Ejemplo n.º 1
def loadUiType(uiFilepath):
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    # load a .ui file in memory
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFilepath)

    form_class_name = parsed.find('class').text
    base_class_name = parsed.find('widget').get('class')

    # convert the UI file into Python code
    o = StringIO()
    with open(uiFilepath, 'r') as f:
        compileUi(f, o, indent=0)

    # copy over some variables so any import commands are in the correct context
    frame = {}
    for v in ['__file__', '__name__', '__package__']:
        frame[v] = eval(v)

    # byte compile and execute the Python code
    exec(compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')) in frame

    # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type
    # in the xml from designer
    form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class_name]
    base_class = eval(base_class_name)

    return base_class, form_class
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ui_to_py(ui_file):
    << ui_to_py(ui_file, py_file_name) >>
    convert *.ui to *.py to te same folder
    if not os.path.isfile(ui_file):
        msg = 'no such file'
        return msg
    py_file_name = os.path.splitext(ui_file)[0] + '.py'
    with open(py_file_name, 'w') as py_file:
            pyside2uic.compileUi(ui_file, py_file)
            print('{0} converted to {1}.'.format(ui_file.upper(),
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error: compilation error.', e)

    bakFileName = py_file_name.replace(".py", "_backup.py")

    # convert to cross compatible code
    subprocess.call([INTERPRETER_PATH, '-m', 'Qt', '--convert', py_file_name])

    if (os.path.isfile(bakFileName)):
        print("REMOVING", bakFileName)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def loadUiType(uiFile):
        Pyside lacks the "loadUiType" command, so we have to convert the ui file to py code in-memory first
        and then execute it in a special frame to retrieve the form_class.

    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)

    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text
    print 'widget=' + widget_class
    print 'form=' + form_class

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        print 'form=' + str(form_class)
        #base_class = getattr(QtGui, widget_class)
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)
        print 'widget=' + str(base_class)

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compile_ui(ui_file, py_file):
    Compiles a Py. file from Qt Designer .ui file
    :param ui_file: str
    :param py_file: str

    if not QT_AVAILABLE:

            'pysideuic is not available. UI compilation functionality is not available!'

    if not os.path.isfile(ui_file):
        LOGGER.warning('UI file "{}" does not exists!'.format(ui_file))

    if os.path.isfile(ui_file):
        f = open(py_file, 'w')
        pysideuic.compileUi(ui_file, f, False, 4, False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ui2py(filePath=None, *args):
    """Convert qtDesigner .ui files to .py"""

    if not filePath:
        startDir = pm.workspace(q=True, rootDirectory=True)
        filePath = pm.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=2,
                                  fileFilter='PyQt Designer (*%s)' % UI_EXT,
                                  okc="Compile to .py")
        if not filePath:
            return False
        filePath = filePath[0]
    if not filePath:
        return False

    if not filePath.endswith(UI_EXT):
        filePath += UI_EXT
    compiledFilePath = filePath[:-2] + "py"
    pyfile = open(compiledFilePath, 'w')
    compileUi(filePath, pyfile, False, 4, False)

    info = "PyQt Designer file compiled to .py in: "
    pm.displayInfo(info + compiledFilePath)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convert_qt_ui():
    from pyside2uic import compileUi
    rcc_path = find_qt_rcc()
    path = os.path.join(MYPATH, 'joulescope_ui')
    ignore_filename = os.path.join(path, '.gitignore')
    with open(ignore_filename, 'wt') as ignore:
        ignore.write('# Automatically generated.  DO NOT EDIT\n')
        for source in os.listdir(path):
            source_base, ext = os.path.splitext(source)
            if ext == '.ui':
                target = source_base + '.py'
                with open(os.path.join(path, source), 'rt',
                          encoding='utf8') as fsource:
                    with open(os.path.join(path, target),
                              encoding='utf8') as ftarget:
            elif ext == '.qrc':
                target = source_base + '_rc.py'
                rc = subprocess.run([
                    os.path.join(path, source), '-o',
                    os.path.join(path, target)
                if rc.returncode:
                    raise RuntimeError('failed on .qrc file')
            ignore.write('%s\n' % target)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def loadUiType(uiFile):
    Pyside lacks the "loadUiType" command, so we have to convert the ui file to py code in-memory first
    and then execute it in a special frame to retrieve the form_class.
    # import pysideuic
    if Qt.IsPySide2:
        import pyside2uic as pysideuic
    elif Qt.IsPySide:
        import pysideuic

    # parse the uifie
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 8
def loadUi(uifile, widget):
    Load .ui file into widget

    @param uifile: filename
    @type uifile: str
    @type widget: QtWidgets.QWidget
    if PYQT_NAME.startswith('PyQt'):
        m = __import__(PYQT_NAME + '.uic')
        return m.uic.loadUi(uifile, widget)
    elif PYQT_NAME == 'PySide2':
        import pyside2uic as pysideuic
        import pysideuic

    import io
    stream = io.StringIO()
    pysideuic.compileUi(uifile, stream)
    ns_locals = {}
    exec(stream.getvalue(), None, ns_locals)

    if 'Ui_Form' in ns_locals:
        form = ns_locals['Ui_Form']()
        form = ns_locals['Ui_Dialog']()

    return form
Ejemplo n.º 9
def loadUiType(fileVar, subFolder="ui", uiName=None):
	To use this, pass the path to a UI file, and capture the output
	as FormClass and BaseClass.  Define your class inheriting from both
	and call self.setupUi(self) in the __init__
    uiFolder, filename = os.path.split(fileVar)
    if uiName is None:
        uiName = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    if subFolder:
        uiFile = os.path.join(uiFolder, subFolder, uiName + ".ui")

    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_{0}'.format(form_class)]

            base_class = eval('QtGui.{0}'.format(widget_class))
            base_class = eval('QtWidgets.{0}'.format(widget_class))

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 10
def loadUiType(uiFile):
    Pyside "loadUiType" command like PyQt4 has one, so we have to convert the 
    ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a special frame
    to retrieve the form_class.
    uiFile = os.path.join(DIR,
                          uiFile) if not os.path.exists(uiFile) else uiFile
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type
        # in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = eval('%s' % widget_class)

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 11
def compile_ui(fdir, file_name):
    py_file_name = file_name.split(".")[0] + ".py"
    pyfile = open("{}/{}".format(fdir, py_file_name), 'w')
    compileUi("{}/{}".format(fdir, file_name), pyfile, False, 4, False)
    from ncsc_ui import soundness_checker_ui as scui
Ejemplo n.º 12
def loadUIForPM():
    checkToolDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
    checkToolDir = os.path.split(checkToolDir)[0]

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforPM' + '/ui_MainWindowForPM.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforPM' + '/MainWindowForPM.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforPM' + '/ui_DetailsWindowForPM.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforPM' + '/DetailsWindowForPM.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforPM' + '/ui_LocationDialog.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforPM' + '/LocationDialog.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforPM' + '/ui_CreateProjectDialog.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforPM' + '/CreateProjectDialog.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforPM' + '/ui_DeletePorjectDialog.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforPM' + '/deleteProjectDialog.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def load_ui_type(ui_file):
    Loads UI Designer file (.ui) and parse the file
    :param ui_file: str, path to the UI file

    if not QT_AVAILABLE:
        return None, None

            'pysideuic is not available. UI compilation functionality is not available!'
        return None, None

    parsed = ElementTree.parse(ui_file)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text
    with open(ui_file, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}
        pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec(pyc in frame)
        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the XML from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_{}'.format(form_class)]
        base_class = eval('{}'.format(widget_class))

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 14
def load_ui_type(uiFile):

        uiFile (TYPE): Description

        TYPE: Description

    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}
        uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame
        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml
        # from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)
    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 15
def loadUiType(uiFile=None):
    :author: Jason Parks
    Pyside lacks the "loadUiType" command, so we have to convert the ui 
    file to py code in-memory first
    and then execute it in a special frame to retrieve the form_class.
    if not uiFile:
            uiFile = getUserFiles("Qt Designer Files", ".ui")[0]
        except IndexError:
            print("Invalid File.")

    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = getattr(QtWidgets, widget_class)
    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 16
def loadBudgetUI():
    ui_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
        os.path.abspath(__file__))) + '\Qt\UI'
    desination = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

    source = ui_dir + '\polyCountBudget.ui'
    py_file = desination + '\ui_polyCountBudget.py'
    with open(py_file, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(source, pyfile, False, 4, False)

    source = ui_dir + '\polyCountBudget2.ui'
    py_file = desination + '\ui_polyCountBudget2.py'
    with open(py_file, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(source, pyfile, False, 4, False)

    source = ui_dir + '\\auditMainWindow.ui'
    py_file = desination + '\ui_auditMainWindow.py'
    with open(py_file, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(source, pyfile, False, 4, False)

    source = ui_dir + '\polyCountBudget3.ui'
    py_file = desination + '\ui_polyCountBudget3.py'
    with open(py_file, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(source, pyfile, False, 4, False)

    source = ui_dir + '\\addBudgetDialog.ui'
    py_file = desination + '\ui_addBudgetDialog.py'
    with open(py_file, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(source, pyfile, False, 4, False)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def loadUi(uifile, widget):
    Load .ui file into widget

    @param uifile: filename
    @type uifile: str
    @type widget: QtWidgets.QWidget
    if PYQT_NAME.startswith('PyQt'):
        m = __import__(PYQT_NAME + '.uic')
        return m.uic.loadUi(uifile, widget)
    elif PYQT_NAME == 'PySide2':
        import pyside2uic as pysideuic
        import pysideuic

    import io
    stream = io.StringIO()
    pysideuic.compileUi(uifile, stream)
    ns_locals = {}
    exec(stream.getvalue(), None, ns_locals)

    if 'Ui_Form' in ns_locals:
        form = ns_locals['Ui_Form']()
        form = ns_locals['Ui_Dialog']()

    return form
Ejemplo n.º 18
def load_ui_types(uifile):
    Ripped from

    :param uifile:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
    from cStringIO import StringIO

    parsed = ElementTree.parse(uifile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uifile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

            import pyside2uic as pysideuic
        except ImportError:
            import pysideuic as pysideuic

        pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec(pyc) in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in
        # the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)
    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def loadUiType(uiFile):
        Pyside lacks the "loadUiType" command, so we have to convert the ui file to py code in-memory first
        and then execute it in a special frame to retrieve the form_class.

        import pyside2uic
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
            from cStringIO import StringIO
            from io import StringIO

        import PySide2.QtWidgets
        parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
        widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
        form_class = parsed.find('class').text

        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}
            pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            exec(pyc, frame)

            #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
            form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
            base_class = eval('PySide2.QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)

        return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: _ui2py.py Proyecto: kingmax/py
def ui2py(uifile):
    pyfilename = '_'.join(uifile.rsplit('.', 1)) + '.py'
    with open(pyfilename, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(uifile, pyfile)
        print('compile ui to py done -> %s' % pyfilename)
    return pyfilename
Ejemplo n.º 21
def ui2py(uifile):
    if os.path.exists(uifile):
        outfile = '%s.py' % uifile.replace('.', '_')
        with open(outfile, 'w') as pyfile:
            compileUi(uifile, pyfile)
            print('%s to %s finished.' % (uifile, outfile))
        print('uifile does not exists! <- %s' % uifile)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def main():
    ui_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..', 'ui'))
    for dir_path, _, files in os.walk(ui_path):
        for ui_file in [f for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.ui']:
            base = os.path.splitext(ui_file)[0]
            py_file = base + '_ui.py'
            if py_file in files:
                with open(os.path.join(dir_path, py_file), 'w') as pyfobj:
                    compileUi(os.path.join(dir_path, ui_file), pyfobj)
                print('py_file recompiled:', py_file)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def loadUiType(uiFile=""):
    loadUiType [读取UI文件]
    过去我们借助 uic 工具将Qt Designer生成的ui文件编译成Python文件进行调用
    兼容 Python3 & Python2

    Keyword Arguments:
        uiFile {str} -- ui文件的路径 (default: {""})
    import pyside2uic as uic
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
    # Note 兼容Python3
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        from io import StringIO

    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    # Note 兼容Python3
        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}

            uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            exec(pyc) in frame

            form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
            base_class = eval('%s' % widget_class)
        with open(uiFile, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}

            uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            exec(pyc, frame)

            form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
            base_class = eval('%s' % widget_class)

    return (base_class, form_class)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def _loadUiType(uiFile):
    PySide lacks a "loadUiType" command like PyQt4's, so we have to convert
    the ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a
    special frame to retrieve the form_class.

    from stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14195313/3781327

    seems like this might also be a legitimate solution, but I'm not sure
    how to make PyQt4 and pyside look the same...

    pyside2uic = None
    if QT_LIB == PYSIDE2:
            import pyside2uic
        except ImportError:
            # later versions of pyside2 have dropped pyside2uic; use the uic binary instead.
            pyside2uic = None

        if pyside2uic is None:
            pyside2version = tuple(map(int, PySide2.__version__.split(".")))
            if (5, 14) <= pyside2version < (5, 14, 2, 2):
                    'For UI compilation, it is recommended to upgrade to PySide >= 5.15'

    # get class names from ui file
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    # convert ui file to python code
    if pyside2uic is None:
        uic_executable = QT_LIB.lower() + '-uic'
        uipy = subprocess.check_output([uic_executable, uiFile])
        o = _StringIO()
        with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
            pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        uipy = o.getvalue()

    # execute python code
    pyc = compile(uipy, '<string>', 'exec')
    frame = {}
    exec(pyc, frame)

    # fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
    form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
    base_class = eval('QtGui.%s' % widget_class)

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 25
def load(ui_file, base_instance=None):
        return Qt.QtCompat.loadUi(ui_file, base_instance)

    except Exception:

        # -- For applications such as 3dsmax we have to compile the
        # -- ui differently
            import pyside2uic as pyuic
            from cStringIO import StringIO

        except Exception:
            raise RuntimeError('No implementation for loadUi found.')

        # -- Read out the xml file
        xml_data = exml.parse(ui_file)

        # -- Get the lcass of the widget and the form
        widget_class = xml_data.find('widget').get('class')
        form_class = xml_data.find('class').text

        # -- Open the ui file as text
        with open(ui_file, 'r') as f:

            # -- Create a file like object
            o = StringIO()
            frame = {}

            # -- Compile the ui into compiled python and execute it
            pyuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
            pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
            eval('exec pyc in frame')

            # -- Get the form class
            form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]

            # -- Alter what we're evaulating based on what version
            # -- of qt we're running
                base_class = eval('Qt.QtGui.%s' % widget_class)

            except (NameError, AttributeError):
                base_class = eval('Qt.QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)

        # -- Subclass the loaded classes to build a wrapped widget
        class _WrappedHelper(form_class, base_class):
            # noinspection PyShadowingNames
            def __init__(self, parent=None):
                super(_WrappedHelper, self).__init__(parent)

        return _WrappedHelper()
Ejemplo n.º 26
def loadUIForArtist():
    checkToolDir = os.path.normpath(
    checkToolDir = os.path.split(checkToolDir)[0]

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforArtist' + '/ui_MainWindowForArtist.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforArtist' + '/MainWindowForArtist.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)

    destination = checkToolDir + '/GUIforArtist' + '/ui_ChooseLocationDialog.py'
    source = checkToolDir + '/Qt/UI/GUIforArtist' + '/ChooseLocationDialog.ui'
    with open(destination, 'w') as f:
        compileUi(source, f, False, 4, False)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def _compile_ui_file(*args):
        import sys, pprint
        from pyside2uic import compileUi

        py_file = pm.textFieldButtonGrp(py_store_path_field, q=True, text=True)
        ui_file = pm.textFieldButtonGrp(ui_file_location_field,
        output_file = open(py_file, 'w')
        compileUi(ui_file, output_file, False, 4, False)

        print("Compile Done!")
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
def loadUiType(uiFile):
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}
        pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
        base_class = getattr(QtWidgets, widget_class)
    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def convertFile(self, *args):
        if self.filePathName is not None and self.textInput.getText() != '':
            import sys, pprint
            from pyside2uic import compileUi

            drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(self.filePathName)
            path, filename = os.path.split(path)
            outFilePath = drive + path + "/" + self.textInput.getText()
            #print ("%s , %s , %s" % (drive,path,filename))

            pyfile = open(outFilePath, 'w')
            compileUi(self.filePathName, pyfile, False, 4, False)
        elif self.textInput.getText() == '':
            print "No output Filename"
            print "No File Selected"
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _generate(self):
        """ Generate the Python code. """

        if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
            if self._opts.output == '-':
                from io import TextIOWrapper

                pyfile = TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf8')
                pyfile = open(self._opts.output, 'wt', encoding='utf8')
            if self._opts.output == '-':
                pyfile = sys.stdout
                pyfile = open(self._opts.output, 'wt')

        compileUi(self._ui_file, pyfile, self._opts.execute, self._opts.indent, self._opts.from_imports)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def load_ui_type(ui_file):

    parsed = xml.parse(ui_file)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text
    with open(ui_file, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pyside2uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from design
        form_class = frame['Ui_{0}'.format(form_class)]
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.{0}'.format(widget_class))

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def _generate(self):
        """ Generate the Python code. """

        if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
            if self._opts.output == '-':
                from io import TextIOWrapper

                pyfile = TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf8')
                pyfile = open(self._opts.output, 'wt', encoding='utf8')
            if self._opts.output == '-':
                pyfile = sys.stdout
                pyfile = open(self._opts.output, 'wt')

        compileUi(self._ui_file, pyfile, self._opts.execute, self._opts.indent,
Ejemplo n.º 33
def check_ui_module(module):
    if not a2core.is_dev_mode():

    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
        # log.info('frozen! no need to compile %s' % module)

    pyfile = module.__file__
    folder, pybase = os.path.split(pyfile)
    uiname = os.path.splitext(pybase)[0]
    uibase = None

    if uiname.endswith(UI_FILE_SUFFIX):
        uibase = uiname[:-len(UI_FILE_SUFFIX)] + '.ui'
        with open(pyfile, 'r') as fobj:
            line = fobj.readline()
            while line and uibase is not None:
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith('# Form implementation '):
                    uibase = line[line.rfind("'", 0, -1) + 1:-1]
                    uibase = os.path.basename(uibase.strip())
                    log.debug('checkUiModule from read: %s' % uibase)
                line = fobj.readline()

    if uibase is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Could not get source ui file from module:\n %s\n  '
                           'Not a ui file module??!' % module)

    uifile = os.path.join(folder, uibase)
    if not uibase or not os.path.isfile(uifile):
        # Nothing to test against. That's alright!
        # log.debug('Ui-file not found: %s' % pybase)

    py_time = os.path.getmtime(pyfile)
    ui_time = os.path.getmtime(uifile)
    diff = py_time - ui_time
    if diff < 0:
        log.debug('%s needs compile! (age: %is)' % (pybase, diff))
        with open(pyfile, 'w') as pyfobj:
            compileUi(uifile, pyfobj)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def loadUiType(uiFile):
    Pyside "loadUiType" command like PyQt4 has one, so we have to convert the 
    ui file to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a special frame
    to retrieve the form_class.
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        uic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        # Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type
        # in the xml from designer
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s'%form_class]
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s'%widget_class)

    return base_class, form_class
Ejemplo n.º 35
def loadUiType(uiFile):
    Pyside lacks the "loadUiType" command, so we have to convert the ui file to py code in-memory first
    and then execute it in a special frame to retrieve the form_class.
    parsed = xml.parse(uiFile)
    widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
    form_class = parsed.find('class').text

    with open(uiFile, 'r') as f:
        o = StringIO()
        frame = {}

        pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
        pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
        exec pyc in frame

        #Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type in the xml from designer
        print form_class + ' - ' + widget_class
        form_class = frame['Ui_%s'%form_class]
        base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s'%widget_class)

    return form_class, base_class
Ejemplo n.º 36
def ui2py(uifile):
    pyfilename = '_'.join(uifile.rsplit('.', 1)) + '.py'
    with open(pyfilename, 'w') as pyfile:
        compileUi(uifile, pyfile)