def __init__(self, sesameURL, repository): c=connection(sesameURL) c.use_repository(repository) for ele in namespaces.namespace_dict.keys(): #print ele, str(namespaces.namespace_dict[ele]) c.addnamespace(ele, str(namespaces.namespace_dict[ele])) #tsc is triple store connection. we need to first write this, then translate to a driver architecture self.tsc=c
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib import Namespace, BNode, Literal, RDF, URIRef from pysesame import connection import urllib from simplejson import loads from csv import reader JB = Namespace("") DC = Namespace("") FOAF = Namespace("") COMPANY = Namespace("") # Connecion to Sesame con=connection('') con.use_repository('joblistings') con.addnamespace('company',str(COMPANY)) cg=ConjunctiveGraph() cg.bind('dc',DC) cg.bind('jobboard',JB) # Find companies with ticker symbols res=con.query('select ?id ?ticker where {?id company:symbol ?ticker .}') # Loop over the results for row in res: company=URIRef(row['id']['value']) ticker=row['ticker']['value'] url='' % ticker
#c.use_repository('testads4') #context=None testcodeuristart='<' #DATA="../mast_hut-rdf" if len(sys.argv)==2: execfile("./default.conf") execfile("./mast/default.conf") elif len(sys.argv)==3: execfile(sys.argv[2]) else: print "Usage: python obsvpubmatchpattern [conffile]" sys.exit(-1) #c.addnamespace('fb','') #c.addnamespace('dc','') c=connection(SESAME) c.use_repository(REPOSITORY) identifier=str(uuid.uuid4())+"-"+__file__+"-"+__version__ context=quote_plus(testcodeuristart+identifier+">") filename=DATA+"/"+sys.argv[1]+".rdf" if not os.path.exists(filename): print "Path not found: "+filename sys.exit(-1) if os.path.isfile(filename): print filename c.postfile(filename, context) else:
#c.use_repository('testads4') #context=None testcodeuristart = '<' #DATA="../chandra-rdf" if len(sys.argv) == 3: execfile("./default.conf") execfile("./chandra/default.conf") elif len(sys.argv) == 4: execfile(sys.argv[3]) else: print "Usage: python bibfile pubrdfdir [conffile]" sys.exit(-1) #c.addnamespace('fb','') #c.addnamespace('dc','') c = connection(SESAME) c.use_repository(REPOSITORY) identifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) + "-" + __file__ + "-" + __version__ context = quote_plus(testcodeuristart + identifier + ">") bibcodes = [quote_plus(ele.strip()) for ele in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()] print bibcodes if not os.path.exists(DATA + sys.argv[2]): print "Path not found" sys.exit(-1) for ele in bibcodes: filename = DATA + sys.argv[2] + "/" + ele + ".xml.rdf" if os.path.isfile(filename): print filename c.postfile(filename, context)
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib import Namespace, BNode, Literal, RDF, URIRef import csv import pysesame JB = Namespace("") GEO = Namespace('') lg=ConjunctiveGraph() lg.bind('geo',GEO) for city,lat,long in csv.reader(file('city_locations.csv','U')): lg.add((JB[city],GEO['lat'],Literal(float(lat)))) lg.add((JB[city],GEO['long'],Literal(float(long)))) data=lg.serialize(format='xml') print data c=pysesame.connection('') c.use_repository('joblistings') print c.postdata(data)
from rdflib.Graph import ConjunctiveGraph from rdflib import Namespace, BNode, Literal, RDF, URIRef from pysesame import connection import urllib from simplejson import loads from csv import reader JB = Namespace("") DC = Namespace("") FOAF = Namespace("") COMPANY = Namespace("") # Connecion to Sesame con = connection('') con.use_repository('joblistings') con.addnamespace('company', str(COMPANY)) cg = ConjunctiveGraph() cg.bind('dc', DC) cg.bind('jobboard', JB) # Find companies with ticker symbols res = con.query('select ?id ?ticker where {?id company:symbol ?ticker .}') # Loop over the results for row in res: company = URIRef(row['id']['value']) ticker = row['ticker']['value'] url = '' % ticker