def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config: pytest.Config, items: list[pytest.Function]) -> None: """Convert command line options to markers.""" # Add skip_primer_external mark if not config.getoption("--primer-external"): skip_primer_external = pytest.mark.skip( reason="need --primer-external option to run") for item in items: if "primer_external_batch_one" in item.keywords: item.add_marker(skip_primer_external) # Add skip_primer_stdlib mark if not config.getoption("--primer-stdlib"): skip_primer_stdlib = pytest.mark.skip( reason="need --primer-stdlib option to run") for item in items: if "primer_stdlib" in item.keywords: item.add_marker(skip_primer_stdlib) # Add skip_cpu_cores mark if _cpu_count() < 2: skip_cpu_cores = pytest.mark.skip( reason="Need 2 or more cores for test to be meaningful") for item in items: if "needs_two_cores" in item.keywords: item.add_marker(skip_cpu_cores)
def pytest_configure(config: Config): markers = [ f'order(index): mark a fixture to be evaluated in a certain order', f'early: mark a fixture to be evaluated earlier than others (order index {DEFAULT_EARLY_ORDER})', f'late: mark a fixture to be evaluated later than others (order index {DEFAULT_LATE_ORDER})', ] for marker in markers: config.addinivalue_line('markers', marker)
def klippy_session(session_args: Dict[str, pathlib.Path], pytestconfig: pytest.Config) -> Iterator[KlippyProcess]: pytestconfig.stash[need_klippy_restart] = False kpath = pytestconfig.getoption('klipper_path', "~/klipper") kexec = pytestconfig.getoption('klipper_exec', None) if kexec is None: kexec = sys.executable exec = pathlib.Path(kexec).expanduser() klipper_path = pathlib.Path(kpath).expanduser() base_cmd = f"{exec} {klipper_path}/klippy/ " kproc = KlippyProcess(base_cmd, session_args) kproc.start() yield kproc kproc.stop()
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items: List[pytest.Function], config: pytest.Config): initial_size = len(items) conditions = [] filtered, skipped = 0, 0 options = dict( standalone="PL_RUN_STANDALONE_TESTS", min_cuda_gpus="PL_RUN_CUDA_TESTS", slow="PL_RUN_SLOW_TESTS", ipu="PL_RUN_IPU_TESTS", ) if os.getenv(options["standalone"], "0") == "1" and os.getenv(options["min_cuda_gpus"], "0") == "1": # special case: we don't have a CPU job for standalone tests, so we shouldn't run only cuda tests. # by deleting the key, we avoid filtering out the CPU tests del options["min_cuda_gpus"] for kwarg, env_var in options.items(): # this will compute the intersection of all tests selected per environment variable if os.getenv(env_var, "0") == "1": conditions.append(env_var) for i, test in reversed(list(enumerate(items))): # loop in reverse, since we are going to pop items already_skipped = any( == "skip" for marker in test.own_markers) if already_skipped: # the test was going to be skipped anyway, filter it out items.pop(i) skipped += 1 continue has_runif_with_kwarg = any( == "skipif" and marker.kwargs.get(kwarg) for marker in test.own_markers ) if not has_runif_with_kwarg: # the test has `@RunIf(kwarg=True)`, filter it out items.pop(i) filtered += 1 if config.option.verbose >= 0 and (filtered or skipped): writer = config.get_terminal_writer() writer.write( f"\nThe number of tests has been filtered from {initial_size} to {initial_size - filtered} after the" f" filters {conditions}.\n{skipped} tests are marked as unconditional skips.\nIn total, {len(items)} tests" " will run.\n", flush=True, bold=True, purple=True, # oh yeah, branded pytest messages )
def path_args( request: pytest.FixtureRequest, session_args: Dict[str, pathlib.Path], pytestconfig: pytest.Config) -> Iterator[Dict[str, pathlib.Path]]: path_marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("run_paths") paths: Dict[str, Any] = { "moonraker_conf": "base_server.conf", "secrets": "secrets.ini", "printer_cfg": "base_printer.cfg", "klippy_uds": None, } if path_marker is not None: paths.update(path_marker.kwargs) tmp_path = session_args["temp_path"] cfg_path = session_args["config_path"] mconf_dest = session_args["moonraker.conf"] mconf_asset = ASSETS.joinpath(f"moonraker/{paths['moonraker_conf']}") pcfg_asset = ASSETS.joinpath(f"klipper/{paths['printer_cfg']}") last_uds = session_args["klippy_uds_path"] if paths["klippy_uds"] is not None: tmp_uds = tmp_path.joinpath(paths["klippy_uds"]) session_args["klippy_uds_path"] = tmp_uds if (not mconf_asset.samefile(session_args["mconf_asset"]) or paths["klippy_uds"] is not None): session_args['mconf_asset'] = mconf_asset interpolate_config(mconf_asset, mconf_dest, session_args) if not pcfg_asset.samefile(session_args["pcfg_asset"]): pcfg_dest = session_args["printer.cfg"] session_args["pcfg_asset"] = pcfg_asset interpolate_config(pcfg_asset, pcfg_dest, session_args) pytestconfig.stash[need_klippy_restart] = True if paths["secrets"] != session_args["secrets_path"].name: secrets_asset = ASSETS.joinpath(f"moonraker/{paths['secrets']}") secrets_dest = tmp_path.joinpath(paths['secrets']) shutil.copy(secrets_asset, secrets_dest) session_args["secrets_path"] = secrets_dest if "moonraker_log" in paths: log_path = session_args["log_path"] session_args['moonraker.log'] = log_path.joinpath( paths["moonraker_log"]) bkp_dest: pathlib.Path = cfg_path.joinpath(".moonraker.conf.bkp") if "moonraker_bkp" in paths: bkp_source = ASSETS.joinpath("moonraker/base_server.conf") bkp_dest = cfg_path.joinpath(paths["moonraker_bkp"]) interpolate_config(bkp_source, bkp_dest, session_args) if "database" in paths: db_source = ASSETS.joinpath(f"moonraker/{paths['database']}") db_dest = session_args["database_path"] db_args = {"input": str(db_source), "destination": db_dest} dbtool.restore(db_args) yield session_args log = session_args.pop("moonraker.log", None) if log is not None and log.is_file(): log.unlink() if bkp_dest.is_file(): bkp_dest.unlink() for item in session_args["database_path"].iterdir(): if item.is_file(): item.unlink() session_args["klippy_uds_path"] = last_uds if paths["klippy_uds"] is not None: # restore the original uds path interpolate_config(mconf_asset, mconf_dest, session_args)
def klippy(klippy_session: KlippyProcess, pytestconfig: pytest.Config): if pytestconfig.stash[need_klippy_restart]: pytestconfig.stash[need_klippy_restart] = False klippy_session.restart() return klippy_session
def pytest_unconfigure(config: Config) -> None: for path in config.getini("pythonpath"): path_str = str(path) if path_str in sys.path: sys.path.remove(path_str)
def pytest_load_initial_conftests(early_config: Config) -> None: # `pythonpath = a b` will set `sys.path` to `[a, b, x, y, z, ...]` for path in reversed(early_config.getini("pythonpath")): sys.path.insert(0, str(path))