Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_LocalizationWindows():

    print('\n---- testing SphericalCapCoef ----')
    lmax = 15
    theta = 50.
    print('generating {:2.1f} degrees cap:'.format(theta))
    coeffsm0 = shtools.SphericalCapCoef(np.radians(theta), lmax)

    print('\n---- testing SHBias ----')
    winpower = coeffsm0**2
    ldata = 20
    globalpower = np.random.rand(ldata)
    localpower = shtools.SHBias(winpower, globalpower)
    print(localpower[:min(ldata, 20)])

    print('\n---- testing Curve2Mask ----')
    # defines lat/lon square (bug!?)
    nlat = 100
    dlat = 180. / nlat
    npoints = 4
    points = np.empty((npoints, 2))
    points[0] = [40., 20.]
    points[1] = [40., 50.]
    points[2] = [80., 50.]
    points[3] = [80., 20.]
    hasnorthpole = False
    dhmask = shtools.Curve2Mask(nlat, points, hasnorthpole)
    # compute covered area as a check
    thetas = np.linspace(0 + dlat / 2., 180. - dlat / 2., nlat)
    weights = 2 * np.sin(np.radians(thetas))
    maskarea = np.sum(dhmask * weights[:, None] * dlat**2)
    globearea = 4 * np.pi * (180 / np.pi)**2
    print('mask covers {:2.2f}%% of the globe'.format(100 * maskarea /
    fig = plt.figure()

    print('\n---- testing ComputeDMap ----')
    nlat = 180
    lmax = 20
    dlat = 180. / nlat
    lats = np.linspace(90. - dlat / 2., -90. + dlat / 2., nlat)
    lons = np.linspace(0. + dlat, 360. - dlat / 2., nlat)
    latgrid, longrid = np.meshgrid(lats, lons, indexing='ij')
    dh_mask = np.logical_and(5. < latgrid, latgrid < 20.)
    print('dij matrix[0,:lmax={:d}]:'.format(lmax))
    dij_matrix = shtools.ComputeDMap(dh_mask, lmax)
    print(dij_matrix[0, :lmax])

    print('\n---- testing SHReturnTapersMap ----')
    tapers, evalues = shtools.SHReturnTapersMap(dh_mask, lmax, ntapers=1)
    print('best taper concentration: {:2.2f}'.format(evalues[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_MultitaperSE():
    print('\n---- testing SHReturnTapersM ----')
    theta0_deg = 20.
    theta0 = np.radians(theta0_deg)
    lmax = 10
    orderM = 2
    print('creating spherical cap tapers with:', end=' ')
    print('size {:1.0f} deg, bandwidth {:d}, order {:d}'.format(
        theta0_deg, lmax, orderM))
    tapers, concentrations = \
        shtools.SHReturnTapersM(theta0, lmax, orderM)
    print('first 3 taper concentrations:')

    print('\n---- testing SHReturnTapers ----')
    theta0_deg = 20.
    theta0 = np.radians(theta0_deg)
    lmax = 20
    print('creating spherical cap tapers of', end=' ')
    print('size {:1.0f} deg with bandwidth {:d}'.format(theta0_deg, lmax))
    tapers, concentrations, taperorder = \
        shtools.SHReturnTapers(theta0, lmax)
    print('first 10 taper concentrations:')

    print('\n---- testing SHMultiTaperSE ----')
    lmax = 80
    ntapers = 3
    tapersk = tapers[:, :ntapers]
    torders = taperorder[:ntapers]
    coeffs = np.random.normal(size=(2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1))
    localpower, localpower_sd = \
        shtools.SHMultiTaperSE(coeffs, tapersk, torders)
    print('total power:', np.sum(localpower))

    print('\n---- testing SHMultiTaperCSE ----')
    lmax = 80
    ntapers = 3
    tapersk = tapers[:, :ntapers]
    torders = taperorder[:ntapers]
    coeffs1 = np.random.normal(size=(2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1))
    coeffs2 = 0.5 * (coeffs1 + np.random.normal(size=(2, lmax + 1, lmax + 1)))
    print(coeffs1.shape, coeffs2.shape, tapersk.shape)
    localpower, localpower_sd = \
        shtools.SHMultiTaperCSE(coeffs1, coeffs2, tapersk, torders)
    print('total power:', np.sum(localpower))

    print('\n---- testing SHLocalizedAdmitCorr ----')
    lat = 90.
    lon = 0.
    k = 3
    admit, corr, dadmit, dcorr = \
        shtools.SHLocalizedAdmitCorr(coeffs1, coeffs2, tapers, taperorder,
                                     lat, lon, k=k)

    print('\n---- testing ComputeDm ----')
    theta0_deg = 20.
    theta0 = np.radians(theta0_deg)
    lmax = 10
    m = 2
    Dm = shtools.ComputeDm(lmax, m, theta0)
    print(Dm[:3, :3])

    print('\n---- testing ComputeDG82 ----')
    theta0_deg = 20.
    theta0 = np.radians(theta0_deg)
    lmax = 10
    m = 2
    DG82 = shtools.ComputeDG82(lmax, m, theta0)
    print(DG82[:3, :3])

    print('\n---- testing SHFindLWin ----')
    theta0_deg = 20.
    theta0 = np.radians(theta0_deg)
    m = 2
    ntapers = 3
    minconcentration = 0.8
    lmax = shtools.SHFindLWin(theta0,

    print('\n---- testing SHBiasK ----')
    lmax = 80
    power_unbiased = 1. / (1. + np.arange(lmax + 1))**2
    power_biased = shtools.SHBiasK(tapers, power_unbiased)
    print((power_biased[:lmax + 1] / power_unbiased)[:5])

    print('\n---- testing SHBias ----')
    lmax = 80
    power_unbiased = 1. / (1. + np.arange(lmax + 1))**2
    power_biased = shtools.SHBias(tapers[:, 2], power_unbiased)
    print((power_biased[:lmax + 1] / power_unbiased)[:5])

    print('\n---- testing SHBiasAdmitCorr ----')
    lmax = 80
    Stt = 1. / (1. + np.arange(lmax + 1))**2
    Sgg = 1. / (1. + np.arange(lmax + 1))**2
    Sgt = 0.5 / (1. + np.arange(lmax + 1))**2
    admit, corr = shtools.SHBiasAdmitCorr(Sgt, Sgg, Stt, tapers[:, 2])