Ejemplo n.º 1
def eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt=None, deriv=0, relativity=0, bastart=0,
            bascount=None, non0tab=None, verbose=None):
    '''Collocate AO crystal orbitals (opt. gradients) on the real-space grid.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        coords : (nx*ny*nz, 3) ndarray
            The real-space grid point coordinates.

        kpt : (3,) ndarray
            The k-point corresponding to the crystal AO.
        deriv : int
            AO derivative order.  It affects the shape of the return array.
            If deriv=0, the returned AO values are stored in a (N,nao) array.
            Otherwise the AO values are stored in an array of shape (M,N,nao).
            Here N is the number of grids, nao is the number of AO functions,
            M is the size associated to the derivative deriv.

        aoR : ([4,] nx*ny*nz, nao=cell.nao_nr()) ndarray
            The value of the AO crystal orbitals on the real-space grid by default.
            If deriv=1, also contains the value of the orbitals gradient in the
            x, y, and z directions.  It can be either complex or float array,
            depending on the kpt argument.  If kpt is not given (gamma point),
            aoR is a float array.

    See Also:

    aoR = 0
    for L in tools.get_lattice_Ls(cell, cell.nimgs):
        if kpt is None:
            aoR += pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords-L, deriv, relativity,
                                            bastart, bascount,
                                            non0tab, verbose)
            factor = numpy.exp(1j*numpy.dot(kpt,L))
            aoR += pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords-L, deriv, relativity,
                                            bastart, bascount,
                                            non0tab, verbose) * factor

    if cell.ke_cutoff is not None:
        ke = 0.5*numpy.einsum('gi,gi->g', cell.Gv, cell.Gv)
        ke_mask = ke < cell.ke_cutoff

        aoG = numpy.zeros_like(aoR)
        for i in range(cell.nao_nr()):
            if deriv == 1:
                for c in range(4):
                    aoG[c][ke_mask, i] = tools.fft(aoR[c][:,i], cell.gs)[ke_mask]
                    aoR[c][:,i] = tools.ifft(aoG[c][:,i], cell.gs)
                aoG[ke_mask, i] = tools.fft(aoR[:,i], cell.gs)[ke_mask]
                aoR[:,i] = tools.ifft(aoG[:,i], cell.gs)

    return numpy.asarray(aoR)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _contract_compact(mydf, mos, coulG, max_memory):
    cell = mydf.cell
    moiT, mokT = mos
    nmoi, ngrids = moiT.shape
    nmok = mokT.shape[0]
    wcoulG = coulG * (cell.vol/ngrids)

    def fill_orbital_pair(moT, i0, i1, buf):
        npair = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
        out = numpy.ndarray((npair,ngrids), dtype=buf.dtype, buffer=buf)
        ij = 0
        for i in range(i0, i1):
            numpy.einsum('p,jp->jp', moT[i], moT[:i+1], out=out[ij:ij+i+1])
            ij += i + 1
        return out

    eri = numpy.empty((nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2,nmok*(nmok+1)//2))
    blksize = int(min(max(nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2, nmok*(nmok+1)//2),
                      (max_memory*1e6/8 - eri.size)/2/ngrids+1))
    buf = numpy.empty((blksize,ngrids))
    for p0, p1 in lib.prange_tril(0, nmoi, blksize):
        mo_pairs_G = tools.fft(fill_orbital_pair(moiT, p0, p1, buf), mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs_G*= wcoulG
        v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs_G, mydf.mesh)
        vR = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
        for q0, q1 in lib.prange_tril(0, nmok, blksize):
            mo_pairs = numpy.asarray(fill_orbital_pair(mokT, q0, q1, buf), order='C')
                q0*(q0+1)//2:q1*(q1+1)//2] = lib.ddot(vR, mo_pairs.T)
        v = None
    return eri
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, phase, max_memory):
    cell = mydf.cell
    moiT, mojT, mokT, molT = mos
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[0] for x in mos]
    ngrids = moiT.shape[1]
    wcoulG = coulG * (cell.vol/ngrids)
    dtype = numpy.result_type(phase, *mos)
    eri = numpy.empty((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=dtype)

    blksize = int(min(max(nmoi,nmok), (max_memory*1e6/16 - eri.size)/2/ngrids/max(nmoj,nmol)+1))
    assert blksize > 0
    buf0 = numpy.empty((blksize,max(nmoj,nmol),ngrids), dtype=dtype)
    buf1 = numpy.ndarray((blksize,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf0)
    buf2 = numpy.ndarray((blksize,nmol,ngrids), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf0)
    for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmoi, blksize):
        mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', moiT[p0:p1].conj()*phase,
                                mojT, out=buf1[:p1-p0])
        mo_pairs_G = tools.fft(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs = None
        mo_pairs_G*= wcoulG
        v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs_G, mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs_G = None
        v *= phase.conj()
        if dtype == numpy.double:
            v = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
        for q0, q1 in lib.prange(0, nmok, blksize):
            mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', mokT[q0:q1].conj(),
                                    molT, out=buf2[:q1-q0])
            eri[p0*nmoj:p1*nmoj,q0*nmol:q1*nmol] = lib.dot(v, mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids).T)
        v = None
    return eri
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_fft(self):
        n = 31
        a = numpy.random.random([2,n,n,n])
        ref = numpy.fft.fftn(a, axes=(1,2,3)).ravel()
        v = tools.fft(a, [n,n,n]).ravel()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ref-v).max(), 0, 10)

        a = numpy.random.random([2,n,n,8])
        ref = numpy.fft.fftn(a, axes=(1,2,3)).ravel()
        v = tools.fft(a, [n,n,8]).ravel()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ref-v).max(), 0, 10)

        a = numpy.random.random([2,8,n,8])
        ref = numpy.fft.fftn(a, axes=(1,2,3)).ravel()
        v = tools.fft(a, [8,n,8]).ravel()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(ref-v).max(), 0, 10)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_mo_pairs_G(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), q=None,
                   compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_mo_pairs_compact', False)):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all MO pairs.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G : (ngrids, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFT of the real-space MO pairs.
    if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2,3))
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh)
    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    ngrids = len(coords)

    def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
        if id(aoi) == id(aoj) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moi = moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoi.T), order='C')
            moi = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoi.T), order='C')
            moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aoj.T), order='C')
        mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nmoi):
            mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moi[i].conj() * moj, mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T
        return mo_pairs_G

    if gamma_point(kpts):  # gamma point, real
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        if compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            mo = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, ao.T), order='C')
            npair = nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2
            mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
            ij = 0
            for i in range(nmoi):
                mo_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(mo[i].conj() * mo[:i+1], mydf.mesh)
                ij += i + 1
            mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.T
            mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao)

    elif is_zero(kpts[0]-kpts[1]):
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao)

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoi, aoj, fac)

    return mo_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_mo_pairs_G(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), compact=False):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all MO pairs.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G : (ngs, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFT of the real-space MO pairs.
    if kpts is None: kpts = mydf.kpts
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell, mydf.gs)
    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    ngs = len(coords)

    def trans(aoiR, aojR, fac=1):
        if id(aoiR) == id(aojR) and ao2mo.incore.iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moiR = mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoiR.T), order='C')
            moiR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoiR.T), order='C')
            mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aojR.T), order='C')
        mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nmoi):
            mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moiR[i].conj() * mojR, mydf.gs)
        mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngs).T
        return mo_pairs_G

    if abs(kpts).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma point, real
        aoR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        if compact and ao2mo.incore.iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoR.T), order='C')
            npair = nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2
            mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
            ij = 0
            for i in range(nmoi):
                mo_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(moR[i].conj() * moR[:i+1], mydf.gs)
                ij += i + 1
            mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.T
            mo_pairs_G = trans(aoR, aoR)

    elif abs(kpts[0]-kpts[1]).sum() < 1e-9:
        aoR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoR, aoR)

        aoiR, aojR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
        q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoiR, aojR, fac)

    return mo_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_ft_ao(self):
     coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
     aoR = pdft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
     ngs, nao = aoR.shape
     ref = numpy.asarray([tools.fft(aoR[:,i], cell.gs) for i in range(nao)])
     ref = ref.T * (cell.vol/ngs)
     dat = ft_ao.ft_ao(cell, cell.Gv)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0]-dat[:,0])  , 8.4358614794095722e-11, 9)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,1]-dat[:,1])  , 0.0041669297531642616 , 4)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:]-dat[:,2:]), 5.8677286005879366e-14, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_vjR(cell, dm, aoR):
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell)

    rhoR = numint.eval_rho(cell, aoR, dm)
    rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR, cell.gs)

    vG = coulG*rhoG
    vR = tools.ifft(vG, cell.gs)
    if rhoR.dtype == np.double:
        vR = vR.real
    return vR
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def trans(aoiR, aojR, fac=1):
     if id(aoiR) == id(aojR):
         aoiR = aojR = numpy.asarray(aoiR.T, order='C')
         aoiR = numpy.asarray(aoiR.T, order='C')
         aojR = numpy.asarray(aojR.T, order='C')
     ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nao,nao,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
     for i in range(nao):
         ao_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * aoiR[i].conj() * aojR, mydf.gs)
     ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngs).T
     return ao_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def trans(aoiR, aojR, fac=1):
     if id(aoiR) == id(aojR) and ao2mo.incore.iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
         moiR = mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoiR.T), order='C')
         moiR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoiR.T), order='C')
         mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aojR.T), order='C')
     mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
     for i in range(nmoi):
         mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moiR[i].conj() * mojR, mydf.gs)
     mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngs).T
     return mo_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
     if id(aoi) == id(aoj) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
         moi = moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoi.T), order='C')
         moi = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoi.T), order='C')
         moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aoj.T), order='C')
     mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
     for i in range(nmoi):
         mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moi[i].conj() * moj, mydf.mesh)
     mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T
     return mo_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_j_kpts(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi=1, kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)), kpt_band=None):
    """Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix at sampled k-points.

        dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or a list of (nkpts,nao,nao) ndarray
            Density matrix at each k-point.  If a list of k-point DMs, eg,
            UHF alpha and beta DM, the alpha and beta DMs are contracted
        kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray

        kpt_band : (3,) ndarray
            An arbitrary "band" k-point at which to evalute the matrix.

        vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        or list of vj if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
    cell = mydf.cell
    gs = mydf.gs

    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order="C")
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, gs=gs)
    ngs = len(coulG)

    vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngs))
    for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts):
        for i in range(nset):
            rhoR[i] += numint.eval_rho(cell, aoR, dms[i, k])
    for i in range(nset):
        rhoR[i] *= 1.0 / nkpts
        rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], gs)
        vG = coulG * rhoG
        vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, gs).real

    if kpt_band is not None:
        for k, aoR_kband in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts, kpt_band):
        vj_kpts = [cell.vol / ngs * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj() * vR[i], aoR_kband) for i in range(nset)]
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:  # One set of dm_kpts for KRHF
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
        vj_kpts = []
        weight = cell.vol / ngs
        for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts):
            for i in range(nset):
                vj_kpts.append(weight * lib.dot(aoR.T.conj() * vR[i], aoR))
        vj_kpts = lib.asarray(vj_kpts).reshape(nkpts, nset, nao, nao)
        return vj_kpts.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
     if id(aoi) == id(aoj):
         aoi = aoj = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C')
         aoi = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C')
         aoj = numpy.asarray(aoj.T, order='C')
     ni = aoi.shape[0]
     nj = aoj.shape[0]
     ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((ni,nj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
     for i in range(ni):
         ao_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * aoi[i].conj() * aoj, mydf.mesh)
     ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T
     return ao_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_vjR_kpts(cell, dm_kpts, aoR_kpts):
    nkpts = len(aoR_kpts)
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell)

    rhoR = 0
    for k in range(nkpts):
        rhoR += 1./nkpts*numint.eval_rho(cell, aoR_kpts[k], dm_kpts[k])
    rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR, cell.gs)

    vG = coulG*rhoG
    vR = tools.ifft(vG, cell.gs)
    if rhoR.dtype == np.double:
        vR = vR.real
    return vR
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), compact=False):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all AO pairs.

        ao_pairs_G : 2D complex array
            For gamma point, the shape is (ngs, nao*(nao+1)/2); otherwise the
            shape is (ngs, nao*nao)
    if kpts is None: kpts = mydf.kpts
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell, mydf.gs)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    ngs = len(coords)

    def trans(aoiR, aojR, fac=1):
        if id(aoiR) == id(aojR):
            aoiR = aojR = numpy.asarray(aoiR.T, order='C')
            aoiR = numpy.asarray(aoiR.T, order='C')
            aojR = numpy.asarray(aojR.T, order='C')
        ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nao,nao,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nao):
            ao_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * aoiR[i].conj() * aojR, mydf.gs)
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngs).T
        return ao_pairs_G

    if compact and abs(kpts).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma point
        aoR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        aoR = numpy.asarray(aoR.T, order='C')
        npair = nao*(nao+1)//2
        ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        ij = 0
        for i in range(nao):
            ao_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(aoR[i] * aoR[:i+1], mydf.gs)
            ij += i + 1
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.T

    elif abs(kpts[0]-kpts[1]).sum() < 1e-9:
        aoR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        ao_pairs_G = trans(aoR, aoR)

        aoiR, aojR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:2])
        q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        ao_pairs_G = trans(aoiR, aojR, fac)

    return ao_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_ao_pairs_G(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) and "inverse" (ij|G) FFT of all AO pairs.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG : (ngs, nao*(nao+1)/2) ndarray
            The FFTs of the real-space AO pairs.

    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt) # shape = (coords, nao)
    ngs, nao = aoR.shape
    gamma_point = abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9
    if gamma_point:
        npair = nao*(nao+1)//2
        ao_pairs_G = np.empty([ngs, npair], np.complex128)

        ij = 0
        for i in range(nao):
            for j in range(i+1):
                ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:,i]) * aoR[:,j]
                ao_pairs_G[:,ij] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.gs)
                #ao_pairs_invG[:,ij] = ngs*tools.ifft(ao_ij_R, cell.gs)
                ij += 1
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.conj()
        ao_pairs_G = np.zeros([ngs, nao,nao], np.complex128)
        for i in range(nao):
            for j in range(nao):
                ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:,i]) * aoR[:,j]
                ao_pairs_G[:,i,j] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.gs)
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.transpose(0,2,1).conj().reshape(-1,nao**2)
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,nao**2)
    return ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: hf.py Proyecto: ncrubin/pyscf
def get_vjR_(cell, aoR, dm):
    '''Get the real-space Hartree potential of the given density matrix.

        vR : (ngs,) ndarray
            The real-space Hartree potential at every grid point.
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell)

    rhoR = pyscf.pbc.dft.numint.eval_rho(cell, aoR, dm)
    rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR, cell.gs)

    vG = coulG*rhoG
    vR = tools.ifft(vG, cell.gs)
    return vR
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_ft_aoao(self):
     coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
     aoR = pdft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
     ngs, nao = aoR.shape
     ref = numpy.asarray([tools.fft(aoR[:,i].conj()*aoR[:,j], cell.gs)
                          for i in range(nao) for j in range(nao)])
     ref = ref.reshape(nao,nao,-1).transpose(2,0,1) * (cell.vol/ngs)
     dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv, aosym='s1hermi')
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0,0]-dat[:,0,0])    , 1.869103994619606e-06 , 7)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,1,1]-dat[:,1,1])    , 0.02315483195832373   , 4)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:,2:]-dat[:,2:,2:]), 5.4648896424693173e-14, 9)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0,2:]-dat[:,0,2:])  , 4.0352047774658308e-11, 9)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:,0]-dat[:,2:,0])  , 4.0352047774658308e-11, 9)
     idx = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
     ref = dat[:,idx[0],idx[1]]
     dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv, aosym='s2')
     self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(dat-ref).sum(), 0, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: khf.py Proyecto: ncrubin/pyscf
def get_vjR_(cell, dm_kpts, aoR_kpts):
    '''Get the real-space Hartree potential of the k-point sampled density matrix.

        vR : (ngs,) ndarray
            The real-space Hartree potential at every grid point.
    nkpts, ngs, nao = aoR_kpts.shape
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell)

    rhoR = np.zeros(ngs)
    for k in range(nkpts):
        rhoR += 1./nkpts*pyscf.pbc.dft.numint.eval_rho(cell, aoR_kpts[k,:,:], dm_kpts[k,:,:])
    rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR, cell.gs)

    vG = coulG*rhoG
    vR = tools.ifft(vG, cell.gs)
    return vR
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: khf.py Proyecto: ncrubin/pyscf
 def precompute_exx(self):
     print "# Precomputing Wigner-Seitz EXX kernel"
     from pyscf.pbc import gto as pbcgto
     Nk = tools.get_monkhorst_pack_size(self.cell, self.kpts)
     print "# Nk =", Nk
     kcell = pbcgto.Cell()
     kcell.atom = 'H 0. 0. 0.'
     kcell.spin = 1
     kcell.unit = 'B'
     kcell.h = self.cell._h * Nk
     Lc = 1.0/np.linalg.norm(np.linalg.inv(kcell.h.T), axis=0)
     print "# Lc =", Lc
     Rin = Lc.min() / 2.0
     print "# Rin =", Rin
     # ASE:
     alpha = 5./Rin # sqrt(-ln eps) / Rc, eps ~ 10^{-11}
     kcell.gs = np.array([2*int(L*alpha*3.0) for L in Lc])
     # QE:
     #alpha = 3./Rin * np.sqrt(0.5)
     #kcell.gs = (4*alpha*np.linalg.norm(kcell.h,axis=0)).astype(int)
     print "# kcell.gs FFT =", kcell.gs
     vR = tools.ifft( tools.get_coulG(kcell), kcell.gs )
     kngs = len(vR)
     print "# kcell kngs =", kngs
     rs = pyscf.pbc.dft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(kcell)
     corners = np.dot(np.indices((2,2,2)).reshape((3,8)).T, kcell._h.T)
     for i, rv in enumerate(rs):
         # Minimum image convention to corners of kcell parallelepiped
         r = np.linalg.norm(rv-corners, axis=1).min()
         if np.isclose(r, 0.):
             vR[i] = 2*alpha / np.sqrt(np.pi)
             vR[i] = scipy.special.erf(alpha*r) / r
     vG = (kcell.vol/kngs) * tools.fft(vR, kcell.gs)
     self.exx_alpha = alpha
     self.exx_kcell = kcell
     self.exx_q = kcell.Gv
     self.exx_vq = vG
     self.exx_built = True
     print "# Finished precomputing"
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _fft_quad_integrals(mydf, dm, efg_nuc):
    # Use FFTDF to compute the integrals of quadrupole operator 
    # (3 \vec{r} \vec{r} - r^2) / r^5
    cell = mydf.cell
    if cell.dimension != 3:
        raise NotImplementedError

    mesh = mydf.mesh
    kpts = mydf.kpts
    kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1,3))
    nkpts = len(kpts_lst)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    dm_kpts = dm.reshape((nkpts,nao,nao), order='C')

    ni = mydf._numint
    hermi = 1
    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(cell, dm_kpts, hermi)
    ngrids = numpy.prod(mesh)
    rhoR = numpy.zeros(ngrids)
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_lst):
        ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
        rhoR[p0:p1] += make_rho(0, ao_ks, mask, 'LDA')
        ao = ao_ks = None
    rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR, mesh)

    Gv = cell.get_Gv(mesh)
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh, Gv=Gv)
    GG = numpy.einsum('gx,gy->gxy', Gv, Gv)
    absG2 = numpy.einsum('gxx->g', GG)

    # Corresponding to FC term, that makes the tensor traceless
    idx = numpy.arange(3)
    GG[:,idx,idx] -= 1./3 * absG2[:,None]

    vG = 1./ngrids * numpy.einsum('g,g,gxy->gxy', rhoG, coulG, GG)
    SI = cell.get_SI(Gv)
    efg_e = lib.einsum('zg,gxy->zxy', SI[efg_nuc], vG.conj()).real
    return efg_e
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_k_kpts(mydf,
               kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)),
    '''Get the Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) AO matrices at sampled k-points.

        dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
            Density matrix at each k-point
        kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray

        hermi : int
            Whether K matrix is hermitian

            | 0 : not hermitian and not symmetric
            | 1 : hermitian

        kpts_band : (3,) ndarray or (*,3) ndarray
            A list of arbitrary "band" k-points at which to evalute the matrix.

        vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        vk : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        or list of vj and vk if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    low_dim_ft_type = mydf.low_dim_ft_type
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mesh)
    ngrids = coords.shape[0]

    if hasattr(dm_kpts, 'mo_coeff'):
        mo_coeff = dm_kpts.mo_coeff
        mo_occ = dm_kpts.mo_occ
        mo_coeff = None

    kpts = np.asarray(kpts)
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    weight = 1. / nkpts * (cell.vol / ngrids)

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)

    if gamma_point(kpts_band) and gamma_point(kpts):
        vk_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=dms.dtype)
        vk_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)

    coords = mydf.grids.coords
    ao2_kpts = [
        np.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
        for ao in mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts)
    if input_band is None:
        ao1_kpts = ao2_kpts
        ao1_kpts = [
            np.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
            for ao in mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts_band)
    if mo_coeff is not None and nset == 1:
        mo_coeff = [
            mo_coeff[k][:, occ > 0] * np.sqrt(occ[occ > 0])
            for k, occ in enumerate(mo_occ)
        ao2_kpts = [np.dot(mo_coeff[k].T, ao) for k, ao in enumerate(ao2_kpts)]

    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = mydf.max_memory - mem_now
    blksize = int(
        min(nao, max(1, (max_memory - mem_now) * 1e6 / 16 / 4 / ngrids / nao)))
    lib.logger.debug1(mydf, 'fft_jk: get_k_kpts max_memory %s  blksize %d',
                      max_memory, blksize)
    ao1_dtype = np.result_type(*ao1_kpts)
    ao2_dtype = np.result_type(*ao2_kpts)
    vR_dm = np.empty((nset, nao, ngrids), dtype=vk_kpts.dtype)

    t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    for k2, ao2T in enumerate(ao2_kpts):
        if ao2T.size == 0:

        kpt2 = kpts[k2]
        naoj = ao2T.shape[0]
        if mo_coeff is None or nset > 1:
            ao_dms = [lib.dot(dms[i, k2], ao2T.conj()) for i in range(nset)]
            ao_dms = [ao2T.conj()]

        for k1, ao1T in enumerate(ao1_kpts):
            kpt1 = kpts_band[k1]

            # If we have an ewald exxdiv, we add the G=0 correction near the
            # end of the function to bypass any discretization errors
            # that arise from the FFT.
            mydf.exxdiv = exxdiv
            if exxdiv == 'ewald' or exxdiv is None:
                coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell,
                                        kpt2 - kpt1,
                coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell,
                                        kpt2 - kpt1,
            if is_zero(kpt1 - kpt2):
                expmikr = np.array(1.)
                expmikr = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt2 - kpt1))

            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nao, blksize):
                rho1 = np.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', ao1T[p0:p1].conj() * expmikr,
                vG = tools.fft(rho1.reshape(-1, ngrids), mesh)
                rho1 = None
                vG *= coulG
                vR = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).reshape(p1 - p0, naoj, ngrids)
                vG = None
                if vR_dm.dtype == np.double:
                    vR = vR.real
                for i in range(nset):
                    np.einsum('ijg,jg->ig', vR, ao_dms[i], out=vR_dm[i, p0:p1])
                vR = None
            vR_dm *= expmikr.conj()

            for i in range(nset):
                vk_kpts[i, k1] += weight * lib.dot(vR_dm[i], ao1T.T)
        t1 = lib.logger.timer_debug1(mydf, 'get_k_kpts: make_kpt (%d,*)' % k2,

    # Function _ewald_exxdiv_for_G0 to add back in the G=0 component to vk_kpts
    # Note in the _ewald_exxdiv_G0 implementation, the G=0 treatments are
    # different for 1D/2D and 3D systems.  The special treatments for 1D and 2D
    # can only be used with AFTDF/GDF/MDF method.  In the FFTDF method, 1D, 2D
    # and 3D should use the ewald probe charge correction.
    if exxdiv == 'ewald':
        _ewald_exxdiv_3d(cell, kpts, dms, vk_kpts, kpts_band=kpts_band)

    return _format_jks(vk_kpts, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), q=None, shls_slice=None,
                   compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao_pairs_compact', False)):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all AO pairs.

        ao_pairs_G : 2D complex array
            For gamma point, the shape is (ngrids, nao*(nao+1)/2); otherwise the
            shape is (ngrids, nao*nao)
    if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2,3))
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh)
    ngrids = len(coords)

    if shls_slice is None:
        i0, i1 = j0, j1 = (0, cell.nao_nr())
        ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1 = shls_slice
        ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
        i0 = ao_loc[ish0]
        i1 = ao_loc[ish1]
        j0 = ao_loc[jsh0]
        j1 = ao_loc[jsh1]

    def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
        if id(aoi) == id(aoj):
            aoi = aoj = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C')
            aoi = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C')
            aoj = numpy.asarray(aoj.T, order='C')
        ni = aoi.shape[0]
        nj = aoj.shape[0]
        ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((ni,nj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(ni):
            ao_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * aoi[i].conj() * aoj, mydf.mesh)
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T
        return ao_pairs_G

    if compact and gamma_point(kpts):  # gamma point
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        ao = numpy.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
        npair = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
        ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        ij = 0
        for i in range(i0, i1):
            ao_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(ao[i] * ao[:i+1], mydf.mesh)
            ij += i + 1
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.T

    elif is_zero(kpts[0]-kpts[1]):
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        ao_pairs_G = trans(ao[:,i0:i1], ao[:,j0:j1])

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:2])
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        ao_pairs_G = trans(aoi[:,i0:i1], aoj[:,j0:j1], fac)

    return ao_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_k_kpts_occ(mydf,
                   kpts=numpy.zeros((1, 3)),

    mydf = _sync_mydf(mydf)
    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mesh)
    ngrids = coords.shape[0]

    if hasattr(dm_kpts, 'mo_coeff'):
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:  # KRHF
            mo_coeff = [dm_kpts.mo_coeff]
            mo_occ = [dm_kpts.mo_occ]
        else:  # KUHF
            mo_coeff = dm_kpts.mo_coeff
            mo_occ = dm_kpts.mo_occ
    elif hasattr(dm_kpts[0], 'mo_coeff'):
        mo_coeff = [dm.mo_coeff for dm in dm_kpts]
        mo_occ = [dm.mo_occ for dm in dm_kpts]
        mo_coeff = None

    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    weight = 1. / nkpts * (cell.vol / ngrids)

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)

    if gamma_point(kpts_band) and gamma_point(kpts):
        vk_kpts = numpy.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=dms.dtype)
        vk_kpts = numpy.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=numpy.complex128)

    coords = mydf.grids.coords
    ao2_kpts = [
        numpy.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
        for ao in mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts)
    if input_band is None:
        ao1_kpts = ao2_kpts
        ao1_kpts = [
            numpy.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
            for ao in mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts_band)
    # occ
    if mo_coeff is None:
        return _format_jks(vk_kpts, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
    # occ
    if gamma_point(kpts_band) and gamma_point(kpts):
        for i in range(nset):
            occ = mo_occ[i][0]
            kiv = numpy.zeros(
                (nset, nband, mo_coeff[i][0][:, occ > 0].shape[1], nao),
        kiv = [[] * nset]
        for i in range(nset):
            for k1 in range(nband):
                occ = mo_occ[i][k1]
                    numpy.zeros((mo_coeff[i][k1][:, occ > 0].shape[1], nao),

    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = mydf.max_memory - mem_now
    blksize = int(
        min(nao, max(1, (max_memory - mem_now) * 1e6 / 16 / 4 / ngrids / nao)))
    lib.logger.debug1(mydf, 'max_memory %s  blksize %d', max_memory, blksize)
    ao1_dtype = numpy.result_type(*ao1_kpts)
    ao2_dtype = numpy.result_type(*ao2_kpts)
    vR_dm = numpy.empty((nset, nao, ngrids), dtype=vk_kpts.dtype)

    ao_dms_buf = [None] * nkpts
    # occ
    ao3T_buf = [None] * nkpts

    tasks = [(k1, k2) for k2 in range(nkpts) for k1 in range(nband)]
    for k1, k2 in mpi.static_partition(tasks):
        ao1T = ao1_kpts[k1]
        ao2T = ao2_kpts[k2]
        kpt1 = kpts_band[k1]
        kpt2 = kpts[k2]
        if ao2T.size == 0 or ao1T.size == 0:

        # If we have an ewald exxdiv, we add the G=0 correction near the
        # end of the function to bypass any discretization errors
        # that arise from the FFT.
        mydf.exxdiv = exxdiv
        if exxdiv == 'ewald' or exxdiv is None:
            coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kpt2 - kpt1, False, mydf, mesh)
            coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kpt2 - kpt1, True, mydf, mesh)
        if is_zero(kpt1 - kpt2):
            expmikr = numpy.array(1.)
            expmikr = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, kpt2 - kpt1))

        if ao_dms_buf[k2] is None:
            if mo_coeff is None:
                ao_dms = [lib.dot(dm[k2], ao2T.conj()) for dm in dms]
                ao_dms = []
                for i, dm in enumerate(dms):
                    occ = mo_occ[i][k2]
                    mo_scaled = mo_coeff[i][k2][:, occ > 0] * numpy.sqrt(
                        occ[occ > 0])
                    ao_dms.append(lib.dot(mo_scaled.T, ao2T).conj())
            ao_dms_buf[k2] = ao_dms
            ao_dms = ao_dms_buf[k2]

        if ao3T_buf[k1] is None:
            if mo_coeff is not None:
                ao3T = []
                for i, dm in enumerate(dms):
                    occ = mo_occ[i][k1]
                    mo_scaled = mo_coeff[i][k1][:, occ > 0]
                    ao3T.append(lib.dot(mo_scaled.T, ao1T))
            ao3T_buf[k1] = ao3T
            ao3T = ao3T_buf[k1]

        if mo_coeff is None:
            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nao, blksize):
                rho1 = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', ao1T[p0:p1].conj() * expmikr,
                vG = tools.fft(rho1.reshape(-1, ngrids), mesh)
                rho1 = None
                vG *= coulG
                vR = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).reshape(p1 - p0, nao, ngrids)
                vG = None
                if vR_dm.dtype == numpy.double:
                    vR = vR.real
                for i in range(nset):
                                 out=vR_dm[i, p0:p1])
                vR = None
            for i in range(nset):
                for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ao3T[i].shape[0], blksize):

                    rho1 = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg',
                                        ao3T[i][p0:p1].conj() * expmikr,
                    vG = tools.fft(rho1.reshape(-1, ngrids), mesh)
                    rho1 = None
                    vG *= coulG
                    vR = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).reshape(p1 - p0, -1, ngrids)
                    vG = None
                    if vR_dm.dtype == numpy.double:
                        vR = vR.real
                                 out=vR_dm[i, p0:p1])
                    vR = None
        vR_dm *= expmikr.conj()

        for i in range(nset):
            kiv[i][k1] += weight * lib.dot(
                vR_dm[i, 0:mo_coeff[i][k1][:, mo_occ[i][k1] > 0].shape[1]],
    kiv = mpi.reduce(lib.asarray(kiv))
    if rank == 0:
        for i in range(nset):
            for k1 in range(nband):
                kij = lib.einsum('ui,ju->ij',
                                 mo_coeff[i][k1][:, mo_occ[i][k1] > 0],
                kr = scipy.linalg.solve(kij.conj(), kiv[i][k1])
                vk_kpts[i, k1] = lib.dot(kiv[i][k1].T.conj(), kr)

    if gamma_point(kpts_band) and gamma_point(kpts):
        vk_kpts = vk_kpts.real

    if rank == 0:
        if exxdiv == 'ewald':
            _ewald_exxdiv_for_G0(cell, kpts, dms, vk_kpts, kpts_band=kpts_band)
        return _format_jks(vk_kpts, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    cell.a = numpy.diag([L, L, L])
    cell.mesh = numpy.array([n, n, n])

    cell.atom = '''C    1.3    .2       .3
                   C     .1    .1      1.1
    cell.basis = 'ccpvdz'
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, .1, .6), (1.0,.8, .4)], [1, (1.1, 1)]]}
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, 1)]]}
    cell.unit = 'B'
    #cell.verbose = 4
    cell.build(0, 0)
    #cell.nimgs = (2,2,2)

    ao2 = ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    coords = pyscf.pbc.dft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = cell.pbc_eval_gto('GTOval', coords)
    aoR2 = numpy.einsum('ki,kj->kij', aoR.conj(), aoR)
    ngrids = aoR.shape[0]

    for i in range(nao):
        for j in range(nao):
            ao2ref = tools.fft(aoR2[:, i, j], cell.mesh) * cell.vol / ngrids
            print(i, j, numpy.linalg.norm(ao2ref - ao2[:, i, j]))

    aoG = ft_ao(cell, cell.Gv)
    for i in range(nao):
        aoref = tools.fft(aoR[:, i], cell.mesh) * cell.vol / ngrids
        print(i, numpy.linalg.norm(aoref - aoG[:, i]))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def get_j_e1_kpts(mydf, dm_kpts, kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)), kpts_band=None):
    '''Derivatives of Coulomb (J) AO matrix at sampled k-points.

    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh

    ni = mydf._numint
    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(cell, dm_kpts, hermi=1)
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh)
    ngrids = len(coulG)

    if gamma_point(kpts):
        vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngrids))
        for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts):
            ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
            for i in range(nset):
                rhoR[i, p0:p1] += make_rho(i, ao_ks, mask, 'LDA')
            ao = ao_ks = None

        for i in range(nset):
            rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], mesh)
            vG = coulG * rhoG
            vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).real

    else:  # vR may be complex if the underlying density is complex
        vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngrids), dtype=np.complex128)
        for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts):
            ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
            for i in range(nset):
                for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
                    ao_dm = lib.dot(ao, dms[i, k])
                    rhoR[i, p0:p1] += np.einsum('xi,xi->x', ao_dm, ao.conj())
        rhoR *= 1. / nkpts

        for i in range(nset):
            rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], mesh)
            vG = coulG * rhoG
            vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, mesh)

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)
    weight = cell.vol / ngrids
    vR *= weight
    if gamma_point(kpts_band):
        vj_kpts = np.zeros((3, nset, nband, nao, nao))
        vj_kpts = np.zeros((3, nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_band, deriv=1):
        ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
        for i in range(nset):
            # ni.eval_mat can handle real vR only
            # vj_kpts[i] += ni.eval_mat(cell, ao_ks, 1., None, vR[i,p0:p1], mask, 'LDA')
            for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
                aow = np.einsum('xi,x->xi', ao[0], vR[i, p0:p1])
                vj_kpts[:, i, k] -= lib.einsum('axi,xj->aij', ao[1:].conj(),

    vj_kpts = np.asarray(
        [_format_jks(vj, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts) for vj in vj_kpts])

    return vj_kpts
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_k_e1_kpts(mydf,
                  kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)),
    '''Derivatives of exchange (K) AO matrix at sampled k-points.

    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mesh)
    ngrids = coords.shape[0]

    if getattr(dm_kpts, 'mo_coeff', None) is not None:
        mo_coeff = dm_kpts.mo_coeff
        mo_occ = dm_kpts.mo_occ
        mo_coeff = None

    kpts = np.asarray(kpts)
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    weight = 1. / nkpts * (cell.vol / ngrids)

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)

    if gamma_point(kpts_band) and gamma_point(kpts):
        vk_kpts = np.zeros((3, nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=dms.dtype)
        vk_kpts = np.zeros((3, nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)

    coords = mydf.grids.coords

    if input_band is None:
        ao2_kpts = [
            np.asarray(ao.transpose(0, 2, 1), order='C')
            for ao in mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts, deriv=1)
        ao1_kpts = ao2_kpts
        ao2_kpts = [ao2_kpt[0] for ao2_kpt in ao2_kpts]
        ao2_kpts = [
            np.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
            for ao in mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts)
        ao1_kpts = [
            np.asarray(ao.transpose(0, 2, 1), order='C') for ao in
            mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts=kpts_band, deriv=1)

    if mo_coeff is not None and nset == 1:
        mo_coeff = [
            mo_coeff[k][:, occ > 0] * np.sqrt(occ[occ > 0])
            for k, occ in enumerate(mo_occ)
        ao2_kpts = [np.dot(mo_coeff[k].T, ao) for k, ao in enumerate(ao2_kpts)]

    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = mydf.max_memory - mem_now
    blksize = int(
            max(1, (max_memory - mem_now) * 1e6 / 16 / 4 / 3 / ngrids / nao)))
    lib.logger.debug1(mydf, 'fft_jk: get_k_kpts max_memory %s  blksize %d',
                      max_memory, blksize)

    vR_dm = np.empty((3, nset, nao, ngrids), dtype=vk_kpts.dtype)

    t1 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    for k2, ao2T in enumerate(ao2_kpts):
        if ao2T.size == 0:

        kpt2 = kpts[k2]
        naoj = ao2T.shape[0]
        if mo_coeff is None or nset > 1:
            ao_dms = [lib.dot(dms[i, k2], ao2T.conj()) for i in range(nset)]
            ao_dms = [ao2T.conj()]

        for k1, ao1T in enumerate(ao1_kpts):
            kpt1 = kpts_band[k1]

            # If we have an ewald exxdiv, we add the G=0 correction near the
            # end of the function to bypass any discretization errors
            # that arise from the FFT.
            mydf.exxdiv = exxdiv
            if exxdiv == 'ewald' or exxdiv is None:
                coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kpt2 - kpt1, False, mydf, mesh)
                coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kpt2 - kpt1, True, mydf, mesh)
            if is_zero(kpt1 - kpt2):
                expmikr = np.array(1.)
                expmikr = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt2 - kpt1))

            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nao, blksize):
                rho1 = np.einsum('aig,jg->aijg',
                                 ao1T[1:, p0:p1].conj() * expmikr, ao2T)
                vG = tools.fft(rho1.reshape(-1, ngrids), mesh)
                rho1 = None
                vG *= coulG
                vR = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).reshape(3, p1 - p0, naoj, ngrids)
                vG = None
                if vR_dm.dtype == np.double:
                    vR = vR.real
                for i in range(nset):
                              out=vR_dm[:, i, p0:p1])
                vR = None
            vR_dm *= expmikr.conj()

            for i in range(nset):
                vk_kpts[:, i, k1] -= weight * np.einsum(
                    'aig,jg->aij', vR_dm[:, i], ao1T[0])
        t1 = lib.logger.timer_debug1(mydf, 'get_k_kpts: make_kpt (%d,*)' % k2,

    # Ewald correction has no contribution to nuclear gradient unless range separted Coulomb is used
    # The gradient correction part is not added in the vk matrix
    if exxdiv == 'ewald' and cell.omega != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError("Range Separated Coulomb")
        # when cell.omega !=0: madelung constant will have a non-zero derivative
    vk_kpts = np.asarray(
        [_format_jks(vk, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts) for vk in vk_kpts])
    return vk_kpts
Ejemplo n.º 28
def get_k_kpts(mydf,
               kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)),
    '''Get the Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) AO matrices at sampled k-points.

        dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
            Density matrix at each k-point
        kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray

        kpts_band : (3,) ndarray or (*,3) ndarray
            A list of arbitrary "band" k-points at which to evalute the matrix.

        vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        vk : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        or list of vj and vk if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
    cell = mydf.cell
    gs = mydf.gs
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(gs)
    ngs = coords.shape[0]

    if hasattr(dm_kpts, 'mo_coeff'):
        mo_coeff = dm_kpts.mo_coeff
        mo_occ = dm_kpts.mo_occ
        mo_coeff = None

    kpts = np.asarray(kpts)
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    weight = 1. / nkpts * (cell.vol / ngs)

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)

    if gamma_point(kpts_band) and gamma_point(kpts):
        vk_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=dms.dtype)
        vk_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)

    ao2_kpts = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts, non0tab=mydf.non0tab)
    ao2_kpts = [np.asarray(ao.T, order='C') for ao in ao2_kpts]
    if input_band is None:
        ao1_kpts = ao2_kpts
        ao1_kpts = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell,
        ao1_kpts = [np.asarray(ao.T, order='C') for ao in ao1_kpts]
    if mo_coeff is not None and nset == 1:
        mo_coeff = [
            mo_coeff[k][:, occ > 0] * np.sqrt(occ[occ > 0])
            for k, occ in enumerate(mo_occ)
        ao2_kpts = [np.dot(mo_coeff[k].T, ao) for k, ao in enumerate(ao2_kpts)]
        naoj = ao2_kpts[0].shape[0]
        naoj = nao

    max_memory = mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    blksize = int(max(max_memory * 1e6 / 16 / 2 / ngs / nao, 1))
    ao1_dtype = np.result_type(*ao1_kpts)
    ao2_dtype = np.result_type(*ao2_kpts)
    buf = np.empty((blksize, naoj, ngs),
                   dtype=np.result_type(ao1_dtype, ao2_dtype))
    vR_dm = np.empty((nset, nao, ngs), dtype=vk_kpts.dtype)
    ao_dms = np.empty((nset, naoj, ngs), dtype=np.result_type(dms, ao2_dtype))

    for k2, ao2T in enumerate(ao2_kpts):
        kpt2 = kpts[k2]
        if mo_coeff is None or nset > 1:
            for i in range(nset):
                lib.dot(dms[i, k2], ao2T.conj(), c=ao_dms[i])
            ao_dms = [ao2T.conj()]

        for k1, ao1T in enumerate(ao1_kpts):
            kpt1 = kpts_band[k1]
            mydf.exxdiv = exxdiv
            coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kpt2 - kpt1, True, mydf, gs)
            if is_zero(kpt1 - kpt2):
                expmikr = np.array(1.)
                expmikr = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt2 - kpt1))

            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nao, blksize):
                rho1 = np.einsum('ig,jg->ijg',
                                 ao1T[p0:p1].conj() * expmikr,
                                 out=buf[:p1 - p0])
                vG = tools.fft(rho1.reshape(-1, ngs), gs)
                vG *= coulG
                vR = tools.ifft(vG, gs).reshape(p1 - p0, naoj, ngs)
                vG = None
                if vR_dm.dtype == np.double:
                    vR = vR.real
                for i in range(nset):
                    np.einsum('ijg,jg->ig', vR, ao_dms[i], out=vR_dm[i, p0:p1])
                vR = None
            vR_dm *= expmikr.conj()

            for i in range(nset):
                vk_kpts[i, k1] += weight * lib.dot(vR_dm[i], ao1T.T)

    return _format_jks(vk_kpts, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts = mydf.kpts
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3:
        mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4
        mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts)

    mo_ids = [id(x) for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    moTs = []
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh)
    aos = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
    for n, mo_id in enumerate(mo_ids):
        if mo_id in mo_ids[:n]:
            moTs.append([lib.dot(mo.T, aos[k].T) for k,mo in enumerate(mo_coeff_kpts[n])])

    # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The
    # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the
    # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can
    # be achieved by calling pbc.mp.kmp2.padded_mo_coeff function
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts]
    eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol)
    if gamma_point(kpts):
        dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts)
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    if out is None:
        out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype)
        assert(out.shape == eri_shape)

    kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts])
    kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0]
    kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1]
    kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst
    uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji)
    ngrids = numpy.prod(mydf.mesh)

    # To hold intermediates
    fswap = lib.H5TmpFile()
    kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts)
    for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts):
        q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id]
        adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0]
        ki = adapted_ji_idx[0] // nkpts
        kj = adapted_ji_idx[0] % nkpts

        coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, mesh=mydf.mesh)
        coulG *= (cell.vol/ngrids) * factor
        phase = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))

        for kk in range(nkpts):
            kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk]
            mokT = moTs[2][kk]
            molT = moTs[3][kl]
            mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,g,jg->ijg', mokT.conj(), phase.conj(), molT)
            v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh)
            v *= coulG
            v = tools.fft(v.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh)
            v *= phase
            fswap['zkl/'+str(kk)] = v

        for ji_idx in adapted_ji_idx:
            ki = ji_idx // nkpts
            kj = ji_idx % nkpts
            for kk in range(nkpts):
                moiT = moTs[0][ki]
                mojT = moTs[1][kj]
                mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', moiT.conj(), mojT)
                tmp = lib.dot(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids),
                if dtype == numpy.double:
                    tmp = tmp.real
                out[ki,kj,kk] = tmp.reshape(eri_shape[3:])

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 30
def uks_j_xc(mydf,
             kpts=numpy.zeros((1, 3)),
    log = lib.logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    cell = mydf.cell
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]
    dms = None
    #TODO: Handle multiple sets of KUKS density matrices (2,nset,nkpts,nao,nao)
    assert (nset == 2)  # alpha and beta density matrices in KUKS

    ni = mydf._numint
    xctype = ni._xc_type(xc_code)

    if xctype == 'LDA':
        deriv = 0

        rhoG = _eval_rhoG(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi, kpts, deriv=0)

        def add_j_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, vR):
            for k in range(nkpts):
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_l[k], vR[0])
                v[0, k, idx_l[:, None],
                  idx_h] += lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k])
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_l[k], vR[1])
                v[1, k, idx_l[:, None],
                  idx_h] += lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k])

        def add_xc_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, wv):
            add_j_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, wv[:, 0])

    elif xctype == 'GGA':
        deriv = 1

        if RHOG_HIGH_DERIV:
            rhoG = _eval_rhoG(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi, kpts, deriv)
            Gv = cell.Gv
            ngrids = Gv.shape[0]
            rhoG = numpy.empty((2, 4, ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
            rhoG[:, :1] = _eval_rhoG(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi, kpts, deriv=0)
            rhoG[:, 1:] = numpy.einsum('np,px->nxp', 1j * rhoG[:, 0], Gv)

        def add_j_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, vR):
            for k in range(nkpts):
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_l[k][0], vR[0])
                v[0, k, idx_l[:, None],
                  idx_h] += lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_l[k][0], vR[1])
                v[1, k, idx_l[:, None],
                  idx_h] += lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])

        def add_xc_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, wv):
            wva, wvb = wv
            for k in range(nkpts):
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_l[k][:4], wva)
                v1 = lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_h[k][1:4], wva[1:4])
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][0].conj().T, aow)
                v[0, k, idx_l[:, None], idx_h] += v1
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_l[k][:4], wvb)
                v1 = lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_h[k][1:4], wvb[1:4])
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][0].conj().T, aow)
                v[1, k, idx_l[:, None], idx_h] += v1

    else:  # MGGA
        deriv = 2
        rhoG = _eval_rhoG(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi, kpts, deriv)

        def add_j_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, vR):
            for k in range(nkpts):
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_l[k][0], vR[0])
                v[0, k, idx_l[:, None],
                  idx_h] += lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_l[k][0], vR[1])
                v[1, k, idx_l[:, None],
                  idx_h] += lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])

        def add_xc_(v, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, wv):
            wva, wvb = wv
            for k in range(nkpts):
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_l[k][:4], wva[:4])
                v1 = lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_h[k][1:4], wva[1:4])
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][0].conj().T, aow)
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_h[k][1], wva[4], out=aow)
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][1].conj().T, aow)
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_h[k][2], wva[4], out=aow)
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][2].conj().T, aow)
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_h[k][3], wva[4], out=aow)
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][3].conj().T, aow)
                v[0, k, idx_l[:, None], idx_h] += v1

                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_l[k][:4], wvb[:4])
                v1 = lib.dot(aow.conj().T, ao_h[k][0])
                aow = numpy.einsum('npi,np->pi', ao_h[k][1:4], wvb[1:4])
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][0].conj().T, aow)
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_h[k][1], wvb[4], out=aow)
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][1].conj().T, aow)
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_h[k][2], wvb[4], out=aow)
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][2].conj().T, aow)
                aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao_h[k][3], wvb[4], out=aow)
                v1 += lib.dot(ao_l[k][3].conj().T, aow)
                v[1, k, idx_l[:, None], idx_h] += v1

    mesh = cell.mesh
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell,
    ngrids = coulG.size
    vG = numpy.einsum('ng,g->ng', rhoG[:, 0].reshape(-1, ngrids), coulG)
    vG = vG.reshape(2, *mesh)

    weight = cell.vol / ngrids
    # *(1./weight) because rhoR is scaled by weight in _eval_rhoG.  When
    # computing rhoR with IFFT, the weight factor is not needed.
    rhoR = tools.ifft(rhoG.reshape(-1, ngrids), mesh) * (1. / weight)
    rhoR = rhoR.real.reshape(2, -1, ngrids)
    nelec = numpy.zeros(2)
    excsum = 0

    exc, vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rhoR, 1, deriv=1)[:2]
    if xctype == 'LDA':
        vrho = vxc[0]
        wva = vrho[:, 0].reshape(1, ngrids)
        wvb = vrho[:, 1].reshape(1, ngrids)
    elif xctype == 'GGA':
        vrho, vsigma = vxc[:2]
        wva = numpy.empty((4, ngrids))
        wvb = numpy.empty((4, ngrids))
        wva[0] = vrho[:, 0]
        wva[1:4] = rhoR[0, 1:4] * (vsigma[:, 0] * 2)  # sigma_uu
        wva[1:4] += rhoR[1, 1:4] * vsigma[:, 1]  # sigma_ud
        wvb[0] = vrho[:, 1]
        wvb[1:4] = rhoR[1, 1:4] * (vsigma[:, 2] * 2)  # sigma_dd
        wvb[1:4] += rhoR[0, 1:4] * vsigma[:, 1]  # sigma_ud
        vrho, vsigma, vlapl, vtau = vxc
        wva = numpy.empty((5, ngrids))
        wvb = numpy.empty((5, ngrids))
        wva[0] = vrho[:, 0]
        wva[1:4] = rhoR[0, 1:4] * (vsigma[:, 0] * 2)  # sigma_uu
        wva[1:4] += rhoR[1, 1:4] * vsigma[:, 1]  # sigma_ud
        wvb[0] = vrho[:, 1]
        wvb[1:4] = rhoR[1, 1:4] * (vsigma[:, 2] * 2)  # sigma_dd
        wvb[1:4] += rhoR[0, 1:4] * vsigma[:, 1]  # sigma_ud
        if vlapl is None:
            wvb[4] = .5 * vtau[:, 1]
            wva[4] = .5 * vtau[:, 0]
            wva[4] = (.5 * vtau[:, 0] + 2 * vlapl[:, 0])
            wvb[4] = (.5 * vtau[:, 1] + 2 * vlapl[:, 1])

    nelec[0] += rhoR[0, 0].sum() * weight
    nelec[1] += rhoR[1, 0].sum() * weight
    excsum += (rhoR[0, 0] * exc).sum() * weight
    excsum += (rhoR[1, 0] * exc).sum() * weight
    wv_freq = tools.fft(numpy.vstack((wva, wvb)), mesh) * weight
    wv_freq = wv_freq.reshape(2, -1, *mesh)
    if j_in_xc:
        wv_freq[:, 0] += vG
        vR = tools.ifft(vG.reshape(-1, ngrids), mesh)
        ecoul = numpy.einsum('ng,ng->', rhoR[:, 0].real, vR.real) * .5
        log.debug('Coulomb energy %s', ecoul)
        excsum += ecoul
    rhoR = rhoG = None

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    if gamma_point(kpts_band):
        veff = numpy.zeros((2, nkpts, nao, nao))
        vj = numpy.zeros((2, nkpts, nao, nao))
        veff = numpy.zeros((2, nkpts, nao, nao), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        vj = numpy.zeros((2, nkpts, nao, nao), dtype=numpy.complex128)

    for grids_high, grids_low in mydf.tasks:
        cell_high = grids_high.cell
        mesh = grids_high.mesh
        coords_idx = grids_high.coords_idx
        ngrids0 = numpy.prod(mesh)
        ngrids1 = grids_high.coords.shape[0]
        log.debug('mesh %s, ngrids %s/%s', mesh, ngrids1, ngrids0)

        gx = numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0], 1. / mesh[0]).astype(int)
        gy = numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1], 1. / mesh[1]).astype(int)
        gz = numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2], 1. / mesh[2]).astype(int)
        sub_wvG = wv_freq[:, :, gx[:, None, None], gy[:, None],
                          gz].reshape(-1, ngrids0)
        wv = tools.ifft(sub_wvG, mesh).real.reshape(2, -1, ngrids0)
        wv = wv[:, :, coords_idx]
        if with_j:
            sub_vG = vG[:, gx[:, None, None], gy[:, None],
                        gz].reshape(-1, ngrids0)
            vR = tools.ifft(sub_vG, mesh).real.reshape(2, ngrids0)
            vR = vR[:, coords_idx]

        idx_h = grids_high.ao_idx
        if grids_low is None:
            for ao_h_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(grids_high, kpts, deriv):
                ao_h = ao_h_etc[0]
                add_xc_(veff, ao_h, ao_h, idx_h, idx_h, wv[:, :, p0:p1])
                if with_j:
                    add_j_(vj, ao_h, ao_h, idx_h, idx_h, vR[:, p0:p1])
                ao_h = ao_h_etc = None
            idx_l = grids_low.ao_idx
            for ao_h_etc, ao_l_etc in zip(
                    mydf.aoR_loop(grids_high, kpts, deriv),
                    mydf.aoR_loop(grids_low, kpts, deriv)):
                p0, p1 = ao_h_etc[1:3]
                ao_h = ao_h_etc[0][0]
                ao_l = ao_l_etc[0][0]
                add_xc_(veff, ao_h, ao_h, idx_h, idx_h, wv[:, :, p0:p1])
                add_xc_(veff, ao_h, ao_l, idx_h, idx_l, wv[:, :, p0:p1])
                add_xc_(veff, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, wv[:, :, p0:p1])
                if with_j:
                    add_j_(vj, ao_h, ao_h, idx_h, idx_h, vR[:, p0:p1])
                    add_j_(vj, ao_h, ao_l, idx_h, idx_l, vR[:, p0:p1])
                    add_j_(vj, ao_l, ao_h, idx_l, idx_h, vR[:, p0:p1])
                ao_h = ao_l = ao_h_etc = ao_l_etc = None

    vj = _format_jks(vj, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
    veff = _format_jks(veff, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
    return nelec, excsum, veff, vj
Ejemplo n.º 31
def _eval_rhoG(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi=1, kpts=numpy.zeros((1, 3)), deriv=0):
    log = lib.logger.Logger(mydf.stdout, mydf.verbose)
    cell = mydf.cell

    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    tasks = getattr(mydf, 'tasks', None)
    if tasks is None:
        mydf.tasks = tasks = multi_grids_tasks(cell, log)
        log.debug('Multigrid ntasks %s', len(tasks))

    assert (deriv <= 2)
    if abs(dms - dms.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2).conj()).max() < 1e-9:

        def dot_bra(bra, aodm):
            rho = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->p', bra.real, aodm.real)
            if aodm.dtype == numpy.complex:
                rho += numpy.einsum('pi,pi->p', bra.imag, aodm.imag)
            return rho

        if deriv == 0:
            xctype = 'LDA'
            rhodim = 1

            def make_rho(ao_l, ao_h, dm_lh, dm_hl):
                c0 = lib.dot(ao_l, dm_lh)
                rho = dot_bra(ao_h, c0)
                return rho * 2

        elif deriv == 1:
            xctype = 'GGA'
            rhodim = 4

            def make_rho(ao_l, ao_h, dm_lh, dm_hl):
                ngrids = ao_l[0].shape[0]
                rho = numpy.empty((4, ngrids))
                c0 = lib.dot(ao_l[0], dm_lh)
                rho[0] = dot_bra(ao_h[0], c0)
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    rho[i] = dot_bra(ao_h[i], c0)
                c0 = lib.dot(ao_h[0], dm_hl)
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    rho[i] += dot_bra(ao_l[i], c0)
                return rho * 2  # *2 for dm_lh+dm_hl.T

        elif deriv == 2:
            xctype = 'MGGA'
            rhodim = 6

            def make_rho(ao_l, ao_h, dm_lh, dm_hl):
                ngrids = ao_l[0].shape[0]
                rho = numpy.empty((6, ngrids))
                c = [lib.dot(ao_l[i], dm_lh) for i in range(4)]
                rho[0] = dot_bra(ao_h[0], c[0])
                rho[5] = 0
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    rho[i] = dot_bra(ao_h[i], c[0])
                    rho[i] += dot_bra(ao_h[0], c[i])
                    rho[5] += dot_bra(ao_h[i], c[i]) * 2
                XX, YY, ZZ = 4, 7, 9
                ao2 = ao_h[XX] + ao_h[YY] + ao_h[ZZ]
                rho[4] = dot_bra(ao2, c[0])
                ao2 = lib.dot(ao_l[XX] + ao_l[YY] + ao_l[ZZ], dm_lh)
                rho[4] += dot_bra(ao2, ao_h[0])
                rho[4] += rho[5] * 2
                rho[5] *= .5
                return rho * 2  # *2 for dm_lh+dm_hl.T
        raise NotImplementedError('Non-hermitian density matrices')

    ni = mydf._numint
    nx, ny, nz = cell.mesh
    rhoG = numpy.zeros((nset * rhodim, nx, ny, nz), dtype=numpy.complex)
    for grids_high, grids_low in tasks:
        cell_high = grids_high.cell
        mesh = grids_high.mesh
        coords_idx = grids_high.coords_idx
        ngrids0 = numpy.prod(mesh)
        ngrids1 = grids_high.coords.shape[0]
        log.debug('mesh %s, ngrids %s/%s', mesh, ngrids1, ngrids0)

        idx_h = grids_high.ao_idx
        dms_hh = numpy.asarray(dms[:, :, idx_h[:, None], idx_h], order='C')
        if grids_low is not None:
            idx_l = grids_low.ao_idx
            dms_hl = numpy.asarray(dms[:, :, idx_h[:, None], idx_l], order='C')
            dms_lh = numpy.asarray(dms[:, :, idx_l[:, None], idx_h], order='C')

        rho = numpy.zeros((nset, rhodim, ngrids1))
        if grids_low is None:
            for ao_h_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(grids_high, kpts, deriv):
                ao_h, mask = ao_h_etc[0], ao_h_etc[2]
                for k in range(nkpts):
                    for i in range(nset):
                        rho_sub = numint.eval_rho(cell_high, ao_h[k],
                                                  dms_hh[i, k], mask, xctype,
                        rho[i, :, p0:p1] += rho_sub.real
                ao_h = ao_h_etc = None
            for ao_h_etc, ao_l_etc in zip(
                    mydf.aoR_loop(grids_high, kpts, deriv),
                    mydf.aoR_loop(grids_low, kpts, deriv)):
                p0, p1 = ao_h_etc[1:3]
                ao_h, mask = ao_h_etc[0][0], ao_h_etc[0][2]
                ao_l = ao_l_etc[0][0]
                for k in range(nkpts):
                    for i in range(nset):
                        rho_sub = numint.eval_rho(cell_high, ao_h[k],
                                                  dms_hh[i, k], mask, xctype,
                        rho[i, :, p0:p1] += rho_sub.real
                        rho_sub = make_rho(ao_l[k], ao_h[k], dms_lh[i, k],
                                           dms_hl[i, k])
                        rho[i, :, p0:p1] += rho_sub.real
                ao_h = ao_l = ao_h_etc = ao_l_etc = None

        rho *= 1. / nkpts
        rhoR = numpy.zeros((nset * rhodim, ngrids0))
        rhoR[:, coords_idx] = rho.reshape(nset * rhodim, ngrids1)
        gx = numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0], 1. / mesh[0]).astype(int)
        gy = numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1], 1. / mesh[1]).astype(int)
        gz = numpy.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2], 1. / mesh[2]).astype(int)
        rho_freq = tools.fft(rhoR, mesh) * cell.vol / ngrids0
        for i in range(nset * rhodim):
            rhoG[i, gx[:, None, None], gy[:, None],
                 gz] += rho_freq[i].reshape(mesh)

    return rhoG.reshape(nset, rhodim, ngrids0)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def get_j_kpts(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi=1, kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)), kpts_band=None):
    '''Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix at sampled k-points.

        dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or a list of (nkpts,nao,nao) ndarray
            Density matrix at each k-point.  If a list of k-point DMs, eg,
            UHF alpha and beta DM, the alpha and beta DMs are contracted
        kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray

        kpts_band : (3,) ndarray or (*,3) ndarray
            A list of arbitrary "band" k-points at which to evalute the matrix.

        vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        or list of vj if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    low_dim_ft_type = mydf.low_dim_ft_type

    ni = mydf._numint
    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(cell, dm_kpts, hermi)
    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh, low_dim_ft_type=low_dim_ft_type)
    ngrids = len(coulG)

    if hermi == 1 or gamma_point(kpts):
        vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngrids))
        for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts):
            ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
            for i in range(nset):
                rhoR[i, p0:p1] += make_rho(i, ao_ks, mask, 'LDA')
            ao = ao_ks = None

        for i in range(nset):
            rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], mesh)
            vG = coulG * rhoG
            vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).real

    else:  # vR may be complex if the underlying density is complex
        vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngrids), dtype=np.complex128)
        for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts):
            ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
            for i in range(nset):
                for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
                    ao_dm = lib.dot(ao, dms[i, k])
                    rhoR[i, p0:p1] += np.einsum('xi,xi->x', ao_dm, ao.conj())
        rhoR *= 1. / nkpts

        for i in range(nset):
            rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], mesh)
            vG = coulG * rhoG
            vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, mesh)

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)
    weight = cell.vol / ngrids
    vR *= weight
    if gamma_point(kpts_band):
        vj_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao))
        vj_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    rho = None
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_band):
        ao_ks, mask = ao_ks_etc[0], ao_ks_etc[2]
        for i in range(nset):
            # ni.eval_mat can handle real vR only
            # vj_kpts[i] += ni.eval_mat(cell, ao_ks, 1., None, vR[i,p0:p1], mask, 'LDA')
            for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
                aow = np.einsum('xi,x->xi', ao, vR[i, p0:p1])
                vj_kpts[i, k] += lib.dot(ao.conj().T, aow)

    return _format_jks(vj_kpts, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    cell.gs = numpy.array([n,n,n])

    cell.atom = '''C    1.3    .2       .3
                   C     .1    .1      1.1
    cell.basis = 'ccpvdz'
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, .1, .6), (1.0,.8, .4)], [1, (1.1, 1)]]}
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, 1)]]}
    cell.unit = 'B'
    #cell.verbose = 4
    #cell.nimgs = (2,2,2)

    ao2 = ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    coords = pyscf.pbc.dft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = pyscf.pbc.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
    aoR2 = numpy.einsum('ki,kj->kij', aoR.conj(), aoR)
    ngs = aoR.shape[0]

    for i in range(nao):
        for j in range(nao):
            ao2ref = tools.fft(aoR2[:,i,j], cell.gs) * cell.vol/ngs
            print i, j, numpy.linalg.norm(ao2ref - ao2[:,i,j])

    aoG = ft_ao(cell, cell.Gv)
    for i in range(nao):
        aoref = tools.fft(aoR[:,i], cell.gs) * cell.vol/ngs
        print i, numpy.linalg.norm(aoref - aoG[:,i])

Ejemplo n.º 34
    cell.mesh = numpy.array([n,n,n])

    cell.atom = '''C    1.3    .2       .3
                   C     .1    .1      1.1
    cell.basis = 'ccpvdz'
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, .1, .6), (1.0,.8, .4)], [1, (1.1, 1)]]}
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, 1)]]}
    cell.unit = 'B'
    #cell.verbose = 4
    #cell.nimgs = (2,2,2)

    ao2 = ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    coords = pyscf.pbc.dft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = cell.pbc_eval_gto('GTOval', coords)
    aoR2 = numpy.einsum('ki,kj->kij', aoR.conj(), aoR)
    ngrids = aoR.shape[0]

    for i in range(nao):
        for j in range(nao):
            ao2ref = tools.fft(aoR2[:,i,j], cell.mesh) * cell.vol/ngrids
            print(i, j, numpy.linalg.norm(ao2ref - ao2[:,i,j]))

    aoG = ft_ao(cell, cell.Gv)
    for i in range(nao):
        aoref = tools.fft(aoR[:,i], cell.mesh) * cell.vol/ngrids
        print(i, numpy.linalg.norm(aoref - aoG[:,i]))

Ejemplo n.º 35
    def test_ft_aoao(self):
        #coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
        #aoR = pdft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
        #ngrids, nao = aoR.shape
        #ref = numpy.asarray([tools.fft(aoR[:,i].conj()*aoR[:,j], cell.mesh)
        #                     for i in range(nao) for j in range(nao)])
        #ref = ref.reshape(nao,nao,-1).transpose(2,0,1) * (cell.vol/ngrids)
        #dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv, aosym='s1hermi')
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0,0]-dat[:,0,0])    , 0, 5)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,1,1]-dat[:,1,1])    , 0.02315483195832373, 4)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:,2:]-dat[:,2:,2:]), 0, 9)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,0,2:]-dat[:,0,2:])  , 0, 9)
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:,2:,0]-dat[:,2:,0])  , 0, 9)
        #idx = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        #ref = dat[:,idx[0],idx[1]]
        #dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv, aosym='s2')
        #self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(dat-ref).sum(), 0, 9)

        coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell1)
        Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell1.get_Gv_weights(cell1.mesh)
        b = cell1.reciprocal_vectors()
        gxyz = lib.cartesian_prod([numpy.arange(len(x)) for x in Gvbase])
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell1,
                               1.5666516306798806 + 1.953555017583245j, 9)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell1,
                               -0.85276967757297917 + 1.0378751267506394j, 9)
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell1,
                               1.5666516306798806 + 1.953555017583245j, 9)
        aoR = pdft.numint.eval_ao(cell1, coords)
        ngrids, nao = aoR.shape
        aoaoR = numpy.einsum('pi,pj->ijp', aoR, aoR)
        ref = tools.fft(aoaoR.reshape(nao * nao, -1), cell1.mesh)
        ref = ref.reshape(nao, nao, -1).transpose(2, 0,
                                                  1) * (cell1.vol / ngrids)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 0, 0] - dat[:, 0, 0]),
                               0, 7)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 1, 1] - dat[:, 1, 1]),
                               0, 7)
            numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 2:, 2:] - dat[:, 2:, 2:]), 0, 7)
            numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 0, 2:] - dat[:, 0, 2:]), 0, 7)
            numpy.linalg.norm(ref[:, 2:, 0] - dat[:, 2:, 0]), 0, 7)
        idx = numpy.tril_indices(nao)
        ref = dat[:, idx[0], idx[1]]
        dat = ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell1, cell1.Gv, aosym='s2')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(dat - ref).sum(), 0, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def get_ao_pairs_G(mydf,
                   kpts=numpy.zeros((2, 3)),
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all AO pairs.

        ao_pairs_G : 2D complex array
            For gamma point, the shape is (ngs, nao*(nao+1)/2); otherwise the
            shape is (ngs, nao*nao)
    if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2, 3))
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.gs)
    ngs = len(coords)

    if shls_slice is None:
        i0, i1 = j0, j1 = (0, cell.nao_nr())
        ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1 = shls_slice
        ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr()
        i0 = ao_loc[ish0]
        i1 = ao_loc[ish1]
        j0 = ao_loc[jsh0]
        j1 = ao_loc[jsh1]

    def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
        if id(aoi) == id(aoj):
            aoi = aoj = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C')
            aoi = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C')
            aoj = numpy.asarray(aoj.T, order='C')
        ni = aoi.shape[0]
        nj = aoj.shape[0]
        ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((ni, nj, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(ni):
            ao_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * aoi[i].conj() * aoj, mydf.gs)
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1, ngs).T
        return ao_pairs_G

    if compact and gamma_point(kpts):  # gamma point
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        ao = numpy.asarray(ao.T, order='C')
        npair = i1 * (i1 + 1) // 2 - i0 * (i0 + 1) // 2
        ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        ij = 0
        for i in range(i0, i1):
            ao_pairs_G[ij:ij + i + 1] = tools.fft(ao[i] * ao[:i + 1], mydf.gs)
            ij += i + 1
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.T

    elif is_zero(kpts[0] - kpts[1]):
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        ao_pairs_G = trans(ao[:, i0:i1], ao[:, j0:j1])

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:2])
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        ao_pairs_G = trans(aoi[:, i0:i1], aoj[:, j0:j1], fac)

    return ao_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 37
    cell.a = numpy.diag([L, L, L])
    cell.gs = numpy.array([n, n, n])

    cell.atom = '''C    1.3    .2       .3
                   C     .1    .1      1.1
    cell.basis = 'ccpvdz'
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, .1, .6), (1.0,.8, .4)], [1, (1.1, 1)]]}
    #cell.basis = {'C': [[0, (2.4, 1)]]}
    cell.unit = 'B'
    #cell.verbose = 4
    cell.build(0, 0)
    #cell.nimgs = (2,2,2)

    ao2 = ft_aopair(cell, cell.Gv)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    coords = pyscf.pbc.dft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = pyscf.pbc.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
    aoR2 = numpy.einsum('ki,kj->kij', aoR.conj(), aoR)
    ngs = aoR.shape[0]

    for i in range(nao):
        for j in range(nao):
            ao2ref = tools.fft(aoR2[:, i, j], cell.gs) * cell.vol / ngs
            print(i, j, numpy.linalg.norm(ao2ref - ao2[:, i, j]))

    aoG = ft_ao(cell, cell.Gv)
    for i in range(nao):
        aoref = tools.fft(aoR[:, i], cell.gs) * cell.vol / ngs
        print(i, numpy.linalg.norm(aoref - aoG[:, i]))
Ejemplo n.º 38
def get_mo_pairs_G(mydf,
                   kpts=numpy.zeros((2, 3)),
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all MO pairs.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G : (ngs, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFT of the real-space MO pairs.
    if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2, 3))
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.gs)
    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    ngs = len(coords)

    def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
        if id(aoi) == id(aoj) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moi = moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoi.T),
            moi = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoi.T), order='C')
            moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aoj.T), order='C')
        mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi, nmoj, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nmoi):
            mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moi[i].conj() * moj, mydf.gs)
        mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1, ngs).T
        return mo_pairs_G

    if gamma_point(kpts):  # gamma point, real
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        if compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            mo = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, ao.T), order='C')
            npair = nmoi * (nmoi + 1) // 2
            mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
            ij = 0
            for i in range(nmoi):
                mo_pairs_G[ij:ij + i + 1] = tools.fft(
                    mo[i].conj() * mo[:i + 1], mydf.gs)
                ij += i + 1
            mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.T
            mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao)

    elif is_zero(kpts[0] - kpts[1]):
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao)

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoi, aoj, fac)

    return mo_pairs_G
Ejemplo n.º 39
def _make_fftdf_eris(mycc, eris):
    mydf = mycc._scf.with_df
    mo_coeff = eris.mo_coeff
    kpts = mycc.kpts
    logger = Logger(mycc.stdout, mycc.verbose)
    cell = mydf.cell
    gvec = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh)
    ngrids = len(coords)
    nkpts = len(kpts)

    nocc, nmo = mycc.nocc, mycc.nmo
    nvir = nmo - nocc
    cput1 = cput0 = (time.clock(), time.time())
    ijG = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nocc,nocc,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)
    iaG = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nocc,nvir,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)
    abG = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)

    ijR = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nocc,nocc,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)
    iaR = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nocc,nvir,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)
    aiR = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nocc,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)
    abR = ctf.zeros([nkpts,nkpts,nvir,nvir,ngrids], dtype=np.complex128)

    jobs = []
    for ki in range(nkpts):
        for kj in range(ki,nkpts):

    tasks = list(static_partition(jobs))
    ntasks = max(comm.allgather(len(tasks)))
    idx_ooG = np.arange(nocc*nocc*ngrids)
    idx_ovG = np.arange(nocc*nvir*ngrids)
    idx_vvG = np.arange(nvir*nvir*ngrids)

    for itask in range(ntasks):
        if itask >= len(tasks):
            ijR.write([], [])
            iaR.write([], [])
            aiR.write([], [])
            abR.write([], [])
            ijR.write([], [])
            iaR.write([], [])
            aiR.write([], [])
            abR.write([], [])

            ijG.write([], [])
            iaG.write([], [])
            abG.write([], [])
            ijG.write([], [])
            iaG.write([], [])
            abG.write([], [])
        ki, kj = tasks[itask]
        kpti, kptj = kpts[ki], kpts[kj]
        ao_kpti = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpti)[0]
        ao_kptj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kptj)[0]
        q = kptj - kpti
        coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, mesh=mydf.mesh)
        wcoulG = coulG * (cell.vol/ngrids)
        fac = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, q))
        mo_kpti = np.dot(ao_kpti, mo_coeff[ki]).T
        mo_kptj = np.dot(ao_kptj, mo_coeff[kj]).T
        mo_pairs = np.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', mo_kpti.conj(), mo_kptj)
        mo_pairs_G = tools.fft(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids)*fac, mydf.mesh)

        off = ki * nkpts + kj
        ijR.write(off*idx_ooG.size+idx_ooG, mo_pairs[:nocc,:nocc].ravel())
        iaR.write(off*idx_ovG.size+idx_ovG, mo_pairs[:nocc,nocc:].ravel())
        aiR.write(off*idx_ovG.size+idx_ovG, mo_pairs[nocc:,:nocc].ravel())
        abR.write(off*idx_vvG.size+idx_vvG, mo_pairs[nocc:,nocc:].ravel())

        off = kj * nkpts + ki
        mo_pairs = mo_pairs.transpose(1,0,2).conj()
        ijR.write(off*idx_ooG.size+idx_ooG, mo_pairs[:nocc,:nocc].ravel())
        iaR.write(off*idx_ovG.size+idx_ovG, mo_pairs[:nocc,nocc:].ravel())
        aiR.write(off*idx_ovG.size+idx_ovG, mo_pairs[nocc:,:nocc].ravel())
        abR.write(off*idx_vvG.size+idx_vvG, mo_pairs[nocc:,nocc:].ravel())

        mo_pairs = None
        mo_pairs_G*= wcoulG
        v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs_G, mydf.mesh)
        v *= fac.conj()
        v = v.reshape(nmo,nmo,ngrids)

        off = ki * nkpts + kj
        ijG.write(off*idx_ooG.size+idx_ooG, v[:nocc,:nocc].ravel())
        iaG.write(off*idx_ovG.size+idx_ovG, v[:nocc,nocc:].ravel())
        abG.write(off*idx_vvG.size+idx_vvG, v[nocc:,nocc:].ravel())

        off = kj * nkpts + ki
        v = v.transpose(1,0,2).conj()
        ijG.write(off*idx_ooG.size+idx_ooG, v[:nocc,:nocc].ravel())
        iaG.write(off*idx_ovG.size+idx_ovG, v[:nocc,nocc:].ravel())
        abG.write(off*idx_vvG.size+idx_vvG, v[nocc:,nocc:].ravel())

    cput1 = logger.timer("Generating ijG", *cput1)
    sym1 = ["+-+", [kpts,]*3, None, gvec]
    sym2 = ["+--", [kpts,]*3, None, gvec]

    ooG = tensor(ijG, sym1, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)
    ovG = tensor(iaG, sym1, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)
    vvG = tensor(abG, sym1, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)

    ooR = tensor(ijR, sym2, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)
    ovR = tensor(iaR, sym2, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)
    voR = tensor(aiR, sym2, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)
    vvR = tensor(abR, sym2, verbose=mycc.SYMVERBOSE)

    eris.oooo = lib.einsum('ijg,klg->ijkl', ooG, ooR)/ nkpts
    eris.ooov = lib.einsum('ijg,kag->ijka', ooG, ovR)/ nkpts
    eris.oovv = lib.einsum('ijg,abg->ijab', ooG, vvR)/ nkpts
    ooG = ooR = ijG = ijR = None
    eris.ovvo = lib.einsum('iag,bjg->iabj', ovG, voR)/ nkpts
    eris.ovov = lib.einsum('iag,jbg->iajb', ovG, ovR)/ nkpts
    ovR = iaR = voR = aiR = None
    eris.ovvv = lib.einsum('iag,bcg->iabc', ovG, vvR)/ nkpts
    ovG = iaG = None
    eris.vvvv = lib.einsum('abg,cdg->abcd', vvG, vvR)/ nkpts
    cput1 = logger.timer("ijG to eri", *cput1)