Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, dim, dicto=None, shifts=None):
        attributes: shifts, dims, data, is1D, length
        methods : dump

        self.shifts = shifts

        if type(dim) == type(()) or type(dim) == type([]):
            self.data = spmatrix.ll_mat(reduce(operator.mul, dim), 1)
            self.dims = dim
            if dicto:
                for k, v in dicto.iteritems():
                    shk = map(operator.__sub__, k, shifts)
                    self.data[self.comp(shk), 0] = v

        elif type(dim) == IntType:
            self.data = spmatrix.ll_mat(dim, 1)
            self.dims = dim
            if dicto:
                for k, v in dicto.iteritems():
                    shk = k - shifts
                    self.data[shk, 0] = v

        self.is1D = type(self.dims) == IntType
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,dim,dicto=None,shifts=None):
        attributes: shifts, dims, data, is1D, length
        methods : dump

        if type(dim)==type(()) or type(dim)==type([]):
            self.data = spmatrix.ll_mat(reduce(operator.mul, dim), 1)
            self.dims = dim        
            if dicto:
                for k, v in dicto.iteritems():
                    shk = map(operator.__sub__, k, shifts)
                    self.data[self.comp(shk), 0]=v
        elif type(dim)==IntType:
            self.data = spmatrix.ll_mat(dim,1)
            self.dims = dim        
            if dicto:
                for k, v in dicto.iteritems():
                    shk = k - shifts
                    self.data[shk,0] = v
        self.is1D = type(self.dims)==IntType
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def LinearSystem(self):
        Assembly linear system
        Depends on Velocity field and Gamma
        # assembly matrix of linear system
        # using pysparse optimized matrix non zero elements 5*M         
        self.mUt = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.Nz*self.Nx, self.Nz*self.Nx, 5*self.Nz*self.Nx-2*self.Nz-2*self.Nx)

        for Ln in range(0, self.Nz*self.Nx, 1):
            # 1.0*u(x-1,z) + Gamma(x,z)*u(x,z) + 1.0*u(x+1,z) + 1.0*u(x,z-1) + 1.0*u(x,z+1)
            # turn the indices to the one of original matrix
            i = Ln%self.Nx
            k = Ln/self.Nx

            self.mUt[Ln,Ln] = self.Gamma(k, i)
            #is this right?
            if(i-1 >= 0): # u(x-1,z) inside grid in I
                self.mUt[Ln,Ln-1] = 1.0
            if(i+1 < self.Nx): # u(x+1,z) inside grid in I
                self.mUt[Ln,Ln+1] = 1.0
            if(k-1 >= 0): #u(x,z-1)
                self.mUt[Ln,Ln-self.Nx]= 1.0
            if(k+1 < self.Nz): #u(x,z+1)
                self.mUt[Ln,Ln+self.Nx]= 1.0

        return self.mUt
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        nrow = kwargs.get('nrow', 0)
        ncol = kwargs.get('ncol', 0)
        bandwidth = kwargs.get('bandwidth', 0)
        matrix = kwargs.get('matrix', None)
        sizeHint = kwargs.get('sizeHint', 0)
        symmetric = 'symmetric' in kwargs and kwargs['symmetric']
        size = kwargs.get('size',0)
        if size > 0:
            if nrow > 0 or ncol > 0:
                if size != nrow or size != ncol:
                    msg =  'size argument was given but does not match '
                    msg += 'nrow and ncol'
                raise ValueError, msg
                nrow = ncol = size

        if matrix is not None:
            self.matrix = matrix
            if symmetric and nrow==ncol:
                if sizeHint is None:
                    sizeHint = nrow
                    if bandwidth > 0:
                        sizeHint += 2*(bandwidth-1)*(2*nrow-bandwidth-2)
                self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nrow, sizeHint)
                if sizeHint is None:
                    sizeHint = min(nrow,ncol)
                    if bandwidth > 0:
                        sizeHint = bandwidth * (2*sizeHint-bandwidth-1)/2
                self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(nrow, ncol, sizeHint)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_on_diagonal_matrix(self):
     a = spmatrix.ll_mat(3, 3)
     a.put([1, 2, 3])
     r = jdsym.jdsym(a, None, None, 3, 1, 1e-9, 100, krylov.qmrs)
     self.assertEqual(r[0], 3)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(r[1], [1, 2, 3]))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(numpy.abs(r[2]), numpy.identity(3)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def LinearSystem(self):
        Assembly linear system
        Depends on Velocity field and Gamma
        # assembly matrix of linear system
        # using pysparse optimized matrix non zero elements 5*M
        self.mUt = spmatrix.ll_mat(
            self.Nz * self.Nx, self.Nz * self.Nx,
            5 * self.Nz * self.Nx - 2 * self.Nz - 2 * self.Nx)

        for Ln in range(0, self.Nz * self.Nx, 1):
            # 1.0*u(x-1,z) + Gamma(x,z)*u(x,z) + 1.0*u(x+1,z) + 1.0*u(x,z-1) + 1.0*u(x,z+1)
            # turn the indices to the one of original matrix
            i = Ln % self.Nx
            k = Ln / self.Nx

            self.mUt[Ln, Ln] = self.Gamma(k, i)
            #is this right?
            if (i - 1 >= 0):  # u(x-1,z) inside grid in I
                self.mUt[Ln, Ln - 1] = 1.0
            if (i + 1 < self.Nx):  # u(x+1,z) inside grid in I
                self.mUt[Ln, Ln + 1] = 1.0
            if (k - 1 >= 0):  #u(x,z-1)
                self.mUt[Ln, Ln - self.Nx] = 1.0
            if (k + 1 < self.Nz):  #u(x,z+1)
                self.mUt[Ln, Ln + self.Nx] = 1.0

        return self.mUt
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_on_diagonal_matrix(self):
     a = spmatrix.ll_mat(3, 3)
     a.put([1, 2, 3])
     r = jdsym.jdsym(a, None, None, 3, 1, 1e-9, 100, krylov.qmrs)
     self.assertEqual(r[0], 3)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(r[1], [1, 2, 3]))
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(numpy.abs(r[2]), numpy.identity(3)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        nrow = kwargs.get('nrow', 0)
        ncol = kwargs.get('ncol', 0)
        bandwidth = kwargs.get('bandwidth', 0)
        matrix = kwargs.get('matrix', None)
        sizeHint = kwargs.get('sizeHint', 0)
        symmetric = 'symmetric' in kwargs and kwargs['symmetric']
        size = kwargs.get('size', 0)
        if size > 0:
            if nrow > 0 or ncol > 0:
                if size != nrow or size != ncol:
                    msg = 'size argument was given but does not match '
                    msg += 'nrow and ncol'
                raise ValueError, msg
                nrow = ncol = size

        if matrix is not None:
            self.matrix = matrix
            if symmetric and nrow == ncol:
                if sizeHint is None:
                    sizeHint = nrow
                    if bandwidth > 0:
                        sizeHint += 2 * (bandwidth - 1) * (2 * nrow -
                                                           bandwidth - 2)
                self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nrow, sizeHint)
                if sizeHint is None:
                    sizeHint = min(nrow, ncol)
                    if bandwidth > 0:
                        sizeHint = bandwidth * (2 * sizeHint - bandwidth -
                                                1) / 2
                self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(nrow, ncol, sizeHint)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def construct_pysparse_matrix(n, nbr_elements):
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, nbr_elements)

    for i in xrange(nbr_elements):
        A[i % n, (2 * i + 1) % n] = i / 3

    return A
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, portfolio):
        from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
        # set up sparse matrices
        # these first two lists define all indices for asset and issuer arrays
        self.issuers = [i for i in portfolio.issuers()]
        self.assets = [a for a in portfolio.assets]
        self.asset_issuer_map = makeAssetIssuerIndexMap(self.issuers, self.assets)

        def ppfGen(assets):
            for ass in assets:
                yield norm.ppf(ass.dp)

        self.thresholds = np.fromiter(ppfGen(self.assets), np.double)

        self.n_issuers = len(self.issuers)
        self.n_assets = len(self.assets)
        factor_indices = portfolio.factor_indices() # on class for testing help
        self.n_factors = len(factor_indices.keys())
        #do the factor weights, also running sum for ideosyncratic weights
        wm = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.n_issuers, self.n_factors+self.n_issuers)
        for i, iss in enumerate(self.issuers):
            wsum = 0.0
            for f in iss.factors:
                j = factor_indices[f.name]
                w = np.sqrt(max(f.weight, 0.0))
                wm[i, j] = w
                wsum += w*w
            wm[i, self.n_factors+i] = np.sqrt(max(1.0 - wsum, 0.0))
        self.weights = wm.to_csr()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def construct_pysparse_matrix(n, nbr_elements):
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, nbr_elements)

    for i in xrange(nbr_elements):
        A[i % n, (2 * i + 1) % n] = i / 3

    return A
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def ComputeMassMatrix(self, capacityVector):
     C = spmatrix.ll_mat(len(self.node),len(self.node))
     capIndex = 0
     for coords in self.elems:
         n1 = coords[0]
         n2 = coords[1]
         n3 = coords[2]
         n = [n1, n2, n3]
         x1 = self.node[n1][0]
         y1 = self.node[n1][1]
         x2 = self.node[n2][0]
         y2 = self.node[n2][1]
         x3 = self.node[n3][0]
         y3 = self.node[n3][1]                                                          
         Area = 0.5*(x2*y3-x3*y2+x3*y1-x1*y3+x1*y2-x2*y1)  
         for i in range(0,3):
             i_global = n[i]
             for j in range(0,3):
                 j_global = n[j]
                 C[i_global, j_global] += float(capacityVector[capIndex]*(1.0/6.0)*Area)
         capIndex += 1
     return C
Ejemplo n.º 13
def poisson1d_vec(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, 3 * n - 2)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.int)
    L.put(2 * e, d, d)
    L.put(-e[1:], d[1:], d[:-1])
    L.put(-e[1:], d[:-1], d[1:])
    return L
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 100000
        self.size = 1000000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        self.A_s = lil_matrix((self.size, self.size), dtype=np.float64) # how do we reserve space in advance?
Ejemplo n.º 15
def poisson1d_vec(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, 3*n-2)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.int)
    L.put(2*e, d, d)
    L.put(-e[1:], d[1:], d[:-1])
    L.put(-e[1:], d[:-1], d[1:])
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 16
def poisson1d(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, 3*n-2)
    for i in range(n):
        L[i,i] = 2
        if i > 0:
            L[i,i-1] = -1
        if i < n-1:
            L[i,i+1] = -1
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 10000
        self.size = 100000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 10000
        self.size = 100000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def ComputeStiffnessMatrix(self, readings):
        X = spmatrix.ll_mat(len(self.node), len(self.node))

        #Keeping track of index for conductivity
        conductIndex = 0

        for coords in self.elems:

            n1 = coords[0]
            n2 = coords[1]
            n3 = coords[2]

            n = [n1, n2, n3]

            x1 = self.node[n1][0]
            y1 = self.node[n1][1]
            x2 = self.node[n2][0]
            y2 = self.node[n2][1]
            x3 = self.node[n3][0]
            y3 = self.node[n3][1]

            a1 = y2 - y3
            a2 = y3 - y1
            a3 = y1 - y2

            b1 = x3 - x2
            b2 = x1 - x3
            b3 = x2 - x1

            Area = .5 * ((x2 * y3) - (x3 * y2) + (x3 * y1) - (x1 * y3) +
                         (x1 * y2) - (x2 * y1))

            gx1 = a1 / (2 * Area)
            gx2 = a2 / (2 * Area)
            gx3 = a3 / (2 * Area)

            gy1 = b1 / (2 * Area)
            gy2 = b2 / (2 * Area)
            gy3 = b3 / (2 * Area)

            gx = [gx1, gx2, gx3]
            gy = [gy1, gy2, gy3]

            for i in range(0, 3):
                i_global = n[i]
                for j in range(0, 3):
                    j_global = n[j]

                      j_global] += float((gx[i] * gx[j] + gy[i] * gy[j]) *
                                         Area * readings[conductIndex])

            conductIndex += 1
        print X[0:5, 0:5]
        return X
Ejemplo n.º 20
def lsq(lsq_ff):

    :param lsq_ff:
    Convert the LSQP in the First Form(FF) ::
           minimize    c'x + 1/2|Qx-d|^2
           subject to  L <= Bx <= U,                       (LSQP-FF)
                       l <=  x <= u,
    to the Second Form (SF):: 
            minimize    c'x +1/2|r|^2
            subject to. [d] <= [Q  I][r] <= [d],
                        [L] <= [B  0][x] <= [U],            (LSQP-SF)
                        [l] <=       [x] <= [u],
                     -[inf] <=       [r] <= [inf].
    p,n = lsq_ff.Q.shape
    m,n = lsq_ff.B.shape
    new_B = spmatrix.ll_mat(m+p, n+p, m+n+2*p+lsq_ff.B.nnz+lsq_ff.Q.nnz)
    new_B[:p,:n] = lsq_ff.Q
    new_B[p:,:n] = lsq_ff.B
    new_B.put(1, range(p), range(n,n+p))
    new_Lcon = np.zeros(p+m)    
    new_Lcon[:p] = lsq_ff.d   
    new_Lcon[p:] = lsq_ff.Lcon
    new_Ucon = np.zeros(p+m)    
    new_Ucon[:p] =  lsq_ff.d
    new_Ucon[p:] = lsq_ff.Ucon
    new_Lvar = -np.inf * np.ones(n+p)    
    new_Lvar[:n] = lsq_ff.Lvar
    new_Uvar = np.inf * np.ones(n+p)
    new_Uvar[:n] = lsq_ff.Uvar   
    new_Q = PysparseMatrix(nrow=n+p, ncol=n+p,\
    new_Q.put(1, range(n,n+p), range(n,n+p))

    new_d = np.zeros(n+p)
    new_c = np.zeros(n+p)
    new_c[:n] = lsq_ff.c
    return LSQModel(Q=new_Q, B=new_B, d=new_d, c= new_c, Lcon=new_Lcon, \
                    Ucon=new_Ucon, Lvar=new_Lvar, Uvar=new_Uvar,
                    name= lsq_ff.name, dimQB=(p,n,m))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def testCompressStress(self):
     n = 20
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
     for k in range(20):
         for i in range(n * n / 2):
             i = random.randrange(n)
             j = random.randrange(n)
             A[i, j] = 1.0
         for i in range(n * n / 2):
             i = random.randrange(n)
             j = random.randrange(n)
             A[i, j] = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def testCompressStress(self):
     n = 20
     A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
     for k in range(20):
         for i in range(n * n / 2):
             i = random.randrange(n)
             j = random.randrange(n)
             A[i, j] = 1.0
         for i in range(n * n / 2):
             i = random.randrange(n)
             j = random.randrange(n)
             A[i, j] = 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 100000
        self.size = 1000000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size,
        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        self.A_s = lil_matrix(
            (self.size, self.size),
            dtype=np.float64)  # how do we reserve space in advance?
Ejemplo n.º 24
def poisson2d_vec(n):
    n2 = n*n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5*n2-4*n)
    d = np.arange(n2, dtype=np.int)
    L.put(4.0, d)
    L.put(-1.0, d[:-n], d[n:])
    L.put(-1.0, d[n:], d[:-n])
    for i in xrange(n):
        di = d[i*n:(i+1)*n]
        L.put(-1.0, di[1:], di[:-1])
        L.put(-1.0, di[:-1], di[1:])
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 25
def ll_mat_rand(n, m, density):
    """return a ll_mat object representing a general n-by-m sparse matrix filled with random non-zero values

    The number of non-zero entries is less or equal than
    n*m*density. The values of the non-zero entries are in the range
    [0.0, 1.0)."""
    nnz = int(density * n * m)
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, m, nnz)
    for k in xrange(nnz):
        i = random.randrange(n)
        j = random.randrange(m)
        A[i, j] = random.random()
    return A
Ejemplo n.º 26
def ll_mat_rand(n, m, density):
    """return a ll_mat object representing a general n-by-m sparse matrix filled with random non-zero values

    The number of non-zero entries is less or equal than
    n*m*density. The values of the non-zero entries are in the range
    [0.0, 1.0)."""
    nnz = int(density * n * m)
    A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, m, nnz)
    for k in xrange(nnz):
        i = random.randrange(n)
        j = random.randrange(m)
        A[i, j] = random.random()
    return A
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 1000
        self.size = 10000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.stride = 10

        self.v = np.arange(0, self.size * self.stride, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def poisson2d(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n * n, n * n)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            k = i + n * j
            L[k, k] = 4
            if i > 0:
                L[k, k - 1] = -1
            if i < n - 1:
                L[k, k + 1] = -1
            if j > 0:
                L[k, k - n] = -1
            if j < n - 1:
                L[k, k + n] = -1
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 29
def poisson2d(n):
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n*n, n*n)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            k = i + n*j
            L[k,k] = 4
            if i > 0:
                L[k,k-1] = -1
            if i < n-1:
                L[k,k+1] = -1
            if j > 0:
                L[k,k-n] = -1
            if j < n-1:
                L[k,k+n] = -1
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 30
def poisson2d_sym_blk_vec(n):
    n2 = n*n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n2, 3*n2-2*n)
    D = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n, 2*n-1)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.int)
    D.put(4*e, d, d)
    D.put(-e[1:], d[1:], d[:-1])
    P = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, n-1)
    for i in xrange(n-1):
        L[i*n:(i+1)*n, i*n:(i+1)*n] = D
        L[(i+1)*n:(i+2)*n, i*n:(i+1)*n] = P
    # Last diagonal block
    L[n2-n:n2, n2-n:n2] = D
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 31
def poisson2d_sym_blk_vec(n):
    n2 = n * n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n2, 3 * n2 - 2 * n)
    D = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n, 2 * n - 1)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.int)
    D.put(4 * e, d, d)
    D.put(-e[1:], d[1:], d[:-1])
    P = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n, n - 1)
    P.put(-e, d, d)
    for i in xrange(n - 1):
        L[i * n:(i + 1) * n, i * n:(i + 1) * n] = D
        L[(i + 1) * n:(i + 2) * n, i * n:(i + 1) * n] = P
    # Last diagonal block
    L[n2 - n:n2, n2 - n:n2] = D
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 5000
        self.size = 1000000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, itype=INT32_T, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        self.A_s = lil_matrix((self.size, self.size), dtype=np.float64)

        self.list_of_matrices = []

        construct_random_matrices(self.list_of_matrices, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.v = np.arange(0, self.size, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 1000
        self.size = 10000

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, itype=INT32_T, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        self.A_s = lil_matrix((self.size, self.size), dtype=np.float64)

        self.list_of_matrices = []

        construct_random_matrices(self.list_of_matrices, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.v = np.arange(0, self.size, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 1000
        self.size = 10000
        self.put_size = 10000

        assert self.put_size <= self.size

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, itype=INT32_T, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.id1 = np.arange(0, self.put_size, dtype=np.int32)
        self.id2 = np.full(self.put_size, 37, dtype=np.int32)

        self.b = np.arange(0, self.put_size,dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 1000
        self.size = 10000
        self.nbr_elements_to_add = 1000

        assert self.nbr_elements_to_add < self.size

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size, size_hint=self.nbr_elements, itype=INT32_T, dtype=FLOAT64_T)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.id1 = np.ones(self.nbr_elements_to_add, dtype=np.int32)
        self.id2 = self.v = np.arange(0, self.nbr_elements_to_add, dtype=np.int32)

        self.val = np.empty(self.nbr_elements_to_add, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def testEntry(self):
        def assignUP():
            self.S[0, 1] = 1.0

        def assignLeft():
            self.S[-11, 0] = 1.0

        def assignRight():
            self.S[10, 0] = 1.0

        def assignTop():
            self.S[0, -11] = 1.0

        def assignBottom():
            self.S[0, 10] = 1.0

        self.A[0, 0] = 1.0
        self.S[0, 0] = 1.0
        self.failUnless(self.A[0, 0] == 1.0)
        self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 1)
        self.failUnless(self.S[0, 0] == 1.0)
        self.failUnless(self.S.nnz == 1)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignUP)
        self.A[0, 0] += 1.0
        self.failUnless(self.A[0, 0] == 2.0)
        self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 1)
        self.A[0, 0] -= 2.0
        self.failUnless(self.A[0, 0] == 0.0)
        self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 0)
        # indices out of bounds
        #for f in [assignLeft, assignRight, assignTop, assignBottom]:
        #for f in [assignRight, assignTop, assignBottom]:
        #    self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, f)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignRight)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignTop)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignBottom)
        # negative indices
        I = spmatrix.ll_mat(10, 10, 100)
        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(10):
                I[i, j] = 10 * i + j
        for i in range(-10, 0):
            for j in range(-10, 0):
                self.failUnless(I[i, j] == I[10 + i, 10 + j])
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def testEntry(self):
        def assignUP():
            self.S[0, 1] = 1.0

        def assignLeft():
            self.S[-11, 0] = 1.0

        def assignRight():
            self.S[10, 0] = 1.0

        def assignTop():
            self.S[0, -11] = 1.0

        def assignBottom():
            self.S[0, 10] = 1.0

        self.A[0, 0] = 1.0
        self.S[0, 0] = 1.0
        self.failUnless(self.A[0, 0] == 1.0)
        self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 1)
        self.failUnless(self.S[0, 0] == 1.0)
        self.failUnless(self.S.nnz == 1)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignUP)
        self.A[0, 0] += 1.0
        self.failUnless(self.A[0, 0] == 2.0)
        self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 1)
        self.A[0, 0] -= 2.0
        self.failUnless(self.A[0, 0] == 0.0)
        self.failUnless(self.A.nnz == 0)
        # indices out of bounds
        # for f in [assignLeft, assignRight, assignTop, assignBottom]:
        # for f in [assignRight, assignTop, assignBottom]:
        #    self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, f)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignRight)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignTop)
        self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, assignBottom)
        # negative indices
        I = spmatrix.ll_mat(10, 10, 100)
        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(10):
                I[i, j] = 10 * i + j
        for i in range(-10, 0):
            for j in range(-10, 0):
                self.failUnless(I[i, j] == I[10 + i, 10 + j])
Ejemplo n.º 38
def poisson2d_vec2(n):
    # Second version, allocate long arrays
    n2 = n*n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5*n2-4*n)
    e = numpy.ones(n2)
    d = numpy.arange(n2, dtype=numpy.int)
    L.put(4*e, d, d)
    din = d[:n]
    for i in xrange(n):
        # Diagonal blocks
        L.put(-e[:n-1], din[1:], din[:-1])
        L.put(-e[:n-1], din[:-1], din[1:])
        # Outer blocks
        L.put(-e[:n], n+din, din)
        L.put(-e[:n], din, n+din)
        din = d[i*n:(i+1)*n]
    # Last diagonal block
    L.put(-e[:n-1], din[1:], din[:-1])
    L.put(-e[:n-1], din[:-1], din[1:])
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 39
def poisson2d_vec2(n):
    # Second version, allocate long arrays
    n2 = n * n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5 * n2 - 4 * n)
    e = numpy.ones(n2)
    d = numpy.arange(n2, dtype=numpy.int)
    L.put(4 * e, d, d)
    din = d[:n]
    for i in xrange(n):
        # Diagonal blocks
        L.put(-e[:n - 1], din[1:], din[:-1])
        L.put(-e[:n - 1], din[:-1], din[1:])
        # Outer blocks
        L.put(-e[:n], n + din, din)
        L.put(-e[:n], din, n + din)
        din = d[i * n:(i + 1) * n]
    # Last diagonal block
    L.put(-e[:n - 1], din[1:], din[:-1])
    L.put(-e[:n - 1], din[:-1], din[1:])
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 40
def poisson2d_vec(n):
    # First version, proceed block by block
    n2 = n * n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5 * n2 - 4 * n)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.int)
    din = d
    for i in xrange(n):
        # Diagonal blocks
        L.put(4 * e, din, din)
        L.put(-e[1:], din[1:], din[:-1])
        L.put(-e[1:], din[:-1], din[1:])
        # Outer blocks
        L.put(-e, n + din, din)
        L.put(-e, din, n + din)
        din = d + i * n
    # Last diagonal block
    L.put(4 * e, din, din)
    L.put(-e[1:], din[1:], din[:-1])
    L.put(-e[1:], din[:-1], din[1:])
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 1000
        self.size = 10000
        self.put_size = 10000

        assert self.put_size <= self.size

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size,
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.id1 = np.arange(0, self.put_size, dtype=np.int32)
        self.id2 = np.full(self.put_size, 37, dtype=np.int32)

        self.b = np.arange(0, self.put_size, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def poisson2d_vec(n):
    # First version, proceed block by block
    n2 = n*n
    L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n2, n2, 5*n2-4*n)
    e = numpy.ones(n)
    d = numpy.arange(n, dtype=numpy.int)
    din = d
    for i in xrange(n):
        # Diagonal blocks
        L.put(4*e, din, din)
        L.put(-e[1:], din[1:], din[:-1])
        L.put(-e[1:], din[:-1], din[1:])
        # Outer blocks
        L.put(-e, n+din, din)
        L.put(-e, din, n+din)
        din = d + i*n
    # Last diagonal block
    L.put(4*e, din, din)
    L.put(-e[1:], din[1:], din[:-1])
    L.put(-e[1:], din[:-1], din[1:])
    return L
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def setUp(self):

        self.nbr_elements = 1000
        self.size = 10000
        self.nbr_elements_to_add = 1000

        assert self.nbr_elements_to_add < self.size

        self.A_c = LLSparseMatrix(size=self.size,
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_c, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.A_p = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.size, self.size, self.nbr_elements)
        construct_sparse_matrix(self.A_p, self.size, self.nbr_elements)

        self.id1 = np.ones(self.nbr_elements_to_add, dtype=np.int32)
        self.id2 = self.v = np.arange(0,

        self.val = np.empty(self.nbr_elements_to_add, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 44
import time
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix

n = 1000000

# create 2 nxn tridiag matrices
A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)
B = spmatrix.ll_mat(n, n)

for i in xrange(n):
    A[i,i] = i
    B[i,i] = i
    if i > 0:
        A[i,i-1] = 1
        B[i,i-1] = 1
    if i < n-1:
        A[i,i+1] = 1
        B[i,i-1] = 1

t1 = time.clock()
C = spmatrix.matrixmultiply(A, B)
t_mult = time.clock() - t1
print 'time for multiplying %dx%d matrices: %.2f sec' % (n, n, t_mult)
print C[:10,:10]
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def __init__(self, A, **kwargs):
        Create a PyMa27Context object representing a context to solve
        the square symmetric linear system of equations

            A x = b.
        A should be given in ll_mat format and should be symmetric.
        The system will first be analyzed and factorized, for later
        solution. Residuals will be computed dynamically if requested.

        The factorization is a multi-frontal variant of the Bunch-Parlett
        factorization, i.e.

            A = L B Lt

        where L is unit lower triangular, and B is symmetric and block diagonal
        with either 1x1 or 2x2 blocks.
        A special option is available is the matrix A is known to be symmetric
        (positive or negative) definite, or symmetric quasi-definite (sqd).
        SQD matrices have the general form

            [ E  Gt ]
            [ G  -F ]

        where both E and F are positive definite. As a special case, positive
        definite matrices and negative definite matrices are sqd. SQD matrices
        can be factorized with potentially much sparser factors. Moreover, the
        matrix B reduces to a diagonal matrix.

        Currently accepted keyword arguments are:

           sqd  Flag indicating symmetric quasi-definite matrix (default: False)

            from nlpy.linalg import pyma27
            from nlpy.tools import norms
            P = pyma27.PyMa27Context( A )
            P.solve( rhs, get_resid = True )
            print norms.norm2( P.residual )

        Pyma27 relies on the sparse direct multifrontal code MA27
        from the Harwell Subroutine Library archive.

        if isinstance(A, PysparseMatrix):
            thisA = A.matrix
            thisA = A

        Sils.__init__(self, thisA, **kwargs)

        # Statistics on A
        self.rwords = 0  # Number of real words used during factorization
        self.iwords = 0  #           int
        self.ncomp = 0  #           data compresses performed in analysis
        self.nrcomp = 0  #           real
        self.nicomp = 0  #           int
        self.n2x2pivots = 0  #           2x2 pivots used
        self.neig = 0  #           negative eigenvalues detected

        # Factors
        self.L = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.n, self.n, 0)
        self.B = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.n, 0)

        # Analyze and factorize matrix
        self.context = _pyma27.factor(thisA, self.sqd)
        (self.rwords, self.iwords, self.ncomp, self.nrcomp, self.nicomp,
         self.n2x2pivots, self.neig, self.rank) = self.context.stats()

        self.isFullRank = (self.rank == self.n)
Ejemplo n.º 46
import math, os, sys, time
import numpy as np
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.itsolvers.krylov import pcg, minres, qmrs, cgs
from pysparse.precon import precon

ll = spmatrix.ll_mat(5,5)
print ll
print ll[1,1]
print ll

ll[2,1] = 1.0
ll[1,3] = 2.0
print ll
print ll.to_csr()

print ll[1,3]
print ll[1,-1]
print ll.nnz


L = spmatrix.ll_mat(10, 10)
for i in range(0, 10):
    L[i,i] = float(i+1)

A = L.to_csr()
x = np.ones([10], 'd')
y = np.zeros([10], 'd')
print A, x, y
A.matvec(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def setUp(self):
     self.n = 10
     self.A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.n, self.n)
     self.S = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.n)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def ComputeStiffnessMatrix(self, thermalReadings):
        Y = spmatrix.ll_mat(len(self.node), len(self.node))
        computeTetra = False
        computeTri = False

        #Keeping track of index for conductivity
        conductIndex = 0

        if len(self.node) == 3:
            computeTri = True
            computeTetra = True

        if computeTri == True:
            for coords in self.elems:
                n1 = coords[0]
                n2 = coords[1]
                n3 = coords[2]

                n = [n1, n2, n3]

                x1 = self.node[n1][0]
                y1 = self.node[n1][1]
                x2 = self.node[n2][0]
                y2 = self.node[n2][1]
                x3 = self.node[n3][0]
                y3 = self.node[n3][1]

                a1 = y2 - y3
                a2 = y3 - y1
                a3 = y1 - y2

                b1 = x3 - x2
                b2 = x1 - x3
                b3 = x2 - x1

                Area = .5 * ((x2 * y3) - (x3 * y2) + (x3 * y1) - (x1 * y3) +
                             (x1 * y2) - (x2 * y1))

                gx1 = a1 / (2 * Area)
                gx2 = a2 / (2 * Area)
                gx3 = a3 / (2 * Area)

                gy1 = b1 / (2 * Area)
                gy2 = b2 / (2 * Area)
                gy3 = b3 / (2 * Area)

                gx = [gx1, gx2, gx3]
                gy = [gy1, gy2, gy3]

                for i in range(0, 3):
                    i_global = n[i]
                    for j in range(0, 3):
                        j_global = n[j]

                        Y[i_global, j_global] += float(
                            (gx[i] * gx[j] + gy[i] * gy[j]) * Area *

            conductIndex += 1

        if computeTetra == True:
            for coords in self.elems:
                n1 = coords[0]
                n2 = coords[1]
                n3 = coords[2]
                n4 = coords[3]

                n = [n1, n2, n3, n4]

                x1 = self.node[n1][0]
                y1 = self.node[n1][1]
                z1 = self.node[n1][2]

                x2 = self.node[n2][0]
                y2 = self.node[n2][1]
                z2 = self.node[n2][2]

                x3 = self.node[n3][0]
                y3 = self.node[n3][1]
                z3 = self.node[n3][2]

                x4 = self.node[n4][0]
                y4 = self.node[n4][1]
                z4 = self.node[n4][2]

                a1 = -(y3 * z4 - z3 * y4 - y2 * z4 + z2 * y4 + y2 * z3 -
                       z2 * y3)
                a2 = (y4 * z1 - z4 * y1 - y3 * z1 + z3 * y1 + y3 * z4 -
                      z3 * y4)
                a3 = -(y1 * z2 - z1 * y2 - y4 * z2 + z4 * y2 + y4 * z1 -
                       z4 * y1)
                a4 = (y2 * z3 - z2 * y3 - y1 * z3 + z1 * y3 + y1 * z2 -
                      z1 * y2)

                b1 = -(x2 * z4 - x2 * z3 - x3 * z4 + x3 * z2 + x4 * z3 -
                       x4 * z2)
                b2 = (x3 * z1 - x3 * z4 - x4 * z1 + x4 * z3 + x1 * z4 -
                      x1 * z3)
                b3 = -(x4 * z2 - x4 * z1 - x1 * z2 + x1 * z4 + x2 * z1 -
                       x2 * z4)
                b4 = (x1 * z3 - x1 * z2 - x2 * z3 + x2 * z1 + x3 * z2 -
                      x3 * z1)

                c1 = -(x2 * y3 - x2 * y4 - x3 * y2 + x3 * y4 + x4 * y2 -
                       x4 * y3)
                c2 = (x3 * y4 - x3 * y1 - x4 * y3 + x4 * y1 + x1 * y3 -
                      x1 * y4)
                c3 = -(x4 * y1 - x4 * y2 - x1 * y4 + x1 * y2 + x2 * y4 -
                       x2 * y1)
                c4 = (x1 * y2 - x1 * y3 - x2 * y1 + x2 * y3 + x3 * y1 -
                      x3 * y2)

                Volume = (1.0 / 6.0) * (
                    x2 * y3 * z4 - x2 * z3 * y4 - x3 * y2 * z4 + x3 * z2 * y4 +
                    x4 * y2 * z3 - x4 * z2 * y3 - x1 * y3 * z4 + x1 * z3 * y4 +
                    x3 * y1 * z4 - x3 * z1 * y4 - x4 * y1 * z3 + x4 * z1 * y3 +
                    x1 * y2 * z4 - x1 * z2 * y4 - x2 * y1 * z4 + x2 * z1 * y4 +
                    x4 * y1 * z2 - x4 * z1 * y2 - x1 * y2 * z3 + x1 * z2 * y3 +
                    x2 * y1 * z3 - x2 * z1 * y3 - x3 * y1 * z2 + x3 * z1 * y2)

                gx1 = a1 / (6 * Volume)
                gx2 = a2 / (6 * Volume)
                gx3 = a3 / (6 * Volume)
                gx4 = a4 / (6 * Volume)

                gy1 = b1 / (6 * Volume)
                gy2 = b2 / (6 * Volume)
                gy3 = b3 / (6 * Volume)
                gy4 = b4 / (6 * Volume)

                gz1 = c1 / (6 * Volume)
                gz2 = c2 / (6 * Volume)
                gz3 = c3 / (6 * Volume)
                gz4 = c4 / (6 * Volume)

                gx = [gx1, gx2, gx3, gx4]
                gy = [gy1, gy2, gy3, gy4]
                gz = [gz1, gz2, gz3, gz4]

                for i in range(0, 4):
                    i_global = n[i]
                    for j in range(0, 4):
                        j_global = n[j]

                        Y[i_global, j_global] += float(
                            (gx[i] * gx[j] + gy[i] * gy[j] + gz[i] * gz[j]) *
                            Volume * thermalReadings[conductIndex])

            conductIndex += 1
        return Y
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def setUp(self):
     self.n = 10
     self.A = spmatrix.ll_mat(self.n, self.n)
     self.S = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.n)
Ejemplo n.º 50
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.direct import umfpack
import numpy as np
from poisson2dvec import poisson2d_vec_sym_blk

l = spmatrix.ll_mat(5, 5)
l[0, 0] = 2.0
l[0, 1] = 3.0
l[1, 4] = 6.0
l[1, 0] = 3.0
l[1, 2] = 4.0
l[2, 1] = -1.0
l[2, 2] = -3.0
l[2, 3] = 2.0
l[3, 2] = 1.0
l[4, 1] = 4.0
l[4, 2] = 2.0
l[4, 4] = 1.0

b = np.array([8.0, 45.0, -3.0, 3.0, 19.0], "d")
x = np.zeros(5, "d")
umf = umfpack.factorize(l)
umf.solve(b, x, 'UMFPACK_A')
print umf.getlists()
print x

print "------------------------------"

n = 50
L = poisson2d_vec_sym_blk(n)
b = np.ones(n * n, 'd')
Ejemplo n.º 51
import math, os, sys, time
import numpy as np
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.itsolvers.krylov import pcg, minres, qmrs, cgs
from pysparse.precon import precon

ll = spmatrix.ll_mat(5, 5)
print ll
print ll[1, 1]
print ll

ll[2, 1] = 1.0
ll[1, 3] = 2.0
print ll
print ll.to_csr()

print ll[1, 3]
print ll[1, -1]
print ll.nnz


L = spmatrix.ll_mat(10, 10)
for i in range(0, 10):
    L[i, i] = float(i + 1)

A = L.to_csr()
x = np.ones([10], 'd')
y = np.zeros([10], 'd')
print A, x, y
A.matvec(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 52
import numpy as np
import traceback
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.tools import spmatrix_util

def printMatrix(M):
    n, m = M.shape
    Z = np.zeros((n,m), 'd')
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            Z[i,j] = M[i,j]
    print str(Z) + '\n'
n = 10
A = spmatrix.ll_mat(n,n)
As = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n)
Is = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n)
I = spmatrix.ll_mat(n,n)
Os = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n)
O = spmatrix.ll_mat(n,n)

for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
        if i >= j:
            A[i,j] = 10*i + j
            A[i,j] = 10*j + i
        O[i,j] = 1
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
Ejemplo n.º 53
from pysparse.sparse.spmatrix import ll_mat
import numpy as np
import time

n = 1000
nnz = 50000
A = ll_mat(n, n, nnz)

R = np.random.random_integers(0, n-1, (nnz,2))

t1 = time.clock()

for k in xrange(nnz):
    A[int(R[k,0]), int(R[k,1])] = k
print 'Time for populating matrix: %8.2f s' % (time.clock() - t1)

print 'nnz(A) = ', A.nnz

B = A[:,:]
A.shift(-1.0, B)
print A

Ejemplo n.º 54
from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.direct import umfpack
import numpy as np
from poisson2dvec import poisson2d_vec_sym_blk

l = spmatrix.ll_mat(5, 5)
l[0,0] = 2.0
l[0,1] = 3.0
l[1,4] = 6.0
l[1,0] = 3.0
l[1,2] = 4.0
l[2,1] = -1.0
l[2,2] = -3.0
l[2,3] = 2.0
l[3,2] = 1.0
l[4,1] = 4.0
l[4,2] = 2.0
l[4,4] = 1.0

b = np.array([8.0, 45.0, -3.0, 3.0, 19.0], "d")
x = np.zeros(5, "d")
umf = umfpack.factorize(l)
umf.solve(b, x, 'UMFPACK_A')
print umf.getlists()
print x

print "------------------------------"

n = 50
L = poisson2d_vec_sym_blk(n)
b = np.ones(n * n, 'd')
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def __init__( self, A, **kwargs ):
        Create a PyMa27Context object representing a context to solve
        the square symmetric linear system of equations

            A x = b.
        A should be given in ll_mat format and should be symmetric.
        The system will first be analyzed and factorized, for later
        solution. Residuals will be computed dynamically if requested.

        The factorization is a multi-frontal variant of the Bunch-Parlett
        factorization, i.e.

            A = L B Lt

        where L is unit lower triangular, and B is symmetric and block diagonal
        with either 1x1 or 2x2 blocks.
        A special option is available is the matrix A is known to be symmetric
        (positive or negative) definite, or symmetric quasi-definite (sqd).
        SQD matrices have the general form

            [ E  Gt ]
            [ G  -F ]

        where both E and F are positive definite. As a special case, positive
        definite matrices and negative definite matrices are sqd. SQD matrices
        can be factorized with potentially much sparser factors. Moreover, the
        matrix B reduces to a diagonal matrix.

        Currently accepted keyword arguments are:

           sqd  Flag indicating symmetric quasi-definite matrix (default: False)

            from nlpy.linalg import pyma27
            from nlpy.tools import norms
            P = pyma27.PyMa27Context( A )
            P.solve( rhs, get_resid = True )
            print norms.norm2( P.residual )

        Pyma27 relies on the sparse direct multifrontal code MA27
        from the Harwell Subroutine Library archive.

        if isinstance(A, PysparseMatrix):
            thisA = A.matrix
            thisA = A

        Sils.__init__( self, thisA, **kwargs )

        # Statistics on A
        self.rwords = 0      # Number of real words used during factorization
        self.iwords = 0      #           int
        self.ncomp  = 0      #           data compresses performed in analysis
        self.nrcomp = 0      #           real
        self.nicomp = 0      #           int
        self.n2x2pivots = 0  #           2x2 pivots used
        self.neig   = 0      #           negative eigenvalues detected

        # Factors
        self.L = spmatrix.ll_mat( self.n, self.n, 0 )
        self.B = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym( self.n, 0 )

        # Analyze and factorize matrix
        self.context = _pyma27.factor( thisA, self.sqd )
        (self.rwords, self.iwords, self.ncomp, self.nrcomp, self.nicomp,
         self.n2x2pivots, self.neig, self.rank) = self.context.stats()

        self.isFullRank = (self.rank == self.n)