Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, tournament, tag_remap={}):
     self.tag_remap = tag_remap
     smash = pysmash.SmashGG()
     self.sets = smash.tournament_show_sets(self.tournament, self.event)
     self.entrants = smash.tournament_show_players(self.tournament,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_tournament_placings(bracket_url):
    # Map tags to their respective placings in this bracket
    placings_map = {}

    if 'challonge' in bracket_url:
        LOG.info('just entering "get tournament palcings')
        standings_html, status = hit_url(bracket_url + '/standings')
        soup = BeautifulSoup(standings_html, "html.parser")
        tds = soup.find_all('td')

        # Cycle thorugh these tds, and find the ones that represent different placings
        current_placing = 1
        for td in tds:
            if td.has_attr('class') and td['class'][0] == 'rank':
                current_placing = int(td.getText())
            span = td.find('span')
            # Player tags are kept in <span> elements
            if span:
                player = span.getText()

                # Coalesce tags
                player = get_coalesced_tag(player)
                placings_map[player.lower()] = current_placing
                    'just got placing {} for player {} in bracket {}'.format(
                        current_placing, player, bracket_url))

    # This bracket is from smashgg
        smash = pysmash.SmashGG()
        url_parts = bracket_url.split('/')

        if 'tournament' in url_parts and 'events' in url_parts:
            t = url_parts[url_parts.index('tournament') + 1]
            e = url_parts[url_parts.index('events') + 1]
            players = smash.tournament_show_players(t, e)
            for player_dict in players:
                tag = player_dict['tag']
                # sanitize the tag
                tag = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else ' ' for i in tag])
                place = player_dict['final_placement']
                placings_map[tag.lower()] = place

    return placings_map
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, tournament, event, tier, points, ids=None):
     self.tournament = tournament
     self.event = event
     self.tier = tier
     self.points = float(points)
     self.ids = ids
     # Wrapper.
     self.smash = pysmash.SmashGG()
     # Datos
     self.players = self.smash.tournament_show_players(
         self.tournament, self.event)
     self.all_sets = self.smash.tournament_show_sets(
         self.tournament, self.event)
     # If we specify certain events, select sets from those events.
     if ids:
         self.all_sets = [
             x for x in self.all_sets if x["bracket_id"] in self.ids
     # Para imprimir
     self.winners = 'w'
     self.losers = 'l'
Ejemplo n.º 4

import json
import operator
import argparse
import os
import pysmash

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pull Tournament Results")
parser.add_argument('tournament', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()

smash = pysmash.SmashGG()

tournament = args.tournament

events = smash.tournament_show_events(tournament)

directory = '../fgcbot/data/tournaments/' + tournament
for event in events['events']:
    os.mkdir(directory + '/' + event)
    sets = smash.tournament_show_players(tournament, event)
    with open(
            '../fgcbot/data/tournaments' + '/' + tournament + '/' + event +
            '/results.json', 'w+') as f:
        json.dump(sets, f)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def analyze_smashgg_tournament(db, url, scene, dated, urls_per_player=False, display_name=None, testing=False):
    global smash
    global skip_count
    if smash == None:
        smash = pysmash.SmashGG()

    # For testing purposes, sometimes we don't want to update the web
    use_web = not testing

    match_pairs = []
    tag_to_gid = {}
    # Exctract the tournament and event names
    # eg url:
    # https://smash.gg/tournament/pulsar-premier-league/events/rocket-league-3v3/brackets/68179
    # tournament name = pulsar-premier-leauge
    # event name = rocket-league-3v3
    url_parts = url.split('/')
    LOG.info("about to analyze smashgg bracket: {}".format(url))

    if 'tournament' in url_parts and 'events' in url_parts:
        t = url_parts[url_parts.index('tournament')+1]
        e = url_parts[url_parts.index('events')+1]

            start_at_epoch = smash.tournament_show(t)['start_at']
            date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_at_epoch).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        except Exception:
            LOG.exc('We couldnt find a date for tournament {}'.format(t))
            date = '2017-09-26'

        # The event will be either 'melee' or 'wiiu'

        players = smash.tournament_show_players(t, e)
        # Sleep between requests to prevent rate limiting

        # Check if these players are already in the players table
        scenes = bracket_utils.get_list_of_scene_names()
        for player in players:
            p = sanitize_tag(player['tag'])
            create_player_if_not_exist(p, scene, db, testing)
            if not testing:
                # Calculate the group for these two players
                gid = calculate_and_update_group(p, scene, db) if not p in tag_to_gid else tag_to_gid[p]
                tag_to_gid[p] = gid

        # Create a map of ID to tag
        tag_id_dict = {}
        for player in players:
            id = int(player["entrant_id"])
            tag = player["tag"]
            # sanitize the tag
            tag = sanitize_tag(tag)
            tag = get_coalesced_tag(tag)
            tag_id_dict[id] = tag

        sets = smash.tournament_show_sets(t, e)
        # Sleep between requests to prevent rate limiting

        placings = bracket_utils.get_tournament_placings(url)
        for s in sets:
            l_id = int(s['loser_id'])
            w_id = int(s['winner_id'])
            s1 = s['entrant_1_score']
            s2 = s['entrant_2_score']

            # If we don't have score info, default to 3-0
            entrant_1_score = 3 if s1 == None else int(s1)
            entrant_2_score = 0 if s2 == None else int(s2)
            score = json.dumps([max(entrant_1_score, entrant_2_score), min(entrant_1_score, entrant_2_score)])
            if l_id in tag_id_dict and w_id in tag_id_dict:
                loser = tag_id_dict[l_id]
                winner = tag_id_dict[w_id]

                if loser in placings and winner in placings:
                    winner_place = placings[winner]
                    loser_place = placings[loser]

                    # Only record this match if at least one of these players got top 64
                    # Probably no one cares about r1 pools matches between two scrubs
                    # Having less matches will also reduce time needed to rank players
                    if winner_place > 64 and loser_place > 64:
                        skip_count = skip_count + 1
                        if skip_count % 100 == 0:
                            LOG.info('Both these players suck, so not entering this match {} got {} and {} got {}. Have now skipped {} total'.format(winner, winner_place, loser, loser_place, skip_count))

                    # We don't have the placing for this player. Skip


            sql = "INSERT INTO matches(player1, player2, winner, date, scene, url, display_name, score) VALUES ('{winner}', '{loser}', '{winner}', '{date}', '{scene}', '{url}', '{display_name}', '{score}');"
            args = {'winner': winner, 'loser': loser, 'winner': winner, 'date': date, 'scene': scene, 'url': url, 'display_name': display_name, 'score': score}

            db.exec(sql, args)
            # Get the group that these 2 players belong to
            if not testing:
                g1 = tag_to_gid[winner]
                g2 = tag_to_gid[loser]

            if not testing:
                # Also update the player web with this match
                match_pairs.append((winner, g1, loser, g2))
        LOG.info("ERROR PARSING SMASHGG: {}".format(url))

    if not testing:
        # we need to pass a list of scenes to the player web
        LOG.info('about to update match pairs for bracket {}'.format(url))
        update_web(match_pairs, db)
        LOG.info('finished updating match pairs for bracket {}'.format(url))
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def __setSmashGGMatches(self, url):
		cur = self.db.cursor()
			#Smash.gg wrapper
		smash = pysmash.SmashGG()

		# Get tournament name

		tournament_name = url.split("/tournament/")[1].split("/")[0]

		# Ann Arbor should be replaced by region use tourney information to find venue address and get State from there. 
		p = (0, tournament_name, stripNum(tournament_name), 'Ann Arbor')	
		cur.execute("INSERT INTO tournaments (id, name, series, location, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, default);", p)

		players = smash.tournament_show_players(tournament_name, 'melee-singles')

		# Add all players to database if they're not in there already
		for player in players:

			# Santitize tag of fuckery
			tag = player['tag'].lower()
			tag = tag.replace(" ", "")
			re.sub(r"[^\\x00-\\x7f]", "", tag)
			tag.replace(u"\u2122", '')
			#tag = str(tag.encode('ascii', 'replace'))
			cur.execute("SELECT * FROM players WHERE tag = %s;", [tag])
			result = cur.fetchone()

			# Add player to database
			if not result:	
				self.players[tag] = glicko2.Player()
				p = (0, tag, player['entrant_id'])	
				cur.execute("INSERT INTO players (id, tag, sponsor, smashgg_id, skill) VALUES (%s, %s, null, %s, default);", p)				
				p = (player['entrant_id'], tag)
				cur.execute("UPDATE players SET smashgg_id = %s WHERE tag = %s;", p)

			cur.execute("SELECT id FROM players WHERE tag = %s;", [tag])
			player_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
			cur.execute("SELECT id FROM tournaments WHERE name = %s;", [tournament_name])
			tournament_id = cur.fetchone()[0]

			cur.execute("INSERT INTO attended (id, player_id, tournament_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);", [0, player_id, tournament_id])

		# Split this into another function 
		sets = smash.tournament_show_sets(tournament_name, 'melee-singles')

		for match in sets:
			entrant1Id = match['entrant_1_id']
			entrant2Id = match['entrant_2_id']
			winner_id = match['winner_id']
			loser_id = match['loser_id']
			entrant1_tag = ''
			entrant2_tag = ''
			winner_tag = ''
			loser_tag = ''
			winner_set_count = 0
			loser_set_count = 0
			entrant1Score = match['entrant_1_score']
			entrant2Score = match['entrant_2_score']
			cur.execute("SELECT tag FROM players WHERE smashgg_id = %s;", [entrant1Id])
			entrant1_tag = cur.fetchone()[0]
			cur.execute("SELECT tag FROM players WHERE smashgg_id = %s;", [entrant2Id])
			entrant2_tag = cur.fetchone()[0]
			if entrant1_tag and entrant2_tag:
				entrant1_tag = entrant1_tag.lower()
				entrant1_tag = entrant1_tag.replace(" ", "")
				entrant2_tag = entrant2_tag.lower()
				entrant2_tag = entrant2_tag.replace(" ", "")
				newMatch = Match(entrant1_tag, entrant1Score, entrant2_tag, entrant2Score)

		return len(players)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_smashgg_brackets(pages=None,
    results = 0
    per_page = 5
    page = 1 if pages == None else pages[0]
    brackets = {}
    smash = pysmash.SmashGG()

    def iterate():
        print('PAGE {}'.format(page))
        # melee
        #results_url = 'https://smash.gg/results?per_page=5&filter=%7B%22completed%22%3Atrue%2C%22videogameIds%22%3A%221%22%7D&page={}'.format(page)
        results_url = "https://smash.gg/tournaments?per_page=30&filter=%7B%22upcoming%22%3Afalse%2C%22videogameIds%22%3A4%2C%22past%22%3Atrue%7D&page={}".format(

        #results_url = 'https://smash.gg/results?per_page=5&filter=%7B%22completed%22%3Atrue%2C%22videogameIds%22%3A3%7D&page={}'.format(page)

        #Get the html page
        r = get(results_url)
        data = r.text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")
        grep = 'singles' if singles else 'doubles'

        links = soup.find_all('a')
        for link in links:
                if link.has_attr('href') and 'tournament' in link['href']:
                    url_parts = link['href'].split('/')

                    t = url_parts[url_parts.index('tournament') + 1]
                    if t in brackets:

                    events = smash.tournament_show_events(t)

                    def get_event(events, matches):
                        # Do we have a melee singles event?
                        for e in events['events']:
                            if all([match in e for match in matches]):
                                return e

                        return None

                    if scene == 'pro_wiiu':
                        e = get_event(events, ['wii', 'single'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['single'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['wii'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['smash-4'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['smash4'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['smash'])
                        if e == None:

                    elif scene == 'pro':
                        e = get_event(events, ['melee', 'single'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['single'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['gamecube'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['melee'])
                        if e == None:
                            e = get_event(events, ['smash'])
                        if e == None:

                    url = 'https://smash.gg/tournament/{}/events/{}'.format(
                        t, e)
                    brackets[t] = url
                    with open('threaded_smash_gg_brackets.txt', 'a') as f:
                        f.write('PAGE{}[[{}]]\n'.format(page, url))

            except Exception as e:

    if pages:
        for page in pages:
        while results < 7730:
            results = results + per_page
            page = page + 1

    return brackets