Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_residual_blocks(self):
     from pyslam.residuals import QuadraticResidual
     problem = Problem()
     param_keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
     problem.add_residual_block(QuadraticResidual(2., 4., 1.),
     assert param_keys == problem.block_param_keys[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_first_pose_constant(self, options, residuals, residual_params,
                              poses_init, poses_true):
     from liegroups import SE2
     problem = Problem(options)
     for i in range(1, 6):
         problem.add_residual_block(residuals[i], residual_params[i])
     poses_final = problem.solve()
     for key in poses_true.keys():
         assert np.linalg.norm(
             SE2.log(poses_final[key].inv().dot(poses_true[key]))) < 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _compute_frame_to_frame_motion(self,
        # params = {'T_1_0': guess}
        params = {'R_1_0': guess.rot, 't_1_0_1': guess.trans}

        for (pyrlevel, pyr_camera) in zip(self.pyrlevel_sequence,
            pyrfactor = 2**-pyrlevel

            im_jacobian = ref_frame.jacobian[pyrlevel]
            # ESM
            # im_jacobian = 0.5 * (ref_frame.jacobian[pyrlevel] +
            #                      track_frame.jacobian[pyrlevel])

            if self.depth_map_type is 'disparity':
                depth_ref = ref_frame.disparity[pyrlevel]
                # Disparity is in pixels, so we need to scale it according to the pyramid level
                depth_stiffness = self.depth_stiffness / pyrfactor
                depth_ref = ref_frame.depth[pyrlevel]
                depth_stiffness = self.depth_stiffness

            residual = PhotometricResidualSE3(
                pyr_camera, ref_frame.im_pyr[pyrlevel], depth_ref,
                track_frame.im_pyr[pyrlevel], im_jacobian,
                self.intensity_stiffness, depth_stiffness, self.min_grad)

            problem = Problem(self.motion_options)
            # problem.add_residual_block(residual, ['T_1_0'], loss=self.loss)
            problem.add_residual_block(residual, ['R_1_0', 't_1_0_1'],

            if pyrlevel > 2:
            # else:
            # problem.set_parameters_constant('R_1_0')

            params = problem.solve()
            # print(problem.summary(format='brief'))

            # # DEBUG: Store residuals for later
            # try:
            #     self.residuals = np.hstack(
            #         [self.residuals, residual.evaluate([guess])])
            # except AttributeError:
            #     self.residuals = residual.evaluate([guess])

        # return params['T_1_0']
        return SE3(params['R_1_0'], params['t_1_0_1'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _compute_frame_to_frame_motion(self, ref_frame, track_frame):
        # Get feature matches
        self.matcher.pushBack(ref_frame.im_left, ref_frame.im_right)
        self.matcher.pushBack(track_frame.im_left, track_frame.im_right)
        matches = self.matcher.getMatches()
        # print('libviso2 matched {} features.'.format(matches.size()))

        # Stereo observations (uvd)
        self.obs_0 = [np.array([m.u1p, m.v1p, m.u1p - m.u2p]) for m in matches]
        self.obs_1 = [np.array([m.u1c, m.v1c, m.u1c - m.u2c]) for m in matches]

        # Prune all observations with disparity <= 0
        keep_mask = (self.obs_0[:, 2] > 0) & (self.obs_1[:, 2] > 0)
        self.obs_0 = self.obs_0[keep_mask, :]
        self.obs_1 = self.obs_1[keep_mask, :]
        # print('Matches after pruning: {} '.format(len(self.obs_0)))

        # RANSAC
        self.ransac.set_obs(self.obs_0, self.obs_1)
        T_1_0_guess, obs_0_inliers, obs_1_inliers, _ = self.ransac.perform_ransac()

        # Optimize with inliers
        residual = ReprojectionMotionOnlyBatchResidual(
            self.camera, obs_0_inliers, obs_1_inliers, self.reprojection_stiffness)

        problem = Problem(self.motion_options)
        problem.add_residual_block(residual, ['T_1_0'], loss=self.loss)

        params = {'T_1_0': T_1_0_guess}
        params = problem.solve()

        return params['T_1_0']
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_eval_cost(self):
     from pyslam.residuals import QuadraticResidual
     problem = Problem()
     good_params = {'a': 1., 'b': 2., 'c': 1.}
     bad_params = {'a': 1., 'b': 0., 'c': 0.}
     residual1 = QuadraticResidual(1., 4., 0.5)
     residual2 = QuadraticResidual(0., 1., 2.)
     problem.add_residual_block(residual1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
     problem.add_residual_block(residual2, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
     assert problem.eval_cost() == 0.
     assert problem.eval_cost(bad_params) == 0.5 * ((0.5 * 0.5 * 3. * 3.)
                                                    + (2. * 2. * 1. * 1.))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_bundle_adjust(self, options, camera, points, poses, observations):
        from liegroups import SE3
        from pyslam.residuals import ReprojectionResidual

        problem = Problem(options)

        obs_var = [1, 1, 2]  # [u,v,d]
        obs_stiffness = invsqrt(np.diagflat(obs_var))

        for i, this_pose_obs in enumerate(observations):
            for j, o in enumerate(this_pose_obs):
                residual = ReprojectionResidual(camera, o, obs_stiffness)
                    residual, ['T_cam{}_w'.format(i), 'pt{}_w'.format(j)])

        params_true = {}
        params_init = {}

        for i, pt in enumerate(points):
            pid = 'pt{}_w'.format(i)
            params_true.update({pid: pt})
            params_init.update({pid: camera.triangulate(
                observations[0][i] + 10. * np.random.rand(3))})

        for i, pose in enumerate(poses):
            pid = 'T_cam{}_w'.format(i)
            params_true.update({pid: pose})
            params_init.update({pid: SE3.identity()})


        params_final = problem.solve()

        for key in params_true.keys():
            p_est = params_final[key]
            p_true = params_true[key]

            if isinstance(p_est, SE3):
                err = SE3.log(p_est.inv().dot(p_true))
                err = p_est - p_true

            assert np.linalg.norm(err) < 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_loop_closure(self, options, residuals, residual_params,
                       poses_init, poses_true):
     from liegroups import SE2
     problem = Problem(options)
     for i in range(0, 7):
         problem.add_residual_block(residuals[i], residual_params[i])
     poses_final = problem.solve()
     for key in poses_true.keys():
         assert np.linalg.norm(
             SE2.log(poses_final[key].inv().dot(poses_true[key]))) < 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_param_dict(self):
     problem = Problem()
     params = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
         problem.param_dict == params
     extra_param = {'d': 4}
     assert problem.param_dict == params
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_fit_quadratic(self):
        from pyslam.residuals import QuadraticResidual

        params_true = {'a': 1., 'b': -2., 'c': 3.}
        params_init = {'a': -20., 'b': 10., 'c': -30.}

        x_data = np.linspace(-5, 5, 10)
        y_data = params_true['a'] * x_data * x_data \
            + params_true['b'] * x_data + params_true['c']

        problem = Problem()
        problem.options.num_threads = 1
        for x, y in zip(x_data, y_data):
                x, y, 1.), ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        params_final = problem.solve()

        for key in params_true.keys():
            assert(np.allclose(params_final[key], params_true[key]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    residual = PhotometricResidualSE3(camera, im_ref, disp_ref, im_track,
                                      jac_ref, 1., 1.)

    # Timing debug
    # niters = 100
    # start = time.perf_counter()
    # for _ in range(niters):
    #     cost.evaluate([params_init['T_1_0']])
    # end = time.perf_counter()
    # print('cost.evaluate avg {} s', (end - start) / niters)

    # start = time.perf_counter()
    # for _ in range(niters):
    #     cost.evaluate([params_init['T_1_0']], [True])
    # end = time.perf_counter()
    # print('cost.evaluate w jac avg {} s', (end - start) / niters)

    # Optimize
    # start = time.perf_counter()

    problem = Problem(options)
    problem.add_residual_block(residual, ['T_1_0'])
    params = problem.solve()

    # end = time.perf_counter()
    # print('Elapsed time: {} s'.format(end - start))

print('Error in T_1_w: {}'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 11
residual3_params = ['T_3_0', 'T_4_0']

residual4 = PoseToPoseResidual(T_5_4_obs, odom_stiffness)
residual4_params = ['T_4_0', 'T_5_0']

residual5 = PoseToPoseResidual(T_6_5_obs, odom_stiffness)
residual5_params = ['T_5_0', 'T_6_0']

residual6 = PoseToPoseResidual(T_6_2_obs, loop_stiffness)
residual6_params = ['T_2_0', 'T_6_0']

options = Options()
options.allow_nondecreasing_steps = True
options.max_nondecreasing_steps = 3

problem = Problem(options)
problem.add_residual_block(residual0, residual0_params)
problem.add_residual_block(residual1, residual1_params)
problem.add_residual_block(residual2, residual2_params)
problem.add_residual_block(residual3, residual3_params)
problem.add_residual_block(residual4, residual4_params)
problem.add_residual_block(residual5, residual5_params)
problem.add_residual_block(residual6, residual6_params)

# problem.set_parameters_constant(residual0_params)
# problem.set_parameters_constant(residual1_params)

params_init = {
    'T_1_0': T_1_0_init,
    'T_2_0': T_2_0_init,
    'T_3_0': T_3_0_init,
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_constant_params(self):
     problem = Problem()
     assert problem.constant_param_keys == ['a']
     problem.set_parameters_constant(['a', 'b_param'])
     assert problem.constant_param_keys == ['a', 'b_param']
     assert problem.constant_param_keys == ['b_param']
     assert problem.constant_param_keys == ['b_param']
     problem.set_parameters_variable(['a', 'b_param', 'c'])
     assert problem.constant_param_keys == []
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_se3(self, options):
        from liegroups import SE3
        from pyslam.residuals import PoseResidual, PoseToPoseResidual

        problem = Problem(options)

        odom = SE3.exp(0.1 * np.ones(6))

        odom_stiffness = invsqrt(1e-3 * np.eye(SE3.dof))
        T0_stiffness = invsqrt(1e-6 * np.eye(SE3.dof))

        odom_covar = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(odom_stiffness, odom_stiffness))
        T0_covar = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(T0_stiffness, T0_stiffness))

        residual0 = PoseResidual(SE3.identity(), T0_stiffness)
        residual1 = PoseToPoseResidual(odom, odom_stiffness)

        params_init = {'T0': SE3.identity(), 'T1': SE3.identity()}

        problem.add_residual_block(residual0, 'T0')
        problem.add_residual_block(residual1, ['T0', 'T1'])
        estimated_covar = problem.get_covariance_block('T1', 'T1')
        expected_covar = odom_covar + odom.adjoint().dot(T0_covar.dot(odom.adjoint().T))

        assert np.allclose(estimated_covar, expected_covar)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def error_ij():
    # define later in case of measurement-based model

def Q_i(Q_C,t_i,t_im1):

    delta_t_i = t_i - t_im1

    return np.array([(1/3)*((delta_t_i)**3)*Q_C, (1/2)*((delta_t_i)**2)*Q_C;
                     (1/2)*((delta_t_i)**2)*Q_C, (delta_t_i)*Q_C])

    setup xi and t data containers
    defined the cost function structure
    come up with matrix Q_C
    do some research on the gauss-newton algorithm
    define dataset xi above
    define w_bar dataset above (lin and rotational velocity)


def Q_C(dim):
    return np.eye(dim)

def J(xi, w_bar, N, Q_C, t):

    # create error vector
        # fill up error vector with all training data
    e = np.empty([N,1])

    for i in range(N):
        e.append(error_i(xi[i], xi[i+1],w_bar[i],w_bar[i+1]))

    # create Q matrix and invert it
    # create a vector of all Q_i entries
    Q_vect = np.empty([N,1])

    for i in range(N):
    Q = np.diag(Q_vect)

    Q_inv = np.linalg.inv(Q)

    return (1/2)*np.matmul(np.matmul(np.tranpose(e),Q_inv),e)


# implementation of E:

def E():
    F_k = np.empty([4,2])

    k = 0

    dim = 3

    T_kp1 = SE3.exp(xi[k+1])
    T_k = SE3.exp(xi[k])

    tau_bar = (SE3.exp([xi[k+1]]).dot(SE3.exp([xi[k]]))).adjoint()


    F_k[0,0] = SE3.inv_left_jacobian(T_kp1.dot(T_k)).dot(tau_bar_kp1_k)

    F_k[1,0] = (1/2)*w_bar(v_kp1,omega_kp1).dot(SE3.inv_left_jacobian(T_kp1.dot(T_k))).dot(tau_bar_kp1_k):

    F_k[0,1] = (t_kp1-tk)*np.eye(dim) 
    F_k[1,1] = np.eye(dim)
    F_k[0,2] = -SE3.inv_left_jacobian(T_kp1.dot(T_k))
    F_k[1,2] = (-1/2)*SE3.vee(w_bar(v_kp1,omega_kp1)).dot(SE3.inv_left_jacobian(T_kp1.dot(T_k)))
    F_k[0,3] = np.zeros(dim)
    F_k[1,3] = -SE3.inv_left_jacobian(T_kp1.dot(T_k))

    P = np.empty([2,1])


perturbation: epsilon*

initial pose: identity transform

per iteration we update: x_op <- x_op + delta_x_op

T_i = 

xi_init = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0])
T_init = T_i = SE3.exp(xi_init)

v_init = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
omega_init = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
w_bar_init = w_bar(v_init, omega_init)

e_op_init = error_i(xi_init, xi[0], w_bar_init, w_bar[0])

error_i(xi_i, xi_ip1,w_bar_i,w_bar_ip1):

def delta_i(theta_i,psi_i):
    return np.array([theta_i, psi_i]) 

def epsilon():
    delta = np.empty([N,1])
    for i in range(N):
        delta.append(delta_i(theta[i], psi[i]))
    return epsilon

from pyslam.problem import Problem, Options

options = Options()
options.print_summary = True

problem = Problem(options)

def residuals(self, b):
    """Evaluate the residuals f(x, b) - y with the given parameters.
    b : tuple, list or ndarray
        Values for the model parameters.
    out : ndarray
        Residual vector for the given model parameters.
    x, y = self.xvals, self.yvals
    return self._numexpr(x, *b) - y

def jacobian(self, b):
    """Evaluate the model's Jacobian matrix with the given parameters.
    b : tuple, list or ndarray
        Values for the model parameters.
    out : ndarray
        Evaluation of the model's Jacobian matrix in column-major order wrt
        the model parameters.
    # Substitute parameters in partial derivatives
    subs = [pd.subs(zip(self._b, b)) for pd in self._pderivs]
    # Evaluate substituted partial derivatives for all x-values
    vals = [sp.lambdify(self._x, sub, "numpy")(self.xvals) for sub in subs]
    # Arrange values in column-major order
    return np.column_stack(vals)

def gauss_newton(sys, x0, tol = 1e-10, maxits = 256):
    """Gauss-Newton algorithm for solving nonlinear least squares problems.
    sys : Dataset
        Class providing residuals() and jacobian() functions. The former should
        evaluate the residuals of a nonlinear system for a given set of
        parameters. The latter should evaluate the Jacobian matrix of said
        system for the same parameters.
    x0 : tuple, list or ndarray
        Initial guesses or starting estimates for the system.
    tol : float
        Tolerance threshold. The problem is considered solved when this value
        becomes smaller than the magnitude of the correction vector.
        Defaults to 1e-10.
    maxits : int
        Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm to perform.
        Defaults to 256.
    sol : ndarray
        Resultant values.
    its : int
        Number of iterations performed.
    Uses numpy.linalg.pinv() in place of similar functions from scipy, both
    because it was found to be faster and to eliminate the extra dependency.

    dx = np.ones(len(x0))   # Correction vector
    xn = np.array(x0)       # Approximation of solution

    i = 0
    while (i < maxits) and (dx[dx > tol].size > 0):
        # correction = pinv(jacobian) . residual vector
        dx  = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(sys.jacobian(xn)), -sys.residuals(xn))
        xn += dx            # x_{n + 1} = x_n + dx_n
        i  += 1

    return xn, i
Ejemplo n.º 15
# Camera
camera = StereoCamera(640, 480, 1000, 1000, 0.25, 1280, 960)

# Observations
obs_var = [1, 1, 2]  # [u,v,d]
obs_stiffness = invsqrt(np.diagflat(obs_var))

obs = [[camera.project(T.dot(p))
        for p in pts_w_GT] for T in T_cam_w_GT]

# Optimize
options = Options()
options.allow_nondecreasing_steps = True
options.max_nondecreasing_steps = 3

problem = Problem(options)
for i, this_pose_obs in enumerate(obs):
    for j, o in enumerate(this_pose_obs):
        residual = ReprojectionResidual(camera, o, obs_stiffness)
            residual, ['T_cam{}_w'.format(i), 'pt{}_w'.format(j)])

params_true = {}
params_init = {}

for i, pt in enumerate(pts_w_GT):
    pid = 'pt{}_w'.format(i)
    params_true.update({pid: pt})
    params_init.update({pid: camera.triangulate(
        obs[0][i] + 10. * np.random.rand(3))})
Ejemplo n.º 16
# Camera
camera = StereoCamera(640, 480, 1000, 1000, 0.25, 1280, 960)

# Observations
obs_var = [1, 1, 2]  # [u,v,d]
obs_stiffness = invsqrt(np.diagflat(obs_var))

# Collect all observations of the landmarks
obs = [[camera.project(T * p) for p in pts_w_GT] for T in T_cam_w_GT]

# Options
options = Options()
options.allow_nondecreasing_steps = True
options.max_nondecreasing_steps = 3

problem = Problem(options)

# Collect observations in pairs of poses (i.e. 0-1, 1-2, 2-3) and add
# residuals to problem
for i in range(len(obs) - 1):
    pose_1_obs = obs[i]
    pose_2_obs = obs[i + 1]
    for j, o_1 in enumerate(pose_1_obs):
        o_2 = pose_2_obs[j]
        residual = ReprojectionResidualFrameToFrame(camera, o_1, o_2,
                                   ['T_cam{}_cam{}'.format(i + 1, i)])

params_true = OrderedDict({})
params_init = OrderedDict({})