Ejemplo n.º 1
def plotLikelihoodXY():

	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
	# 1024*0.8
	y = np.linspace(100, 924.0, 50)
	x = np.linspace(100, 924.0, 50)
	# print x
	x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
	#x,y = 1.268,-3.197
	sediment,w = 0, 39 # 0.19*1024.0 # 0.33 # 0.36
	curvature = 0
	h,sigma = 0.09,0.11 #.2, 0.1
	crater = CreaterParams(0,0,sediment,curvature,w,h,sigma)

	# print x
	z = []
	for j in range(len(y)):
		arr = []
		for i in range(len(x)):
			# print str(x[0][i])+", "+str(y[j][0]) 
			crater.x = x[0][i]
			crater.y = y[j][0]
			err = lnlikefn(crater)
			if(err== -np.inf):
				err = -8
			#print err
	M = max(max(z))
	m = min(min(z))
	print m
	print M
	z = (np.array(z)+np.abs(m)) # /(M-m)

	# return
	#print z
	#    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, label='parametric curve')
	surf = ax.plot_surface(x,y,z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
			linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
	# ax.set_zlim(-1.01, 7000)

   # ax.legend()

	return x,y,z
Ejemplo n.º 2
		l[j] = lnlikefn(x,y,r[j])
def getlk(x,y):
	w = [0.39416023296,0.0,0.685237450906,1.76466037699e-17,0.2]
	return lnlikefn(x,y,r,w,[tStart,tEnd,sigma,mean,h])
curv_param = Uniform("curv_param",lower=-1,upper=1)
h_param = Uniform("h_param",lower=0,upper=50)
sigma_param = Uniform("sigma_param",lower=0,upper=1)

x,y = 336.1,644
sediment,w = 0, 55.4 # 0.19*1024.0 # 0.33 # 0.36
curvature = 0
h,sigma = 18.89,26.26 #.2, 0.1
crater = CreaterParams(x,y,sediment,curvature,w,h,sigma)

def resetCrater():
	# x,y = 336.1,644
	#sediment,w = 0, 55.4 # 0.19*1024.0 # 0.33 # 0.36
	crater.curvature = 0
	crater.h,crater.sigma = 40,40.3 #18.89,26.26

def lnlikefn(c):
	# if(-4 < x < 4 and -4 < y < 4 and -4 < w0 < 4 and -4 < w1 < 4 and -4 < w2 < 4 and -4 < w3 < 4 and -4 < w4 < 4 and  1.8 < r < 5.0):
	#if(-5 < c.x < 5 and -5 < c.y < 5):
	l = craterRequest.requestLikelihood(c)
	   # print "x: "+str(x)+" y: "+str(y) + "r: "+str(r) + " l: " +str( l)
	# print c.toString()
	# print l