Ejemplo n.º 1
def smac(trainer, params, steps):
    global experimentName, optStart
    optStart = dt.now()
    experimentName = experiment_name + " - SMAC"
    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer()
    parms, forbidden = parse_params(params)
    opt.minimize(trainer, steps, parms, forbidden_clauses=forbidden)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_replication(index, x0, x1, x2, N_POINTS, func_data):
    # Setup and run our replication
    parameters = {
        "x0": ("categorical", x0, random.randint(0, 9)),
        "x1": ("categorical", x1, random.randint(0, 2)),
        "x2": ("categorical", x2, random.choice(x2))
    if os.path.exists("tmp_%d.dat" % index):
        os.remove("tmp_%d.dat" % index)
    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer()
    f_min_obj.func_data = func_data
    f_min_obj.index = index

    xmin, fval = opt.minimize(f_min_obj_2, N_POINTS, parameters)

    best_y = [
        float(s) for s in open("tmp_%d.dat" % index).read().strip().split('\n')

    os.remove("tmp_%d.dat" % index)
    # Assuming there is a possibility of converging sooner than all datapoints,
    # we will pad the ending of best_y with the best observed so far
    if len(best_y) != N_POINTS:
        best_y = best_y + [max(best_y) for _ in range(N_POINTS - len(best_y))]

    return best_y
Ejemplo n.º 3
def init_optimization():  
    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory= '/home/fabian/tuning_deletion_logic/',persistent_files=True, debug = False)
    parameter_definition= parameters_to_optimize
    print parameter_definition
    value, parameters = opt.minimize(optimize_parameters            # the function to be minimized
                    , 500                                          # the maximum number of function evaluations
                    , parameter_definition                          # dict of parmaeter definition
                    , forbidden_clauses=forbidden_clauses           # list of forbidden clauses
                    , t_limit_function_s=360                        # time limit cor one tuning iteration
                    , num_runs=2                                    # number of independent tuning runs
                    , num_train_instances=len(roslaunch_commands)   # number of datasets used for tuning 
                    , deterministic=True)                           # deterministic results   

    print('The minimum value %f was found for the configurations %s'%(value, parameters))
    for param_key in parameters.keys():
            current = next(param for param in parameter_list if param['name']==param_key)
            current['current'] = parameters[param_key]
    print("Writing best parameter configuration to param file(s) {}".format(parameter_files_to_search))
    print("Exited sucessfully!")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def init_optimization():  
    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory= '/home/fabian/tuning_aspket_logic',persistent_files=True, debug = False)
    parameter_definition= parameters_to_optimize
    print parameter_definition
    value, parameters = opt.minimize(optimize_parameters        # the function to be minimized
                    , 400                                # the maximum number of function evaluations
                    , parameter_definition 
                    , forbidden_clauses=forbidden_clauses                     # the parameter dictionary
                    , t_limit_function_s=360
                    , num_runs=2
                    , deterministic=True
                    , num_train_instances=len(roslaunch_commands))                   # for the mainstation file one evaluation needs 6min    

    print('The minimum value %f was found for the configurations %s'%(value, parameters))

    for param_key in parameters.keys():
            current = next(param for param in parameter_list if param['name']==param_key)
            current['current'] = parameters[param_key]
    print("Writing best parameter configuration to param file(s) {}".format(parameter_files_to_search))
    print("Exited sucessfully!")
 def __init__(self, dreamBed):
     self.dreamBed = dreamBed
     self.optimizer = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer()
     self.iterationCounter = 0
     self.totalNumIterations = 0
     self.optimizer_service = rospy.Service('dream_bed_evaluation',
Ejemplo n.º 6
def init_optimization():  
    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory= '/home/fabian/imm_tmp',persistent_files=True, debug = False)
    parameter_definition= parameters_to_optimize
    print parameter_definition
    value, parameters = opt.minimize(optimize_parameters        # the function to be minimized
                    , 400                                # the maximum number of function evaluations
                    , parameter_definition 
                    , t_limit_function_s=360
                    , num_runs=2
                    , deterministic=True
                    , num_train_instances=len(roslaunch_commands))                     # for the mainstation file one evaluation needs 6min    

    print('The minimum value %f was found for the configurations %s'%(value, parameters))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def optimize(folder_name):
    space = {}
    for i in range(D):
        space['x%i' % (i)] = ('categorical',  [0, 1], np.random.randint(0, 2))
    parameters = dict(space)

    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory='%s/smac' % folder_name, debug=False)

    value, parameters = opt.minimize(
                    objective, # the function to be minimized
                    number_of_evaluations,          # the number of function calls allowed
                    parameters, num_procs = 16)    # the parameter dictionary

    print ('Lowest function value found: %f'%value)
    print ('Parameter setting %s'%parameters)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def init_optimization():
    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(deterministic=True,
    parameter_definition = parameters_to_optimize

    print parameter_definition

    value, parameters = opt.minimize(
        optimize_parameters  # the function to be minimized
        300  # the maximum number of function evaluations
        parameter_definition  # the parameter dictionary
        num_runs=3)  # for the mainstation file one evaluation needs 6min

    print('The minimum value %f was found for the configurations %s' %
          (value, parameters))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def runOptimizer(self):
     # x, cost, _ = fmin_smac(func=get_runtime,
     #                        x0=[1, 1, 1],
     #                        bounds=[(1, 3), (1, 3), (1, 10)],
     #                        maxfun=10,
     #                        rng=3)
     if not os.path.isdir(os.getcwd() + "/temp"):
         os.mkdir(os.getcwd() + "/temp")
     opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory=os.getcwd() + "/temp")
     value, parameters = opt.minimize(
     best_parameters = dict()
     best_parameters['type'], best_parameters['size'],  best_parameters['num'] = \
                     self.convertToConfig([parameters['x1'],parameters['x2'], parameters['x3']])
     trials = pickleRead('trials.pickle')
     print(value, best_parameters)
     # return {'value': value, 'params': best_parameters}
     return trials
Ejemplo n.º 10
# convenience function
from pysmac.utils.pcs_merge import merge_configuration_spaces

# returns a parameter config space, the conditionals, forbiddens and two wrapper functions
p,c,f,wrapper_str = merge_configuration_spaces(\
  (random_forest, parameters_trees, [], []),
(knn, parameters_knn, [],[]))

# workaround to make the generated functions pickable (needed for pySMAC internals):
# they are generated as strings, and instantiated by executing this string

# create optimizer object
opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(

# perform actual optimization
value, parameters = opt.minimize(
    #wrapper function generated by merge_configuration_spaces
    50,  # number of function evaluations
    p,  # parameter defintion

print('The highest accuracy found: %f' % (-value))
print('Parameter setting %s' % parameters)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def opt():
    global temp, tempname, n_folds, c, X_list, n_iter, n_features, X_l, trainc
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    n_folds = config.getint('Global', 'n_folds')
    max_dim = config.getint('Global', 'n_features')
    X_list, source, sname, n_samples, n_points, noise_scale, source_dir = initialize()
    test_size = config.getfloat('Global', 'test_size')
    # Open the config file
    cfgname = './hp_opt/hp_%s_%.4f.ini' % (sname, noise_scale)
    hp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    c = 0
    for X in X_list:
        if X.shape[0] < 10:
            c += 1
        print '============ Cluster %d ============' % c
        # Initialize file to store the reconstruction error and the count
        temp = [np.inf, 0, 0, [0]*2] #[err, count, iteration, optimal parameters]
        tempname = './hp_opt/temp/kpca'
        with open(tempname, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(temp, f)
        # Reduce dimensionality
        X_l, dim_increase = reduce_dim(X, plot=False)
        n_allc = X.shape[0]
        if n_allc < 10:
        # Specify training and test set
        n_trainc = int(math.floor(n_allc * (1-test_size)))
        print 'Training sample size: ', n_trainc
        trainc = range(n_trainc)
        # Estimate intrinsic dimension and nonlinearity
        print 'Estimating intrinsic dimension ...'
        intr_dim = mide(X_l[trainc], verbose=0)[0]
        print 'Intrinsic dimension: ', intr_dim
        if intr_dim < max_dim:
            n_features = intr_dim
            n_features = max_dim
        # Define parameters
                        gamma=('real', [1e-3, 1], 1.0/X_l.shape[1]),
                        lg_alpha=('real', [-10, 0], -5),
        # Create a SMAC_optimizer object
        opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer()
        n_iter = 100
        value, parameters = opt.minimize(wrapper, # the function to be minimized
                                         n_iter, # the number of function calls allowed
                                         parameters) # the parameter dictionary
        # Write optimal parameters to the config file
        section = 'kpca'+str(c)
        if not hp.has_section(section):
            # Create the section if it does not exist.
        print(('Lowest function value found: %f'%value))
        print(('Parameter setting %s'%parameters))
        c += 1
    end_time = timeit.default_timer()
    training_time = (end_time - start_time)
    print 'Training time: %.2f min' % (training_time/60.)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def opt():

    global temp, tempname, n_folds, c, X_list, n_iter, n_features, X_l, trainc

    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    n_folds = config.getint('Global', 'n_folds')
    max_dim = config.getint('Global', 'n_features')

    X_list, source, sname, n_samples, n_points, noise_scale, source_dir = initialize(

    test_size = config.getfloat('Global', 'test_size')

    # Open the config file
    cfgname = './hp_opt/hp_%s_%.4f.ini' % (sname, noise_scale)
    hp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    start_time = timeit.default_timer()

    c = 0
    for X in X_list:

        if X.shape[0] < 10:
            c += 1

        print '============ Cluster %d ============' % c

        # Initialize file to store the reconstruction error and the count
        # Initialize file to store the reconstruction error and the count
        temp = [np.inf, 0, 0,
                [0] * 2]  #[err, count, iteration, optimal parameters]
        tempname = './hp_opt/temp/mlae'
        with open(tempname, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(temp, f)

        # Reduce dimensionality
        X_l, dim_increase = reduce_dim(X, plot=False)

        n_allc = X.shape[0]
        if n_allc < 10:

        # Specify training and test set
        n_trainc = int(math.floor(n_allc * (1 - test_size)))
        print 'Training sample size: ', n_trainc
        trainc = range(n_trainc)

        # Estimate intrinsic dimension and nonlinearity
        print 'Estimating intrinsic dimension ...'
        intr_dim = mide(X_l[trainc], verbose=0)[0]
        print 'Intrinsic dimension: ', intr_dim

        if intr_dim < max_dim:
            n_features = intr_dim
            n_features = max_dim

        # Define parameters
        hs_min = n_features + 1
        hs_max = int(X_l.shape[1] * 2)
                        hidden_size_l1=('categorical', range(hs_min, hs_max+1)+[0], 0),\
                        hidden_size_l2=('categorical', range(hs_min, hs_max+1)+[0], 0),\
                        hidden_size_l3=('categorical', range(hs_min, hs_max+1)+[0], 0),\
                        hidden_size_l4=('categorical', range(hs_min, hs_max+1)+[0], 0),\
                        lg_l = ('real', [-10, 0.0], -10),\
                        lr = ('real', [1e-4, 2.0], 1.0),\
                        lg_epsilon = ('real', [-10, -4], -8),\

        # Define constraints
        forbidden_confs = ["{hidden_size_l1 < hidden_size_l2}",\
                           "{hidden_size_l2 < hidden_size_l3}",\
                           "{hidden_size_l3 < hidden_size_l4}"]

        # Create a SMAC_optimizer object
        opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer()
        n_iter = 500

        value, parameters = opt.minimize(
            wrapper,  # the function to be minimized
            n_iter,  # the number of function calls allowed
            parameters,  # the parameter dictionary
            forbidden_clauses=forbidden_confs)  # constraints

        # Write optimal parameters to the config file
        section = 'ML_AE' + str(c)
        if not hp.has_section(section):
            # Create the section if it does not exist.
            hp.write(open(cfgname, 'w'))
        hp.set(section, 'hidden_size_l1', parameters['hidden_size_l1'])
        hp.set(section, 'hidden_size_l2', parameters['hidden_size_l2'])
        hp.set(section, 'hidden_size_l3', parameters['hidden_size_l3'])
        hp.set(section, 'hidden_size_l4', parameters['hidden_size_l4'])
        hp.set(section, 'learning_rate', parameters['lr'])
        hp.set(section, 'epsilon', 10**float(parameters['lg_epsilon']))
        hp.set(section, 'weight_decay', 10**float(parameters['lg_l']))
        hp.write(open(cfgname, 'w'))

        print(('Lowest function value found: %f' % value))
        print(('Parameter setting %s' % parameters))

        c += 1

    end_time = timeit.default_timer()
    training_time = (end_time - start_time)
    print 'Training time: %.2f h' % (training_time / 3600.)
Ejemplo n.º 13
import pysmac.piac

from branin_cli import branin as a_function
from branin_cli import parameter_definition

path = '/tmp/pySMAC_run'
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
num_instances = 16

# random features,
features = np.random.randint(9, size=(num_instances, 3))

# optimizer object
opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(t_limit_total_s=360,
                            working_directory=path + '/pysmac_output',

# call its minimize method
value, parameters = opt.minimize(
    a_function,  # the function to be minimized
    10,  # the maximum number of function evaluations

model = pysmac.piac.run_ISMAC("/tmp/pySMAC_run/pysmac_output",
Ejemplo n.º 14
                                       x61, x62, x63, x64, x65, x66,
                                       x71, x72, x73, x74, x75, x76)
    return stats['total dead people'].values.mean()

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parameters = dict(

        x21=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x22=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x23=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1),
        x24=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x25=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 3), x26=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1),
        x31=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x32=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x33=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1),
        x34=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x35=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x36=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 3),
        x41=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x42=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x43=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2),
        x44=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x45=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x46=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1),
        x51=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 3), x52=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 3), x53=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2),
        x54=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x55=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 3), x56=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2),
        x61=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x62=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x63=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2),
        x64=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 3), x65=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x66=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1),
        x71=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x72=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2), x73=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 2),
        x74=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x75=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1), x76=('categorical', [1, 2, 3], 1),

    opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer()
    value, parameters = opt.minimize(avg_queue_length, 1000, parameters)

    print(('Lowest function value found: %f' % value))
    print(('Parameter setting %s' % parameters))

    save_obj(parameters, 'dead_people')
Ejemplo n.º 15
               r)**2 + s * (1 - t) * math.cos(x1) + s + x3
    return ret

# Now we have to define the parameters for the function we like to minimize.
# The representation tries to stay close to the SMAC manual, but deviates
# if necessary. # Because we use a Python dictionary to represent the
# parameters, there are different ways of creating it. The author finds the
# following way most intuitive:
                x1=('real',    [-5, 5],  1),     # this line means x1 is a float between -5 and 5, with a default of 1
                x2=('real',    [-5, 5], -1),     # same as x1, but the default is -1
                x3=('integer', [0, 10],  1),     # integer that ranges between 0 and 10, default is 1

# Consult the docs for a comprehensive presentation of possibilities.

# The next step is to create a SMAC_optimizer object
opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(debug=False)

# Then, call its minimize method with at least the three mandatory parameters
value, parameters = opt.minimize(
    modified_branin,  # the function to be minimized
    1000,  # the maximum number of function evaluations
    parameter_definition)  # the parameter dictionary

# the return value is a tuple of the lowest function value and a dictionary
# containing corresponding parameter setting.
print(('Lowest function value found: %f' % value))
print(('Parameter setting %s' % parameters))
print('The default accuracy is %f'%true_accuracy())

# We haven't changed anything here.
		max_depth   =("integer", [1, 10],  4),
		max_features=("integer", [1, 20], 10),
		n_estimators=("integer", [1,100], 10, 'log'),			
		criterion   =("categorical", ['gini', 'entropy'], 'entropy'),
		bootstrap   =("integer", [0,1], 1)

# Same creation of the SMAC_optimizer object
opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer( working_directory = '/tmp/pysmac_test/',# the folder where SMAC generates output
							 persistent_files=True,				 # whether the output will persist beyond the python object's lifetime
							 debug = False							 # if something goes wrong, enable this for diagnostic output

# The minimize method also has optional arguments
value, parameters = opt.minimize(random_forest,
					10, parameter_definition,
					num_runs = 1,					# number of independent SMAC runs
					seed = 0,						# the random seed used. can be an int or a list of ints of length num_runs
					num_procs = 2,					# pysmac can harness multicore architecture. Specify the number of processes to use here.
					num_train_instances = len(kfold),# This tells SMAC how many different instances there are.
					train_instance_features = features# use the features defined above to better predict the overall performance
print('Parameter setting %s'%parameters)
print('The highest accuracy estimation: %f'%(-value))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    return -median(scores)

# Here we define the hyperparameters search space from where we sample
  number_layers = ("integer", [1,4], 2),
number_neurons_1  =("integer", [10,1000], 100, 'log'),
number_neurons_2  =("integer", [10,1000], 100, 'log'),
number_neurons_3  =("integer", [10,1000], 100, 'log'),
number_neurons_4  =("integer", [10,1000], 100, 'log'),
dropout_rate =("real", [0,0.5],    0)

# We create the optimizer object
opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory='./results/dataset8/smac/' %

# First we try the a MLP set to a default configuration, so we can see if SMAC can improve its performance
scores = []
for i in np.arange(n_validations):

    X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split(
        X, Y, test_size=0.3, random_state=1)

    predictor = Classifier(layers=[
        Layer("Sigmoid", units=100, dropout=0),
        Layer("Sigmoid", units=100, dropout=0),
        Layer("Softmax", units=2)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    r = 6
    s = 10
    t = 1 / (8 * math.pi)
    ret = a * (x2 - b * x1**2 + c * x1 -
               r)**2 + s * (1 - t) * math.cos(x1) + s + x3
    return ret

# parameter definition
                x1=('real',    [-5, 5],  1),     # this line means x1 is a float between -5 and 5, with a default of 1
                x2=('real',    [-5, 5], -1),     # same as x1, but the default is -1
                x3=('integer', [0, 10],  1),     # integer that ranges between 0 and 10, default is 1
# optimizer object
opt = pysmac.SMAC_optimizer(working_directory=path + '/pysmac_output',
# call its minimize method
value, parameters = opt.minimize(
    modified_branin,  # the function to be minimized
    100,  # 1000 the maximum number of function evaluations
    num_runs=3)  # the parameter dictionary

# fanova object
fanova = pysmac_fanova.smac_to_fanova(path + '/pysmac_output/out/scenario',
                                      path + "/merged_states")
res = fanova.quantify_importance((2, ))
best_margs = fanova.get_most_important_pairwise_marginals(n=3)
print('Most important pairwise marginals: %s' % best_margs)