Ejemplo n.º 1
# We now apply the Box-Cox transform using the best parameter lambda found above.

R_, _ = transformation.boxcox_transform(R, metadata, Lambda)
data.append((R_ - np.mean(R_)) / np.std(R_))
labels.append("Box-Cox\n($\lambda=$%.2f)" % Lambda)

# Normal quantile transform
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# At last, we apply the empirical normal quantile (NQ) transform as described in
# `Bogner et al (2012)`_.
# .. _`Bogner et al (2012)`: http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hess-16-1085-2012

R_, _ = transformation.NQ_transform(R, metadata)
data.append((R_ - np.mean(R_)) / np.std(R_))

# By plotting all the results, we can notice first of all the strongly asymmetric
# distribution of the original data (R) and that all transformations manage to
# reduce its skewness. Among these, the Box-Cox transform (using the best parameter
# lambda) and the normal quantile (NQ) transform provide the best correction.
# Despite not producing a perfectly symmetric distribution, the square-root (sqrt)
# transform has the strong advantage of being defined for zeros, too, while all
# other transformations need an arbitrary rule for non-positive values.

plot_distribution(data, labels, skw)
plt.title("Data transforms")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_NQ_transform(R, metadata, inverse, expected):
    """Test the NQ_transform."""
        transformation.NQ_transform(R, metadata, inverse)[0], expected