Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_13_3d_modelling_centroid(self):  #model with no optimisation
        quick test to generate 3D coordinates from 3? simple models???
        if ONLY and ONLY != '13':
        if CHKTIME:
            t0 = time()

        except ImportError:
            warn('IMP not found, skipping test\n')
        test_chr = Chromosome(name='Test Chromosome', max_tad_size=260000)
                                hic_data=PATH + '/20Kb/chrT/chrT_D.tsv',
        exp = test_chr.experiments[0]
        exp.load_hic_data(PATH + '/20Kb/chrT/chrT_A.tsv', silent=True)
        exp.normalize_hic(silent=True, factor=None)
        models = exp.model_region(51,
                                      'kforce': 5,
                                      'maxdist': 500,
                                      'scale': 0.01,
                                      'upfreq': 1.0,
                                      'lowfreq': -0.6

        avg = models.average_model()
        nmd = len(models)
        dev = rmsdRMSD_wrapper([models[m]['x']
                                for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg['x']],
                                for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg['y']],
                                for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg['z']],
                               models._zeros, models.nloci, 200,
                               range(len(models) + 1),
                               len(models) + 1, int(False), 'rmsd', 0)
        centroid = models[models.centroid_model()]
        # find closest
        model = min([(k, dev[(k, nmd)]) for k in range(nmd)],
                    key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
        self.assertEqual(centroid['rand_init'], models[model]['rand_init'])
        if CHKTIME:
            print '13', time() - t0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calc_consistency(models, nloci, dcutoff=200):
    combines = list(combinations(models, 2))
    parts = [0 for _ in xrange(nloci)]
    for md1, md2 in combines:
        md1s = models[md1]
        md2s = models[md2]
        for i, p in enumerate(
                rmsdRMSD_wrapper(md1s['x'], md1s['y'], md1s['z'], md2s['x'],
                                 md2s['y'], md2s['z'], nloci, dcutoff, 1)):
            parts[i] += p
    return [float(p) / len(combines) * 100 for p in parts]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calc_eqv_rmsd(models,
    Calculates the RMSD, dRMSD, the number of equivalent positions and a score
    combining these three measures. The measure are done between a group of
    models in a one against all manner.

    :param beg: start particle number of the region to compare
    :param end: end particle number of the region to compare
    :param zeros: list of True/False representing particles to skip
    :param 200 dcutoff: distance in nanometer from which it is considered
       that two particles are separated.
    :param 0.75 fact: Factor for equivalent positions
    :param False one: if True assumes that only two models are passed, and
       returns the rmsd of their comparison
    :param 'score' what: values to return. Can be one of 'score', 'rmsd',
       'drmsd' or 'eqv'
    :param True normed: normalize result by maximum value (only applies to rmsd
       and drmsd)

    :returns: a score of each pairwise comparison according to:

       .. math::

         score_i = eqvs_i \\times \\frac{dRMSD_i / max(dRMSD)}
                                         {RMSD_i / max(RMSD)}

       where :math:`eqvs_i` is the number of equivalent position for the ith
       pairwise model comparison.

    what = what.lower()
    if not what in ['score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd', 'eqv']:
        raise NotImplementedError("Only 'score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd' or 'eqv' " +
                                  "features are available\n")
    # remove particles with zeros from calculation
    x = []
    y = []
    z = []
    for m in range(len(models)):
        x.append([models[m]['x'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]])
        y.append([models[m]['y'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]])
        z.append([models[m]['z'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]])
    zeros = tuple([True for _ in range(len(x[0]))])
    scores = rmsdRMSD_wrapper(x, y, z, zeros, len(zeros), dcutoff,
                              list(range(len(models))), len(models), int(one),
                              what, int(normed))
    return scores
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calc_consistency(models, nloci, dcutoff=200):
    combines = list(combinations(models, 2))
    parts = [0 for _ in xrange(nloci)]
    for md1, md2 in combines:
        md1s = models[md1]
        md2s = models[md2]
        for i, p in enumerate(rmsdRMSD_wrapper(
            md1s['x'], md1s['y'], md1s['z'],
            md2s['x'], md2s['y'], md2s['z'],
            nloci, dcutoff, 1)):
            parts[i] += p
    return [float(p)/len(combines) * 100 for p in parts]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def calc_eqv_rmsd(models, beg, end, zeros, dcutoff=200, one=False, what='score',
    Calculates the RMSD, dRMSD, the number of equivalent positions and a score
    combining these three measures. The measure are done between a group of
    models in a one against all manner.

    :param beg: start particle number of the region to compare
    :param end: end particle number of the region to compare
    :param zeros: list of True/False representing particles to skip
    :param 200 dcutoff: distance in nanometer from which it is considered
       that two particles are separated.
    :param 0.75 fact: Factor for equivalent positions
    :param False one: if True assumes that only two models are passed, and
       returns the rmsd of their comparison
    :param 'score' what: values to return. Can be one of 'score', 'rmsd',
       'drmsd' or 'eqv'
    :param True normed: normalize result by maximum value (only applies to rmsd
       and drmsd)

    :returns: a score of each pairwise comparison according to:

       .. math::

         score_i = eqvs_i \\times \\frac{dRMSD_i / max(dRMSD)}
                                         {RMSD_i / max(RMSD)}

       where :math:`eqvs_i` is the number of equivalent position for the ith
       pairwise model comparison.

    what = what.lower()
    if not what in ['score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd', 'eqv']:
        raise NotImplementedError("Only 'score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd' or 'eqv' " +
                                  "features are available\n")
    # remove particles with zeros from calculation
    x = []
    y = []
    z = []
    for m in xrange(len(models)):
        x.append([models[m]['x'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]])
        y.append([models[m]['y'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]])
        z.append([models[m]['z'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]])
    zeros = tuple([True for _ in xrange(len(x[0]))])
    scores = rmsdRMSD_wrapper(x, y, z, zeros, len(zeros),
                              dcutoff, range(len(models)), len(models),
                              int(one), what, int(normed))
    return scores
Ejemplo n.º 6
def calc_eqv_rmsd(models, nloci, dcutoff=200, var='score', one=False):
    :param nloci: number of particles per model
    :param 200 dcutoff: distance in nanometer from which it is considered
       that two particles are separated.
    :param 0.75 fact: Factor for equivalent positions
    :param 'score' var: value to return, can be either (i) 'drmsd' (symmetry
       independent: mirrors will show no differences) (ii) 'score' that is:


                               dRMSD[i] / max(dRMSD)
         score[i] = eqvs[i] * -----------------------
                                RMSD[i] / max(RMSD)

       where eqvs[i] is the number of equivalent position for the ith
       pairwise model comparison.
    :returns: a score (depends on 'var' argument)
    scores = {}
    nrmsds = []
    drmsds = []
    for md1 in xrange(len(models)):
        md1s = models[md1]
        for md2 in xrange(md1 + 1, len(models)):
            md2s = models[md2]
            eqv, nrmsd, drmsd = rmsdRMSD_wrapper(md1s['x'], md1s['y'],
                                                 md1s['z'], md2s['x'],
                                                 md2s['y'], md2s['z'], nloci,
                                                 dcutoff, 0)
            scores[(md1, md2)] = eqv * drmsd / nrmsd
    if one:
        return drmsd
    max_rmsd_ov_max_drmsd = max(nrmsds) / max(drmsds)
    if var == 'score':
        for md1, md2 in scores.keys()[:]:
            score = scores[(md1, md2)] * max_rmsd_ov_max_drmsd
            scores[(md1, md2)] = score
            scores[(md2, md1)] = score
    elif var == 'drmsd':
        for i, (md1, md2) in enumerate(scores.keys()):
            scores[(md2, md1)] = drmsds[i]
    return scores
Ejemplo n.º 7
def calc_eqv_rmsd(models, nloci, dcutoff=200, var='score', one=False):
    :param nloci: number of particles per model
    :param 200 dcutoff: distance in nanometer from which it is considered
       that two particles are separated.
    :param 0.75 fact: Factor for equivalent positions
    :param 'score' var: value to return, can be either (i) 'drmsd' (symmetry
       independent: mirrors will show no differences) (ii) 'score' that is:


                               dRMSD[i] / max(dRMSD)
         score[i] = eqvs[i] * -----------------------
                                RMSD[i] / max(RMSD)

       where eqvs[i] is the number of equivalent position for the ith
       pairwise model comparison.
    :returns: a score (depends on 'var' argument)
    scores = {}
    nrmsds = []
    drmsds = []
    for md1 in xrange(len(models)):
        md1s = models[md1]
        for md2 in xrange(md1 + 1, len(models)):
            md2s = models[md2]
            eqv, nrmsd, drmsd = rmsdRMSD_wrapper(
                md1s['x'], md1s['y'], md1s['z'],
                md2s['x'], md2s['y'], md2s['z'], nloci, dcutoff, 0)
            scores[(md1, md2)] = eqv * drmsd / nrmsd
    if one:
        return drmsd
    max_rmsd_ov_max_drmsd = max(nrmsds) / max(drmsds)
    if var=='score':
        for md1, md2 in scores.keys()[:]:
            score = scores[(md1, md2)] * max_rmsd_ov_max_drmsd
            scores[(md1, md2)] = score
            scores[(md2, md1)] = score
    elif var=='drmsd':
        for i, (md1, md2) in enumerate(scores.keys()):
            scores[(md2, md1)] = drmsds[i]
    return scores
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_13_3d_modelling_centroid(self):
        quick test to generate 3D coordinates from 3? simple models???
        if ONLY and ONLY != '13':
        if CHKTIME:
            t0 = time()

        except ImportError:
            warn('IMP not found, skipping test\n')
        test_chr = Chromosome(name='Test Chromosome', max_tad_size=260000)
        test_chr.add_experiment('exp1', 20000, tad_def=exp4,
                                hic_data=PATH + '/20Kb/chrT/chrT_D.tsv',
        exp = test_chr.experiments[0]
        exp.load_hic_data(PATH + '/20Kb/chrT/chrT_A.tsv', silent=True)
        exp.normalize_hic(silent=True, factor=None)
        models = exp.model_region(51, 71, n_models=40, n_keep=25,
                                  config={'kforce': 5, 'maxdist': 500,
                                          'scale': 0.01,
                                          'upfreq': 1.0, 'lowfreq': -0.6})

        avg = models.average_model()
        nmd = len(models)
        dev = rmsdRMSD_wrapper(
            [models[m]['x'] for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg['x']],
            [models[m]['y'] for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg['y']],
            [models[m]['z'] for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg['z']],
            models.nloci, 200, range(len(models)+1),
            len(models)+1, int(False), 'rmsd', 0)
        centroid = models[models.centroid_model()]
        # find closest
        model = min([(k, dev[(k, nmd)] )
                     for k in range(nmd)], key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
        self.assertEqual(centroid['rand_init'], models[model]['rand_init'])
        if CHKTIME:
            print '13', time() - t0
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_13_3d_modelling_centroid(self):
        quick test to generate 3D coordinates from 3? simple models???
        if CHKTIME:
            t0 = time()

        except ImportError:
            warn('IMP not found, skipping test\n')
        test_chr = Chromosome(name='Test Chromosome', max_tad_size=260000)
        test_chr.add_experiment('exp1', 20000, tad_def=exp4,
                                hic_data=PATH + '/20Kb/chrT/chrT_D.tsv',
        exp = test_chr.experiments[0]
        exp.load_hic_data(PATH + '/20Kb/chrT/chrT_A.tsv', silent=True)
        models = exp.model_region(51, 71, n_models=110, n_keep=25,
                                  config={'kforce': 5, 'maxdist': 500,
                                          'scale': 0.01,
                                          'upfreq': 1.0, 'lowfreq': -0.6})
        avg = models.average_model()

        a = rmsdRMSD_wrapper([models[m]['x'] for m in xrange(len(models))] + [avg['x']],
                             [models[m]['y'] for m in xrange(len(models))] + [avg['y']],
                             [models[m]['z'] for m in xrange(len(models))] + [avg['z']],
                             models.nloci, 410, range(len(models)+1),
                             len(models)+1, int(False), 'score', 1)
        self.assertEqual(21, sorted([(k, sum([a[(i, j)] for i, j in a if i==k or j==k]))
                                     for k in range(26)], key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0])
        centroid = models[models.centroid_model()]
        expsc = sum([sum([a[(i, j)] for i, j in a if i==k or j==k])
                     for k in range(26)]) / 26
        # find closest
        model = min([(k, sum([a[(i, j)] for i, j in a if i==k or j==k]))
                     for k in range(26)], key=lambda x:abs(x[1]-expsc))[0]
        self.assertEqual(centroid['rand_init'], models[model]['rand_init'])
        if CHKTIME:
            print '13', time() - t0
Ejemplo n.º 10
def calc_eqv_rmsd(models, nloci, dcutoff=200, one=False, what='score',
    Calculates the RMSD, dRMSD, the number of equivalent positions and a score
    combining these three measures. The measure are done between a group of
    models in a one against all manner.
    :param nloci: number of particles per model
    :param 200 dcutoff: distance in nanometer from which it is considered
       that two particles are separated.
    :param 0.75 fact: Factor for equivalent positions
    :param False one: if True assumes that only two models are passed, and
       returns the rmsd of their comparison
    :param 'score' what: values to return. Can be one of 'score', 'rmsd',
       'drmsd' or 'eqv'
    :param True normed: normalize result by maximum value (only applies to rmsd
       and drmsd)

    :returns: a score of each pairwise comparison according to:

       .. math::
         score_i = eqvs_i \\times \\frac{dRMSD_i / max(dRMSD)}
                                         {RMSD_i / max(RMSD)}

       where :math:`eqvs_i` is the number of equivalent position for the ith
       pairwise model comparison.
    what = what.lower()
    if not what in ['score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd', 'eqv']:
        raise NotImplementedError("Only 'score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd' or 'eqv' " +
                                  "features are available\n")
    scores = rmsdRMSD_wrapper([models[m]['x'] for m in xrange(len(models))],
                              [models[m]['y'] for m in xrange(len(models))],
                              [models[m]['z'] for m in xrange(len(models))],
                              nloci, dcutoff, range(len(models)),
                              len(models), int(one), what, int(normed))
    return scores
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_13_3d_modelling_centroid(self):  #model with no optimisation
        quick test to generate 3D coordinates from 3? simple models???
        if ONLY and not "13" in ONLY:
        if CHKTIME:
            t0 = time()

        except ImportError:
            warn("IMP not found, skipping test\n")
        test_chr = Chromosome(name="Test Chromosome", max_tad_size=260000)
                                hic_data=PATH + "/20Kb/chrT/chrT_D.tsv",
        exp = test_chr.experiments[0]
        exp.load_hic_data(PATH + "/20Kb/chrT/chrT_A.tsv", silent=True)
        exp.normalize_hic(silent=True, factor=None)
        models = exp.model_region(51,
                                      'kforce': 5,
                                      'maxdist': 500,
                                      'scale': 0.01,
                                      'kbending': 0.0,
                                      'upfreq': 1.0,
                                      'lowfreq': -0.6

        avg = models.average_model()
        nmd = len(models)
        dev = rmsdRMSD_wrapper([models[m]["x"]
                                for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg["x"]],
                                for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg["y"]],
                                for m in xrange(nmd)] + [avg["z"]],
                               models._zeros, models.nloci, 200,
                               range(len(models) + 1),
                               len(models) + 1, int(False), "rmsd", 0)
        centroid = models[models.centroid_model()]
        # find closest
        model = min([(k, dev[(k, nmd)]) for k in range(nmd)],
                    key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
        self.assertEqual(centroid["rand_init"], models[model]["rand_init"])

        refmodels = load_structuralmodels(PATH + "/models.pick")
        refrestraints = refmodels._restraints
        refrestraints = dict(
            (r, (refrestraints[r][0], round(refrestraints[r][1], 2),
                 round(refrestraints[r][2], 2))) for r in refrestraints)
        restraints = models._restraints
        restraints = dict((r, (restraints[r][0], round(restraints[r][1], 2),
                               round(restraints[r][2], 2)))
                          for r in restraints)
        self.assertEqual(refrestraints, restraints)
        if CHKTIME:
            print "13", time() - t0