Ejemplo n.º 1
def _unpackXY(x, y):
    """If x is a sequence and y is None, returns x[0], y[0]. Else, returns x, y.

    On functions that receive a pair of x,y coordinates, they can be passed as
    separate arguments, or as a single two-element sequence.
    if isinstance(x, str):
        # x parameter is the string of an image filename to find and click on:
        x, y = center(locateOnScreen(x))

    elif isinstance(x, collectionsSequence):
        if len(x) == 2:
            # x is a two-integer tuple: (x, y)
            if y is None:
                x, y = x
                raise ValueError(
                    'When passing a sequence as the x argument, the y argument must not be passed (received {0}).'
        elif len(x) == 4:
            # x is a four-integer tuple: (left, top, width, height)
            if y is None:
                x, y = center(x)
                raise ValueError(
                    'When passing a sequence as the x argument, the y argument must not be passed (received {0}).'
            raise ValueError(
                'The supplied sequence must have exactly 2 or exactly 4 elements ({0} were received).'
        pass  # x and y are just number values

    return x, y
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def locate(self, image, type='', **kwargs):
        if type == "base64":
            needle_image = BytesIO(base64.b64decode(image))
            needle_image = Image.open(image)

        haystack_image = self.get_screenshot()

        if res := pyscreeze.locate(needle_image, haystack_image) != None:
            position = []
            self.x = pyscreeze.center(res)[0]
            self.y = pyscreeze.center(res)[1]
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def click_png(self, png):
     if self.found_image(png):
         location = pyscreeze.locateOnScreen(png)
         if location:
             self.log('Found image %s' % png)
             center_x, center_y = pyscreeze.center(location)
             self.click_position(center_x, center_y)
         self.log('Could not find the image: %s' % png)
         raise Exception('Locate image %s failed.' % png)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def click_png(png):
    # location = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(png)
    location = pyscreeze.locateOnScreen(png)
    if location:
        log('Found image%s' % png)
        # center_x, center_y = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(png)
        center_x, center_y = pyscreeze.center(location)
        click_position(center_x, center_y)
        # log('Could not find the image: %s' % png)
        raise Exception('Locate image %s failed.' % png)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _unpackXY(x, y):
    """If x is a sequence and y is None, returns x[0], y[0]. Else, returns x, y.

    On functions that receive a pair of x,y coordinates, they can be passed as
    separate arguments, or as a single two-element sequence.
    if isinstance(x, str):
        # x parameter is the string of an image filename to find and click on:
        x, y = center(locateOnScreen(x))

    elif isinstance(x, collectionsSequence):
        if len(x) == 2:
            if y is None:
                x, y = x
                raise ValueError('When passing a sequence at the x argument, the y argument must not be passed (received {0}).'.format(repr(y)))
            raise ValueError('The supplied sequence must have exactly 2 elements ({0} were received).'.format(len(x)))
        pass # x and y are just number values

    return x, y
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_center(self):
        self.assertEqual((10, 10), pyscreeze.center((0, 0, 20, 20)))
        self.assertEqual((10, 10), pyscreeze.center((5, 5, 10, 10)))

        self.assertEqual((100, 100), pyscreeze.center((0, 0, 200, 200)))
        self.assertEqual((100, 100), pyscreeze.center((50, 50, 100, 100)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
print("     E     ")
print("     R     ")

input0 = input("Would you Like to hack (C)ookie Clicker or (D)oge Clicker")

if input0 == "C":

    input1 = input(
        "Would you Like to (I)nfinity Tap or Tap the cookie a (S)pecified amount of times"

    if input1 == "I":

        screen = pyscreeze.screenshot()
        cookie = pyscreeze.locateOnScreen('cookie.png')
        cookiex, cookiey = pyscreeze.center(cookie)

        pyautogui.moveTo(cookiex, cookiey)

        i = 0
        while True:
            i += 1
    elif input1 == "S":
        input3 = int(input("Enter number of times cookie will be clicked"))

        screen = pyscreeze.screenshot()
        cookie = pyscreeze.locateOnScreen('cookie.png')
        cookiex, cookiey = pyscreeze.center(cookie)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_center(self):
        self.assertEqual((10, 10), pyscreeze.center((0, 0, 20, 20)))
        self.assertEqual((10, 10), pyscreeze.center((5, 5, 10, 10)))

        self.assertEqual((100, 100), pyscreeze.center((0, 0, 200, 200)))
        self.assertEqual((100, 100), pyscreeze.center((50, 50, 100, 100)))