Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_patch_feasibility(assertion, var_relationship, patch_constraint, path_condition, index):  # TODO
    path_constraint = And(path_condition, patch_constraint)
    patch_score = 0
    is_under_approx = None
    is_over_approx = None
    result = True
    if assertion:
        if is_sat(path_constraint):
            if is_loc_in_trace(values.CONF_LOC_BUG):
                patch_score = 2
                is_under_approx = not is_unsat(And(path_constraint, Not(assertion)))
                if values.DEFAULT_REFINE_METHOD in ["under-approx", "overfit"]:
                    if is_under_approx:
                        emitter.debug("removing due to universal quantification")
                        result = False

                negated_path_condition = values.NEGATED_PPC_FORMULA
                path_constraint = And(negated_path_condition, patch_constraint)
                is_over_approx = not is_unsat(And(path_constraint, assertion))
                if values.DEFAULT_REFINE_METHOD in ["over-approx", "overfit"]:
                    if is_over_approx:
                        emitter.debug("removing due to existential quantification")
                        result = False
                patch_score = 1
            # else:
            #     specification = And(path_condition, Not(patch_constraint))
            #     existential_quantification = is_unsat(And(specification, assertion))
            #     result = existential_quantification

    return result, index, patch_score, is_under_approx, is_over_approx
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _helper_check_examples(self, solver_name):
        for (f, _, satisfiability, logic) in get_example_formulae():
            if not logic.quantifier_free: continue
            if satisfiability == False:
                with UnsatCoreSolver(name=solver_name,
                                     unsat_cores_mode="named") as solver:
                    if logic not in solver.LOGICS: continue
                    clauses = [f]
                    if f.is_and():
                        clauses = f.args()

                    for i, c in enumerate(clauses):
                        solver.add_assertion(c, "a%d" % i)

                        r = solver.solve()
                    except SolverReturnedUnknownResultError:
                        if QF_BV <= logic:
                            continue  # Unsat-core support for QF_UFBV might be
                            # incomplete

                    core = solver.get_named_unsat_core()

                    self.assertTrue(len(core) <= len(clauses))
                    for k in core.values():
                        self.assertIn(k, clauses)

                    self.assertTrue(is_unsat(And(core.values()), logic=logic))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _helper_check_examples(self, solver_name):
        for (f, _, satisfiability, logic) in get_example_formulae():
            if not logic.quantifier_free: continue
            if satisfiability == False:
                with UnsatCoreSolver(name=solver_name,
                                     unsat_cores_mode="named") as solver:
                    if logic not in solver.LOGICS: continue
                    clauses = [f]
                    if f.is_and():
                        clauses = f.args()

                    for i,c in enumerate(clauses):
                        solver.add_assertion(c, "a%d" % i)

                        r = solver.solve()
                    except SolverReturnedUnknownResultError:
                        if QF_BV <= logic:
                            continue # Unsat-core support for QF_UFBV might be
                                     # incomplete

                    core = solver.get_named_unsat_core()

                    self.assertTrue(len(core) <= len(clauses))
                    for k in core.values():
                        self.assertIn(k, clauses)

                    self.assertTrue(is_unsat(And(core.values()), logic=logic))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_property(system, prop):
    """Interleaves BMC and K-Ind to verify the property."""
    print("Checking property %s..." % prop)
    for b in xrange(100):
        f = get_bmc(system, prop, b)
        print("   [BMC]    Checking bound %d..." % (b + 1))
        if is_sat(f):
            print("--> Bug found at step %d" % (b + 1))

        f = get_k_induction(system, prop, b)
        print("   [K-IND]  Checking bound %d..." % (b + 1))
        if is_unsat(f):
            print("--> The system is safe!")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def check_property(system, prop):
    """Interleaves BMC and K-Ind to verify the property."""
    print("Checking property %s..." % prop)
    for b in xrange(100):
        f = get_bmc(system, prop, b)
        print("   [BMC]    Checking bound %d..." % (b+1))
        if is_sat(f):
            print("--> Bug found at step %d" % (b+1))

        f = get_k_induction(system, prop, b)
        print("   [K-IND]  Checking bound %d..." % (b+1))
        if is_unsat(f):
            print("--> The system is safe!")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_false_path(path_condition):
    false_path = None
    while path_condition.is_and():
        constraint = path_condition.arg(1)
        constraint_str = str(constraint.serialize())
        if "angelic!bool" in constraint_str:
            constraint = generate_false_constraint(constraint)
        elif false_path is None:
        if false_path is None:
            false_path = constraint
            false_path = And(false_path, constraint)
        path_condition = path_condition.arg(0)
    false_path = And(false_path, path_condition)
    if is_unsat(false_path):
        false_path = None
    return false_path
Ejemplo n.º 7
def check_path_feasibility(chosen_control_loc, new_path, index):
    This function will check if a selected path is feasible
           ppc : partial path conditoin at chosen control loc
           chosen_control_loc: branch location selected for flip
           returns satisfiability of the negated path
    result = False
    if chosen_control_loc != values.CONF_LOC_PATCH:
        result = not is_unsat(new_path)
        result = is_sat(new_path)

    if result:
        return True, index
        emitter.data("Path is not satisfiable at " + str(chosen_control_loc), new_path)
        return False, index
Ejemplo n.º 8
def merge_space(partition_list, path_condition, specification):
    merged_space = get_sorted_space(partition_list)
    len_partition = len(merged_space)
    partition_id = 0
    count_iteration = 0
    if len_partition == 1:
        return partition_list
    while len_partition > 1:
        partition_a = merged_space[partition_id % len_partition]
        if not partition_a:
        partition_b = merged_space[(partition_id + 1) % len_partition]
        merged_partition = merge_two_partitions(partition_a, partition_b)
        if merged_partition:
            dimension_list = list(merged_partition.keys())
            dimension_name = dimension_list[0]
            if "const_" in dimension_name:
                partition_constraints = smt2.generate_constraint_for_patch_partition(
                partition_constraints = smt2.generate_constraint_for_input_partition(
            if is_unsat(
                        And(path_condition, Not(specification)))):
                insert_index = merged_space.index(partition_a)
                merged_space.insert(insert_index, merged_partition)
                len_partition = len(merged_space)
                count_iteration = 0
        partition_id = (partition_id + 1) % len_partition
        if count_iteration == len_partition:
        count_iteration = count_iteration + 1
    return merged_space
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_bv(self):
        mgr = self.env.formula_manager
        BV = mgr.BV

        # Constants
        one = BV(1, 32)
        zero = BV(0, 32)
        big = BV(127, 128)
        binary = BV("111")
        binary2 = BV("#b111")
        binary3 = BV(0b111, 3) # In this case we need to explicit the width

        self.assertEqual(binary, binary2)
        self.assertEqual(binary2, binary3)
        self.assertEqual(one, mgr.BVOne(32))
        self.assertEqual(zero, mgr.BVZero(32))

        # Type Equality
        self.assertTrue(BV32 != BV128)
        self.assertFalse(BV32 != BV32)
        self.assertFalse(BV32 == BV128)
        self.assertTrue(BV32 == BV32)

        with self.assertRaises(PysmtValueError):
            # Negative numbers are not supported
            BV(-1, 10)
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtValueError):
            # Number should fit in the width
            BV(10, 2)

        # Variables
        b128 = Symbol("b", BV128) # BV1, BV8 etc. are defined in pysmt.typing
        b32 = Symbol("b32", BV32)
        hexample = BV(0x10, 32)
        bcustom = Symbol("bc", BVType(42))

        self.assertEqual(bcustom.bv_width(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(hexample.constant_value(), 16)

        not_zero32 = mgr.BVNot(zero)
        not_b128 = mgr.BVNot(b128)

        f1 = Equals(not_zero32, b32)
        f2 = Equals(not_b128, big)
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f1, logic=QF_BV))
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f2, logic=QF_BV))

        zero_and_one = mgr.BVAnd(zero, one)
        zero_or_one = mgr.BVOr(zero, one)
        zero_xor_one = mgr.BVXor(zero, one)


        f1 = Equals(zero_and_one, b32)
        f2 = Equals(zero_or_one, b32)
        f3 = Equals(zero_xor_one, b32)
        f4 = Equals(zero_xor_one, one)

        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f1, logic=QF_BV), f1)
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f2, logic=QF_BV), f2)
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f3, logic=QF_BV), f3)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(f4, logic=QF_BV), f4)

        with self.assertRaises(PysmtTypeError):
            mgr.BVAnd(b128, zero)

        f = mgr.BVAnd(b32, zero)
        f = mgr.BVOr(f, b32)
        f = mgr.BVXor(f, b32)
        f = Equals(f, zero)

        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f, logic=QF_BV), f)

        zero_one_64 = mgr.BVConcat(zero, one)
        one_zero_64 = mgr.BVConcat(one, zero)
        one_one_64  = mgr.BVConcat(one, one)

        self.assertTrue(zero_one_64.bv_width() == 64)
        f1 = Equals(mgr.BVXor(one_zero_64, zero_one_64),

        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f1, logic=QF_BV), f1)

        # MG: BV indexes grow to the left.
        # This is confusing and we should address this.
        extraction = mgr.BVExtract(zero_one_64, 32, 63)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(extraction, zero)))

        ult = mgr.BVULT(zero, one)
        neg = mgr.BVNeg(one)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(ult, logic=QF_BV), ult)
        test_eq = Equals(neg, one)
        self.assertTrue(is_unsat(test_eq, logic=QF_BV))

        f = zero
        addition = mgr.BVAdd(f, one)
        multiplication = mgr.BVMul(f, one)
        udiv = mgr.BVUDiv(f, one)

        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(addition, one), logic=QF_BV), addition)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(multiplication, zero), logic=QF_BV), multiplication)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(udiv, zero), logic=QF_BV), udiv)

        three = mgr.BV(3, 32)
        two = mgr.BV(2, 32)
        self.assertEqual(3, three.bv2nat())

        reminder = mgr.BVURem(three, two)
        shift_l_a = mgr.BVLShl(one, one)
        shift_l_b = mgr.BVLShl(one, 1)

        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(reminder, one)), reminder)
        self.assertEqual(shift_l_a, shift_l_b)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(shift_l_a, two)))

        shift_r_a = mgr.BVLShr(one, one)
        shift_r_b = mgr.BVLShr(one, 1)
        self.assertEqual(shift_r_a, shift_r_b)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(shift_r_a, zero)))

        ashift_r_a = mgr.BVAShr(one, one)
        ashift_r_b = mgr.BVAShr(one, 1)
        self.assertEqual(ashift_r_a, ashift_r_b)

        rotate_l = mgr.BVRol(one, 3)
        rotate_r = mgr.BVRor(rotate_l, 3)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(one, rotate_r)))

        zero_ext = mgr.BVZExt(one, 64)
        signed_ext = mgr.BVSExt(one, 64)
        signed_ext2 = mgr.BVSExt(mgr.BVNeg(one), 64)

        self.assertNotEqual(signed_ext2, signed_ext)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(zero_ext, signed_ext), logic=QF_BV))

        x = Symbol("x")
        g = And(x, mgr.BVULT(zero, one))

        res = is_sat(g, logic=QF_BV)

        model = get_model(g, logic=QF_BV)
        self.assertTrue(model[x] == TRUE())

        gt_1 = mgr.BVUGT(zero, one)
        gt_2 = mgr.BVULT(one, zero)
        self.assertEqual(gt_1, gt_2)

        gte_1 = mgr.BVULE(zero, one)
        gte_2 = mgr.BVUGE(one, zero)
        self.assertEqual(gte_1, gte_2)

        self.assertTrue(is_valid(gte_2, logic=QF_BV))

        ide = Equals(mgr.BVNeg(BV(10, 32)), mgr.SBV(-10, 32))
        self.assertValid(ide, logic=QF_BV)

        # These should work without exceptions
        mgr.SBV(-2, 2)
        mgr.SBV(-1, 2)
        mgr.SBV(0, 2)
        mgr.SBV(1, 2)

        # Overflow and Underflow
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtValueError):
            mgr.SBV(2, 2)
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtValueError):
            mgr.SBV(-3, 2)

        # These should work without exceptions
        mgr.BV(0, 2)
        mgr.BV(1, 2)
        mgr.BV(2, 2)
        mgr.BV(3, 2)
        # Overflow
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtValueError):
            mgr.BV(4, 2)
        # No negative number allowed
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtValueError):
            mgr.BV(-1, 2)

        # SBV should behave as BV for positive numbers
        self.assertEqual(mgr.SBV(10, 16), mgr.BV(10, 16))

        # Additional is_bv_* tests
        f = mgr.BVSub(one, one)

        f = mgr.BVSLT(one, one)
        f = mgr.BVSLE(one, one)
        f = mgr.BVComp(one, one)
        f = mgr.BVSDiv(one, one)
        f = mgr.BVSRem(one, one)
        f = mgr.BVULE(one, one)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_bv(self):
        mgr = get_env().formula_manager
        BV = mgr.BV

        # Constants
        one = BV(1, 32)
        zero = BV(0, 32)
        big = BV(127, 128)
        binary = BV("111")
        binary2 = BV("#b111")
        binary3 = BV(0b111, 3)  # In this case we need to explicit the width

        self.assertEqual(binary, binary2)
        self.assertEqual(binary2, binary3)
        self.assertEqual(one, mgr.BVOne(32))
        self.assertEqual(zero, mgr.BVZero(32))

        # Type Equality
        self.assertTrue(BV32 != BV128)
        self.assertFalse(BV32 != BV32)
        self.assertFalse(BV32 == BV128)
        self.assertTrue(BV32 == BV32)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # Negative numbers are not supported
            BV(-1, 10)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # Number should fit in the width
            BV(10, 2)

        # Variables
        b128 = Symbol("b", BV128)  # BV1, BV8 etc. are defined in pysmt.typing
        b32 = Symbol("b32", BV32)
        hexample = BV(0x10, 32)
        #s_one = BV(-1, 32)
        bcustom = Symbol("bc", BVType(42))

        self.assertEqual(bcustom.bv_width(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(hexample.constant_value(), 16)
        #self.assertEqual(str(s_one), "-1_32")

        not_zero32 = mgr.BVNot(zero)
        not_b128 = mgr.BVNot(b128)

        f1 = Equals(not_zero32, b32)
        f2 = Equals(not_b128, big)


        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f1, logic=QF_BV))
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f2, logic=QF_BV))

        zero_and_one = mgr.BVAnd(zero, one)
        zero_or_one = mgr.BVOr(zero, one)
        zero_xor_one = mgr.BVXor(zero, one)

        # print(zero_and_one)
        # print(zero_or_one)
        # print(zero_xor_one)

        f1 = Equals(zero_and_one, b32)
        f2 = Equals(zero_or_one, b32)
        f3 = Equals(zero_xor_one, b32)
        f4 = Equals(zero_xor_one, one)

        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f1, logic=QF_BV), f1)
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f2, logic=QF_BV), f2)
        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f3, logic=QF_BV), f3)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(f4, logic=QF_BV), f4)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            mgr.BVAnd(b128, zero)

        f = mgr.BVAnd(b32, zero)
        f = mgr.BVOr(f, b32)
        f = mgr.BVXor(f, b32)
        f = Equals(f, zero)

        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f, logic=QF_BV), f)

        zero_one_64 = mgr.BVConcat(zero, one)
        one_zero_64 = mgr.BVConcat(one, zero)
        one_one_64 = mgr.BVConcat(one, one)

        self.assertTrue(zero_one_64.bv_width() == 64)
        f1 = Equals(mgr.BVXor(one_zero_64, zero_one_64), one_one_64)

        self.assertTrue(is_sat(f1, logic=QF_BV), f1)

        # MG: BV indexes grow to the left.
        # This is confusing and we should address this.
        extraction = mgr.BVExtract(zero_one_64, 32, 63)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(extraction, zero)))

        ult = mgr.BVULT(zero, one)
        neg = mgr.BVNeg(one)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(ult, logic=QF_BV), ult)
        test_eq = Equals(neg, one)
        self.assertTrue(is_unsat(test_eq, logic=QF_BV))

        # print(ult)
        # print(neg)

        f = zero
        addition = mgr.BVAdd(f, one)
        multiplication = mgr.BVMul(f, one)
        udiv = mgr.BVUDiv(f, one)

        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(addition, one), logic=QF_BV), addition)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(multiplication, zero), logic=QF_BV),
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(udiv, zero), logic=QF_BV), udiv)

        # print(addition)
        # print(multiplication)
        # print(udiv)

        three = mgr.BV(3, 32)
        two = mgr.BV(2, 32)

        reminder = mgr.BVURem(three, two)
        shift_l_a = mgr.BVLShl(one, one)
        shift_l_b = mgr.BVLShl(one, 1)

        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(reminder, one)), reminder)
        self.assertEqual(shift_l_a, shift_l_b)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(shift_l_a, two)))
        # print(reminder)
        # print(shift_l_a)
        # print(shift_l_b)

        shift_r_a = mgr.BVLShr(one, one)
        shift_r_b = mgr.BVLShr(one, 1)
        self.assertEqual(shift_r_a, shift_r_b)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(shift_r_a, zero)))

        rotate_l = mgr.BVRol(one, 3)
        rotate_r = mgr.BVRor(rotate_l, 3)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(one, rotate_r)))

        # print(rotate_l)
        # print(rotate_r)

        zero_ext = mgr.BVZExt(one, 64)
        signed_ext = mgr.BVSExt(one, 64)
        signed_ext2 = mgr.BVSExt(mgr.BVNeg(one), 64)

        self.assertNotEqual(signed_ext2, signed_ext)
        self.assertTrue(is_valid(Equals(zero_ext, signed_ext), logic=QF_BV))

        # print(zero_ext)
        # print(signed_ext)

        x = Symbol("x")
        g = And(x, mgr.BVULT(zero, one))

        res = is_sat(g, logic=QF_BV)

        model = get_model(g, logic=QF_BV)
        self.assertTrue(model[x] == TRUE())

        gt_1 = mgr.BVUGT(zero, one)
        gt_2 = mgr.BVULT(one, zero)
        self.assertEqual(gt_1, gt_2)

        gte_1 = mgr.BVULE(zero, one)
        gte_2 = mgr.BVUGE(one, zero)
        self.assertEqual(gte_1, gte_2)

        self.assertTrue(is_valid(gte_2, logic=QF_BV))

        ide = Equals(mgr.BVNeg(BV(10, 32)), mgr.SBV(-10, 32))
        self.assertValid(ide, logic=QF_BV)

        # These should work without exceptions
        mgr.SBV(-2, 2)
        mgr.SBV(-1, 2)
        mgr.SBV(0, 2)
        mgr.SBV(1, 2)

        # Overflow and Underflow
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            mgr.SBV(2, 2)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            mgr.SBV(-3, 2)

        # These should work without exceptions
        mgr.BV(0, 2)
        mgr.BV(1, 2)
        mgr.BV(2, 2)
        mgr.BV(3, 2)
        # Overflow
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            mgr.BV(4, 2)
        # No negative number allowed
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            mgr.BV(-1, 2)

        # SBV should behave as BV for positive numbers
        self.assertEqual(mgr.SBV(10, 16), mgr.BV(10, 16))

Ejemplo n.º 11
    And(ExactlyOne(pet(i, c) for c in Pet) for i in Houses),
    And(ExactlyOne(drink(i, c) for c in Drink) for i in Houses),
    And(ExactlyOne(smoke(i, c) for c in Smoke) for i in Houses),

problem = And(domain, facts)

model = get_model(problem)

if model is None:
    # We first check whether the constraints on the domain and problem
    # are satisfiable in isolation.
    assert is_sat(facts)
    assert is_sat(domain)
    assert is_unsat(problem)

    # In isolation they are both fine, rules from both are probably
    # interacting.
    # The problem is given by a nesting of And().
    # conjunctive_partition can be used to obtain a "flat"
    # structure, i.e., a list of conjuncts.
    from pysmt.rewritings import conjunctive_partition
    conj = conjunctive_partition(problem)
    ucore = get_unsat_core(conj)
    print("UNSAT-Core size '%d'" % len(ucore))
    for f in ucore:
Ejemplo n.º 12
    And(ExactlyOne(pet(i, c) for c in Pet) for i in Houses),
    And(ExactlyOne(drink(i, c) for c in Drink) for i in Houses),
    And(ExactlyOne(smoke(i, c) for c in Smoke) for i in Houses),

problem = And(domain, facts)

model = get_model(problem)

if model is None:
    # We first check whether the constraints on the domain and problem
    # are satisfiable in isolation.
    assert is_sat(facts)
    assert is_sat(domain)
    assert is_unsat(problem)

    # In isolation they are both fine, rules from both are probably
    # interacting.
    # The problem is given by a nesting of And().
    # conjunctive_partition can be used to obtain a "flat"
    # structure, i.e., a list of conjuncts.
    from pysmt.rewritings import conjunctive_partition
    conj = conjunctive_partition(problem)
    ucore = get_unsat_core(conj)
    print("UNSAT-Core size '%d'" % len(ucore))
    for f in ucore:
Ejemplo n.º 13
def check_input_feasibility(index, patch_constraint, new_path):
    check_sat = And(new_path, patch_constraint)
    result = not is_unsat(check_sat)
    return result, index
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def isUnsat(symbolicExpression):
     if isinstance(symbolicExpression, bool) or symbolicExpression.is_Boolean:
         return not symbolicExpression
     expression, type = Solver.getConvertedExpression(symbolicExpression)
     return pysmt.is_unsat(expression)