_error_bridge(ifgram_file, mask_cc_file, bridges, dsNameIn='unwrapPhase',
                            dsNameOut='unwrapPhase_bridging', ramp_type=None):
    """Run unwrapping error correction with bridging
    Parameters: ifgram_file  : str, path of ifgram stack file
                mask_cc_file : str, path of conn comp mask file
                bridges      : list of dicts, check bridge_unwrap_error() for details
                dsNameIn     : str, dataset name of unwrap phase to be corrected
                dsNameOut    : str, dataset name of unwrap phase to be saved after correction
                ramp_type    : str, name of phase ramp to be removed during the phase jump estimation
    Returns:    ifgram_file  : str, path of ifgram stack file
    print('correct unwrapping error in {} with bridging ...'.format(ifgram_file))
    # file info
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(ifgram_file)
    length, width = int(atr['LENGTH']), int(atr['WIDTH'])
    ref_y, ref_x = int(atr['REF_Y']), int(atr['REF_X'])
    k = atr['FILE_TYPE']

    # read mask
    print('read mask from file: {}'.format(mask_cc_file))
    mask_cc = readfile.read(mask_cc_file, datasetName='mask')[0]
    if ramp_type is not None:
        print('estimate and remove phase ramp of {} during the correction'.format(ramp_type))
        mask4ramp = (mask_cc == mask_cc[ref_y, ref_x])

    # correct unwrap error ifgram by ifgram
    if k == 'ifgramStack':
        date12_list = ifgramStack(ifgram_file).get_date12_list(dropIfgram=False)
        num_ifgram = len(date12_list)
        shape_out = (num_ifgram, length, width)

        # prepare output data writing
        print('open {} with r+ mode'.format(ifgram_file))
        f = h5py.File(ifgram_file, 'r+')
        print('input  dataset:', dsNameIn)
        print('output dataset:', dsNameOut)
        if dsNameOut in f.keys():
            ds = f[dsNameOut]
            print('access /{d} of np.float32 in size of {s}'.format(d=dsNameOut, s=shape_out))
            ds = f.create_dataset(dsNameOut, shape_out, maxshape=(None, None, None),
                                  chunks=True, compression=None)
            print('create /{d} of np.float32 in size of {s}'.format(d=dsNameOut, s=shape_out))

        # correct unwrap error ifgram by ifgram
        prog_bar = ptime.progressBar(maxValue=num_ifgram)
        for i in range(num_ifgram):
            # read unwrapPhase
            date12 = date12_list[i]
            unw = np.squeeze(f[dsNameIn][i, :, :])
            unw[unw != 0.] -= unw[ref_y, ref_x]

            # remove phase ramp before phase jump estimation
            if ramp_type is not None:
                unw, unw_ramp = deramp(unw, mask4ramp, ramp_type, metadata=atr)

            # estimate/correct phase jump
            unw_cor = bridge_unwrap_error(unw, mask_cc, bridges)
            if ramp_type is not None:
                unw_cor += unw_ramp

            # write to hdf5 file
            ds[i, :, :] = unw_cor
            prog_bar.update(i+1, suffix=date12)
        ds.attrs['MODIFICATION_TIME'] = str(time.time())
        print('close {} file.'.format(ifgram_file))

    if k == '.unw':
        # read data
        unw = readfile.read(ifgram_file)[0]
        unw[unw != 0.] -= unw[ref_y, ref_x]

        # remove phase ramp before phase jump estimation
        if ramp_type is not None:
            unw, unw_ramp = deramp(unw, mask4ramp, ramp_type, metadata=atr)

        # estimate/correct phase jump
        unw_cor = bridge_unwrap_error(unw, mask_cc, bridges)
        if ramp_type is not None:
            unw_cor += unw_ramp

        # write to hdf5 file
        out_file = '{}_unwCor{}'.format(os.path.splitext(ifgram_file)[0],
        print('writing >>> {}'.format(out_file))
        writefile.write(unw_cor, out_file=out_file, ref_file=ifgram_file)

    return ifgram_file
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_boxes4deforming_area(vel_file,
    """Get list of boxes to cover the deforming areas.
    A pixel is identified as deforming if its velocity exceeds the MAD of the whole image.
    Parameters: vel_file : str, path of velocity file
                mask_file : str, path of mask file
                win_size  : int, length and width of the output box
                min_percentage : float between 0 and 1, minimum percentage of deforming points in the box
                ramp_type : str, type of phase ramps to be removed while evaluating the deformation
                display   : bool, plot the identification result or not
    Returns:    box_list  : list of t-tuple of int, each indicating (col0, row0, col1, row1)
    print('-' * 30)
    print('get boxes on deforming areas')
    mask = readfile.read(mask_file)[0]
    vel, atr = readfile.read(vel_file)
    print('removing a {} phase ramp from input velocity before the evaluation'.
    vel = deramp(vel, mask, ramp_type=ramp_type,
                 metadata=atr)[0]  #remove ramp before the evaluation

    # get deforming pixels
    mad = ut.median_abs_deviation_threshold(vel[mask], center=0.,
                                            cutoff=3)  #deformation threshold
    print('velocity threshold / median abs dev: {:.3f} cm/yr'.format(mad))
    vel[mask == 0] = 0
    mask_aoi = (vel >= mad) + (vel <= -1. * mad)
    print('number of points: {}'.format(np.sum(mask_aoi)))

    # get deforming boxes
    box_list = []
    min_num = min_percentage * (win_size**2)
    length, width = vel.shape
    num_row = np.ceil(length / win_size).astype(int)
    num_col = np.ceil(width / win_size).astype(int)
    for i in range(num_row):
        r0 = i * win_size
        r1 = min([length, r0 + win_size])
        for j in range(num_col):
            c0 = j * win_size
            c1 = min([width, c0 + win_size])
            box = (c0, r0, c1, r1)
            if np.sum(mask_aoi[r0:r1, c0:c1]) >= min_num:
    print('number of boxes : {}'.format(len(box_list)))

    if display:
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=[12, 8], sharey=True)
        vel[mask == 0] = np.nan
        axs[0].imshow(vel, cmap='jet')
        axs[1].imshow(mask_aoi, cmap='gray')
        for box in box_list:
            for ax in axs:
                rect = Rectangle((box[0], box[1]), (box[2] - box[0]),
                                 (box[3] - box[1]),
    return box_list