Ejemplo n.º 1
def ecp_int(cell, kpts=None):
    if rank == 0:
        cell = pgto.loads(comm.bcast(None))

    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1,3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1,3))

    ecpcell = gto.Mole()
    ecpcell._atm = cell._atm
    # append a fictitious s function to mimic the auxiliary index in pbc.incore.
    # ptr2last_env_idx to force PBCnr3c_fill_* function to copy the entire "env"
    ptr2last_env_idx = len(cell._env) - 1
    ecpbas = numpy.vstack([[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, ptr2last_env_idx, 0, 0],
    ecpcell._bas = ecpbas
    ecpcell._env = cell._env
    # In pbc.incore _ecpbas is appended to two sets of cell._bas and the
    # fictitious s function.
    cell._env[AS_ECPBAS_OFFSET] = cell.nbas * 2 + 1
    cell._env[AS_NECPBAS] = len(cell._ecpbas)

    kptij_lst = numpy.hstack((kpts_lst,kpts_lst)).reshape(-1,2,3)
    nkpts = len(kpts_lst)
    if abs(kpts_lst).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point
        dtype = numpy.double
        dtype = numpy.complex128
    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]
    mat = numpy.zeros((nkpts,nao,nao), dtype=dtype)

    intor = cell._add_suffix('ECPscalar')
    int3c = incore.wrap_int3c(cell, ecpcell, intor, kptij_lst=kptij_lst)

    # shls_slice of auxiliary index (0,1) corresponds to the fictitious s function
    tasks = [(i, i+1, j, j+1, 0, 1) # shls_slice
             for i in range(cell.nbas) for j in range(i+1)]
    for shls_slice in mpi.work_stealing_partition(tasks):
        i0 = ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
        i1 = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]
        j0 = ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
        j1 = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]]
        buf = numpy.empty((nkpts,i1-i0,j1-j0), dtype=dtype)
        mat[:,i0:i1,j0:j1] = int3c(shls_slice, buf)

    buf = mpi.reduce(mat)
    if rank == 0:
        mat = []
        for k, kpt in enumerate(kpts_lst):
            v = lib.unpack_tril(lib.pack_tril(buf[k]), lib.HERMITIAN)
            if abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point:
                v = v.real
        if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3,):
            mat = mat[0]
        return mat
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _make_j3c(mydf, cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, cderi_file):
    log = logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    fused_cell, fuse = fuse_auxcell(mydf, mydf.auxcell)
    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]
    naux = auxcell.nao_nr()
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh)
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
    ngrids = gxyz.shape[0]

    kptis = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    log.debug('Num uniq kpts %d', len(uniq_kpts))
    log.debug2('uniq_kpts %s', uniq_kpts)
    # j2c ~ (-kpt_ji | kpt_ji)
    j2c = fused_cell.pbc_intor('int2c2e', hermi=1, kpts=uniq_kpts)
    j2ctags = []
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('2c2e', *t1)

    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.dirname(cderi_file))
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile(swapfile.name)
    # Unlink swapfile to avoid trash
    swapfile = None

    mem_now = max(comm.allgather(lib.current_memory()[0]))
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory - mem_now)
    blksize = max(2048, int(max_memory * .5e6 / 16 / fused_cell.nao_nr()))
    log.debug2('max_memory %s (MB)  blocksize %s', max_memory, blksize)
    for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        j2c_k = numpy.zeros_like(j2c[k])
        for p0, p1 in mydf.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
            aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv[p0:p1], None, b, gxyz[p0:p1],
                                Gvbase, kpt).T
            LkR = numpy.asarray(aoaux.real, order='C')
            LkI = numpy.asarray(aoaux.imag, order='C')
            aoaux = None

            if is_zero(kpt):  # kpti == kptj
                j2c_k[naux:] += lib.ddot(LkR[naux:] * coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T)
                j2c_k[naux:] += lib.ddot(LkI[naux:] * coulG[p0:p1], LkI.T)
                j2cR, j2cI = zdotCN(LkR[naux:] * coulG[p0:p1],
                                    LkI[naux:] * coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T, LkI.T)
                j2c_k[naux:] += j2cR + j2cI * 1j
            kLR = kLI = None

        j2c_k[:naux, naux:] = j2c_k[naux:, :naux].conj().T
        j2c[k] -= mpi.allreduce(j2c_k)
        j2c[k] = fuse(fuse(j2c[k]).T).T
            fswap['j2c/%d' % k] = scipy.linalg.cholesky(j2c[k], lower=True)
        except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
            #msg =('===================================\n'
            #      'J-metric not positive definite.\n'
            #      'It is likely that mesh is not enough.\n'
            #      '===================================')
            #raise scipy.linalg.LinAlgError('\n'.join([str(e), msg]))
            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(j2c[k])
            log.debug2('metric linear dependency for kpt %s', k)
            log.debug2('cond = %.4g, drop %d bfns', w[0] / w[-1],
                       numpy.count_nonzero(w < mydf.linear_dep_threshold))
            v1 = v[:, w > mydf.linear_dep_threshold].T.conj()
            v1 /= numpy.sqrt(w[w > mydf.linear_dep_threshold]).reshape(-1, 1)
            fswap['j2c/%d' % k] = v1
            if cell.dimension == 2 and cell.low_dim_ft_type != 'inf_vacuum':
                idx = numpy.where(w < -mydf.linear_dep_threshold)[0]
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    fswap['j2c-/%d' % k] = (v[:, idx] /
            w = v = v1 = None
    j2c = coulG = None

    aosym_s2 = numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(kptis - kptjs)) < 1e-9
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_s2)
    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = 'f8'
        dtype = 'c16'
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('aoaux and int2c', *t1)

    # Estimates the buffer size based on the last contraction in G-space.
    # This contraction requires to hold nkptj copies of (naux,?) array
    # simultaneously in memory.
    mem_now = max(comm.allgather(lib.current_memory()[0]))
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory - mem_now)
    nkptj_max = max((uniq_inverse == x).sum() for x in set(uniq_inverse))
    buflen = max(
            min(max_memory * .5e6 / 16 / naux / (nkptj_max + 2) / nao,
                nao / 3 / mpi.pool.size)), 1)
    chunks = (buflen, nao)

    j3c_jobs = grids2d_int3c_jobs(cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, chunks, j_only)
    log.debug1('max_memory = %d MB (%d in use)  chunks %s', max_memory,
               mem_now, chunks)
    log.debug2('j3c_jobs %s', j3c_jobs)

    if j_only:
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e', 's2', 1, kptij_lst)
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e', 's1', 1, kptij_lst)
        idxb = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        idxb = (idxb[0] * nao + idxb[1]).astype('i')
    aux_loc = fused_cell.ao_loc_nr('ssc' in 'int3c2e')

    def gen_int3c(job_id, ish0, ish1):
        dataname = 'j3c-chunks/%d' % job_id
        i0 = ao_loc[ish0]
        i1 = ao_loc[ish1]
        dii = i1 * (i1 + 1) // 2 - i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2
        if j_only:
            dij = dii
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / (nkptij * dii + dii)))
            dij = (i1 - i0) * nao
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / (nkptij * dij + dij)))
        auxranges = balance_segs(aux_loc[1:] - aux_loc[:-1], buflen)
        buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptij * dij * buflen, dtype=dtype)
        buf1 = numpy.empty(dij * buflen, dtype=dtype)

        naux = aux_loc[-1]
        for kpt_id, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            key = '%s/%d' % (dataname, kpt_id)
            if aosym_s2[kpt_id]:
                shape = (naux, dii)
                shape = (naux, dij)
            if gamma_point(kptij):
                fswap.create_dataset(key, shape, 'f8')
                fswap.create_dataset(key, shape, 'c16')

        naux0 = 0
        for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
            log.alldebug2("aux_e1 job_id %d step %d", job_id, istep)
            sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
            sub_slice = (ish0, ish1, 0, cell.nbas, sh0, sh1)
            mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij, dij, nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
            mat = int3c(sub_slice, mat)

            for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
                h5dat = fswap['%s/%d' % (dataname, k)]
                v = lib.transpose(mat[k], out=buf1)
                if not j_only and aosym_s2[k]:
                    idy = idxb[i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2:i1 *
                               (i1 + 1) // 2] - i0 * nao
                    out = numpy.ndarray((nrow, dii),
                    v = numpy.take(v, idy, axis=1, out=out)
                if gamma_point(kptij):
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0 + nrow] = v.real
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0 + nrow] = v
            naux0 += nrow

    def ft_fuse(job_id, uniq_kptji_id, sh0, sh1):
        kpt = uniq_kpts[uniq_kptji_id]  # kpt = kptj - kpti
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_kptji_id)[0]
        adapted_kptjs = kptjs[adapted_ji_idx]
        nkptj = len(adapted_kptjs)

        j2c = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c/%d' % uniq_kptji_id])
        j2ctag = j2ctags[uniq_kptji_id]
        naux0 = j2c.shape[0]
        if ('j2c-/%d' % uniq_kptji_id) in fswap:
            j2c_negative = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c-/%d' % uniq_kptji_id])
            j2c_negative = None

        if is_zero(kpt):
            aosym = 's2'
            aosym = 's1'

        if aosym == 's2' and cell.dimension == 3:
            vbar = fuse(mydf.auxbar(fused_cell))
            ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1, kpts=adapted_kptjs)
            ovlp = [lib.pack_tril(s) for s in ovlp]

        j3cR = [None] * nkptj
        j3cI = [None] * nkptj
        i0 = ao_loc[sh0]
        i1 = ao_loc[sh1]
        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            key = 'j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)
            v = numpy.asarray(fswap[key])
            if aosym == 's2' and cell.dimension == 3:
                for i in numpy.where(vbar != 0)[0]:
                    v[i] -= vbar[i] * ovlp[k][i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2:i1 *
                                              (i1 + 1) // 2].ravel()
            j3cR[k] = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
            if v.dtype == numpy.complex128:
                j3cI[k] = numpy.asarray(v.imag, order='C')
            v = None

        ncol = j3cR[0].shape[1]
        Gblksize = max(16, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / ncol /
                               (nkptj + 1)))  # +1 for pqkRbuf/pqkIbuf
        Gblksize = min(Gblksize, ngrids, 16384)
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(ncol * Gblksize)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(ncol * Gblksize)
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptj * ncol * Gblksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        log.alldebug2('job_id %d  blksize (%d,%d)', job_id, Gblksize, ncol)

        wcoulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        fused_cell_slice = (auxcell.nbas, fused_cell.nbas)
        if aosym == 's2':
            shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, sh1)
            shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, cell.nbas)
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, Gblksize):
            Gaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv[p0:p1], fused_cell_slice, b,
                               gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt)
            Gaux *= wcoulG[p0:p1, None]
            kLR = Gaux.real.copy('C')
            kLI = Gaux.imag.copy('C')
            Gaux = None

            dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell,
            nG = p1 - p0
            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG, ncol)
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol, nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol, nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                lib.dot(kLR.T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                lib.dot(kLI.T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                    lib.dot(kLR.T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI.T, pqkR.T, 1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)
            kLR = kLI = None

        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                v = fuse(j3cR[k])
                v = fuse(j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j)
            if j2ctag == 'CD':
                v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c,
                fswap['j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)][:naux0] = v
                fswap['j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)][:naux0] = lib.dot(
                    j2c, v)

            # low-dimension systems
            if j2c_negative is not None:
                fswap['j3c-/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)] = lib.dot(j2c_negative, v)

    _assemble(mydf, kptij_lst, j3c_jobs, gen_int3c, ft_fuse, cderi_file, fswap,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def aux_e1(cell,
    r'''3-center AO integrals (L|ij) with double lattice sum:
    \sum_{lm} (L[0]|i[l]j[m]), where L is the auxiliary basis.
    Three-index integral tensor (kptij_idx, naux, nao_pair) or four-index
    integral tensor (kptij_idx, comp, naux, nao_pair) are stored on disk.

        kptij_lst : (*,2,3) array
            A list of (kpti, kptj)
    intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(cell._add_suffix(intor),

    if isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
        feri = erifile
    elif h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
        feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'a')
        feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
    if dataname in feri:
        del (feri[dataname])
    if dataname + '-kptij' in feri:
        del (feri[dataname + '-kptij'])

    if kptij_lst is None:
        kptij_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 2, 3))
    feri[dataname + '-kptij'] = kptij_lst

    if shls_slice is None:
        shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas)

    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr(auxcell.cart
                                or 'ssc' in intor)[:shls_slice[5] + 1]
    ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
    nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
    naux = aux_loc[shls_slice[5]] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]]
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)

    nii = (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] * (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] + 1) // 2 -
           ao_loc[shls_slice[0]] * (ao_loc[shls_slice[0]] + 1) // 2)
    nij = ni * nj

    kpti = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptj = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    aosym_ks2 = abs(kpti - kptj).sum(axis=1) < KPT_DIFF_TOL
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_ks2)
    #aosym_ks2 &= (aosym[:2] == 's2' and shls_slice[:2] == shls_slice[2:4])
    aosym_ks2 &= aosym[:2] == 's2'
    for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
        key = '%s/%d' % (dataname, k)
        if gamma_point(kptij):
            dtype = 'f8'
            dtype = 'c16'
        if aosym_ks2[k]:
            nao_pair = nii
            nao_pair = nij
        if comp == 1:
            shape = (naux, nao_pair)
            shape = (comp, naux, nao_pair)
        feri.create_dataset(key, shape, dtype)
    if naux == 0:
        return erifile

    if j_only and aosym[:2] == 's2':
        assert (shls_slice[2] == 0)
        nao_pair = nii
        nao_pair = nij

    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = numpy.double
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    buflen = max(8, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / (nkptij * ni * nj * comp)))
    auxdims = aux_loc[shls_slice[4] + 1:shls_slice[5] +
                      1] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]:shls_slice[5]]
    auxranges = balance_segs(auxdims, buflen)
    buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
    buf = numpy.empty(nkptij * comp * ni * nj * buflen, dtype=dtype)
    buf1 = numpy.empty(ni * nj * buflen, dtype=dtype)

    int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, auxcell, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst)

    naux0 = 0
    for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
        sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
        sub_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1], shls_slice[2],
                     shls_slice[3], shls_slice[4] + sh0, shls_slice[4] + sh1)
        mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij, comp, nao_pair, nrow),
        mat = int3c(sub_slice, mat)

        for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            h5dat = feri['%s/%d' % (dataname, k)]
            for icomp, v in enumerate(mat[k]):
                v = lib.transpose(v, out=buf1)
                if gamma_point(kptij):
                    v = v.real
                if aosym_ks2[k] and v.shape[1] == ni**2:
                    v = lib.pack_tril(v.reshape(-1, ni, ni))
                if comp == 1:
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0 + nrow] = v
                    h5dat[icomp, naux0:naux0 + nrow] = v
        naux0 += nrow

    if not isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
    return erifile
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _aux_e2(cell,
    r'''3-center AO integrals (ij|L) with double lattice sum:
    \sum_{lm} (i[l]j[m]|L[0]), where L is the auxiliary basis.
    Three-index integral tensor (kptij_idx, nao_pair, naux) or four-index
    integral tensor (kptij_idx, comp, nao_pair, naux) are stored on disk.

    **This function should be only used by df and mdf initialization function

        kptij_lst : (*,2,3) array
            A list of (kpti, kptj)
    intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(cell._add_suffix(intor),

    if isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
        feri = erifile
    elif h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
        feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'a')
        feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
    if dataname in feri:
        del (feri[dataname])
    if dataname + '-kptij' in feri:
        del (feri[dataname + '-kptij'])

    if kptij_lst is None:
        kptij_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 2, 3))
    feri[dataname + '-kptij'] = kptij_lst

    if shls_slice is None:
        shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas)

    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr(auxcell.cart
                                or 'ssc' in intor)[:shls_slice[5] + 1]
    ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
    nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
    naux = aux_loc[shls_slice[5]] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]]
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)

    nii = (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] * (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] + 1) // 2 -
           ao_loc[shls_slice[0]] * (ao_loc[shls_slice[0]] + 1) // 2)
    nij = ni * nj

    kpti = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptj = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    aosym_ks2 = abs(kpti - kptj).sum(axis=1) < KPT_DIFF_TOL
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_ks2)
    #aosym_ks2 &= (aosym[:2] == 's2' and shls_slice[:2] == shls_slice[2:4])
    aosym_ks2 &= aosym[:2] == 's2'

    if j_only and aosym[:2] == 's2':
        assert (shls_slice[2] == 0)
        nao_pair = nii
        nao_pair = nij

    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = numpy.double
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    buflen = max(8, int(max_memory * .47e6 / 16 / (nkptij * ni * nj * comp)))
    auxdims = aux_loc[shls_slice[4] + 1:shls_slice[5] +
                      1] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]:shls_slice[5]]
    auxranges = balance_segs(auxdims, buflen)
    buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
    buf = numpy.empty(nkptij * comp * ni * nj * buflen, dtype=dtype)
    buf1 = numpy.empty_like(buf)

    int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, auxcell, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst)

    kptis = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    # sorted_ij_idx: Sort and group the kptij_lst according to the ordering in
    # df._make_j3c to reduce the data fragment in the hdf5 file.  When datasets
    # are written to hdf5, they are saved sequentially. If the integral data are
    # saved as the order of kptij_lst, removing the datasets in df._make_j3c will
    # lead to holes that can not be reused.
    sorted_ij_idx = numpy.hstack(
        [numpy.where(uniq_inverse == k)[0] for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts)])
    tril_idx = numpy.tril_indices(ni)
    tril_idx = tril_idx[0] * ni + tril_idx[1]

    def save(istep, mat):
        for k in sorted_ij_idx:
            v = mat[k]
            if gamma_point(kptij_lst[k]):
                v = v.real
            if aosym_ks2[k] and nao_pair == ni**2:
                v = v[:, tril_idx]
            feri['%s/%d/%d' % (dataname, k, istep)] = v

    with lib.call_in_background(save) as bsave:
        for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
            sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
            sub_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1], shls_slice[2],
                         shls_slice[3], shls_slice[4] + sh0,
                         shls_slice[4] + sh1)
            mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij, comp, nao_pair, nrow),
            bsave(istep, int3c(sub_slice, mat))
            buf, buf1 = buf1, buf

    if not isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
    return erifile
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _make_j3c(mydf, cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, cderi_file):
    log = logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    fused_cell, fuse = fuse_auxcell(mydf, mydf.auxcell)
    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]
    naux = auxcell.nao_nr()
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)
    gs = mydf.gs
    Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(gs)
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
    ngs = gxyz.shape[0]

    kptis = kptij_lst[:, 0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:, 1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    log.debug('Num uniq kpts %d', len(uniq_kpts))
    log.debug2('uniq_kpts %s', uniq_kpts)
    # j2c ~ (-kpt_ji | kpt_ji)
    j2c = fused_cell.pbc_intor('int2c2e_sph', hermi=1, kpts=uniq_kpts)
    j2ctags = []
    nauxs = []
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('2c2e', *t1)

    if h5py.is_hdf5(cderi_file):
        feri = h5py.File(cderi_file)
        feri = h5py.File(cderi_file, 'w')
    for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv, None, b, gxyz, Gvbase, kpt).T
        coulG = numpy.sqrt(mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, gs))
        kLR = (aoaux.real * coulG).T
        kLI = (aoaux.imag * coulG).T
        if not kLR.flags.c_contiguous: kLR = lib.transpose(kLR.T)
        if not kLI.flags.c_contiguous: kLI = lib.transpose(kLI.T)
        aoaux = None

        kLR1 = numpy.asarray(kLR[:, naux:], order='C')
        kLI1 = numpy.asarray(kLI[:, naux:], order='C')
        if is_zero(kpt):  # kpti == kptj
            for p0, p1 in mydf.mpi_prange(0, ngs):
                j2cR = lib.ddot(kLR1[p0:p1].T, kLR[p0:p1])
                j2cR = lib.ddot(kLI1[p0:p1].T, kLI[p0:p1], 1, j2cR, 1)
                j2c[k][naux:] -= mpi.allreduce(j2cR)
                j2c[k][:naux, naux:] = j2c[k][naux:, :naux].T
            for p0, p1 in mydf.mpi_prange(0, ngs):
                j2cR, j2cI = zdotCN(kLR1[p0:p1].T, kLI1[p0:p1].T, kLR[p0:p1],
                j2cR = mpi.allreduce(j2cR)
                j2cI = mpi.allreduce(j2cI)
                j2c[k][naux:] -= j2cR + j2cI * 1j
                j2c[k][:naux, naux:] = j2c[k][naux:, :naux].T.conj()
        j2c[k] = fuse(fuse(j2c[k]).T).T
            feri['j2c/%d' % k] = scipy.linalg.cholesky(j2c[k], lower=True)
        except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
            #msg =('===================================\n'
            #      'J-metric not positive definite.\n'
            #      'It is likely that gs is not enough.\n'
            #      '===================================')
            #raise scipy.linalg.LinAlgError('\n'.join([e.message, msg]))
            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(j2c)
            log.debug2('metric linear dependency for kpt %s', uniq_kptji_id)
            log.debug2('cond = %.4g, drop %d bfns', w[0] / w[-1],
                       numpy.count_nonzero(w < LINEAR_DEP_THR))
            v = v[:, w > LINEAR_DEP_THR].T.conj()
            v /= numpy.sqrt(w[w > LINEAR_DEP_THR]).reshape(-1, 1)
            feri['j2c/%d' % k] = v
        kLR = kLI = kLR1 = kLI1 = coulG = None
    j2c = None

    aosym_s2 = numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(kptis - kptjs)) < 1e-9
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_s2)
    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = 'f8'
        dtype = 'c16'
    vbar = mydf.auxbar(fused_cell)
    vbar = fuse(vbar)
    ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph', hermi=1, kpts=kptjs[aosym_s2])
    ovlp = [lib.pack_tril(s) for s in ovlp]
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('aoaux and int2c', *t1)

    # Estimates the buffer size based on the last contraction in G-space.
    # This contraction requires to hold nkptj copies of (naux,?) array
    # simultaneously in memory.
    mem_now = max(comm.allgather(lib.current_memory()[0]))
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory - mem_now)
    nkptj_max = max((uniq_inverse == x).sum() for x in set(uniq_inverse))
    buflen = max(
            min(max_memory * .5e6 / 16 / naux / (nkptj_max + 2) / nao,
                nao / 3 / mpi.pool.size)), 1)
    chunks = (buflen, nao)

    j3c_jobs = grids2d_int3c_jobs(cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, chunks, j_only)
    log.debug1('max_memory = %d MB (%d in use)  chunks %s', max_memory,
               mem_now, chunks)
    log.debug2('j3c_jobs %s', j3c_jobs)

    if j_only:
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e_sph', 's2', 1, kptij_lst)
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e_sph', 's1', 1, kptij_lst)
        idxb = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        idxb = (idxb[0] * nao + idxb[1]).astype('i')
    aux_loc = fused_cell.ao_loc_nr('ssc' in 'int3c2e_sph')

    def gen_int3c(auxcell, job_id, ish0, ish1):
        dataname = 'j3c-chunks/%d' % job_id
        if dataname in feri:
            del (feri[dataname])

        i0 = ao_loc[ish0]
        i1 = ao_loc[ish1]
        dii = i1 * (i1 + 1) // 2 - i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2
        dij = (i1 - i0) * nao
        if j_only:
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / (nkptij * dii + dii)))
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / (nkptij * dij + dij)))
        auxranges = balance_segs(aux_loc[1:] - aux_loc[:-1], buflen)
        buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptij * dij * buflen, dtype=dtype)
        buf1 = numpy.empty(dij * buflen, dtype=dtype)

        naux = aux_loc[-1]
        for kpt_id, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            key = '%s/%d' % (dataname, kpt_id)
            if aosym_s2[kpt_id]:
                shape = (naux, dii)
                shape = (naux, dij)
            if gamma_point(kptij):
                feri.create_dataset(key, shape, 'f8')
                feri.create_dataset(key, shape, 'c16')

        naux0 = 0
        for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
            log.alldebug2("aux_e2 job_id %d step %d", job_id, istep)
            sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
            sub_slice = (ish0, ish1, 0, cell.nbas, sh0, sh1)
            if j_only:
                mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij, dii, nrow),
                mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij, dij, nrow),
            mat = int3c(sub_slice, mat)

            for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
                h5dat = feri['%s/%d' % (dataname, k)]
                v = lib.transpose(mat[k], out=buf1)
                if not j_only and aosym_s2[k]:
                    idy = idxb[i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2:i1 *
                               (i1 + 1) // 2] - i0 * nao
                    out = numpy.ndarray((nrow, dii),
                    v = numpy.take(v, idy, axis=1, out=out)
                if gamma_point(kptij):
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0 + nrow] = v.real
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0 + nrow] = v
            naux0 += nrow

    def ft_fuse(job_id, uniq_kptji_id, sh0, sh1):
        kpt = uniq_kpts[uniq_kptji_id]  # kpt = kptj - kpti
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_kptji_id)[0]
        adapted_kptjs = kptjs[adapted_ji_idx]
        nkptj = len(adapted_kptjs)

        shls_slice = (auxcell.nbas, fused_cell.nbas)
        Gaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv, shls_slice, b, gxyz, Gvbase, kpt)
        Gaux *= mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, gs).reshape(-1, 1)
        kLR = Gaux.real.copy('C')
        kLI = Gaux.imag.copy('C')
        j2c = numpy.asarray(feri['j2c/%d' % uniq_kptji_id])
        j2ctag = j2ctags[uniq_kptji_id]
        naux0 = j2c.shape[0]

        if is_zero(kpt):
            aosym = 's2'
            aosym = 's1'

        j3cR = [None] * nkptj
        j3cI = [None] * nkptj
        i0 = ao_loc[sh0]
        i1 = ao_loc[sh1]
        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            key = 'j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)
            v = numpy.asarray(feri[key])
            if is_zero(kpt):
                for i, c in enumerate(vbar):
                    if c != 0:
                        v[i] -= c * ovlp[k][i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2:i1 *
                                            (i1 + 1) // 2].ravel()
            j3cR[k] = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
            if v.dtype == numpy.complex128:
                j3cI[k] = numpy.asarray(v.imag, order='C')
            v = None

        ncol = j3cR[0].shape[1]
        Gblksize = max(16, int(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / ncol /
                               (nkptj + 1)))  # +1 for pqkRbuf/pqkIbuf
        Gblksize = min(Gblksize, ngs, 16384)
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(ncol * Gblksize)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(ncol * Gblksize)
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptj * ncol * Gblksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        log.alldebug2('    blksize (%d,%d)', Gblksize, ncol)

        shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, cell.nbas)
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngs, Gblksize):
            dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell,
            nG = p1 - p0
            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG, ncol)
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol, nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol, nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                    lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, 1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)

        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                v = fuse(j3cR[k])
                v = fuse(j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j)
            if j2ctag == 'CD':
                v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c,
                v = lib.dot(j2c, v)
            feri['j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)][:naux0] = v

    t2 = t1
    j3c_workers = numpy.zeros(len(j3c_jobs), dtype=int)
    #for job_id, ish0, ish1 in mpi.work_share_partition(j3c_jobs):
    for job_id, ish0, ish1 in mpi.work_stealing_partition(j3c_jobs):
        gen_int3c(fused_cell, job_id, ish0, ish1)
        t2 = log.alltimer_debug2('int j3c %d' % job_id, *t2)

        for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
            ft_fuse(job_id, k, ish0, ish1)
            t2 = log.alltimer_debug2('ft-fuse %d k %d' % (job_id, k), *t2)

        j3c_workers[job_id] = rank
    j3c_workers = mpi.allreduce(j3c_workers)
    log.debug2('j3c_workers %s', j3c_workers)
    j2c = kLRs = kLIs = ovlp = vbar = fuse = gen_int3c = ft_fuse = None
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('int3c and fuse', *t1)

    def get_segs_loc(aosym):
        off0 = numpy.asarray([ao_loc[i0] for x, i0, i1 in j3c_jobs])
        off1 = numpy.asarray([ao_loc[i1] for x, i0, i1 in j3c_jobs])
        if aosym:  # s2
            dims = off1 * (off1 + 1) // 2 - off0 * (off0 + 1) // 2
            dims = (off1 - off0) * nao
        #dims = numpy.asarray([ao_loc[i1]-ao_loc[i0] for x,i0,i1 in j3c_jobs])
        dims = numpy.hstack(
            [dims[j3c_workers == w] for w in range(mpi.pool.size)])
        job_idx = numpy.hstack(
            [numpy.where(j3c_workers == w)[0] for w in range(mpi.pool.size)])
        segs_loc = numpy.append(0, numpy.cumsum(dims))
        segs_loc = [(segs_loc[j], segs_loc[j + 1])
                    for j in numpy.argsort(job_idx)]
        return segs_loc

    segs_loc_s1 = get_segs_loc(False)
    segs_loc_s2 = get_segs_loc(True)

    if 'j3c' in feri: del (feri['j3c'])
    segsize = (max(nauxs) + mpi.pool.size - 1) // mpi.pool.size
    naux0 = rank * segsize
    for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
        naux1 = min(nauxs[uniq_inverse[k]], naux0 + segsize)
        nrow = max(0, naux1 - naux0)
        if gamma_point(kptij):
            dtype = 'f8'
            dtype = 'c16'
        if aosym_s2[k]:
            nao_pair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
            nao_pair = nao * nao
        feri.create_dataset('j3c/%d' % k, (nrow, nao_pair),
                            maxshape=(None, nao_pair))

    def load(k, p0, p1):
        naux1 = nauxs[uniq_inverse[k]]
        slices = [(min(i * segsize + p0, naux1), min(i * segsize + p1, naux1))
                  for i in range(mpi.pool.size)]
        segs = []
        for p0, p1 in slices:
            val = []
            for job_id, worker in enumerate(j3c_workers):
                if rank == worker:
                    key = 'j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, k)
            if val:
        return segs

    def save(k, p0, p1, segs):
        segs = mpi.alltoall(segs)
        naux1 = nauxs[uniq_inverse[k]]
        loc0, loc1 = min(p0, naux1 - naux0), min(p1, naux1 - naux0)
        nL = loc1 - loc0
        if nL > 0:
            if aosym_s2[k]:
                segs = numpy.hstack([
                    segs[i0 * nL:i1 * nL].reshape(nL, -1)
                    for i0, i1 in segs_loc_s2
                segs = numpy.hstack([
                    segs[i0 * nL:i1 * nL].reshape(nL, -1)
                    for i0, i1 in segs_loc_s1
            feri['j3c/%d' % k][loc0:loc1] = segs

    mem_now = max(comm.allgather(lib.current_memory()[0]))
    max_memory = max(2000, min(8000, mydf.max_memory - mem_now))
    if numpy.all(aosym_s2):
        if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
            blksize = max(16, int(max_memory * .5e6 / 8 / nao**2))
            blksize = max(16, int(max_memory * .5e6 / 16 / nao**2))
        blksize = max(16, int(max_memory * .5e6 / 16 / nao**2 / 2))
    log.debug1('max_momory %d MB (%d in use), blksize %d', max_memory, mem_now,

    t2 = t1
    with lib.call_in_background(save) as async_write:
        for k, kptji in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, segsize, blksize):
                segs = load(k, p0, p1)
                async_write(k, p0, p1, segs)
                t2 = log.timer_debug1(
                    'assemble k=%d %d:%d (in %d)' % (k, p0, p1, segsize), *t2)

    if 'j3c-chunks' in feri: del (feri['j3c-chunks'])
    if 'j3c-kptij' in feri: del (feri['j3c-kptij'])
    feri['j3c-kptij'] = kptij_lst
    t1 = log.alltimer_debug1('assembling j3c', *t1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _make_j3c(mydf, cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, cderi_file):
    log = logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    t1 = t0 = (time.clock(), time.time())

    fused_cell, fuse = fuse_auxcell(mydf, mydf.auxcell)
    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]
    naux = auxcell.nao_nr()
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh)
    b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
    ngrids = gxyz.shape[0]

    kptis = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    log.debug('Num uniq kpts %d', len(uniq_kpts))
    log.debug2('uniq_kpts %s', uniq_kpts)
    # j2c ~ (-kpt_ji | kpt_ji)
    j2c = fused_cell.pbc_intor('int2c2e', hermi=1, kpts=uniq_kpts)
    j2ctags = []
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('2c2e', *t1)

    swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.dirname(cderi_file))
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile(swapfile.name)
    # Unlink swapfile to avoid trash
    swapfile = None

    for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        j2c[k] = fuse(fuse(j2c[k]).T).T.copy()
        j2c_k = numpy.zeros_like(j2c[k])
        for p0, p1 in mydf.mpi_prange(0, ngrids):
            aoaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv[p0:p1], None, b, gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt).T
            aoaux = fuse(aoaux)
            LkR = numpy.asarray(aoaux.real, order='C')
            LkI = numpy.asarray(aoaux.imag, order='C')
            aoaux = None

            if is_zero(kpt):  # kpti == kptj
                j2cR   = lib.dot(LkR*coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T)
                j2c_k += lib.dot(LkI*coulG[p0:p1], LkI.T, 1, j2cR, 1)
                # aoaux ~ kpt_ij, aoaux.conj() ~ kpt_kl
                j2cR, j2cI = zdotCN(LkR*coulG[p0:p1], LkI*coulG[p0:p1], LkR.T, LkI.T)
                j2c_k += j2cR + j2cI * 1j
            LkR = LkI = None
        j2c[k] -= mpi.allreduce(j2c_k)

            fswap['j2c/%d'%k] = scipy.linalg.cholesky(j2c[k], lower=True)
        except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError:
            w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(j2c[k])
            log.debug2('metric linear dependency for kpt %s', k)
            log.debug2('cond = %.4g, drop %d bfns',
                       w[0]/w[-1], numpy.count_nonzero(w<mydf.linear_dep_threshold))
            v1 = v[:,w>mydf.linear_dep_threshold].T.conj()
            v1 /= numpy.sqrt(w[w>mydf.linear_dep_threshold]).reshape(-1,1)
            fswap['j2c/%d'%k] = v1
            if cell.dimension == 2 and cell.low_dim_ft_type != 'inf_vacuum':
                idx = numpy.where(w < -mydf.linear_dep_threshold)[0]
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    fswap['j2c-/%d'%k] = (v[:,idx]/numpy.sqrt(-w[idx])).conj().T
            w = v = v1 = v2 = None
        aoaux = kLR = kLI = j2cR = j2cI = coulG = None
    j2c = None

    aosym_s2 = numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(kptis-kptjs)) < 1e-9
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_s2)
    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = 'f8'
        dtype = 'c16'
    t1 = log.timer_debug1('aoaux and int2c', *t1)

# Estimates the buffer size based on the last contraction in G-space.
# This contraction requires to hold nkptj copies of (naux,?) array
# simultaneously in memory.
    mem_now = max(comm.allgather(lib.current_memory()[0]))
    max_memory = max(2000, mydf.max_memory - mem_now)
    nkptj_max = max((uniq_inverse==x).sum() for x in set(uniq_inverse))
    buflen = max(int(min(max_memory*.5e6/16/naux/(nkptj_max+2)/nao,
                         nao/3/mpi.pool.size)), 1)
    chunks = (buflen, nao)

    j3c_jobs = mpi_df.grids2d_int3c_jobs(cell, auxcell, kptij_lst, chunks, j_only)
    log.debug1('max_memory = %d MB (%d in use)  chunks %s',
               max_memory, mem_now, chunks)
    log.debug2('j3c_jobs %s', j3c_jobs)

    if j_only:
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e', 's2', 1, kptij_lst)
        int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, fused_cell, 'int3c2e', 's1', 1, kptij_lst)
        idxb = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        idxb = (idxb[0] * nao + idxb[1]).astype('i')
    aux_loc = fused_cell.ao_loc_nr(fused_cell.cart)

    def gen_int3c(job_id, ish0, ish1):
        dataname = 'j3c-chunks/%d' % job_id
        i0 = ao_loc[ish0]
        i1 = ao_loc[ish1]
        dii = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
        dij = (i1 - i0) * nao
        if j_only:
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*1e6/16/(nkptij*dii+dii)))
            buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*1e6/16/(nkptij*dij+dij)))
        auxranges = balance_segs(aux_loc[1:]-aux_loc[:-1], buflen)
        buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptij*dij*buflen, dtype=dtype)
        buf1 = numpy.empty(dij*buflen, dtype=dtype)

        naux = aux_loc[-1]
        for kpt_id, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            key = '%s/%d' % (dataname, kpt_id)
            if aosym_s2[kpt_id]:
                shape = (naux, dii)
                shape = (naux, dij)
            if gamma_point(kptij):
                fswap.create_dataset(key, shape, 'f8')
                fswap.create_dataset(key, shape, 'c16')

        naux0 = 0
        for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
            log.alldebug2("aux_e1 job_id %d step %d", job_id, istep)
            sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
            sub_slice = (ish0, ish1, 0, cell.nbas, sh0, sh1)
            if j_only:
                mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij,dii,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
                mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij,dij,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
            mat = int3c(sub_slice, mat)

            for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
                h5dat = fswap['%s/%d'%(dataname,k)]
                v = lib.transpose(mat[k], out=buf1)
                if not j_only and aosym_s2[k]:
                    idy = idxb[i0*(i0+1)//2:i1*(i1+1)//2] - i0 * nao
                    out = numpy.ndarray((nrow,dii), dtype=v.dtype, buffer=mat[k])
                    v = numpy.take(v, idy, axis=1, out=out)
                if gamma_point(kptij):
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0+nrow] = v.real
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0+nrow] = v
            naux0 += nrow

    def ft_fuse(job_id, uniq_kptji_id, sh0, sh1):
        kpt = uniq_kpts[uniq_kptji_id]  # kpt = kptj - kpti
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_kptji_id)[0]
        adapted_kptjs = kptjs[adapted_ji_idx]
        nkptj = len(adapted_kptjs)

        Gaux = ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv, None, b, gxyz, Gvbase, kpt).T
        Gaux = fuse(Gaux)
        Gaux *= mydf.weighted_coulG(kpt, False, mesh)
        kLR = lib.transpose(numpy.asarray(Gaux.real, order='C'))
        kLI = lib.transpose(numpy.asarray(Gaux.imag, order='C'))
        j2c = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c/%d'%uniq_kptji_id])
        j2ctag = j2ctags[uniq_kptji_id]
        naux0 = j2c.shape[0]
        if ('j2c-/%d' % uniq_kptji_id) in fswap:
            j2c_negative = numpy.asarray(fswap['j2c-/%d'%uniq_kptji_id])
            j2c_negative = None

        if is_zero(kpt):
            aosym = 's2'
            aosym = 's1'

        if aosym == 's2' and cell.dimension == 3:
            vbar = fuse(mydf.auxbar(fused_cell))
            ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1, kpts=adapted_kptjs)
            ovlp = [lib.pack_tril(s) for s in ovlp]

        j3cR = [None] * nkptj
        j3cI = [None] * nkptj
        i0 = ao_loc[sh0]
        i1 = ao_loc[sh1]
        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            key = 'j3c-chunks/%d/%d' % (job_id, idx)
            v = fuse(numpy.asarray(fswap[key]))
            if aosym == 's2' and cell.dimension == 3:
                for i in numpy.where(vbar != 0)[0]:
                    v[i] -= vbar[i] * ovlp[k][i0*(i0+1)//2:i1*(i1+1)//2].ravel()
            j3cR[k] = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
            if v.dtype == numpy.complex128:
                j3cI[k] = numpy.asarray(v.imag, order='C')
            v = None

        ncol = j3cR[0].shape[1]
        Gblksize = max(16, int(max_memory*1e6/16/ncol/(nkptj+1)))  # +1 for pqkRbuf/pqkIbuf
        Gblksize = min(Gblksize, ngrids, 16384)
        pqkRbuf = numpy.empty(ncol*Gblksize)
        pqkIbuf = numpy.empty(ncol*Gblksize)
        buf = numpy.empty(nkptj*ncol*Gblksize, dtype=numpy.complex128)
        log.alldebug2('    blksize (%d,%d)', Gblksize, ncol)

        if aosym == 's2':
            shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, sh1)
            shls_slice = (sh0, sh1, 0, cell.nbas)
        for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, Gblksize):
            dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym, b,
                                        gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt,
                                        adapted_kptjs, out=buf)
            nG = p1 - p0
            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG,ncol)
                pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k], 1)
                lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k], 1)
                if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                    lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T,  1, j3cI[k], 1)

        for k, idx in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
            if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                v = j3cR[k]
                v = j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j
            if j2ctag == 'CD':
                v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c, v, lower=True, overwrite_b=True)
                fswap['j3c-chunks/%d/%d'%(job_id,idx)][:naux0] = v
                fswap['j3c-chunks/%d/%d'%(job_id,idx)][:naux0] = lib.dot(j2c, v)

            # low-dimension systems
            if j2c_negative is not None:
                fswap['j3c-/%d/%d'%(job_id,idx)] = lib.dot(j2c_negative, v)

    mpi_df._assemble(mydf, kptij_lst, j3c_jobs, gen_int3c, ft_fuse, cderi_file, fswap, log)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def aux_e1(cell, auxcell, erifile, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s2ij', comp=None,
           kptij_lst=None, dataname='eri_mo', shls_slice=None, max_memory=2000,
    r'''3-center AO integrals (L|ij) with double lattice sum:
    \sum_{lm} (L[0]|i[l]j[m]), where L is the auxiliary basis.
    Three-index integral tensor (kptij_idx, naux, nao_pair) or four-index
    integral tensor (kptij_idx, comp, naux, nao_pair) are stored on disk.

        kptij_lst : (*,2,3) array
            A list of (kpti, kptj)
    intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(cell._add_suffix(intor), comp)

    if isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
        feri = erifile
    elif h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
        feri = h5py.File(erifile)
        feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
    if dataname in feri:
    if dataname+'-kptij' in feri:

    if kptij_lst is None:
        kptij_lst = numpy.zeros((1,2,3))
    feri[dataname+'-kptij'] = kptij_lst

    if shls_slice is None:
        shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas)

    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr(auxcell.cart or 'ssc' in intor)[:shls_slice[5]+1]
    ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
    nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
    naux = aux_loc[shls_slice[5]] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]]
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)

    nii = (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]*(ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]+1)//2 -
    nij = ni * nj

    kpti = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptj = kptij_lst[:,1]
    aosym_ks2 = abs(kpti-kptj).sum(axis=1) < KPT_DIFF_TOL
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_ks2)
    #aosym_ks2 &= (aosym[:2] == 's2' and shls_slice[:2] == shls_slice[2:4])
    aosym_ks2 &= aosym[:2] == 's2'
    for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
        key = '%s/%d' % (dataname, k)
        if gamma_point(kptij):
            dtype = 'f8'
            dtype = 'c16'
        if aosym_ks2[k]:
            nao_pair = nii
            nao_pair = nij
        if comp == 1:
            shape = (naux,nao_pair)
            shape = (comp,naux,nao_pair)
        feri.create_dataset(key, shape, dtype)
    if naux == 0:
        return erifile

    if j_only and aosym[:2] == 's2':
        assert(shls_slice[2] == 0)
        nao_pair = nii
        nao_pair = nij

    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = numpy.double
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*1e6/16/(nkptij*ni*nj*comp)))
    auxdims = aux_loc[shls_slice[4]+1:shls_slice[5]+1] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]:shls_slice[5]]
    auxranges = balance_segs(auxdims, buflen)
    buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
    buf = numpy.empty(nkptij*comp*ni*nj*buflen, dtype=dtype)
    buf1 = numpy.empty(ni*nj*buflen, dtype=dtype)

    int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, auxcell, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst)

    naux0 = 0
    for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
        sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
        sub_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1],
                     shls_slice[2], shls_slice[3],
                     shls_slice[4]+sh0, shls_slice[4]+sh1)
        mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij,comp,nao_pair,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
        mat = int3c(sub_slice, mat)

        for k, kptij in enumerate(kptij_lst):
            h5dat = feri['%s/%d'%(dataname,k)]
            for icomp, v in enumerate(mat[k]):
                v = lib.transpose(v, out=buf1)
                if gamma_point(kptij):
                    v = v.real
                if aosym_ks2[k] and v.shape[1] == ni**2:
                    v = lib.pack_tril(v.reshape(-1,ni,ni))
                if comp == 1:
                    h5dat[naux0:naux0+nrow] = v
                    h5dat[icomp,naux0:naux0+nrow] = v
        naux0 += nrow

    if not isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
    return erifile
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _aux_e2(cell, auxcell, erifile, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s2ij', comp=None,
            kptij_lst=None, dataname='eri_mo', shls_slice=None, max_memory=2000,
    r'''3-center AO integrals (ij|L) with double lattice sum:
    \sum_{lm} (i[l]j[m]|L[0]), where L is the auxiliary basis.
    Three-index integral tensor (kptij_idx, nao_pair, naux) or four-index
    integral tensor (kptij_idx, comp, nao_pair, naux) are stored on disk.

    **This function should be only used by df and mdf initialization function

        kptij_lst : (*,2,3) array
            A list of (kpti, kptj)
    intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(cell._add_suffix(intor), comp)

    if isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
        feri = erifile
    elif h5py.is_hdf5(erifile):
        feri = h5py.File(erifile)
        feri = h5py.File(erifile, 'w')
    if dataname in feri:
    if dataname+'-kptij' in feri:

    if kptij_lst is None:
        kptij_lst = numpy.zeros((1,2,3))
    feri[dataname+'-kptij'] = kptij_lst

    if shls_slice is None:
        shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas)

    ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
    aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr(auxcell.cart or 'ssc' in intor)[:shls_slice[5]+1]
    ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
    nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
    naux = aux_loc[shls_slice[5]] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]]
    nkptij = len(kptij_lst)

    nii = (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]*(ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]+1)//2 -
    nij = ni * nj

    kpti = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptj = kptij_lst[:,1]
    aosym_ks2 = abs(kpti-kptj).sum(axis=1) < KPT_DIFF_TOL
    j_only = numpy.all(aosym_ks2)
    #aosym_ks2 &= (aosym[:2] == 's2' and shls_slice[:2] == shls_slice[2:4])
    aosym_ks2 &= aosym[:2] == 's2'

    if j_only and aosym[:2] == 's2':
        assert(shls_slice[2] == 0)
        nao_pair = nii
        nao_pair = nij

    if gamma_point(kptij_lst):
        dtype = numpy.double
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*.47e6/16/(nkptij*ni*nj*comp)))
    auxdims = aux_loc[shls_slice[4]+1:shls_slice[5]+1] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]:shls_slice[5]]
    auxranges = balance_segs(auxdims, buflen)
    buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges])
    buf = numpy.empty(nkptij*comp*ni*nj*buflen, dtype=dtype)
    buf1 = numpy.empty_like(buf)

    int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, auxcell, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst)

    kptis = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
# sorted_ij_idx: Sort and group the kptij_lst according to the ordering in
# df._make_j3c to reduce the data fragment in the hdf5 file.  When datasets
# are written to hdf5, they are saved sequentially. If the integral data are
# saved as the order of kptij_lst, removing the datasets in df._make_j3c will
# lead to holes that can not be reused.
    sorted_ij_idx = numpy.hstack([numpy.where(uniq_inverse == k)[0]
                                  for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts)])
    tril_idx = numpy.tril_indices(ni)
    tril_idx = tril_idx[0] * ni + tril_idx[1]
    def save(istep, mat):
        for k in sorted_ij_idx:
            v = mat[k]
            if gamma_point(kptij_lst[k]):
                v = v.real
            if aosym_ks2[k] and nao_pair == ni**2:
                v = v[:,tril_idx]
            feri['%s/%d/%d' % (dataname,k,istep)] = v

    with lib.call_in_background(save) as bsave:
        for istep, auxrange in enumerate(auxranges):
            sh0, sh1, nrow = auxrange
            sub_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1],
                         shls_slice[2], shls_slice[3],
                         shls_slice[4]+sh0, shls_slice[4]+sh1)
            mat = numpy.ndarray((nkptij,comp,nao_pair,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)
            bsave(istep, int3c(sub_slice, mat))
            buf, buf1 = buf1, buf

    if not isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group):
    return erifile