Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_lattice_Ls(self):
        cl1 = pbcgto.M(a = numpy.random.random((3,3))*3,
                       mesh = [3]*3,
                       atom ='''He .1 .0 .0''',
                       basis = 'ccpvdz')
        Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cl1)
        self.assertEqual(Ls.shape, (2099,3))

        Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cl1, rcut=0)
        self.assertEqual(Ls.shape, (1,3))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_lattice_Ls1(self):
        cell = pbcgto.Cell()
        cell.verbose = 0
        cell.a = '''
-10.11124892   0.          10.11124892
  0.          10.11124892  10.11124892
-10.11124892  10.11124892   0.        '''
        cell.atom = '''
C   0.          0.          0.
C  13.48166522  6.74083261  6.74083261
C  15.16687337  8.42604076  8.42604076
C  13.48166522 10.11124892 10.11124892
C  15.16687337 11.79645707 11.79645707
C  10.11124892 13.48166522 10.11124892
C  11.79645707 15.16687337 11.79645707
C  13.48166522 13.48166522 13.48166522
C  15.16687337 15.16687337 15.16687337
        cell.unit= 'B'
        cell.basis = 'gth-dzvp'
        cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade'
        cell.precision = 1e-10
        Ls = cell.get_lattice_Ls()
        self.assertTrue(Ls.shape[0] > 140)

        S = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp')
        w, v = numpy.linalg.eigh(S)
        self.assertTrue(w.min() > 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(S - S.T.conj()).max(), 0, 13)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(w.min(), 0.0007176363230, 8)

        Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cl1, rcut=0)
        self.assertEqual(Ls.shape, (1,3))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt=None, deriv=0, relativity=0, bastart=0,
            bascount=None, non0tab=None, verbose=None):
    '''Collocate AO crystal orbitals (opt. gradients) on the real-space grid.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        coords : (nx*ny*nz, 3) ndarray
            The real-space grid point coordinates.

        kpt : (3,) ndarray
            The k-point corresponding to the crystal AO.
        deriv : int
            AO derivative order.  It affects the shape of the return array.
            If deriv=0, the returned AO values are stored in a (N,nao) array.
            Otherwise the AO values are stored in an array of shape (M,N,nao).
            Here N is the number of grids, nao is the number of AO functions,
            M is the size associated to the derivative deriv.

        aoR : ([4,] nx*ny*nz, nao=cell.nao_nr()) ndarray
            The value of the AO crystal orbitals on the real-space grid by default.
            If deriv=1, also contains the value of the orbitals gradient in the
            x, y, and z directions.  It can be either complex or float array,
            depending on the kpt argument.  If kpt is not given (gamma point),
            aoR is a float array.

    See Also:

    aoR = 0
    for L in tools.get_lattice_Ls(cell, cell.nimgs):
        if kpt is None:
            aoR += pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords-L, deriv, relativity,
                                            bastart, bascount,
                                            non0tab, verbose)
            factor = numpy.exp(1j*numpy.dot(kpt,L))
            aoR += pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(cell, coords-L, deriv, relativity,
                                            bastart, bascount,
                                            non0tab, verbose) * factor

    if cell.ke_cutoff is not None:
        ke = 0.5*numpy.einsum('gi,gi->g', cell.Gv, cell.Gv)
        ke_mask = ke < cell.ke_cutoff

        aoG = numpy.zeros_like(aoR)
        for i in range(cell.nao_nr()):
            if deriv == 1:
                for c in range(4):
                    aoG[c][ke_mask, i] = tools.fft(aoR[c][:,i], cell.gs)[ke_mask]
                    aoR[c][:,i] = tools.ifft(aoG[c][:,i], cell.gs)
                aoG[ke_mask, i] = tools.fft(aoR[:,i], cell.gs)[ke_mask]
                aoR[:,i] = tools.ifft(aoG[:,i], cell.gs)

    return numpy.asarray(aoR)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_get_lattice_Ls(self):
     cl1 = pbcgto.M(a=numpy.random.random((3, 3)) * 3,
                    gs=[1] * 3,
                    atom='''He .1 .0 .0''',
     Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cl1)
     self.assertEqual(Ls.shape, (1725, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_get_lattice_Ls(self):
     cl1 = pbcgto.M(a = numpy.random.random((3,3))*3,
                    mesh = [3]*3,
                    atom ='''He .1 .0 .0''',
                    basis = 'ccpvdz')
     Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cl1)
     self.assertEqual(Ls.shape, (1725,3))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def cell_plus_imgs(cell, nimgs):
    """Create a supercell via nimgs[i] in each +/- direction, as in get_lattice_Ls().

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`
        nimgs : (3,) array

        supcell : instance of :class:`Cell`
    Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs)
    supcell = cell.copy()
    supcell.atom = []
    for L in Ls:
        atom1 = []
        for ia in range(cell.natm):
            atom1.append([cell._atom[ia][0], cell._atom[ia][1] + L])
    supcell.unit = "B"
    supcell.h = np.dot(cell._h, np.diag(nimgs))
    supcell.build(False, False, verbose=0)
    return supcell
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_int1e_cross(intor, cell1, cell2, kpt=None, comp=1):
    r'''1-electron integrals from two molecules like

    .. math::

        \langle \mu | intor | \nu \rangle, \mu \in cell1, \nu \in cell2
    nimgs = np.max((cell1.nimgs, cell2.nimgs), axis=0)
    Ls = tools.get_lattice_Ls(cell1, nimgs)
# Change the basis position only, keep all other envrionments
    cellL = cell2.copy()
    ptr_coord = cellL._atm[:,pyscf.gto.PTR_COORD]
    _envL = cellL._env
    int1e = 0
    for L in Ls:
        _envL[ptr_coord+0] = cell2._env[ptr_coord+0] + L[0]
        _envL[ptr_coord+1] = cell2._env[ptr_coord+1] + L[1]
        _envL[ptr_coord+2] = cell2._env[ptr_coord+2] + L[2]
        if kpt is None:
            int1e += pyscf.gto.intor_cross(intor, cell1, cellL, comp)
            factor = np.exp(1j*np.dot(kpt, L))
            int1e += pyscf.gto.intor_cross(intor, cell1, cellL, comp) * factor
    return int1e