def setup_class(cls):
        ex_dir_ = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../../examples'

        # Load beam
        beam = ps.Beam(ex_dir_ + '/input/beam/amo86615.beam')

        # Load and initialize the detector
        det = ps.Epix10kDetector(
            geom=ex_dir_ + '/input/lcls/xcsx35617/'
        cls.det = det

        cls.pos_recip = det.pixel_position_reciprocal

        # Ref Particle
        cls.particle_0 = ps.Particle()
        cls.particle_0.create_from_atoms([  # Angstrom
            ("O", cst.vecx),
            ("O", 2 * cst.vecy),
            ("O", 3 * cst.vecz),
        cls.pattern_0 = pg.calculate_diffraction_pattern_gpu(
            cls.pos_recip, cls.particle_0, return_type="complex_field")

        # Second Particle
        cls.part_coord_1 = np.array((0.5, 0.2, 0.1))  # Angstrom
        cls.particle_1 = ps.Particle()
        cls.particle_1.create_from_atoms([  # Angstrom
            ("O", cst.vecx + cls.part_coord_1),
            ("O", 2 * cst.vecy + cls.part_coord_1),
            ("O", 3 * cst.vecz + cls.part_coord_1),
        cls.part_coord_1 *= 1e-10  # Angstrom -> meter
        cls.pattern_1 = pg.calculate_diffraction_pattern_gpu(
            cls.pos_recip, cls.particle_1, return_type="complex_field")

        # Flat Field
        cls.flatField = np.ones(
            (cls.det.panel_num, cls.det.panel_pixel_num_x[0],
             cls.det.panel_pixel_num_y[0])) * 1.0
        cls.I0width = 0.03
        cls.I0min = 0
        cls.I0max = 150000
        cls.bauf = BuildAutoRangeFrames(cls.det, cls.I0width, cls.I0min,
                                        cls.I0max, cls.flatField)

# Load beam
beam = ps.Beam(beamfile)
increase_factor = 1e5
print('BEFORE: # of photons per pulse = {}'.format(beam.get_photons_per_pulse()))
print('>>> Increasing the number of photons per pulse by a factor {}'.format(increase_factor))
print('AFTER : # of photons per pulse = {}'.format(beam.get_photons_per_pulse()))
#beam._n_phot = 1e14 # detector normal
#beam._n_phot = 1e17 # detector saturates
#beam._n_phot = 1e20 # detector gets fried

# Load and initialize the detector
det = ps.Epix10kDetector(geom=geom, run_num=0, beam=beam, cameraConfig='fixedMedium')
increase_factor = 0.5
print('BEFORE: detector distance = {} m'.format(det.distance))
print('>>> Increasing the detector distance by a factor of {}'.format(increase_factor))
det.distance = increase_factor*det.distance
print('AFTER : detector distance = {} m'.format(det.distance))

# Create particle object(s)
particle = ps.Particle()
particle.read_pdb(pdbfile, ff='WK')

# Perform SPI experiment
tic = time.time()

experiment = ps.SPIExperiment(det, beam, particle)
dp_photons = experiment.generate_image_stack() # generate diffraction field