Ejemplo n.º 1
 def tad_density_plot(self, name, axe=None, focus=None, extras=None,
                      normalized=True, savefig=None, shape='ellipse'):
     Draw an summary of the TAD found in a given experiment and their density
     in terms of relative Hi-C interaction count.
     :param name: name of the experiment to visualize
     :param None focus: can pass a tuple (bin_start, bin_stop) to display the
        alignment between these genomic bins
     :param None extras: list of coordinates (genomic bin) where to draw a
        red cross
     :param None ymax: limit the y axis up to a given value
     :param ('grey', ): successive colors for alignment
     :param True normalized: normalized Hi-C count are plotted instead of raw
     :param 'ellipse' shape: which kind of shape to use as schematic
        representation of TADs. Implemented: 'ellipse', 'rectangle',
     :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated;
        if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension
        of the file name will determine the desired format).
     if not self.experiments[name].tads:
         raise Exception("TAD borders not found\n")
     _tad_density_plot(self.experiments[name], axe=axe, focus=focus,
                       extras=extras, normalized=normalized,
                       savefig=savefig, shape=shape)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def tad_density_plot(self, name, axe=None, focus=None, extras=None,
                         normalized=True, savefig=None, shape='ellipse'):
        Draw an summary of the TAD found in a given experiment and their density
        in terms of relative Hi-C interaction count.

        :param name: name of the experiment to visualize
        :param None focus: can pass a tuple (bin_start, bin_stop) to display the
           alignment between these genomic bins
        :param None extras: list of coordinates (genomic bin) where to draw a
           red cross
        :param None ymax: limit the y axis up to a given value
        :param ('grey', ): successive colors for alignment
        :param True normalized: normalized Hi-C count are plotted instead of raw
        :param 'ellipse' shape: which kind of shape to use as schematic
           representation of TADs. Implemented: 'ellipse', 'rectangle',
        :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated;
           if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension
           of the file name will determine the desired format).
        if not self.experiments[name].tads:
            raise Exception("TAD borders not found\n")
        _tad_density_plot(self.experiments[name], axe=axe, focus=focus,
                          extras=extras, normalized=normalized,
                          savefig=savefig, shape=shape)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def draw(self, focus=None, extras=None, ymax=None, ali_colors=('grey',),
             normalized=True, savefig=None, shape='ellipse'):
        Draw alignments as a plot.
        :param None focus: can pass a tuple (bin_start, bin_stop) to display the
           alignment between these genomic bins
        :param None extras: list of coordinates (genomic bin) where to draw a
           red cross
        :param None ymax: limit the y axis up to a given value
        :param ('grey', ): successive colors for alignment
        :param True normalized: normalized Hi-C count are plotted instead of raw
        :param 'ellipse' shape: which kind of shape to use as schematic
           representation of TADs. Implemented: 'ellipse', 'rectangle',
        :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated;
           if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension
           of the file name will determine the desired format).
        from matplotlib.cm import jet
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        experiments = self.__experiments

        maxres = max([e.resolution for e in experiments])
        facts = [maxres / e.resolution for e in experiments]

        siz = experiments[0].size
        if focus:
            figsiz = 4 + (focus[1] - focus[0]) / 30
            figsiz = 4 + siz / 30
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(experiments),
                                 sharex=True, sharey=True,
                                 figsize=(figsiz, 1 + len(experiments) * 1.8))

        maxys = []
        for iex, xpr in enumerate(experiments):
            if not xpr.name in self:
            _tad_density_plot(xpr, maxys=maxys, normalized=normalized,
                              fact_res=facts[iex], axe=axes[iex],
                              extras=extras, shape=shape, focus=focus)
        # draw alignment columns
        start = focus[0] if focus else 1
        end = focus[1] if focus else xpr.tads[max(xpr.tads)]['end']
        maxy = (ymax or max(maxys)) + 0.4
        maxxs = []
        for iex in range(len(experiments)):
            starting = focus[0] if focus else 1
            ending = (focus[1] if focus
                      else experiments[iex].tads.values()[-1]['end'])
            axes[iex].hlines(1, 1, end, 'k', lw=1.5)
            axes[iex].set_ylim((0, maxy))
            maxxs.append(ending / facts[iex])
            axes[iex].text(starting + 1, float(maxy) / 20,
                           experiments[iex].name, {'ha': 'left',
                                                   'va': 'bottom'})
            axes[iex].set_yticks([float(i) / 2
                                  for i in range(1, int(maxy + .5) * 2)])
            if ymax:
                axes[iex].set_ylim((0, ymax))
            axes[iex].set_xlim(xmin=starting, xmax=max(maxxs))

        pos = {'ha': 'center', 'va': 'bottom'}
        for i, col in enumerate(self.itercolumns()):
            ends = sorted([(t['end'], j) for j, t in enumerate(col) if t['end']])
            beg = (ends[0][0] + 0.9) / facts[ends[0][1]]
            end = (ends[-1][0] + 1.1) / facts[ends[-1][1]]
            if focus:
                if beg < focus[0] or end > focus[1]:
            axes[0].text(beg + float(end - beg) / 2, maxy + float(maxy) / 20,
                         str(i + 1), pos,
                         rotation=90, size='small')
            for iex, tad in enumerate(col):
                if not tad['end']:
                axes[iex].axvspan(beg-.2, end+.2, alpha=0.2,
        axes[iex].set_xlabel('Genomic bin')
        tit1 = fig.suptitle("TAD borders' alignment", size='x-large')
        tit2 = axes[0].set_title("Alignment column number")
        # This was for color bar instead of legend
        # ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.9 + 0.3/figsiz, 0.05, 0.2/figsiz, 0.9])
        # cb1 = colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=jet,
        #                             norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=1.))
        # cb1.set_label('Border prediction score')
        # cb1.ax.set_yticklabels([str(i)for i in range(1, 11)])
        plots = []
        for scr in xrange(1, 11):
            plots += plt.plot((100,),(100,), marker=6, ms=9,
                              color=jet(float(scr) / 10), mec='none')
                            [str(scr) for scr in xrange(1, 11)],
                            numpoints=1, title='Border scores',
                            fontsize='small', loc='lower left',
                            bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
        except TypeError:
                            [str(scr) for scr in xrange(1, 11)],
                            numpoints=1, title='Border scores',
                            loc='lower left',
                            bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
        if savefig:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def draw(self, focus=None, extras=None, ymax=None, ali_colors=('grey',),
             normalized=True, savefig=None, shape='ellipse'):
        Draw alignments as a plot.

        :param None focus: can pass a tuple (bin_start, bin_stop) to display the
           alignment between these genomic bins
        :param None extras: list of coordinates (genomic bin) where to draw a
           red cross
        :param None ymax: limit the y axis up to a given value
        :param ('grey', ): successive colors for alignment
        :param True normalized: normalized Hi-C count are plotted instead of raw
        :param 'ellipse' shape: which kind of shape to use as schematic
           representation of TADs. Implemented: 'ellipse', 'rectangle',
        :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated;
           if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension
           of the file name will determine the desired format).
        from matplotlib.cm import jet
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        experiments = self.__experiments

        maxres = max([e.resolution for e in experiments])
        facts = [maxres / e.resolution for e in experiments]

        siz = experiments[0].size
        if focus:
            figsiz = 4 + (focus[1] - focus[0]) / 30
            figsiz = 4 + siz / 30
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(experiments),
                                 sharex=True, sharey=True,
                                 figsize=(figsiz, 1 + len(experiments) * 1.8))

        maxys = []
        for iex, xpr in enumerate(experiments):
            if not xpr.name in self:
            _tad_density_plot(xpr, maxys=maxys, normalized=normalized,
                              fact_res=facts[iex], axe=axes[iex],
                              extras=extras, shape=shape, focus=focus)
        # draw alignment columns
        start = focus[0] if focus else 1
        end = focus[1] if focus else xpr.tads[max(xpr.tads)]['end']
        maxy = (ymax or max(maxys)) + 0.4
        maxxs = []
        for iex in range(len(experiments)):
            starting = focus[0] if focus else 1
            ending = (focus[1] if focus
                      else experiments[iex].tads.values()[-1]['end'])
            axes[iex].hlines(1, 1, end, 'k', lw=1.5)
            axes[iex].set_ylim((0, maxy))
            maxxs.append(ending / facts[iex])
            axes[iex].text(starting + 1, float(maxy) / 20,
                           experiments[iex].name, {'ha': 'left',
                                                   'va': 'bottom'})
            axes[iex].set_yticks([float(i) / 2
                                  for i in range(1, int(maxy + .5) * 2)])
            if ymax:
                axes[iex].set_ylim((0, ymax))
            axes[iex].set_xlim(xmin=starting, xmax=max(maxxs))

        pos = {'ha': 'center', 'va': 'bottom'}
        for i, col in enumerate(self.itercolumns()):
            ends = sorted([(t['end'], j) for j, t in enumerate(col) if t['end']])
            beg = (ends[0][0] + 0.9) / facts[ends[0][1]]
            end = (ends[-1][0] + 1.1) / facts[ends[-1][1]]
            if focus:
                if beg < focus[0] or end > focus[1]:
            axes[0].text(beg + float(end - beg) / 2, maxy + float(maxy) / 20,
                         str(i + 1), pos,
                         rotation=90, size='small')
            for iex, tad in enumerate(col):
                if not tad['end']:
                axes[iex].axvspan(beg-.2, end+.2, alpha=0.2,
        axes[iex].set_xlabel('Genomic bin')
        tit1 = fig.suptitle("TAD borders' alignment", size='x-large')
        tit2 = axes[0].set_title("Alignment column number")
        # This was for color bar instead of legend
        # ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.9 + 0.3/figsiz, 0.05, 0.2/figsiz, 0.9])
        # cb1 = colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax1, cmap=jet,
        #                             norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=1.))
        # cb1.set_label('Border prediction score')
        # cb1.ax.set_yticklabels([str(i)for i in range(1, 11)])
        plots = []
        for scr in xrange(1, 11):
            plots += plt.plot((100,),(100,), marker=6, ms=9,
                              color=jet(float(scr) / 10), mec='none')
                            [str(scr) for scr in xrange(1, 11)],
                            numpoints=1, title='Border scores',
                            fontsize='small', loc='lower left',
                            bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
        except TypeError:
                            [str(scr) for scr in xrange(1, 11)],
                            numpoints=1, title='Border scores',
                            loc='lower left',
                            bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
        if savefig: