Ejemplo n.º 1
    def dump(self, dataset_path):

        if exists(dataset_path):
            logger.warning("File exists: {}".format(dataset_path))

        dataset_name = basename(dataset_path)

        feats_filename = Dataset.FEATS_TEMPL.format(dataset_name)
        data_filename = Dataset.DATA_TEMPL.format(dataset_name)
        constr_filename = Dataset.CONSTRAINTS_TEMPL.format(dataset_name)

        folder = abspath(dirname(dataset_path))

        feats_path = join(folder, feats_filename)
        data_path = join(folder, data_filename)
        constr_path = join(folder, constr_filename)


        index = {
            'feats_path': relpath(feats_path, folder),
            'data_path': relpath(data_path, folder)

        if self.constraints is not None:
            write_smtlib(self.constraints, constr_path)
            index['constr_path'] = relpath(constr_path, folder)

        with open(dataset_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(index, f)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def save_to(self, outfile):
            Save the encoding into a file with a given name.

        if outfile.endswith('.txt'):
            outfile = outfile[:-3] + 'smt2'

        write_smtlib(self.enc, outfile)

        # appending additional information
        with open(outfile, 'r') as fp:
            contents = fp.readlines()

        # comments
        comments = [
            '; features: {0}\n'.format(', '.join(self.feats)),
            '; classes: {0}\n'.format(self.nofcl)

        if self.intvs:
            for f in self.xgb.extended_feature_names_as_array_strings:
                c = '; i {0}: '.format(f)
                c += ', '.join([
                    '{0}<->{1}'.format(u, v)
                    for u, v in zip(self.intvs[f], self.ivars[f])
                comments.append(c + '\n')

        contents = comments + contents
        with open(outfile, 'w') as fp:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def dump(self, problem_path):
        if problem_path is None and self.original_path is None:
            raise IOError("Unspecified path")
        elif problem_path is not None and exists(problem_path):
            raise IOError("File exists: {}".format(problem_path))
        elif problem_path is None and self.original_path is not None:
            msg = "Dumping the problem with no specified path, using {}"
            problem_path = self.original_path

        problem_name = basename(problem_path)
        folder = abspath(dirname(problem_path))

        model_filename = Problem.MODEL_TEMPL.format(problem_name)
        model_path = join(folder, model_filename)

        if self.original_path is None:

        index = {
            'model_path': relpath(model_path, folder),
            'dataset_paths': {}

        for dataset_name, dataset in self.datasets.items():

            dataset_filename = Problem.DATASET_TEMPL.format(
                problem_name, dataset_name)
            dataset_path = join(folder, dataset_filename)

            if self.original_path is None:

            index['dataset_paths'][dataset_name] = relpath(
                dataset_path, folder)

        if len(self.learned_supports) > 0:

            index['support_paths'] = []

            for i, chi in enumerate(self.learned_supports):
                support_filename = Problem.SUPPORT_TEMPL.format(
                    problem_name, i)
                support_path = join(folder, support_filename)
                logger.debug("Writing support file: {}".format(support_path))
                write_smtlib(chi, support_path)
                index['support_paths'].append(relpath(support_path, folder))

        if self.bounds is not None:
            index['bounds'] = self.bounds

        if self.metadata is not None:
            index['metadata'] = self.metadata

        with open(problem_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(index, f)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_read_and_write_shortcuts(self):
        fs = get_example_formulae()

        fdi, tmp_fname = mkstemp()
        os.close(fdi) # Close initial file descriptor
        for (f_out, _, _, _) in fs:
            write_smtlib(f_out, tmp_fname)
            f_in = read_smtlib(tmp_fname)
            self.assertEqual(f_out.simplify(), f_in.simplify())
        # Clean-up
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_read_and_write_shortcuts(self):
        fs = get_example_formulae()

        fdi, tmp_fname = mkstemp()
        os.close(fdi)  # Close initial file descriptor
        for (f_out, _, _, _) in fs:
            write_smtlib(f_out, tmp_fname)
            f_in = read_smtlib(tmp_fname)
            self.assertEqual(f_out.simplify(), f_in.simplify())
        # Clean-up
Ejemplo n.º 6
                def renorm_wrap(inst, support, support_path, weight_path):
                        support = inst.tree_to_WMI_support()
                        weight = inst.tree_to_WMI_weightfun()
                        msg = "Writing result to files:\n{}\n{}"
                        logger.debug(msg.format(support_path, weight_path))
                        write_smtlib(support, support_path)
                        write_smtlib(weight, weight_path)

                    except ModelException as e:
                            "Couldn't renormalize the DET: {}".format(e))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_ppc_from_formula(path_condition):
    ppc_list = list()
    while path_condition.is_and():
        constraint = path_condition.arg(1)
        constraint_str = str(constraint.serialize())
        if "!rvalue!" in constraint_str or "!obs!" in constraint_str:
            path_condition = path_condition.arg(0)
        path_script = "/tmp/z3_script_ppc"
        write_smtlib(path_condition, path_script)
        with open(path_script, "r") as script_file:
            script_lines = script_file.readlines()
        script = "".join(script_lines)
        ppc_list.append(("-no-info-", script))
        path_condition = path_condition.arg(0)
    return ppc_list
Ejemplo n.º 8
def generate_extended_patch_formula(patch_formula, path_condition):
    angelic_count = int(
        len(re.findall("angelic!(.+?)!0", str(path_condition.serialize()))) /
    # if angelic_count == 0:
    #     print("COUNT", angelic_count)
    #     print("PATH", str(path_condition.serialize()))
    #     utilities.error_exit("angelic count is zero in extending")
    if angelic_count <= 1:
        return patch_formula
    # model_path = generate_model(path_condition)
    # var_list = list(model_path.keys())
    # count = 0
    # for var in var_list:
    #     if "angelic!bool" in var:
    #         count = count + 1
    input_list = list()

    path_script = "/tmp/z3_script_patch"
    write_smtlib(patch_formula, path_script)
    with open(path_script, "r") as script_file:
        script_lines = script_file.readlines()
    script = "".join(script_lines)
    var_list = set(re.findall("\(declare-fun (.+?) \(\)", script))
    for var in var_list:
        if "const" not in var:

    formula_txt = script
    formula_list = []
    for index in range(1, angelic_count):
        postfix = "_" + str(index)
        substituted_formula_txt = formula_txt
        for input_var in input_list:
            if "|" in input_var:
                input_var_postfix = input_var[:-1] + postfix + "|"
                input_var_postfix = input_var + postfix
            substituted_formula_txt = substituted_formula_txt.replace(
                input_var, input_var_postfix)
        formula = generate_formula(substituted_formula_txt)

    constraint_formula = patch_formula
    for formula in formula_list:
        constraint_formula = And(constraint_formula, formula)
    return constraint_formula
Ejemplo n.º 9
def generate_model_cli(formula):
           This function will invoke the Z3 Cli interface to solve the provided formula and return the model byte list
               formula: smtlib formatted formula
    emitter.normal("\textracting z3 model")
    path_script = "/tmp/z3_script_model_cli"
    path_result = "/tmp/z3_output_model_cli"
    write_smtlib(formula, path_script)
    with open(path_script, "a") as script_file:
        script_file.writelines(["(get-model)\n", "(exit)\n"])
    z3_command = "z3 " + path_script + " > " + path_result
    with open(path_result, "r") as result_file:
        z3_output = result_file.readlines()

    model_byte_list = parser.parse_z3_output(z3_output)
    return model_byte_list
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_ppc_from_formula(path_condition):
    ppc_list = list()
    emitter.normal("\textracting branches from path condition")
    max_count = 2 * values.DEFAULT_MAX_FLIPPINGS
    while path_condition.is_and():
        constraint = path_condition.arg(1)
        constraint_str = str(constraint.serialize())
        if "!rvalue!" in constraint_str or "!obs!" in constraint_str:
            path_condition = path_condition.arg(0)
        path_script = "/tmp/z3_script_ppc"
        write_smtlib(path_condition, path_script)
        with open(path_script, "r") as script_file:
            script_lines = script_file.readlines()
        script = "".join(script_lines)
        ppc_list.append(("-no-info-", script))
        path_condition = path_condition.arg(0)
        if len(ppc_list) > max_count:
            emitter.warning("\t[warning] maximum cap reach for branching")
    return ppc_list
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def generate_tree(n_reals, n_bools, depth, n_formulas, seed,
        gen = ModelGenerator(n_reals, n_bools, seed)
        problem_instances = []
        while len(problem_instances) < n_formulas:
            support = gen.generate_support_tree(depth)
            weights = gen.generate_weights_tree(depth)
            query = Synthetic._random_query(gen, depth)
                _ = WMIInference(support, weights, check_consistency=True)
                instance_name = output_path + "_" + str(len(problem_instances))
                support_name = instance_name + ".support"
                weights_name = instance_name + ".weights"
                query_name = instance_name + ".query"                
                write_smtlib(support, support_name)
                write_smtlib(weights, weights_name)
                write_smtlib(query, query_name)                
                instance = (support_name, weights_name, query_name)
            except WMIRuntimeException:

        output_file = open(output_path, 'w')
        pickle.dump(problem_instances, output_file)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_pa_iff_real():
    pytest.skip("Bug fix requires changing PA solver")
    domain = Domain.make([], ["x", "y"], real_bounds=(-1, 1))
    x, y = domain.get_symbols()
    c = 0.00000001
    f1 = (x * c >= 0) & (x * c <= y * c) & (y * c < c)
    f2 = normalize_formula(f1)

    pa_vol1 = PredicateAbstractionEngine(
        domain.get_bounds() & (f1 | f2) & (~f1 | ~f2),
    smt.write_smtlib(domain.get_bounds() & (f1 | f2) & (~f1 | ~f2),
    smt.write_smtlib(smt.Real(1.0), "test_pa_iff_real.weight")
    pa_vol2 = PredicateAbstractionEngine(domain, smt.Iff(f1, ~f2),
    pa_vol3 = PredicateAbstractionEngine(domain, ~smt.Iff(f1, f2),

    assert pa_vol1 == pytest.approx(0, REL_ERROR**3)
    assert pa_vol2 == pytest.approx(0, REL_ERROR**3)
    assert pa_vol3 == pytest.approx(0, REL_ERROR**3)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def dump(self, model_path):

        if exists(model_path):
            logger.warning("File exists: {}".format(model_path))

        model_name = basename(model_path)

        support_filename = Model.SUPPORT_TEMPL.format(model_name)
        weightf_filename = Model.WEIGHTF_TEMPL.format(model_name)

        folder = abspath(dirname(model_path))

        support_path = join(folder, support_filename)
        weightf_path = join(folder, weightf_filename)

        paths = [support_path, weightf_path]
        if any(exists(f) for f in paths):
            logger.warning("File(s) exist:\n" + "\n".join(paths))

        write_smtlib(self.support, support_path)
        write_smtlib(self.weightfun, weightf_path)

        varlist = [(v.symbol_name(), v.symbol_type()) for v in self.get_vars()]

        index = {
            'support_path': relpath(support_path, folder),
            'weightf_path': relpath(weightf_path, folder),
            'variables': varlist,
            'bounds': self.bounds

        if self.metadata is not None:
            index['metadata'] = self.metadata

        with open(model_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(index, f)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def to_file(self, filename: str):
        def wrap(f):
            return os.path.join(filename, f)

        if not os.path.exists(filename):

        smt.write_smtlib(self.support, wrap(self.get_support_file()))
        if self.weight:
            smt.write_smtlib(self.weight, wrap(self.get_weight_file()))
        for i, query in enumerate(self.queries or []):
            smt.write_smtlib(query, wrap(self.get_query_file(i)))
Ejemplo n.º 15
import sys
import pysmt
from pysmt.rewritings import PrenexNormalizer, Ackermannizer
from pysmt.smtlib.script import SmtLibScript
from pysmt.smtlib.parser import SmtLibParser
from pysmt.shortcuts import to_smtlib, write_smtlib
from six.moves import cStringIO

parser = SmtLibParser()

with open("/home/yoniz/git/hermes/dispatcher/dispatcher/examples/Assessment2/nodtbbg.smt2", 'r') as f:
    smtlib_str = f.read();
stream = cStringIO(smtlib_str)
script = parser.get_script(stream)
formula = script.get_last_formula()
ackermanization = Ackermannizer()
ackermized_formula = ackermanization.do_ackermannization(formula)
write_smtlib(ackermized_formula, "/home/yoniz/git/hermes/dispatcher/dispatcher/examples/Assessment2/nodtbbg_ack.smt2" )

Ejemplo n.º 16
def run_cegis(program_path, project_path, patch_list):
    test_output_list = values.LIST_TEST_OUTPUT
    test_template = reader.collect_specification(test_output_list[0])
    binary_dir_path = "/".join(program_path.split("/")[:-1])
    time_check = time.time()
    assertion, largest_path_condition = concolic.run_concolic_exploration(
        program_path, patch_list)
    duration = (time.time() - time_check) / 60
    values.TIME_TO_EXPLORE = duration
    emitter.normal("\tcombining explored program paths")
    if not assertion:
        patch = patch_list[0]
        emitter.emit_patch(patch, message="\tfinal patch: ")
    program_specification = generator.generate_program_specification(
    complete_specification = And(Not(assertion), program_specification)
    emitter.normal("\tcomputed the program specification formula")
    emitter.sub_title("Evaluating Patch Pool")
    iteration = 0
    output_dir = definitions.DIRECTORY_OUTPUT
    counter_example_list = []
    time_check = time.time()
    values.CONF_TIME_CHECK = None
    satisfied = utilities.check_budget(values.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CEGIS_REFINE)
    patch_generator = generator.generate_patch(project_path,
    count_throw = 0
    while not satisfied:
        iteration = iteration + 1
        values.ITERATION_NO = iteration
        emitter.sub_sub_title("Iteration: " + str(iteration))
        patch = next(patch_generator, None)
        if not patch:
            emitter.error("[error] cannot generate a patch")
        patch_formula = app.generator.generate_formula_from_patch(patch)
        emitter.emit_patch(patch, message="\tgenerated patch: ")
        patch_formula_extended = generator.generate_extended_patch_formula(
            patch_formula, largest_path_condition)
        violation_check = And(complete_specification, patch_formula_extended)
        if is_sat(violation_check):
            model = generator.generate_model(violation_check)
            # print(model)
            arg_list = values.ARGUMENT_LIST
            poc_path = values.CONF_PATH_POC
            values.FILE_POC_GEN = definitions.DIRECTORY_OUTPUT + "/violation-" + str(
            gen_path = values.FILE_POC_GEN
            input_arg_list, input_var_list = generator.generate_new_input(
                violation_check, arg_list, poc_path, gen_path)
            klee_out_dir = output_dir + "/klee-output-" + str(iteration)
            klee_test_file = output_dir + "/klee-test-" + str(iteration)
            exit_code = concolic.run_concrete_execution(
                program_path + ".bc", input_arg_list, True, klee_out_dir)
            # assert exit_code == 0
            emitter.normal("\t\tgenerating new assertion")
            test_assertion, count_obs = generator.generate_assertion(
                test_template, klee_out_dir)
            write_smtlib(test_assertion, klee_test_file)
            counter_example_list.append((klee_test_file, klee_out_dir))
            emitter.highlight("\t\tnew counter-example added")
            patch = None
            emitter.highlight("\t\tremoving current patch")
            count_throw = count_throw + 1
            klee_test_file = output_dir + "/klee-test-FINAL"
            # print(to_smtlib(violation_check, False))
            write_smtlib(violation_check, klee_test_file)
        satisfied = utilities.check_budget(values.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CEGIS_REFINE)
        if satisfied:
            emitter.warning("\t[warning] ending due to timeout of " +
                            str(values.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CEGIS_REFINE) +
                            " minutes")
    duration = (time.time() - time_check) / 60
    values.TIME_TO_REDUCE = duration
    # patch_list = [patch]
    # definitions.FILE_PATCH_SET = definitions.DIRECTORY_OUTPUT + "/patch-set-cegis"
    # writer.write_patch_set(patch_list, definitions.FILE_PATCH_SET)
    # patch = next(patch_generator, None)
    # while patch is not None:
    #     patch_formula = app.generator.generate_formula_from_patch(patch)
    #     patch_formula_extended = generator.generate_extended_patch_formula(patch_formula, largest_path_condition)
    #     violation_check = And(complete_specification, patch_formula_extended)
    #     if is_unsat(violation_check):
    #         count_final = count_final + 1
    #     patch = next(patch_generator, None)
    emitter.emit_patch(patch, message="\tfinal patch: ")
    values.COUNT_PATCH_END = values.COUNT_PATCH_START - count_throw
Ejemplo n.º 17
def analyze_rv32_interpreter(program: List[Instruction],
                             bbs: List[BasicBlock]):
    #print("analyzing rv32 interpreter ...")

    mk_dot(dot_cfg(bbs), filename="cfg.pdf")
    #for bb in program: print(bb)

    # start at MainStart @ 0x0056
    start_pc = 0x56
    # symbolic instruction: ADD rs2, rs1, rd
    funct7 = BitVecVal(0, 7)
    rs2 = Symbol("RV32I_ADD_rs2", BVType(5))
    rs1 = Symbol("RV32I_ADD_rs1", BVType(5))
    funct3 = BitVecVal(0b00, 3)  # ADD
    rd = Symbol("RV32I_ADD_rd", BVType(5))
    opcode = BitVecVal(0b0110011, 7)  # OP
    #RV32I_instr = Symbol("RV32IInstruction", BVType(32))
    RV32I_instr = cat(funct7, rs2, rs1, funct3, rd, opcode)
    print(f"Symbolically executing: {RV32I_instr}")

    # interpreter
    orig_state = MachineState().update(PC=BitVecVal(start_pc, 16))

    def place_instr(loc, instr, st) -> MachineState:
        # make sure PC fits into two registers
        assert loc & 0xffff == loc
        msb, lsb = BitVecVal(loc >> 8, 8), BitVecVal(loc & 0xff, 8)
        st = st.update(R=st.R.update(10, lsb).update(11, msb))
        instr_parts = [
            BVExtract(instr, *jj)
            for jj in ((jj * 8, jj * 8 + 7) for jj in range(4))
        if isinstance(loc, int):
            instr_locs = [loc + ii for ii in range(4)]
            assert False, "TODO: support symbolic address"
        mem = st.MEM
        for loc, val in zip(instr_locs, instr_parts):
            mem = mem.update(loc, val)
        return st.update(MEM=mem)

    orig_state = place_instr(loc=0, instr=RV32I_instr, st=orig_state)

    mf8_ex = SymExec()
    ex = SymbolicExecutionEngine(program=program,

    print("SYM EXEC")
    done, end_state = ex.run(max_steps=2000)
    print(f"DONE? {done}")
    for ii, (cond, st) in enumerate(end_state):
        print(str(ii) + ") " + cond.serialize())

    solver = Solver(name="z3", logic=QF_AUFBV)

    # check for completeness
    conds = reduce(Or, (cond for cond, st in end_state))
    complete = not solver.is_sat(Not(conds))
    print(f"Complete? {complete}")

    # check result of every path:
    def to_mem_addrs(reg_index):
        return reversed([0xf100 + reg_index * 8 + jj for jj in range(4)])

    def relate_regs(mem, regs):
        def relate_loc(ii):
            mem_locs = [
                Select(mem, BitVecVal(addr, 16)) for addr in to_mem_addrs(ii)
            return Equals(cat(*mem_locs), Select(regs, BitVecVal(ii, 5)))

        return reduce(And, [relate_loc(ii) for ii in range(32)])

    def name_value(solver, name, val):
        sym = Symbol(name, val.get_type())
        solver.add_assertion(Equals(sym, val))

    def locs_to_str(name, array, locs):
        return "; ".join(f"{name}[{ii:04x}] = 0x{array[ii]:02x}"
                         for ii in sorted(list(set(locs))))

    for ii, (cond, end_st) in enumerate(end_state):
        # create clean slate solver
        solver = Solver(name="cvc4", logic=QF_AUFBV, generate_models=True)
        # symbolically execute the RISC-V add
        regs = Symbol('RV32I_REGS', ArrayType(BVType(5), BVType(32)))
        regs_n = sym_exec_rsicv_add(rs1=rs1, rs2=rs2, rd=rd, regs=regs)
        name_value(solver, "DBG_RV32I_REGS_N", regs_n)
        # add mem to regs relation
        mem_orig = orig_state.MEM.array()
        pre = And(And(cond, relate_regs(mem_orig, regs)),
                  Equals(Select(regs, BitVecVal(0, 5)), BitVecVal(0, 32)))
        mem_n = end_st.MEM.array()
        post = relate_regs(mem_n, regs_n)
        # DEBUG: add symbols for every memory write
        mem_data = end_st._mem._data
        mem_write_locs = [
            Symbol(f"DBG_MF8_MEM_WRITE_LOC_{ii}", BVType(16))
            for ii in range(len(mem_data))
        for sym, (expr, _) in zip(mem_write_locs, mem_data):
            solver.add_assertion(Equals(sym, expr))
        # now check for validity
        formula = Implies(pre, post)
        write_smtlib(Not(formula), f"path_{ii:02}.smt2")
        correct = solver.is_valid(formula)
        print(f"Correct? {correct}")
        if not correct:
            print("Path condition:")
            print("Symbolic Mem:")
            rs1_val = solver.get_value(rs1).bv_unsigned_value()
            rs2_val = solver.get_value(rs2).bv_unsigned_value()
            rd_val = solver.get_value(rd).bv_unsigned_value()
            regs_val = ArrayValue(solver.get_value(regs))
            regs_n_val = ArrayValue(solver.get_value(regs_n))
            mem_val = ArrayValue(solver.get_value(mem_orig))
            mem_n_val = ArrayValue(solver.get_value(mem_n))
            reg_addrs = [rd_val, rs1_val, rs2_val]
            mem_write_locs_vals = [
                for ll in mem_write_locs
            mem_addrs = reduce(operator.add,
                                for ii in reg_addrs]) + mem_write_locs_vals
            print(f"R[{rd_val}] <- R[{rs1_val}] + R[{rs2_val}]")
            print(f"Pre:  {locs_to_str('R', regs_val, reg_addrs)}")
            print(f"      {locs_to_str('M',  mem_val, mem_addrs)}")
            print(f"Post: {locs_to_str('R', regs_n_val, reg_addrs)}")
            print(f"      {locs_to_str('M',  mem_n_val, mem_addrs)}")
                f"MEM write addresses: {[f'0x{loc:04x}' for loc in mem_write_locs_vals]}"
            # TODO: check PC post-condition
            # TODO: add pre and post conditions for program memory equivalence
            # TODO: add pre and post conditions for data memory equivalence

Ejemplo n.º 18
def generate_model(formula):
           This function will invoke PySMT APIs to solve the provided formula and return the byte list of the model
               formula: smtlib formatted formula
    emitter.debug("extracting z3 model")
    model = get_model(formula)
    if model is None:
        return None
    path_script = "/tmp/z3_script_model"
    write_smtlib(formula, path_script)
    with open(path_script, "r") as script_file:
        script_lines = script_file.readlines()
    script = "".join(script_lines)
    var_list = set(re.findall("\(declare-fun (.+?) \(\)", script))
    sym_var_list = dict()
    for var_name in var_list:
        # sym_var_list[var_name] = dict()
        if "const_" in var_name and not "const_arr" in var_name:
            sym_def = Symbol(var_name, BV32)
            if sym_def not in model:
            x = model[sym_def]
            byte_list = dict()
            default_value = x.bv_signed_value()
            byte_list[0] = default_value
            sym_def = Symbol(var_name, ArrayType(BV32, BV8))
            if sym_def not in model:
            x = model[sym_def].simplify()
            byte_list = dict()
            value_array_map = x.array_value_assigned_values_map()
            default_value = int(str(x.array_value_default()).split("_")[0])
            if not value_array_map:
                byte_list[0] = default_value
                for idx, val in value_array_map.items():
                    index = int(str(idx).split("_")[0])
                    value = int(str(val).split("_")[0])
                    byte_list[index] = value

                max_index = max(list(byte_list.keys()))
                if var_name in values.LIST_BIT_LENGTH:
                    array_size = values.LIST_BIT_LENGTH[var_name] - 1
                    if var_name in ["A-data"]:
                        array_size = max_index

                    array_size = max_index + 1  # TODO: this could be wrong calculation

                if max_index == 0:
                    array_size = 2

                if var_name not in ["A-data"]:
                    for i in range(0, array_size):
                        if i not in byte_list:
                            byte_list[i] = default_value

                if var_name not in ["A-data", "A-data-stat"]:
                    for i in range(array_size - 1, -1, -1):
                        if byte_list[i] == 0:
        sym_var_list[var_name] = byte_list
    emitter.data("model var list", sym_var_list)
    return sym_var_list