Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_URL(self, *args, **kwargs):

        Retrieves the full URL from the current instance.  Uses the urllib2
           library to load the page.  If the page loads, sets the is_url_ok flag
           to true.  Uses the results of the page load to see if there was a
           redirect (status of 301 or 302).  If so, parses and stores information
           on the final URL that was loaded in the redirect_* fields in this
           object.  Returns a status message that starts with the OK flag, then
           describes whether a redirect occurred, and if so, where the redirect
        - must have loaded data into this instance from a row in the database.

        # return reference
        status_OUT = ""

        # declare variables
        me = "test_URL"
        http_helper = None
        url_to_test = ""
        redirect_url = ""
        redirect_status_list = ""
        redirect_status_count = -1
        last_redirect_status = -1
        exception_helper = None
        exception_message = ""
        exception_status = ""

        # create HTTP Helper
        http_helper = Http_Helper()

        # get URL.
        url_to_test = self.full_url

        # got a full URL?
        if (not url_to_test) or (url_to_test == None) or (url_to_test == ""):

            # no.  Make one out of domain.
            url_to_test = "http://" + self.domain_name

            # got a path?
            if (self.domain_path) and (self.domain_path != None) and (self.domain_path != ""):

                # yes.  Append it, as well.
                url_to_test += self.domain_path

            # -- END check to see if domain path. --#

        # -- END check to see if URL --#

        # now, see if we have a URL again.
        if (url_to_test) and (url_to_test != None) and (url_to_test != ""):

            # try/except to capture problems with URL not resolving at all.

                # we have a URL.  Use the HTTP helper to test.
                redirect_url = http_helper.get_redirect_url_mechanize(url_to_test)

                # see if there is a status code.
                redirect_status_list = http_helper.redirect_status_list
                redirect_status_count = len(redirect_status_list)
                if redirect_status_count > 0:

                    # yes.  Get latest one (use pop()).
                    last_redirect_status = redirect_status_list.pop()

                # -- END check to see if any statuses --#

                # got anything back?
                if (redirect_url) and (redirect_url != None) and (redirect_url != ""):

                    # yes.  Update the record.

                    # URL is OK.
                    self.is_url_ok = True

                    # store HTTP status code.
                    self.redirect_status = last_redirect_status

                    # store full URL.
                    self.redirect_full_url = redirect_url

                    # parse and store components of URL.
                    self.parse_and_store_URL(URL_IN=redirect_url, is_redirect_IN=True)

                    # set status to Success!
                    status_OUT = self.STATUS_SUCCESS


                    # no.  No exception, not redirect.  Just a normal URL.
                    self.is_url_ok = True

                    # set status
                    status_OUT = "Attempt to find redirect returned no URL.  Test URL = " + url_to_test

                    # got a status?
                    if (last_redirect_status) and (last_redirect_status > 0):

                        # there is one.  Append it to message.
                        status_OUT += "; HTTP status code: " + str(last_redirect_status)

                    # -- END check to see if HTTP status code --#

                # -- END check to see if redirect URL --#

            except Exception as e:

                # likely URL not found.  URL is not OK, do nothing else.
                self.is_url_ok = False

                # URLError (and child HTTPError) will have a "reason".
                if hasattr(e, "reason"):

                    # yes.  Store it in the redirect_message field.
                    self.redirect_message = e.reason

                # -- END check to see if "reason" --#

                # HTTPError will have an HTTP status "code".
                if hasattr(e, "code"):

                    # yes, store it in the redirect_status field.
                    self.redirect_status = e.code

                # -- END check to see if there is a code.

                # make exception helper class.
                exception_helper = ExceptionHelper()

                # process the exception
                exception_message = "ERROR - Exception caught in " + me + " trying to resolve URL " + url_to_test + "."
                exception_status = exception_helper.process_exception(
                    exception_IN=e, message_IN=exception_message, print_details_IN=False

                # set status to description of exception
                status_OUT = exception_helper.last_exception_details

            # -- END try/except to deal with unknown domains/URLs. --#

            # save the results.


            status_OUT = "ERROR - Could not find a URL to test for this record."

        # -- END check to make sure we have a URL --#

        return status_OUT
                #-- END DEBUG --#
            #-- END check to see if URL element present. --#

        # Exception processing XML
        except Exception as e:
            # likely no ID attribute in empty station element, returned when
            #    query has no matches.  Print XML, error.
            print( "- Error - exception caught processing XML." )
            # increment error counter
            error_counter += 1
            # output Exception details.
            my_exception_helper.process_exception( e )
            # output XML
            print( npr_bs.prettify() )
        #-- END try/except around looking for station ID --#
    #-- END loop over stations --#

#-- END loop over cities from postal code table --#

# a little overview
end_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
print( "==> Started at " + str( start_dt ) )
print( "==> Finished at " + str( end_dt ) )
print( "==> Duration: " + str( end_dt - start_dt ) )