Ejemplo n.º 1
    def undo_switch_persons_in_data( cls, from_person_id_IN, to_person_id_IN = -1, do_updates_IN = True, *args, **kwargs ):
        Accepts a FROM person ID, a TO person ID, and an optional flag that
            controls whether or not we actually update, or just generate status
            info.  Pulls in Article_Author and Article_Subject records where the
            FROM person is "original_person", then if we are updating, for each 
            moves that user from the "original_person" field to the "person"
            field and then empties the "original_person" field.
        Returns a status container that contains a list of messages detailing
            processing steps that occurred, plus status information.  If errors,
            the status_code will be StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_ERROR.  If
            success, it will be StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS.

        # return reference
        status_OUT = StatusContainer()

        # declare variables
        FROM_person_id = None
        TO_person_id = None
        FROM_person = None
        TO_person = None
        article_author_id_list = []
        article_author_qs = None
        article_author = None
        article_author_id = -1
        article_author_count = -1
        article_subject_id_list = []
        article_subject_qs = None
        article_subject = None
        article_subject_id = -1
        article_subject_count = -1

        # init status to success
        status_OUT.status_code = StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS

        # first, set the IDs of the persons we will be switching from and to.
        FROM_person_id = from_person_id_IN
        TO_person_id = to_person_id_IN
        # Look up Person instances for each.
        FROM_person = Person.objects.get( id = FROM_person_id )
        # only get to person if one specified.
        if ( ( to_person_id_IN is not None )
            and ( isinstance( to_person_id_IN, six.integer_types ) == True )
            and ( to_person_id_IN > 0 ) ):

            # got a TO_person_id - get person.
            TO_person = Person.objects.get( id = TO_person_id )
        #-- END check to see if TO_person_id passed in. --#
        # make sure we at least have a FROM person.
        if ( FROM_person is not None ):
            # find all Article_Subject and Article_Author records that refer the the FROM
            #    person.
            article_author_qs = FROM_person.sourcenet_article_author_original_person_set.all()
            article_subject_qs = FROM_person.sourcenet_article_subject_original_person_set.all()
            # got a TO_person (so only undoing a switch to a particular person,
            #     not undoing all switches to any and all persons ever)?
            if ( TO_person is not None ):
                # yes.  Limit these lists to just those that refer to the
                #     TO_person.
                article_author_qs = article_author_qs.filter( person = TO_person )
                article_subject_qs = article_subject_qs.filter( person = TO_person )
            #-- end check to see if TO_person --#                
            # loop over author records
            for article_author in article_author_qs:
                # get ID, add to list.
                article_author_id = article_author.id
                article_author_id_list.append( article_author_id )
                # do updates?
                if ( do_updates_IN == True ):
                    # yes.
                    # then set article_author.person to article_author.original_person.
                    article_author.person = article_author.original_person
                    # empty out article_author.original_person.
                    article_author.original_person = None
                    # save
                #-- END check to see if we update. --#
            #-- END loop over authors --#
            # loop over subject records
            for article_subject in article_subject_qs:
                # get ID, add to list.
                article_subject_id = article_subject.id
                article_subject_id_list.append( article_subject_id )
                # do updates?
                if ( do_updates_IN == True ):
                    # yes.
                    # then set article_subject.person to article_subject.original_person.
                    article_subject.person = article_subject.original_person
                    # empty out article_subject.original_person.
                    article_subject.original_person = None
                    # save
                #-- END check to see if we update. --#
            #-- END loop over subjects --#
            status_OUT.status_code = StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_ERROR
            status_message = "ERROR - don't have FROM person."
            status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        #-- END check to see if we have FROM and TO persons. --#
        # Output summary
        status_message = "UNDO switching associated person FROM: \"" + str( FROM_person ) + "\""
        # is there a TO_person?
        if ( TO_person is not None ):
            status_message += " --> TO: \"" + str( TO_person ) + "\""
        #-- END check to see if there is a TO_person. --#
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        # do updates?
        if ( do_updates_IN == True ):
            status_message = "do_updates_IN = True, UPDATED THE FOLLOWING:"
            status_message = "do_updates_IN = False, NO CHANGES MADE!"
        #-- END check to see if we made updates or not --#article_author_count = len( article_author_id_list )
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        article_author_count = len( article_author_id_list )
        article_subject_count = len( article_subject_id_list )
        status_message = "Updating " + str( article_author_count ) + " Article_Author instances: " + str( article_author_id_list )
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        status_message = "Updating " + str( article_subject_count ) + " Article_Subject instances: " + str( article_subject_id_list )
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        return status_OUT

    #-- END class method undo_switch_persons_in_data() --#

#-- END class PersonData --#
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def switch_persons_in_data( cls, from_person_id_IN, to_person_id_IN, do_updates_IN = True, *args, **kwargs ):
        Accepts a FROM person ID, a TO person ID, and an optional flag that
            controls whether or not we actually update, or just generate status
            info.  Pulls in Article_Author and Article_Subject records for the
            FROM user, then if we are updating, for each moves the FROM user to
            the "original_person" field and replaces that user with the TO user
            in the "person" field.
        Returns a status container that contains a list of messages detailing
            processing steps that occurred, plus status information.  If errors,
            the status_code will be StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_ERROR.  If
            success, it will be StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS.

        # return reference
        status_OUT = StatusContainer()
        # declare variables
        me = "switch_persons_in_data"
        my_logger = None
        status_message = ""
        FROM_person_id = None
        TO_person_id = None
        FROM_person = None
        TO_person = None
        article_author_id_list = []
        article_author_qs = None
        article_author = None
        article_author_id = -1
        article_author_count = -1
        article_subject_id_list = []
        article_subject_qs = None
        article_subject = None
        article_subject_id = -1
        article_subject_count = -1

        # init status to success
        status_OUT.status_code = StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS

        # first, set the IDs of the persons we will be switching from and to.
        FROM_person_id = from_person_id_IN
        TO_person_id = to_person_id_IN
        # Look up Person instances for each.
        FROM_person = Person.objects.get( id = FROM_person_id )
        TO_person = Person.objects.get( id = TO_person_id )
        # make sure we found one for each.
        if ( ( FROM_person is not None ) and ( TO_person is not None ) ):
            # find all Article_Subject and Article_Author records that refer the the FROM
            #    person.
            article_author_qs = FROM_person.article_author_set.all()
            article_subject_qs = FROM_person.article_subject_set.all()
            # loop over author records
            for article_author in article_author_qs:
                # get ID, add to list.
                article_author_id = article_author.id
                article_author_id_list.append( article_author_id )
                # do updates?
                if ( do_updates_IN == True ):
                    # yes - move article_author.person to article_author.original_person
                    article_author.original_person = article_author.person
                    # then set article_author.person to TO_person.
                    article_author.person = TO_person
                    # save
                #-- END check to see if we update. --#
            #-- END loop over authors --#
            # loop over source records
            for article_subject in article_subject_qs:
                # get ID, add to list.
                article_subject_id = article_subject.id
                article_subject_id_list.append( article_subject_id )
                # do updates?
                if ( do_updates_IN == True ):
                    # yes - move article_subject.person to article_subject.original_person
                    article_subject.original_person = article_subject.person
                    # then set article_subject.person to TO_person.
                    article_subject.person = TO_person
                    # save
                #-- END check to see if we update. --#
            #-- END loop over sources --#
            status_OUT.status_code = StatusContainer.STATUS_CODE_ERROR
            status_message = "ERROR - don't have both FROM and TO persons."
            status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        #-- END check to see if we have FROM and TO persons. --#
        # Output summary
        status_message = "Switching associated person FROM: \"" + str( FROM_person ) + "\" --> TO: \"" + str( TO_person ) + "\""
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        # do updates?
        if ( do_updates_IN == True ):
            status_message = "do_updates_IN = True, UPDATED THE FOLLOWING:"
            status_message = "do_updates_IN = False, NO CHANGES MADE!"
        #-- END check to see if we made updates or not --#article_author_count = len( article_author_id_list )
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        article_author_count = len( article_author_id_list )
        article_subject_count = len( article_subject_id_list )
        status_message = "Updating " + str( article_author_count ) + " Article_Author instances: " + str( article_author_id_list )
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        status_message = "Updating " + str( article_subject_count ) + " Article_Subject instances: " + str( article_subject_id_list )
        status_OUT.add_message( status_message )
        return status_OUT