Ejemplo n.º 1
 def withBetaDistribution(self, p, q, accLevel=0., width=1.):
     self._dist = Beta(p, q, accLevel, width)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def withTNormalDistribution(self, mu, sigma, a, b):
     self._dist = TNormal(mu, sigma, a, b)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def withUniformDistribution(self, a, b):
     self._dist = Uniform(a, b)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 4
class UncertainParameterDesciptor(ParameterDescriptor):
    Descriptor, specifying one uncertain parameter
    def __init__(self):
        super(UncertainParameterDesciptor, self).__init__()
        self._dist = None
        self.__trans = None

    def withUniformDistribution(self, a, b):
        self._dist = Uniform(a, b)
        return self

    def withTNormalDistribution(self, mu, sigma, a, b):
        self._dist = TNormal(mu, sigma, a, b)
        return self

    def withNormalDistribution(self, mu, sigma, alpha):
        self._dist = Normal.by_alpha(mu, sigma, alpha)
        return self

    def withTLognormalDistribution(self, mu, sigma, alpha):
        self._dist = TLognormal.by_alpha(mu, sigma, alpha)
        return self

    def withLognormalDistribution(self, mu, sigma, alpha):
        self._dist = Lognormal.by_alpha(mu, sigma, alpha)
        return self

    def withBetaDistribution(self, p, q, accLevel=0., width=1.):
        self._dist = Beta(p, q, accLevel, width)
        return self

    def withMultivariateNormalDistribution(self, mu, cov, a, b):
        self._dist = MultivariateNormal(mu, cov, a, b)
        return self

    def withSampleDistribution(self, samples):
        self._dist = DataDist(samples)
        return self

    def withDistribution(self, dist):
        if issubclass(dist.__class__, Dist):
            self._dist = dist
            return self
            raise TypeError('dist has to have type dists.Dist')

    def withLinearTransformation(self):
        if self._dist is not None:
            a, b = self._dist.getBounds()
            self.__trans = LinearTransformation(a, b)
            raise AttributeError('the distribution of "%s" is not specified \
                                  yet but it is needed to know to apply the \
                                  LinearTransformation' % self.__name)
        return self

    def withRosenblattTransformation(self):
        if self._dist is not None:
            self.__trans = RosenblattTransformation(self._dist)
            raise AttributeError(
                'the distribution of "%s" is not specified yet but it is needed to know to apply the Rosenblatt transformation'
                % self.__name)
        return self

    def withTransformation(self, trans):
        self.__trans = trans
        return self

    def andGetResult(self):
        if self._dist is None:
            raise Exception("No distribution specified for parameter '%s'" %
        # if there is no transformation defined, use the
        # linear transformation as standard
        if self.__trans is None:
            bounds = self._dist.getBounds()
            if self._dist.getDim() == 1:
                self.__trans = LinearTransformation(bounds[0], bounds[1])
                self.__trans = JointTransformation()
                for i in range(self._dist.getDim()):
                    a, b = bounds[i]
                    self.__trans.add(LinearTransformation(a, b))

        # check if there are enough identifiers given
        if self._dist.getDim() > 1 and self._dist.getDim() != len(self._name):
            raise AttributeError(
                "not enough names provided; given %i (%s), expected %i" %
                (len(self._name), ", ".join(self._name), self._dist.getDim()))

        # check if there is and SGDE involved that need this
        # transformation
        if isinstance(self._dist, SGDEdist):
            self._dist.transformation = self.__trans

        # check wiener askey scheme
        partOfWienerAskeyScheme = False
        orthogPolyConfig = OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1DConfiguration()
        if isinstance(self.__trans, RosenblattTransformation) or \
                isinstance(self._dist, Uniform):
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.type_ = OrthogonalPolynomialBasisType_LEGENDRE
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.lowerBound_ = self._dist.getBounds(
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.upperBound_ = self._dist.getBounds(
            orthogPoly = OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1D(orthogPolyConfig)
        elif isinstance(self._dist, Normal):
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.type_ = OrthogonalPolynomialBasisType_HERMITE
            orthogPoly = OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1D(orthogPolyConfig)
        elif isinstance(self._dist, Beta):
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.type_ = OrthogonalPolynomialBasisType_JACOBI
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.alpha_ = self._dist.alpha()
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.beta_ = self._dist.beta()
            orthogPoly = OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1D(orthogPolyConfig)
        elif isinstance(self._dist, TLognormal):
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.type_ = OrthogonalPolynomialBasisType_BOUNDED_LOGNORMAL
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.logmean_ = np.log(self._dist.mu)
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.stddev_ = self._dist.sigma
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.lowerBound_ = self._dist.getBounds(
            orthogPolyConfig.polyParameters.upperBound_ = self._dist.getBounds(
            orthogPoly = OrthogonalPolynomialBasis1D(orthogPolyConfig)
            orthogPoly = None

        return UncertainParameter(self._name, self._dist, self.__trans,
                                  self._value, orthogPoly)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def withSampleDistribution(self, samples):
     self._dist = DataDist(samples)
     return self
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def withMultivariateNormalDistribution(self, mu, cov, a, b):
     self._dist = MultivariateNormal(mu, cov, a, b)
     return self