Ejemplo n.º 1
def of_demo_29():
    f = "cfg.yml"
    d = {}
    if(load_dict_from_file(f, d) is False):
        print("Config file '%s' read error: " % f)

        ctrlIpAddr = d['ctrlIpAddr']
        ctrlPortNum = d['ctrlPortNum']
        ctrlUname = d['ctrlUname']
        ctrlPswd = d['ctrlPswd']
        rundelay = d['rundelay']
        print ("Failed to get Controller device attributes")

    description = (
        " This demo illustrates how to use Controller's notification \n"
        " subscription service for tracing dynamic changes in the\n"
        " network topology data tree maintained by the Controller.\n"
        " It is implied that core network services (Forwarding Rules\n"
        " Manager, Topology Manager, Switch Manager, Host Tracker)\n"
        " are functioning on the Controller\n"
        " This script creates an event listener on the Controller and\n"
        " establishes permanent connection to the events notification\n"
        " stream. Once a data change event in the topology tree (such\n"
        " as add/remove switch, host or link) is detected it will be\n"
        " reported to the screen.\n"

    print "\n".strip()
    print description
    print "\n".strip()

    print ("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
    print ("<<< Demo 29 Start")
    print ("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")

    ctrl = Controller(ctrlIpAddr, ctrlPortNum, ctrlUname, ctrlPswd)
    # Identifier of the network topology to be traced
    # (name used by Controller for default topology instance)
    topo_id = 'flow:1'
    print "\n".strip()
    print ("<<< 'Controller': %s, Topology Identifier: '%s'" %
           (ctrlIpAddr, topo_id))

    # Data store for the changes
    # Can be one of:
    # - CONFIGURATION: Logical data store representing configuration
    #                  state of the system and it's components.
    # - OPERATIONAL:   Logical data store representing operational
    #                  state of the system and it's components
    datastore = "OPERATIONAL"

    # Scope of the data changes
    # Can be one of:
    # - BASE:    Represents only a direct change of the node, such as
    #            replacement, addition or deletion of the node.
    # - ONE:     Represent a change (addition, replacement, deletion)
    #            of the node or one of its direct children.
    #            This scope is a superset of BASE.
    # - SUBTREE: Represents a change of the node or any of its child
    #            nodes, direct and nested.
    #            This scope is superset of ONE and BASE.
    scope = "SUBTREE"

    # Path to the network topology node in the YANG data tree
    path = ctrl.get_network_topology_yang_schema_path(topo_id)

    # Create listener on the Controller (if it does already exist Controller
    # just returns the stream name to subscribe to)
    result = ctrl.create_data_change_event_subscription(datastore, scope, path)
    status = result.get_status()
    if not status.eq(STATUS.OK):
        print ("\n")
        print ("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed())

    stream_name = result.get_data()

    # Subscribe to the stream
    result = ctrl.subscribe_to_stream(stream_name)
    status = result.get_status()
    if not status.eq(STATUS.OK):
        print ("\n")
        print ("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed())

    print "\n".strip()
    print " Successfully subscribed for data change notifications"
    print " Stream location:"
    stream_location = result.get_data()
    print "    %s" % stream_location
    print "\n".strip()
    print " Listening ... (CTRL-C to exit)"
    print "\n".strip()

    # Connect to the notification stream on the Controller
    # and start listening for the data change notifications
    # (report only events that we are really interested in)
    websock = create_connection(stream_location)
        while True:
            event = websock.recv()
            tcn = NetworkTopologyChangeNotification(event)

            timestamp = tcn.get_time()

            l = tcn.switches_added()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] added switch: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = tcn.switches_removed()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] removed switch: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = tcn.hosts_added()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] added host: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = tcn.hosts_removed()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] removed host: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = tcn.links_added()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] added link: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = tcn.links_removed()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] removed link: %s" % (timestamp, i)

        print "Interrupted from keyboard, exit\n"


    print ("\n")
    print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
    print (">>> Demo End")
    print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def of_demo_30():

    f = "cfg.yml"
    d = {}
    if load_dict_from_file(f, d) is False:
        print ("Config file '%s' read error: " % f)

        ctrlIpAddr = d["ctrlIpAddr"]
        ctrlPortNum = d["ctrlPortNum"]
        ctrlUname = d["ctrlUname"]
        ctrlPswd = d["ctrlPswd"]
        rundelay = d["rundelay"]
        print ("Failed to get Controller device attributes")

    description = (
        " This demo illustrates how to use Controller's notification\n"
        " subscription service for tracing dynamic changes in the\n"
        " the Controller's inventory data store.\n"
        " It is implied that core network services (OpenFlow, NETCONF)\n"
        " are functioning on the Controller.\n"
        " This script creates an event listener on the Controller and\n"
        " establishes permanent connection to the events notification\n"
        " stream. Once a data change event in the inventory data store\n"
        " (such as add/remove node or flow entry) is detected\n"
        " it will be reported to the screen.\n"

    print "\n".strip()
    print description
    print "\n".strip()

    print ("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
    print ("<<< Demo 30 Start")
    print ("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")

    ctrl = Controller(ctrlIpAddr, ctrlPortNum, ctrlUname, ctrlPswd)
    print "\n".strip()
    print ("<<< 'Controller': %s" % (ctrlIpAddr))

    # Data store for the changes
    # Can be one of:
    # - CONFIGURATION: Logical data store representing configuration
    #                  state of the system and it's components.
    # - OPERATIONAL:   Logical data store representing operational
    #                  state of the system and it's components
    datastore = "OPERATIONAL"

    # Scope of the data changes
    # Can be one of:
    # - BASE:    Represents only a direct change of the node, such as
    #            replacement, addition or deletion of the node.
    # - ONE:     Represent a change (addition, replacement, deletion)
    #            of the node or one of its direct children.
    #            This scope is a superset of BASE.
    # - SUBTREE: Represents a change of the node or any of its child
    #            nodes, direct and nested.
    #            This scope is superset of ONE and BASE.
    scope = "SUBTREE"

    # Path to the inventory data store in the YANG data tree
    path = ctrl.get_inventory_nodes_yang_schema_path()

    # Create listener on the Controller (if it does already exist Controller
    # just returns the stream name to subscribe to)
    result = ctrl.create_data_change_event_subscription(datastore, scope, path)
    status = result.get_status()
    if not status.eq(STATUS.OK):
        print ("\n")
        print ("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed())

    stream_name = result.get_data()

    # Subscribe to the stream
    result = ctrl.subscribe_to_stream(stream_name)
    status = result.get_status()
    if not status.eq(STATUS.OK):
        print ("\n")
        print ("!!!Demo terminated, reason: %s" % status.detailed())

    print "\n".strip()
    print " Successfully subscribed for data change notifications"
    print " Stream location:"
    stream_location = result.get_data()
    print "    %s" % stream_location
    print "\n".strip()
    print " Listening ... (CTRL-C to exit)"
    print "\n".strip()

    # Connect to the notification stream on the Controller
    # and start listening for the data change notifications
    # (report only events that we are really interested in)
    websock = create_connection(stream_location)
        while True:
            notification = websock.recv()
            icn = InventoryChangeNotification(notification)

            timestamp = icn.get_time()

            l = icn.nodes_added()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] added node: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = icn.nodes_removed()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] removed node: %s" % (timestamp, i)

            l = icn.flows_added()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] added flow entry: %s" % (timestamp, i.to_string())

            l = icn.flows_removed()
            if l and len(l):
                for i in l:
                    print " [%s] removed flow entry: %s" % (timestamp, i.to_string())
    except (KeyboardInterrupt):
        print "Interrupted from keyboard, exit\n"


    print ("\n")
    print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
    print (">>> Demo End")
    print (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")