Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_divergence_free_current_magnitudes():
    "Make sure the divergence free current amplitudes are correct."
    # Place the SEC at the North Pole
    sec_r = R_EARTH + 100
    sec_latlonr = np.array([[0., 0., sec_r]])
    # Going out in an angle from the SEC (in longitude)
    angles = np.linspace(0.1, 180)
    obs_latlonr = np.zeros(angles.shape + (3, ))
    obs_latlonr[:, 1] = angles
    obs_latlonr[:, 2] = sec_r

    J = np.squeeze(pysecs.J_df(obs_latlonr, sec_latlonr))

    # Make sure all radial components are zero in this system
    assert np.all(J[:, 2] == 0.)

    # Also all y components (angles goes around the equator and all
    # quantities should be perpendicular to that)
    assert_allclose(np.zeros(angles.shape), J[:, 1], atol=1e-16)

    # Actual magnitude
    tan_theta2 = np.tan(np.deg2rad(angles / 2))
    J_test = 1. / (4 * np.pi * sec_r)
    J_test = np.divide(J_test,
                       out=np.ones_like(tan_theta2) * np.inf,
                       where=tan_theta2 != 0.)

    assert_allclose(J_test, J[:, 0], atol=1e-16)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_outside_current_plane():
    "Make sure all currents outside the SEC plane are 0."
    sec_r = R_EARTH + 100
    sec_latlonr = np.array([[0., 0., sec_r]])
    # Above and below the plane, also on and off the SEC point
    obs_latlonr = np.array([[0., 0., sec_r - 100.], [0., 0., sec_r + 100.],
                            [5, 0., sec_r - 100.], [5., 0., sec_r + 100.]])

    # df currents
    J = np.squeeze(pysecs.J_df(obs_latlonr, sec_latlonr))
    assert np.all(J == 0.)
    # cf currents
    J = np.squeeze(pysecs.J_cf(obs_latlonr, sec_latlonr))
    assert np.all(J == 0.)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_divergence_free_current_directions():
    "Make sure the divergence free current angles are correct."
    # Place the SEC at the equator
    sec_r = R_EARTH + 100
    sec_latlonr = np.array([[0., 0., sec_r]])
    # Going around in a circle from the point
    obs_latlonr = np.array([[5., 0., sec_r], [0., 5., sec_r], [-5, 0., sec_r],
                            [0., -5., sec_r]])

    J = np.squeeze(pysecs.J_df(obs_latlonr, sec_latlonr))

    angles = np.arctan2(J[:, 0], J[:, 1])
    # westward, northward, eastward, southward
    expected_angles = np.deg2rad([-180., 90., 0., -90.])
    assert_allclose(angles, expected_angles, atol=1e-16)