Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_fit_predict_normalize():
    '''Tests with dataset'''
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2)
    ssm = SSM(False, False, 1, normalize_err=True)
    Y = ssm.fit_predict(D)
    assert Y.any()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_yes():
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()

    tw = TemporalWeight('yes', 2)
    y = tw.fit_predict(D)
    for i in xrange(D.shape[0]):
        val = D[i][-1]
        assert_equal(val, y[i])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_yes():
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()

    tw = TemporalWeight('yes', 2)
    y = tw.fit_predict(D)

    for i in xrange(D.shape[0]):
        val = D[i][-1]
        assert_equal(val, y[i])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_rbf_with_dataset():
    '''Tests the RBF model with TimeSeriesDataset'''
    rbf_model = RidgeRBFModel(10, .5, alpha=.01)
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-6)
    y = D.np_like_firstn().sum(axis=1)

    model = rbf_model.fit(D, y)
    y_pred = model.predict(D)
    mrse = (((y - y_pred) / y)**2).mean()
    assert_almost_equal(0, mrse, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_rbf_with_dataset():
    '''Tests the RBF model with TimeSeriesDataset'''
    rbf_model = RidgeRBFModel(10, .5, alpha=.01)
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-6)
    y = D.np_like_firstn().sum(axis=1)
    model = rbf_model.fit(D, y)
    y_pred = model.predict(D)
    mrse = (((y - y_pred) / y)**2).mean()
    assert_almost_equal(0, mrse, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_pow():
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()

    tw = TemporalWeight('pow', 2)
    y = tw.fit_predict(D)

    for i in xrange(D.shape[0]):
        div = sum((np.arange(D.shape[1]) + 1)**2)
        val = sum(D[i] * ((np.arange(D.shape[1]) + 1)**2) / div)

        assert_equal(val, y[i])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_pow():
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()

    tw = TemporalWeight('pow', 2)
    y = tw.fit_predict(D)
    for i in xrange(D.shape[0]):
        div = sum((np.arange(D.shape[1]) + 1) ** 2)
        val = sum(D[i] * ((np.arange(D.shape[1]) + 1) ** 2) / div)
        assert_equal(val, y[i])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_one_series():
    '''Tests with only one time series'''
    y = tsio.from_id_row_mat(SM_ONE_SEQUENCE, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()
    pred = SpikeM(0).fit_predict(y, [24], True)

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    x = range(y.shape[1])
    plt.plot(x, y[0])
    plt.plot(x, pred[0])
    rmse = np.sqrt((pred[0] - y[0]) ** 2).sum() / len(y[0])
    assert rmse < 8
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_one_series():
    '''Tests with only one time series'''
    y = tsio.from_id_row_mat(SM_ONE_SEQUENCE, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()
    pred = SpikeM(0).fit_predict(y, [24], True)

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    x = range(y.shape[1])
    plt.plot(x, y[0])
    plt.plot(x, pred[0])
    rmse = np.sqrt((pred[0] - y[0])**2).sum() / len(y[0])
    assert rmse < 8
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_fit_predict2():
    Tests the fit and predict methods for the state space models. Period Only
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()
    D = D[: 50]
    ssm = SSM(False, True, 50)
    X_train = D[:, :50]
    X_test = D[:, 50:]
    Y = ssm.fit_predict(X_train)
    err = ((X_test - Y) ** 2).mean()
    assert_equal((50, 50), Y.shape)
    assert err > 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_fit_predict():
    Tests the fit and predict methods for the spike m
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()
    D = D[:50]
    sm = SpikeM()

    X_train = D[:, :50]
    X_test = D[:, 50:]

    Y = sm.fit_predict(X_train)
    err = ((X_test - Y)**2).mean()
    assert_equal((50, ), Y.shape)
    assert err > 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_fit_predict():
    Tests the fit and predict methods for the spike m
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()
    D = D[: 50]
    sm = SpikeM()
    X_train = D[:, :50]
    X_test = D[:, 50:]
    Y = sm.fit_predict(X_train)
    err = ((X_test - Y) ** 2).mean()
    assert_equal((50,), Y.shape)
    assert err > 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_ml_model():
    '''Tests the ML model'''
    ml_model = MLModel()
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-6).np_like_firstn()
    D += 1e-6

    X_train = D[:500, :7]
    X_test = D[500:, :7]

    y_train = D.sum(axis=1)[:500]
    y_test = D.sum(axis=1)[500:]

    model = ml_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

    mrse = (((y_test - y_pred) / y_test)**2).mean()
    assert_equal(1, mrse > 0)
    assert_equal(1, mrse < 1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_rbf_model():
    '''Tests the RBF model'''
    rbf_model = RidgeRBFModel(100, 50, alpha=.00001)
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-6).np_like_firstn()

    X_train = D[:500, :7]
    X_test = D[500:, :7]

    y_train = D.sum(axis=1)[:500]
    y_test = D.sum(axis=1)[500:]

    model = rbf_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

    mrse = (((y_test - y_pred) / y_test)**2).mean()
    assert_equal(1, mrse > 0)
    assert_equal(1, mrse < 1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_ml_model():
    '''Tests the ML model'''
    ml_model = MLModel()
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-6).np_like_firstn()
    D += 1e-6
    X_train = D[:500, :7]
    X_test = D[500:, :7]
    y_train = D.sum(axis=1)[:500]
    y_test = D.sum(axis=1)[500:]
    model = ml_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    mrse = (((y_test - y_pred) / y_test)**2).mean()
    assert_equal(1, mrse > 0)
    assert_equal(1, mrse < 1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_fit_predict():
    Tests the fit and predict methods for the state space models. Trend + period
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2).np_like_firstn()
    D = D[: 50]
    ssm = SSM(True, True, 50)
    D = (D.T / D.sum(axis=1)).T

    X_train = D[:, :50]
    X_test = D[:, 50:]
    Y = ssm.fit_predict(X_train)
    err = ((X_test - Y) ** 2).mean()
    assert_equal((50, 50), Y.shape)
    assert err > 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_rbf_model():
    '''Tests the RBF model'''
    rbf_model = RidgeRBFModel(100, 50, alpha=.00001)
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-6).np_like_firstn()
    X_train = D[:500, :7]
    X_test = D[500:, :7]
    y_train = D.sum(axis=1)[:500]
    y_test = D.sum(axis=1)[500:]
    model = rbf_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    mrse = (((y_test - y_pred) / y_test)**2).mean()
    assert_equal(1, mrse > 0)
    assert_equal(1, mrse < 1)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_from_mat():
    dataset = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K)
    assert_equal(1000, dataset.num_series)

    for series in dataset:
        assert_equal(100, len(series))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_from_mat():
    dataset = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K)
    assert_equal(1000, dataset.num_series)
    for series in dataset:
        assert_equal(100, len(series))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_avg():
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2)

    tw = TemporalWeight('avg')
    y = tw.fit_predict(D)
    assert_array_equal(D.np_like_firstn().mean(axis=1), y)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_avg():
    D = tsio.from_id_row_mat(YOUTUBE_1K, add_eps=1e-2)

    tw = TemporalWeight('avg')
    y = tw.fit_predict(D)
    assert_array_equal(D.np_like_firstn().mean(axis=1), y)