Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_nr_uhf(self):
        mol = gto.M(
            verbose = 5,
            output = '/dev/null',
            atom = [
            ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
            [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
            [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
            basis = '6-31g',
            charge = 1,
            spin = 1,
        mf = scf.UHF(mol)
        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 50
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.58051984397145, 9)

        mf.max_cycle = 2
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 50
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_nr_uks(self):
        from pyscf import dft
        mol = gto.M(
            verbose = 5,
            output = '/dev/null',
            atom = [
            ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
            [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
            [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
            basis = '6-31g',
            charge = 1,
            spin = 1,
        mf = dft.UKS(mol)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        eref = mf.kernel()

        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 50
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 7)

        mf.max_cycle = 2
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 50
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_nr_rhf_symm(self):
        mol = gto.M(
            verbose = 5,
            output = '/dev/null',
            atom = [
            ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
            [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
            [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
            symmetry = 1,
            basis = '6-31g')

        mf = scf.RHF(mol)
        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 50
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.98394849812, 9)

        mf.max_cycle = 2
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 50
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.98394849812, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_nr_rhf_symm(self):
     mf = scf.RHF(h2o_z0_s)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.98394849812, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_nr_rhf(self):
     mf = scf.RHF(h2o_z0)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.98394849812, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_nr_rohf(self):
     mf = scf.RHF(h2o_z1)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.5783963795897, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_nr_uhf_symm(self):
     mf = scf.UHF(h2o_z1_s)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_nr_rohf(self):
     mf = scf.RHF(h2o_z1)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.5783963795897, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_nr_uhf_symm(self):
     mf = scf.UHF(h2o_z1_s)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_nr_rohf_symm(self):
     mf = scf.RHF(h2o_z1_s)
     mf.irrep_nelec['B2'] = (1,0)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.578396379589819, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_nr_rks_lda(self):
     mf = dft.RKS(h2o_z0)
     eref = mf.kernel()
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 3
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_nr_rohf_symm(self):
     mf = scf.RHF(h2o_z1_s)
     mf.irrep_nelec['B2'] = (1, 0)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.578396379589819, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_nr_rks_lda(self):
     mf = dft.RKS(h2o_z0)
     eref = mf.kernel()
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 3
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_nr_uks(self):
        mf = dft.UKS(h2o_z1)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        eref = mf.kernel()

        mf.max_cycle = 1
        mf.conv_check = False
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 3
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_nr_rks_rsh(self):
     '''test range-separated Coulomb'''
     mf = dft.RKS(h2o_z0)
     mf.xc = 'wb97x'
     eref = mf.kernel()
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 3
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_nr_rks_rsh(self):
     '''test range-separated Coulomb'''
     mf = dft.RKS(h2o_z0)
     mf.xc = 'wb97x'
     eref = mf.kernel()
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     mf.conv_check = False
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 3
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_nr_uks(self):
        mf = dft.UKS(h2o_z1)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        eref = mf.kernel()

        mf.max_cycle = 1
        mf.conv_check = False
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 3
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def simulate(self, molecule, mean_field=None):
        """Perform the simulation for the molecule.

        If the mean field is not provided it is automatically calculated.

            molecule (pyscf.gto.Mole): The molecule to simulate.
            mean_field (pyscf.scf.RHF): The mean field of the molecule.
        # Calculate the mean field if the user has not already done it.
        if not mean_field:
            mean_field = scf.RHF(molecule)
            mean_field.verbose = 0

            if (mean_field.converged == False):
                orb_temp = mean_field.mo_coeff
                occ_temp = mean_field.mo_occ
                nr = scf.newton(mean_field)
                energy = nr.kernel(orb_temp, occ_temp)
                mean_field = nr

        # Check the convergence of the mean field
        if not mean_field.converged:
                "VQESolver simulating with mean field not converged.",

        # Instantiate the quantum solver backend
        # It knows what ansatz has been picked and computed preferred values for its parameters
        self.hardware_backend = self.hardware_backend_type(
            self.ansatz_type, molecule, mean_field, self.backend_parameters)

        # The user can provide their own initial variational parameters, otherwise the preferred ones
        # computed by the underlying quantum solver will be used as initial values
        # An incorrect number of variational parameters passed by the user will result
        # in a runtime error in hardware_backend.simulate
        var_params = self.initial_var_params if self.initial_var_params \
            else self.hardware_backend.default_initial_var_parameters()

        if self.verbose:
            print("VQE : initial variational parameters: \n", var_params, "\n")

        # If the user didn't provide an optimizer, then we give them a default one from scipy
        if not self.optimizer:
            self.optimizer = self._default_optimizer

        # Run VQE algorithm
        # TODO: should return the optimal parameters as well
        energy = self.optimizer(self.hardware_backend.simulate, var_params)
        return energy
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_nr_uhf_cart(self):
     mol = gto.M(
         atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
               [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],
     mol.cart = True
     mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(mf.e_tot, -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_nr_rhf(self):
        mol = gto.M(verbose=5,
                    atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
                          [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],

        mf = scf.RHF(mol)
        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 2
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.98394849812, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_rks_gen_g_hop(self):
     mf = dft.RKS(h2o_z0)
     mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
     nao = h2o_z0.nao_nr()
     mo = numpy.random.random((nao,nao))
     mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nao)
     mo_occ[:5] = 2
     nocc, nvir = 5, nao-5
     dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir*nocc)
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, mf.get_hcore())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 40669.392804071264, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_rks_gen_g_hop(self):
     mf = dft.RKS(h2o_z0)
     mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
     nao = h2o_z0.nao_nr()
     mo = numpy.random.random((nao,nao))
     mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nao)
     mo_occ[:5] = 2
     nocc, nvir = 5, nao-5
     dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir*nocc)
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, mf.get_hcore())
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 40669.392804071264, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_uks_gen_g_hop(self):
     mf = dft.UKS(h2o_z0)
     mf.xc = 'b3p86'
     nao = h2o_z0.nao_nr()
     mo = (numpy.random.random((nao, nao)), numpy.random.random((nao, nao)))
     mo_occ = numpy.zeros((2, nao))
     mo_occ[:, :5] = 1
     nocc, nvir = 5, nao - 5
     dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir * nocc * 2)
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, (mf.get_hcore(), ) * 2)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 33565.97987644776,
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_uks_gen_g_hop(self):
     mf = dft.UKS(h2o_z0)
     mf.xc = 'b3p86'
     nao = h2o_z0.nao_nr()
     mo =(numpy.random.random((nao,nao)),
     mo_occ = numpy.zeros((2,nao))
     mo_occ[:,:5] = 1
     nocc, nvir = 5, nao-5
     dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir*nocc*2)
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, (mf.get_hcore(),)*2)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 33565.97987644776, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_nr_rks_lda(self):
        mol = gto.M(verbose=5,
                    atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
                          [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],

        mf = dft.RKS(mol)
        eref = mf.kernel()
        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 3
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def RHF_calculation(mol,verbose):
    mf_mol           = scf.RHF(mol)
    mf_mol.verbose   = 4
    mf_mol.max_cycle = 5000
    mf_mol.conv_tol  = 1e-6
    mf_mol           = scf.newton(mf_mol)
    if(verbose): print( 'Total SCF energy',mf_mol.energy_tot())

#    from pyscf import cc
#    ccsolver = cc.CCSD(mf_mol)
#    ccsolver.verbose = 5
#    ccsolver.ccsd()
#    exit()

    return mf_mol.mo_coeff
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def test_nr_uhf(self):
     mol = gto.M(
         atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
               [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],
     mf = scf.UHF(mol)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_nr_rks_lda(self):
        mol = gto.M(
            verbose = 5,
            output = '/dev/null',
            atom = [
            ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
            [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
            [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
            basis = '6-31g')

        mf = dft.RKS(mol)
        eref = mf.kernel()
        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 3
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_nr_rohf_symm(self):
     mol = gto.M(
         atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
               [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],
     mf = scf.RHF(mol)
     mf.irrep_nelec['B2'] = (1, 0)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.578396379589819, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_nr_uks(self):
        mol = gto.M(
            atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
                  [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],
        mf = dft.UKS(mol)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        eref = mf.kernel()

        mf.max_cycle = 1
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        nr.max_cycle = 3
        nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
        self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), eref, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def test_rks_gen_g_hop(self):
        mol = gto.M(verbose=5,
                    atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
                          [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],

        mf = dft.RKS(mol)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        nao = mol.nao_nr()
        mo = numpy.random.random((nao, nao))
        mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nao)
        mo_occ[:5] = 2
        nocc, nvir = 5, nao - 5
        dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir * nocc)
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, mf.get_hcore())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 40669.392804071264,
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def test_uks_gen_g_hop(self):
        mol = gto.M(verbose=5,
                    atom=[["O", (0., 0., 0.)], [1, (0., -0.757, 0.587)],
                          [1, (0., 0.757, 0.587)]],

        mf = dft.UKS(mol)
        mf.xc = 'b3p86'
        nao = mol.nao_nr()
        mo = (numpy.random.random((nao, nao)), numpy.random.random((nao, nao)))
        mo_occ = numpy.zeros((2, nao))
        mo_occ[:, :5] = 1
        nocc, nvir = 5, nao - 5
        dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir * nocc * 2)
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, (mf.get_hcore(), ) * 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 33565.97987644776,
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def test_nr_rohf_symm(self):
     mol = gto.M(
         verbose = 5,
         output = '/dev/null',
         atom = [
         ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
         [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
         [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
         basis = '6-31g',
         charge = 1,
         spin = 1,
         symmetry = 1,
     mf = scf.RHF(mol)
     mf.irrep_nelec['B2'] = (1,0)
     mf.max_cycle = 1
     nr = scf.newton(mf)
     nr.max_cycle = 2
     nr.conv_tol_grad = 1e-5
     self.assertAlmostEqual(nr.kernel(), -75.578396379589819, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def test_rks_gen_g_hop(self):
        mol = gto.M(
            verbose = 5,
            output = '/dev/null',
            atom = [
            ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
            [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
            [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
            basis = '6-31g')

        mf = dft.RKS(mol)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        nao = mol.nao_nr()
        mo = numpy.random.random((nao,nao))
        mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nao)
        mo_occ[:5] = 2
        nocc, nvir = 5, nao-5
        dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir*nocc)
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, mf.get_hcore())
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 40669.392804071264, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def test_uks_gen_g_hop(self):
        mol = gto.M(
            verbose = 5,
            output = '/dev/null',
            atom = [
            ["O" , (0. , 0.     , 0.)],
            [1   , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
            [1   , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)] ],
            basis = '6-31g')

        mf = dft.UKS(mol)
        mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
        nao = mol.nao_nr()
        mo =(numpy.random.random((nao,nao)),
        mo_occ = numpy.zeros((2,nao))
        mo_occ[:,:5] = 1
        nocc, nvir = 5, nao-5
        dm1 = numpy.random.random(nvir*nocc*2)
        nr = scf.newton(mf)
        g, hop, hdiag = nr.gen_g_hop(mo, mo_occ, (mf.get_hcore(),)*2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(hop(dm1)), 35542.277987080488, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 36
# 2. spin-free X2C correction for density-fitting HF.  Since X2C correction is
# commutable with density fitting operation, it is fully equivalent to case 1.
mf = scf.sfx2c(scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol)))
energy = mf.kernel()
print("E = %.12f, ref = -76.075115837941" % energy)

# 3. Newton method for non-relativistic HF
mo_init = mf.eig(mf.get_hcore(), mf.get_ovlp())[1]
mocc_init = numpy.zeros(mo_init.shape[1])
mocc_init[: mol.nelectron // 2] = 2
mf = scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol))
energy = mf.kernel(mo_init, mocc_init)
print("E = %.12f, ref = -76.026765673091" % energy)

# 4. Newton method for non-relativistic HF with density fitting for orbital
# hessian of newton solver.  Note the answer is equal to case 3, but the
# solver "mf" is different.
mf = scf.density_fit(scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol)))
energy = mf.kernel(mo_init, mocc_init)
print("E = %.12f, ref = -76.026765673091" % energy)

# 5. Newton method to solve the density-fitting approximated HF object.  There
# is no approximation for newton method (orbital hessian).  Note the density
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def test_nr_uhf_cart(self):
     mol = h2o_z1.copy()
     mol.cart = True
     mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(mf.e_tot, -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    get_fock = uhf_nmr.get_fock

    def get_ovlp(self, mol=None, gauge_orig=None):
        if mol is None: mol = self.mol
        if gauge_orig is None: gauge_orig = self.gauge_orig
        return rhf_nmr.get_ovlp(mol, gauge_orig)

    def align(self, gtensor):
        return align(gtensor)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto, scf
    mol = gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.25',
                basis='ccpvdz', spin=1, charge=1, verbose=3)
    mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol)).run()
    gobj = GTensor(mf)
    gobj.para_soc2e = 'SSO+SOO'
    gobj.dia_soc2e = None
    gobj.so_eff_charge = False
    gobj.gauge_orig = (0,0,0)

    mol = gto.M(atom='''
                H 0   0   1
                basis='ccpvdz', spin=1, charge=0, verbose=3)
    mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    gobj = GTensor(mf)
Ejemplo n.º 39
function.  (New in PySCF-1.1)

Second order SCF method need orthonormal orbitals and the corresponding
occupancy as the initial guess.

mol = gto.Mole()
    verbose = 0,
    atom = '''8  0  0.     0
              1  0  -0.757 0.587
              1  0  0.757  0.587''',
    basis = 'ccpvdz',

mf = scf.RHF(mol)
mf.conv_tol = 1e-1
mo_init = mf.mo_coeff
mocc_init = mf.mo_occ

mf = scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol))
energy = mf.kernel(mo_init, mocc_init)
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026765672992' % energy)

mf = scf.newton(scf.UKS(mol))
energy = mf.kernel((mo_init,mo_init), (mocc_init*.5,mocc_init*.5))
print('E = %.12f, ref = -75.854689662296' % energy)

Ejemplo n.º 40
    def test_init(self):
        from pyscf import dft
        from pyscf import x2c
        mol_r = mol
        mol_u = gto.M(atom='Li', spin=1, verbose=0)
        mol_r1 = gto.M(atom='H', spin=1, verbose=0)
        sym_mol_r = molsym
        sym_mol_u = gto.M(atom='Li', spin=1, symmetry=1, verbose=0)
        sym_mol_r1 = gto.M(atom='H', spin=1, symmetry=1, verbose=0)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RKS(mol_r), dft.rks.RKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RKS(mol_u), dft.roks.ROKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UKS(mol_r), dft.uks.UKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROKS(mol_r), dft.roks.ROKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GKS(mol_r), dft.gks.GKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.KS(mol_r), dft.rks.RKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.KS(mol_u), dft.uks.UKS))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(mol_r), scf.hf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(mol_u), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(mol_r1), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(mol_r), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(mol_u), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(mol_r1), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(mol_r), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(mol_u), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(mol_r1), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(mol_r), scf.hf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(mol_u), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(mol_r1), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(mol_r), scf.ghf.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(mol_u), scf.ghf.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(mol_r1), scf.ghf.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(not isinstance(scf.DHF(mol_r), scf.dhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.DHF(mol_u), scf.dhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.DHF(mol_r1), scf.dhf.HF1e))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(sym_mol_r), scf.hf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(sym_mol_u), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(sym_mol_r), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(sym_mol_u), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(sym_mol_r), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(sym_mol_u), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(sym_mol_r), scf.hf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(sym_mol_u), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(sym_mol_r), scf.ghf_symm.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(sym_mol_u), scf.ghf_symm.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.ghf_symm.GHF))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.X2C(mol_r), x2c.x2c.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(mol_r)), scf.rhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(mol_u)), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(mol_r1)), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(sym_mol_r)), scf.rhf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(sym_mol_u)), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1)), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(mol_r)), scf.rhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(mol_u)), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(mol_r1)), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(sym_mol_r)), scf.rhf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(sym_mol_u)), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1)), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(mol_r)), scf.rhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(mol_u)), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(mol_r1)), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(sym_mol_r)), scf.rhf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(sym_mol_u)), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1)), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
Ejemplo n.º 41
mol.atom = '''
N  0.0000  0.0000  0.5488
N  0.0000  0.0000 -0.5488
mol.verbose = 4
mol.spin = 0
mol.charge = 0
mol.symmetry = 1

#int3c = df.incore.cholesky_eri(mol, auxbasis='aug-cc-pvdz-jkfit')

mf = scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol))
#mf.with_df._cderi = int3c
mf.auxbasis = 'aug-cc-pvtz-jkfit'
mf = scf.newton(mf)
mf = scf.addons.remove_linear_dep_(mf)
mf.chkfile = name+'.chk'
#mf.__dict__.update(lib.chkfile.load(name+'.chk', 'scf'))
mf.level_shift = 0.5
mf.conv_tol = 1e-8
dm = mf.make_rdm1()
mf.level_shift = 0.0
ehf = mf.kernel(dm)

stable_cyc = 3
for i in range(stable_cyc):
    new_mo_coeff = mf.stability(internal=True, external=False)[0]
    if numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(new_mo_coeff) - numpy.array(mf.mo_coeff)) < 10**-8:
        lib.logger.info(mf,"* The molecule is stable")
Ejemplo n.º 42
def solve (mol, nel, cf_core, cf_gs, ImpOrbs, chempot=0., n_orth=0):
    # cf_core : core orbitals (in AO basis, assumed orthonormal)
    # cf_gs   : guess orbitals (in AO basis)
    # ImpOrbs : cf_gs -> impurity orbitals transformation 
    # n_orth  : number of orthonormal orbitals in cf_gs [1..n_orth]

    mol_ = gto.Mole()
    mol_.build (verbose=0)
    mol_.nelectron = nel
    mol_.incore_anyway = True

    cfx = cf_gs
    Sf  = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_ovlp_sph')
    Hc  = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_kin_sph') \
        + mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_nuc_sph')

    occ = np.zeros((cfx.shape[1],))
    occ[:nel/2] = 2.

    # core contributions
    dm_core = np.dot(cf_core, cf_core.T)*2
    jk_core = scf.hf.get_veff (mol, dm_core)
    e_core  =     np.trace(np.dot(Hc, dm_core)) \
            + 0.5*np.trace(np.dot(jk_core, dm_core))

    # transform integrals
    Sp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(Sf, cfx))
    Hp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(Hc, cfx))
    jkp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(jk_core, cfx))
    intsp = ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree (mol, cfx)

    # orthogonalize cf [virtuals]
    cf  = np.zeros((cfx.shape[1],)*2,)
    if n_orth > 0:
        assert (n_orth <= cfx.shape[1])
        assert (np.allclose(np.eye(n_orth), Sp[:n_orth,:n_orth]))
        n_orth = 0

    cf[:n_orth,:n_orth] = np.eye(n_orth)
    if n_orth < cfx.shape[1]:
        val, vec = sla.eigh(-Sp[n_orth:,n_orth:])
        idx = -val > 1.e-12
        U = np.dot(vec[:,idx]*1./(np.sqrt(-val[idx])), \
        cf[n_orth:,n_orth:] = U

    # define ImpOrbs projection
    Xp = np.dot(ImpOrbs, ImpOrbs.T)

    # Si = np.dot(ImpOrbs.T, np.dot(Sp, ImpOrbs))
    # Mp = np.dot(ImpOrbs, np.dot(sla.inv(Si), ImpOrbs.T))
    Np = np.dot(Sp, Xp)
    # print np.allclose(Np, np.dot(Np, np.dot(Mp, Np)))

    # HF calculation
    mol_.energy_nuc = lambda *args: mol.energy_nuc() + e_core
    mf = scf.RHF(mol_)
    #mf.verbose = 4
    mf.mo_coeff  = cf
    mf.mo_occ    = occ
    mf.get_ovlp  = lambda *args: Sp
    mf.get_hcore = lambda *args: Hp + jkp - 0.5*chempot*(Np + Np.T)
    mf._eri = ao2mo.restore (8, intsp, cfx.shape[1])

    nt = scf.newton(mf)
    #nt.verbose = 4
    nt.max_cycle_inner = 1
    nt.max_stepsize = 0.25
    nt.ah_max_cycle = 32
    nt.ah_start_tol = 1.0e-12
    nt.ah_grad_trust_region = 1.0e8
    nt.conv_tol_grad = 1.0e-6

    cf = nt.mo_coeff
    if not nt.converged:
        raise RuntimeError ('hf failed to converge')

    mf.mo_coeff = cf
    rdm = mf.make_rdm1()
    jk  = mf.get_veff(dm=rdm)

    ImpEnergy = +0.25*np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(2*Hp+jkp, rdm), Xp)) \
                +0.25*np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(2*Hp+jkp, Xp), rdm)) \
                +0.25*np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(jk, rdm), Xp)) \
                +0.25*np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(jk, Xp), rdm))

    Nel = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(rdm, Sp), Xp))

    return Nel, ImpEnergy
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def test_nr_uhf_cart(self):
     mol = h2o_z1.copy()
     mol.cart = True
     mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(mf.e_tot, -75.58051984397145, 9)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def solve(mol, nel, cf_core, cf_gs, ImpOrbs, chempot=0., n_orth=0):
    # cf_core : core orbitals (in AO basis, assumed orthonormal)
    # cf_gs   : guess orbitals (in AO basis)
    # ImpOrbs : cf_gs -> impurity orbitals transformation
    # n_orth  : number of orthonormal orbitals in cf_gs [1..n_orth]

    mol_ = gto.Mole()
    mol_.nelectron = nel
    mol_.incore_anyway = True

    cfx = cf_gs
    Sf = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_ovlp_sph')
    Hc  = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_kin_sph') \
        + mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_nuc_sph')

    occ = np.zeros((cfx.shape[1], ))
    occ[:nel // 2] = 2.

    # core contributions
    dm_core = np.dot(cf_core, cf_core.T) * 2
    jk_core = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm_core)
    e_core  =     np.trace(np.dot(Hc, dm_core)) \
            + 0.5*np.trace(np.dot(jk_core, dm_core))

    # transform integrals
    Sp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(Sf, cfx))
    Hp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(Hc, cfx))
    jkp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(jk_core, cfx))
    intsp = ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree(mol, cfx)

    # orthogonalize cf [virtuals]
    cf = np.zeros((cfx.shape[1], ) * 2, )
    if n_orth > 0:
        assert (n_orth <= cfx.shape[1])
        assert (np.allclose(np.eye(n_orth), Sp[:n_orth, :n_orth]))
        n_orth = 0

    cf[:n_orth, :n_orth] = np.eye(n_orth)
    if n_orth < cfx.shape[1]:
        val, vec = sla.eigh(-Sp[n_orth:, n_orth:])
        idx = -val > 1.e-12
        U = np.dot(vec[:,idx]*1./(np.sqrt(-val[idx])), \
        cf[n_orth:, n_orth:] = U

    # define ImpOrbs projection
    Xp = np.dot(ImpOrbs, ImpOrbs.T)

    # Si = np.dot(ImpOrbs.T, np.dot(Sp, ImpOrbs))
    # Mp = np.dot(ImpOrbs, np.dot(sla.inv(Si), ImpOrbs.T))
    Np = np.dot(Sp, Xp)
    # print np.allclose(Np, np.dot(Np, np.dot(Mp, Np)))

    # HF calculation
    mol_.energy_nuc = lambda *args: mol.energy_nuc() + e_core
    mf = scf.RHF(mol_)
    #mf.verbose = 4
    mf.mo_coeff = cf
    mf.mo_occ = occ
    mf.get_ovlp = lambda *args: Sp
    mf.get_hcore = lambda *args: Hp + jkp - 0.5 * chempot * (Np + Np.T)
    mf._eri = ao2mo.restore(8, intsp, cfx.shape[1])

    nt = scf.newton(mf)
    #nt.verbose = 4
    nt.max_cycle_inner = 1
    nt.max_stepsize = 0.25
    nt.ah_max_cycle = 32
    nt.ah_start_tol = 1.0e-12
    nt.ah_grad_trust_region = 1.0e8
    nt.conv_tol_grad = 1.0e-6

    cf = nt.mo_coeff
    if not nt.converged:
        raise RuntimeError('hf failed to converge')
    mf.mo_coeff = nt.mo_coeff
    mf.mo_energy = nt.mo_energy
    mf.mo_occ = nt.mo_occ

    # FCI solution
    fcisolver = fci.direct_spin0.FCISolver()
    _h1 = np.dot(cf.T, np.dot(mf.get_hcore(), cf))
    _h2 = ao2mo.incore.full(intsp, cf)
    fcisolver.verbose = 2
    Energy, fcivec = \
            fcisolver.kernel (_h1, _h2, cf.shape[1], (nel/2, nel/2))
    Energy += mol.energy_nuc() + e_core
    rdm1, rdm2 = \
            fcisolver.make_rdm12 (fcivec, cf.shape[1], (nel/2, nel/2))

    # transform rdm's to original basis
    tei = ao2mo.restore(1, intsp, cfx.shape[1])
    rdm1 = np.dot(cf, np.dot(rdm1, cf.T))
    rdm2 = np.einsum('ai,ijkl->ajkl', cf, rdm2)
    rdm2 = np.einsum('bj,ajkl->abkl', cf, rdm2)
    rdm2 = np.einsum('ck,abkl->abcl', cf, rdm2)
    rdm2 = np.einsum('dl,abcl->abcd', cf, rdm2)

    ImpEnergy = +0.25 *np.einsum('ij,jk,ki->', 2*Hp+jkp, rdm1, Xp) \
                +0.25 *np.einsum('ij,jk,ki->', 2*Hp+jkp, Xp, rdm1) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,ijkm,ml->', tei, rdm2, Xp) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,ijml,mk->', tei, rdm2, Xp) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,imkl,mj->', tei, rdm2, Xp) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,mjkl,mi->', tei, rdm2, Xp)

    Nel = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(rdm1, Sp), Xp))

    return Nel, ImpEnergy
Ejemplo n.º 45
def solve (mol, nel, cf_core, cf_gs, ImpOrbs, chempot=0., n_orth=0, FrozenPot=None, mf_tot=None):
    # cf_core : core orbitals (in AO basis, assumed orthonormal)
    # cf_gs   : guess orbitals (in AO basis)
    # ImpOrbs : cf_gs -> impurity orbitals transformation
    # n_orth  : number of orthonormal orbitals in cf_gs [1..n_orth]

    mol_ = gto.Mole()
    mol_.build (verbose=0)
    mol_.nelectron = nel
    mol_.incore_anyway = True

    cfx = cf_gs
    print("cfx shape", cfx.shape)
    Sf  = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_ovlp_sph')
    Hc  = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_kin_sph') \
        + mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_nuc_sph') \
        + FrozenPot

    occ = np.zeros((cfx.shape[1],))
    occ[:nel//2] = 2.

    # core contributions
    dm_core = np.dot(cf_core, cf_core.T)*2
    jk_core = scf.hf.get_veff (mol, dm_core)
    e_core  =     np.trace(np.dot(Hc, dm_core)) \
            + 0.5*np.trace(np.dot(jk_core, dm_core))

    # transform integrals
    Sp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(Sf, cfx))
    Hp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(Hc, cfx))
    jkp = np.dot(cfx.T, np.dot(jk_core, cfx))

    # density fitting ============================================================
    # mf = scf.RHF(mol).density_fit()     # this should be moved out of to the parent directory, to avoid repetition
    # mf.with_df._cderi_to_save = 'saved_cderi.h5' # rank-3 decomposition
    # mf.kernel()                    ### moved these three lines to orbital_selection_fc

    auxmol = df.incore.format_aux_basis(mol, auxbasis='weigend')
    j3c    = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, auxmol, intor='cint3c2e_sph', aosym='s1')
    nao    = mol.nao_nr()
    naoaux = auxmol.nao_nr()
    j3c    = j3c.reshape(nao,nao,naoaux) # (ij|L)
    print("j3c shape", j3c.shape)
    j2c    = df.incore.fill_2c2e(mol, auxmol) #(L|M) overlap matrix between auxiliary basis functions

    #the eri is (ij|kl) = \sum_LM (ij|L) (L|M) (M|kl)
    omega = sla.inv(j2c)
    eps,U = sla.eigh(omega)
    #after this transformation the eri is (ij|kl) = \sum_L (ij|L) (L|kl)
    j3c   = np.dot(np.dot(j3c,U),np.diag(np.sqrt(eps)))

    #this part is slow, as we again store the whole eri_df
    # conv = np.einsum('prl,pi,rj->ijl', j3c, cfx, cfx)
    conv = np.einsum('prl,pi->irl',j3c,cfx)
    conv = np.einsum('irl,rj->ijl',conv,cfx)
    df_eri = np.einsum('ijm,klm->ijkl',conv,conv)

    intsp_df = ao2mo.restore(4, df_eri, cfx.shape[1])
    print("DF instp", intsp_df.shape)
    # =============================================================================

    # intsp = ao2mo.outcore.full_iofree (mol, cfx)    #TODO: this we need to calculate on the fly using generator f'n
    # print("intsp shape", intsp.shape)

    # orthogonalize cf [virtuals]
    cf  = np.zeros((cfx.shape[1],)*2,)
    if n_orth > 0:
        assert (n_orth <= cfx.shape[1])
        assert (np.allclose(np.eye(n_orth), Sp[:n_orth,:n_orth]))
        n_orth = 0

    cf[:n_orth,:n_orth] = np.eye(n_orth)
    if n_orth < cfx.shape[1]:
        val, vec = sla.eigh(-Sp[n_orth:,n_orth:])
        idx = -val > 1.e-12
        U = np.dot(vec[:,idx]*1./(np.sqrt(-val[idx])), \
        cf[n_orth:,n_orth:] = U

    # define ImpOrbs projection
    Xp = np.dot(ImpOrbs, ImpOrbs.T)

    # Si = np.dot(ImpOrbs.T, np.dot(Sp, ImpOrbs))
    # Mp = np.dot(ImpOrbs, np.dot(sla.inv(Si), ImpOrbs.T))
    Np = np.dot(Sp, Xp)
    # print np.allclose(Np, np.dot(Np, np.dot(Mp, Np)))

    # HF calculation
    mol_.energy_nuc = lambda *args: mol.energy_nuc() + e_core
    mf1 = scf.RHF(mol_) #.density_fit()
    #mf.verbose = 4
    mf1.mo_coeff  = cf
    mf1.mo_occ    = occ
    mf1.get_ovlp  = lambda *args: Sp
    mf1.get_hcore = lambda *args: Hp + jkp - 0.5*chempot*(Np + Np.T)
    mf1._eri = ao2mo.restore (8, intsp_df, cfx.shape[1]) #trying something

    nt = scf.newton(mf1)
    #nt.verbose = 4
    nt.max_cycle_inner = 1
    nt.max_stepsize = 0.25
    nt.ah_max_cycle = 32
    nt.ah_start_tol = 1.0e-12
    nt.ah_grad_trust_region = 1.0e8
    nt.conv_tol_grad = 1.0e-6

    cf = nt.mo_coeff
    if not nt.converged:
       raise RuntimeError ('hf failed to converge')
    mo_coeff  = nt.mo_coeff
    mo_energy = nt.mo_energy
    mo_occ    = nt.mo_occ
    print("mo_coeff", mo_coeff)

    # dfMP2 solution
    nocc = nel//2
    # mp2solver = dfmp2_testing.MP2(mf_tot) #(work)  #we just pass the mf for the full molecule to dfmp2
    mp2solver = dfmp2.DFMP2(mf_tot) #(work)  #we just pass the mf for the full molecule to dfmp2
    # mp2solver = dfmp2.MP2(mf)  #(home)
    mp2solver.verbose = 5
    mp2solver.kernel(mo_energy=mo_energy, mo_coeff=mo_coeff, nocc=nocc)
    mp2solver.mo_occ=mo_occ.copy()   # this is DIRTY

    def get_t2(mp):
        '''basically identical to the DFMP2 kernel, returns t2'''
        from pyscf.mp import mp2
        mo_coeff  = mp2._mo_without_core(mp, mp.mo_coeff)
        # print("mo_coeff rdms", mo_coeff)
        mo_energy = mp2._mo_energy_without_core(mp, mp.mo_energy)
        nocc = mp.nocc
        nvir = mp.nmo - nocc
        eia  = mo_energy[:nocc,None] - mo_energy[None,nocc:]
        emp2 = 0
        t2   = []
        for istep, qov in enumerate(mp.loop_ao2mo(mo_coeff, nocc)):
            for i in range(nocc):
                buf = np.dot(qov[:,i*nvir:(i+1)*nvir].T,qov).reshape(nvir,nocc,nvir)
                gi  = np.array(buf,copy=False)
                gi  = gi.reshape(nvir,nocc,nvir).transpose(1,0,2)
                t2i = gi.conj()/lib.direct_sum('jb+a->jba',eia,eia[i])
                emp2 += np.einsum('jab,jab',t2i,gi) * 2
                emp2 -= np.einsum('jab,jba',t2i,gi)
        return emp2,t2

    def make_rdm1(mp2solver):
        '''rdm1 in the MO basis'''
        from pyscf.cc import ccsd_rdm
        doo, dvv = _gamma1_intermediates(mp2solver)
        nocc = doo.shape[0]
        nvir = dvv.shape[0]
        print('nocc', nocc)
        print('nvir', nvir)
        dov  = np.zeros((nocc,nvir), dtype=doo.dtype)
        dvo  = dov.T
        return ccsd_rdm._make_rdm1(mp,(doo,dov,dvo,dvv),with_frozen=False)

    def _gamma1_intermediates(mp,t2=None):
        nmo  = mp.nmo
        nocc = mp.nocc
        nvir = nmo - nocc
        from pyscf.mp import mp2
        mo_coeff  = mp2._mo_without_core(mp, mp.mo_coeff)
        print("mo coeff rdms", mo_coeff)
        print('nmo, nocc, nvir, mo_coeff shape')
        print(nmo, nocc, nvir, mp.mo_coeff.shape)
        mo_energy = mp2._mo_energy_without_core(mp, mp.mo_energy)
        eia = mo_energy[:nocc,None] - mo_energy[None,nocc:]
        if(t2 is None):
            for istep, qov in enumerate(mp.loop_ao2mo(mo_coeff, nocc)):
                    dtype = qov.dtype
                    dm1occ = np.zeros((nocc,nocc), dtype=dtype)
                    dm1vir = np.zeros((nvir,nvir), dtype=dtype)
                for i in range(nocc):
                    buf = np.dot(qov[:,i*nvir:(i+1)*nvir].T,
                    gi = np.array(buf, copy=False)
                    gi = gi.reshape(nvir,nocc,nvir).transpose(1,0,2)
                    t2i = gi/lib.direct_sum('jb+a->jba', eia, eia[i])
                    l2i = t2i.conj()
                    dm1vir += np.einsum('jca,jcb->ba', l2i, t2i) * 2 \
                           - np.einsum('jca,jbc->ba', l2i, t2i)
                    dm1occ += np.einsum('iab,jab->ij', l2i, t2i) * 2 \
                           - np.einsum('iab,jba->ij', l2i, t2i)
            dtype = t2[0].dtype
            dm1occ = np.zeros((nocc,nocc), dtype=dtype)
            dm1vir = np.zeros((nvir,nvir), dtype=dtype)
            for i in range(nocc):
                t2i = t2[i]
                l2i = t2i.conj()
                dm1vir += np.einsum('jca,jcb->ba', l2i, t2i) * 2 \
                      - np.einsum('jca,jbc->ba', l2i, t2i)
                dm1occ += np.einsum('iab,jab->ij', l2i, t2i) * 2 \
                      - np.einsum('iab,jba->ij', l2i, t2i)
        return -dm1occ, dm1vir

    def make_rdm2(mp2solver):
        nmo  = nmo0  = mp2solver.nmo
        nocc = nocc0 = mp2solver.nocc
        nvir = nmo - nocc
        from pyscf.mp import mp2
        mo_coeff  = mp2._mo_without_core(mp2solver, mp2solver.mo_coeff)
        mo_energy = mp2._mo_energy_without_core(mp2solver, mp2solver.mo_energy)
        eia       = mo_energy[:nocc,None] - mo_energy[None,nocc:]

        moidx = oidx = vidx = None
        dm1   = make_rdm1(mp2solver)
        dm1[np.diag_indices(nocc0)] -= 2
        dm2   = np.zeros((nmo0,nmo0,nmo0,nmo0), dtype=dm1.dtype)

        if(t2 is None):
            for istep, qov in enumerate(mp2solver.loop_ao2mo(mo_coeff, nocc)):
                for i in range(nocc):
                    buf = np.dot(qov[:,i*nvir:(i+1)*nvir].T,qov).reshape(nvir,nocc,nvir)
                    gi  = np.array(buf,copy=False)
                    gi  = gi.reshape(nvir,nocc,nvir).transpose(1,0,2)
                    t2i = gi.conj()/lib.direct_sum('jb+a->jba',eia,eia[i])
                    dovov = t2i.transpose(1,0,2)*2 - t2i.transpose(2,0,1)
                    dovov *= 2
                    if moidx is None:
                        dm2[i,nocc:,:nocc,nocc:] = dovov
                        dm2[nocc:,i,nocc:,:nocc] = dovov.conj().transpose(0,2,1)
                        dm2[oidx[i],vidx[:,None,None],oidx[:,None],vidx] = dovov
                        dm2[vidx[:,None,None],oidx[i],vidx[:,None],oidx] = dovov.conj().transpose(0,2,1)

            for i in range(nocc):
                t2i = t2[i]
                dovov = t2i.transpose(1,0,2)*2 - t2i.transpose(2,0,1)
                dovov *= 2
                if moidx is None:
                    dm2[i,nocc:,:nocc,nocc:] = dovov
                    dm2[nocc:,i,nocc:,:nocc] = dovov.conj().transpose(0,2,1)
                    dm2[oidx[i],vidx[:,None,None],oidx[:,None],vidx] = dovov
                    dm2[vidx[:,None,None],oidx[i],vidx[:,None],oidx] = dovov.conj().transpose(0,2,1)

        for i in range(nocc0):
            dm2[i,i,:,:] += dm1.T * 2
            dm2[:,:,i,i] += dm1.T * 2
            dm2[:,i,i,:] -= dm1.T
            dm2[i,:,:,i] -= dm1

        for i in range(nocc0):
            for j in range(nocc0):
                dm2[i,i,j,j] += 4
                dm2[i,j,j,i] -= 2

        return dm2

    t2 = None
    rdm1 = make_rdm1(mp2solver)
    rdm2 = make_rdm2(mp2solver)

#  # -------------------------------------
 # TEST: compare rdm dmet with dfmp2 rdms
    # atoms_test=\
    # [['C',( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7680)],\
    #  ['C',( 0.0000, 0.0000,-0.7680)],\
    #  ['H',(-1.0192, 0.0000, 1.1573)],\
    #  ['H',( 0.5096, 0.8826, 1.1573)],\
    #  ['H',( 0.5096,-0.8826, 1.1573)],\
    #  ['H',( 1.0192, 0.0000,-1.1573)],\
    #  ['H',(-0.5096,-0.8826,-1.1573)],\
    #  ['H',(-0.5096, 0.8826,-1.1573)]]

    atoms_test = [
    ['O' , (0. , 0. , 0.)],\
    ['H' , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],\
    ['H' , (0. , 0.757  , 0.587)]]

    mol_test = gto.M(atom=atoms_test,basis='cc-pvdz')
    m_test = scf.RHF(mol_test).density_fit()

    mm_test = dfmp2.DFMP2(m_test)
    from pyscf.mp import mp2
    rdm1_test = mp2.make_rdm1(mm_test)
    rdm2_test = mp2.make_rdm2(mm_test)

    # Plot sorted rdm1 values
    x1 = rdm1
    y1 = x1.flatten()
    y1 = np.sort(y1)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(y1, 'r', label='rdm1 from dmet')
    x2 = rdm1_test
    y2 = x2.flatten()
    print("rdm1", y2)
    y2 = np.sort(y2)
    plt.plot(y2, 'b', label='rdm1 for dfmp2')
    plt.ylabel('rdm1 sorted values')
    # Place a legend above this subplot, expanding itself to
    # fully use the given bounding box.
    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
               ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
    print("deviations between sorted 1rdm in MO basis ")

    # Plot sorted rdm2 values
    x1 = rdm2
    y1 = x1.flatten()
    y1 = np.sort(y1)
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(y1, 'r', label='rdm2 from dmet')
    x2 = rdm2_test
    y2 = x2.flatten()
    print("rdm1", y2)
    y2 = np.sort(y2)
    plt.plot(y2, 'b', label='rdm2 for dfmp2')
    plt.ylabel('rdm1 sorted values')
    # Place a legend above this subplot, expanding itself to
    # fully use the given bounding box.
    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
               ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
    print("deviations between sorted 1rdm in MO basis ")

    print("deviations between 1rdm,2rdm in MO basis ")
# # ----------------------------------

    # transform rdm's to original basis
    tei  = ao2mo.restore(1, intsp_df, cfx.shape[1])
    print("tei shape", tei.shape)
    rdm1 = np.dot(cf, np.dot(rdm1, cf.T))
    rdm2 = np.einsum('ai,ijkl->ajkl', cf, rdm2)
    rdm2 = np.einsum('bj,ajkl->abkl', cf, rdm2)
    rdm2 = np.einsum('ck,abkl->abcl', cf, rdm2)
    rdm2 = np.einsum('dl,abcl->abcd', cf, rdm2)

    ImpEnergy = +0.25 *np.einsum('ij,jk,ki->', 2*Hp+jkp, rdm1, Xp) \
                +0.25 *np.einsum('ij,jk,ki->', 2*Hp+jkp, Xp, rdm1) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,ijkm,ml->', tei, rdm2, Xp) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,ijml,mk->', tei, rdm2, Xp) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,imkl,mj->', tei, rdm2, Xp) \
                +0.125*np.einsum('ijkl,mjkl,mi->', tei, rdm2, Xp)

    Nel = np.trace(np.dot(np.dot(rdm1, Sp), Xp))

    return Nel, ImpEnergy
Ejemplo n.º 46
    return mo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto, scf, dft
    mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.2222', basis='631g*')
    mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
    rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mf = dft.RKS(mol).run(level_shift=.2)
    rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    mo1 = uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)[0]

    mf = scf.newton(mf).run(mo1, mf.mo_occ)
    uhf_stability(mf, True, False, verbose=4)
    mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol)).run()
    uhf_stability(mf, True, False, verbose=4)

    mol.spin = 2
    mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mf = dft.UKS(mol).run()
    uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mol = gto.M(atom='''
O2  1  1.2227
O3  1  1.2227  2  114.0451
Ejemplo n.º 47

# X2C correction for relativistic effects
# first pass, to generate initial guess
mf = scf.sfx2c(scf.UHF(mol))
mf.chkfile = 'hs.chk'
mf.level_shift = 0.1
mf.conv_tol = 1e-2
# second pass to converge SCF calculation
mf = scf.newton(mf)
mf.conv_tol = 1e-12

# Analyze SCF results and make MCSCF initial guess

# This parameter to control the call to matplotlib
ifplot = False
Ejemplo n.º 48
H 5.612530 2.721618 4.428971
H 4.651591 2.282146 3.180231
H 4.947415 4.665452 0.537824
H 3.725531 3.767789 1.151899
H 3.515369 5.369877 0.896878
H 9.224480 4.780740 3.228456
H 10.002053 5.784964 4.259380
H 9.010897 4.621544 4.842435
H 7.210886 6.878915 6.599377
H 8.578203 7.641391 6.125073
H 7.135300 8.403680 6.011782
H 8.308553 8.287098 2.094287
H 7.797036 9.254716 3.309999
H 9.239940 8.492427 3.423290 
            basis = 'ccpvdz',
            charge = 3,
            spin = 3,
            verbose = 5,
            output = 'cu3.out')

mf = scf.density_fit(scf.RHF(mol))
mf.diis_start_cycle = 0
mf.conv_tol = .01
mo0 = mf.mo_coeff
mo0occ = mf.mo_occ

mf = scf.density_fit(scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol)))
mf.kernel(mo0, mo0occ)
Ejemplo n.º 49
mol = gto.Mole()
    atom='''8  0  0.     0
              1  0  -0.757 0.587
              1  0  0.757  0.587''',

mf = scf.RHF(mol)
mf.conv_tol = 1e-1
mo_init = mf.mo_coeff
mocc_init = mf.mo_occ

mf = scf.newton(scf.RHF(mol))
energy = mf.kernel(mo_init, mocc_init)
print('E = %.12f, ref = -76.026765672992' % energy)

mf = scf.UKS(mol).newton()  # Using stream style
# The newton algorithm will automatically generate initial orbitals if initial
# guess is not given.
energy = mf.kernel()
print('E = %.12f, ref = -75.854702461713' % energy)

# Note You should first set mf.xc then apply newton method because this will
# correctly set up the underlying orbital gradients.  If you first create
# mf = mf.newton() then change mf.xc, the orbital Hessian will be computed
# with the updated xc functional while the orbital gradients are computed with
# the old xc functional.
# In some scenario, you can use this character to approximate the
Ejemplo n.º 50
# Run stability analysis for the SCF wave function

# This instability is associated to a symmetry broken answer.  When point
# group symmetry is used, the same wave function is stable.
mol = gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.2', basis='631g*', symmetry=1)
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()

# If the SCF wavefunction is unstable, the stability analysis program will
# transform the SCF wavefunction and generate a set of initial guess (orbitals).
# The initial guess can be used to make density matrix and fed into a new SCF
# iteration (see 15-initial_guess.py).
mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.2222', basis='631g*')
mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
mo1 = mf.stability()[0]
dm1 = mf.make_rdm1(mo1, mf.mo_occ)
mf = mf.run(dm1)

# Also the initial guess orbitals from stability analysis can be used as with
# second order SCF solver
mf = scf.newton(mf).run(mo1, mf.mo_occ)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def test_init(self):
        from pyscf import dft
        from pyscf import x2c
        mol_r = mol
        mol_u = gto.M(atom='Li', spin=1, verbose=0)
        mol_r1 = gto.M(atom='H', spin=1, verbose=0)
        sym_mol_r = molsym
        sym_mol_u = gto.M(atom='Li', spin=1, symmetry=1, verbose=0)
        sym_mol_r1 = gto.M(atom='H', spin=1, symmetry=1, verbose=0)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RKS(mol_r), dft.rks.RKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RKS(mol_u), dft.roks.ROKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UKS(mol_r), dft.uks.UKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROKS(mol_r), dft.roks.ROKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GKS(mol_r), dft.gks.GKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.KS(mol_r), dft.rks.RKS))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.KS(mol_u), dft.uks.UKS))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(mol_r), scf.hf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(mol_u), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(mol_r1), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(mol_r), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(mol_u), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(mol_r1), scf.uhf.HF1e))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(mol_r), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(mol_u), scf.rohf.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(mol_r1), scf.rohf.HF1e))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(mol_r), scf.hf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(mol_u), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(mol_r1), scf.rohf.HF1e))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(mol_r), scf.ghf.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(mol_u), scf.ghf.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(mol_r1), scf.ghf.HF1e))
        #TODO: self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.DHF(mol_r), scf.dhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.DHF(mol_u), scf.dhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.DHF(mol_r1), scf.dhf.HF1e))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(sym_mol_r), scf.hf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(sym_mol_u), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.RHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.hf_symm.HF1e))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(sym_mol_r), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(sym_mol_u), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.UHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.uhf_symm.HF1e))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(sym_mol_r), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(sym_mol_u), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.ROHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.hf_symm.HF1e))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(sym_mol_r), scf.hf_symm.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(sym_mol_u), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(sym_mol_r), scf.ghf_symm.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(sym_mol_u), scf.ghf_symm.GHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.GHF(sym_mol_r1), scf.ghf_symm.HF1e))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.X2C(mol_r), x2c.x2c.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(mol_r)), scf.rhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(mol_u)), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(mol_r1)), scf.rohf.ROHF))
            isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(sym_mol_r)), scf.rhf_symm.RHF))
            isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(sym_mol_u)), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
            isinstance(scf.sfx2c1e(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1)), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
            isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(mol_r1)), scf.rohf.ROHF))
            isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(sym_mol_r)), scf.rhf_symm.RHF))
            isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(sym_mol_u)), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
            isinstance(scf.density_fit(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1)), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(mol_r)), scf.rhf.RHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(mol_u)), scf.uhf.UHF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(mol_r1)), scf.rohf.ROHF))
            isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(sym_mol_r)), scf.rhf_symm.RHF))
            isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(sym_mol_u)), scf.uhf_symm.UHF))
            isinstance(scf.newton(scf.HF(sym_mol_r1)), scf.hf_symm.ROHF))
Ejemplo n.º 52
def orbital_partitioning(mol, fragments, shells, verbose):

    at_species, at_orbitals, species = [], [], []
    natom = 0

    for i, (sh0, sh1, ao0, ao1) in enumerate(mol.offset_nr_by_atom()):
        name = mol.atom[i][0]
        if (name not in species): species.append(name)

        at_orbitals.append((ao0, ao1))
        natom += 1
    # print("at species", at_species)
    # print("at orbitals", at_orbitals)
    # print("shells", shells)
    # exit()

    if (verbose): print("number of atoms ", natom)
    if (verbose): print("atomic species  ", species)
    T_atom, n_core, n_vale, n_virt = [], [], [], []

    for s in species:
        orbitals = []
        nc = core_orbitals(s)
        nsh = len(shells[s])
        for ib in range(nsh):
            pmol = gto.Mole()
            pmol.atom = [[s, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]]
            pmol.basis = {s: shells[s][ib]}
            pmol.charge = 0
            pmol.spin = atomic_spins(s)
            pmol.symmetry = False
            nbasis = pmol.nao_nr()
            orbitals.append(nbasis - nc)

        pmf = scf.ROHF(pmol)
        pmf.max_cycle = 5000
        pmf.conv_tol = 1e-6
        pmf = scf.newton(pmf)

        #print("orbitals", orbitals, orbitals[0], orbitals[0:])
    #print("nvirt", n_virt)
    #print("t-atom", T_atom)

    for i in range(natom):
        j = at_species[i]
        if (verbose):            print ( "atom ",i," species ",species[j], \
                  " AOs ",at_orbitals[i], \
                  " core,vale,virt ",n_core[j],n_vale[j],n_virt[j] )


    nbasis = mol.nao_nr()
    n_core_tot, n_vale_tot, n_virt_tot = 0, 0, 0
    for i in range(natom):
        j = at_species[i]
        n_core_tot += n_core[j]
        n_vale_tot += n_vale[j]
        n_virt_tot += n_virt[j][nsh - 1] - n_vale[j]

    if (verbose): print("number of basis          orbitals: ", nbasis)
    if (verbose):
        print("number of core,vale,virt orbitals: ", n_core_tot, n_vale_tot,

    if (n_core_tot == 0): Cf_core = None
    else: Cf_core = numpy.zeros((nbasis, n_core_tot), dtype=float)

    imin, imax = 0, 0
    for i in range(natom):
        j = at_species[i]
        (ao0, ao1) = at_orbitals[i]
        nc = n_core[j]
        if (nc > 0):
            if (verbose):                print ( "atom ",i," AOs ",ao0," to ",ao1, \
                      "CORE block (",ao0,",",ao1-1,") x (",imin,",",imin+nc,")" )
            imax = imin + nc
            Cf_core[ao0:ao1, imin:imax] = T_atom[j][:, :nc]
            imin = imax
    #print("cf_core", Cf_core)

    Cf_vale = numpy.zeros((nbasis, n_vale_tot), dtype=float)

    imin, imax = 0, 0
    for i in range(natom):
        j = at_species[i]
        (ao0, ao1) = at_orbitals[i]
        nc = n_core[j]
        nv = n_vale[j]
        imax = imin + nv
        if (verbose):            print ( "atom ",i," AOs ",ao0," to ",ao1, \
                  "VALE block (",ao0,",",ao1-1,") x (",imin,",",imax-1,")" )
        Cf_vale[ao0:ao1, imin:imax] = T_atom[j][:, nc:nv + nc]
        imin = imax
        #print("cf_vale", Cf_vale)
    #print("cf_vale", Cf_vale)

    Cf_virt = numpy.zeros((nbasis, n_virt_tot), dtype=float)

    imin, imax = 0, 0
    for i in range(natom):
        j = at_species[i]
        (ao0, ao1) = at_orbitals[i]
        ncr = n_core[j]
        nva = n_vale[j]
        nvt = n_virt[j][nsh - 1]
        imax = imin + nvt - nva
        if (verbose):            print ( "atom ",i," AOs ",ao0," to ",ao1, \
                  "VIRT block (",ao0,",",ao1-1,") x (",imin,",",imax-1,")" )
        Cf_virt[ao0:ao1, imin:imax] = T_atom[j][:, nva + ncr:]
        imin = imax
    #print("cf vrt", Cf_virt)

    return Cf_core, Cf_vale, Cf_virt
Ejemplo n.º 53
            self.mo10, self.mo_e10 = self.solve_mo1()
            mo10 = self.mo10
        return para(self, mo10, mo_coeff, mo_occ)

    make_dia_gc2e = make_dia_gc2e
    make_para_soc2e = make_para_soc2e

    def align(self, gtensor):
        return align(gtensor)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto, scf
    mol = gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.25',
                basis='ccpvdz', spin=1, charge=1, verbose=3)
    mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol)).run()
    gobj = GTensor(mf)
    gobj.para_soc2e = 'SSO+SOO'
    gobj.dia_soc2e = None
    gobj.so_eff_charge = False
    gobj.gauge_orig = (0,0,0)

    mol = gto.M(atom='''
                H 0   0   1
                basis='ccpvdz', spin=1, charge=0, verbose=3)
    mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    gobj = GTensor(mf)
Ejemplo n.º 54
    return mo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto, scf, dft
    mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.2222', basis='631g*')
    mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
    rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mf = dft.RKS(mol).run(level_shift=.2)
    rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    mo1 = uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)[0]

    mf = scf.newton(mf).run(mo1, mf.mo_occ)
    uhf_stability(mf, True, False, verbose=4)
    mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol)).run()
    uhf_stability(mf, True, False, verbose=4)

    mol.spin = 2
    mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
    uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mf = dft.UKS(mol).run()
    uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)

    mol = gto.M(atom='''
O2  1  1.2227
O3  1  1.2227  2  114.0451