Ejemplo n.º 1
def legend( posLeg ='CR' ):
	""".. function:: legend( pos='CR' ) -> leg

	Return a TLegend object positioned at 'pos'. The values
	admitted for 'pos' are::
	  UL: Up-Left corner
	  UR: Up-Right corner
	  DL: Down-Left corner
	  DR: Down-Right corner
	  CR: Center-Right 

	:param pos: where positioning the legend (default: ``CR``)
	:type pos: string 
	:return: the object legend
	:rtype: ROOT.TLegend

	import ROOT

	if posLeg == 'UL':
		leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.2,0.69,0.4,0.79)
	elif posLeg == 'UR':
		leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5,0.69,0.7,0.79)
	elif posLeg == 'DL':
		leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.2,0.41,0.4,0.51)
	elif posLeg == 'DR':
		leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5,0.41,0.7,0.51)
	elif posLeg == 'CR':
		leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5,0.29,0.70,0.39)
		mess = "Position '%s' not defined" % posLeg
		printError( legend.__module__+'.'+legeng.__name__, message, AttributeError )

	return leg
Ejemplo n.º 2
def paveText(title, posText='CR'):
    """.. function:: paveText( pos='CR' ) -> pave

	Return a TLegend object positioned at 'pos'. The values
	admitted for 'pos' are::

	  UL: Up-Left corner
	  UR: Up-Right corner
	  DL: Down-Left corner
	  DR: Down-Right corner
	  CL: Center-Left
	  CR: Center-Right 
	  OG: Over the graphic
	:param pos: where positioning the legend (default: ``CR``)
	:type pos: string 
	:return: the object pave text
	:rtype: ROOT.TPaveText
    import ROOT

    if posText == 'UL':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.25, 0.8, 0.45, 0.9, "NDC")
    elif posText == 'UR':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.55, 0.8, 0.75, 0.9, "NDC")
    elif posText == 'DL':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.25, 0.1, 0.45, 0.3, "NDC")
    elif posText == 'DR':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.55, 0.1, 0.75, 0.3, "NDC")
    elif posText == 'CL':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.25, 0.4, 0.45, 0.6, "NDC")
    elif posText == 'CR':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.55, 0.4, 0.75, 0.6, "NDC")
    elif posText == 'OG':
        text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.45, 0.93, 0.65, 0.98, "NDC")
        mess = "Position '%s' not defined" % posLeg
        printError(legend.__module__ + '.' + legeng.__name__, message,


    return text
Ejemplo n.º 3
def paveText( title, posText='CR' ):
	""".. function:: paveText( pos='CR' ) -> pave

	Return a TLegend object positioned at 'pos'. The values
	admitted for 'pos' are::

	  UL: Up-Left corner
	  UR: Up-Right corner
	  DL: Down-Left corner
	  DR: Down-Right corner
	  CL: Center-Left
	  CR: Center-Right 
	  OG: Over the graphic
	:param pos: where positioning the legend (default: ``CR``)
	:type pos: string 
	:return: the object pave text
	:rtype: ROOT.TPaveText
	import ROOT

	if posText == 'UL':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.25,0.8,0.45,0.9,"NDC")
	elif posText == 'UR':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.55,0.8,0.75,0.9,"NDC")
	elif posText == 'DL':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.25,0.1,0.45,0.3,"NDC")
	elif posText == 'DR':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.55,0.1,0.75,0.3,"NDC")
	elif posText == 'CL':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.25,0.4,0.45,0.6,"NDC")
	elif posText == 'CR':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.55,0.4,0.75,0.6,"NDC")
	elif posText == 'OG':
		text = ROOT.TPaveText(0.45,0.93,0.65,0.98,"NDC")
		mess = "Position '%s' not defined" % posLeg
		printError( legend.__module__+'.'+legeng.__name__, message, AttributeError )

	text.AddText( title )

	return text
Ejemplo n.º 4
def setkeywords( keywords, keyw ):
	""".. function setkeywords( keyword, keyw ) -> keyw

	:param keywords: dictionary containing the attributes and its values
	:type keywords: dict
	:param keyw: instance of auxK class
	:type keyw: auxK
	:return: an instance of auxK with its attributes modified with the ``keywords`` values
	:rtype: auxK

	:raise KeyError: If ``keywords`` contains a key which is not defined as attribute of ``auxK``
	#-- Sanity check
	VALID_KEYWORDS = [ _name for _name in dir( keyw ) if _name.find('__') == -1 ]
	for name, value in keywords.iteritems():
		if not name in VALID_KEYWORDS:
			message = "Invalid keyword argument '%s'\nValid keywords are '%s'" % (name, str(VALID_KEYWORDS))
			printError( setkeywords.__module__+'.'+setkeywords.__name__, message, KeyError )
		setattr( keyw, name, value )

	return keyw
Ejemplo n.º 5
def setkeywords(keywords, keyw):
    """.. function setkeywords( keyword, keyw ) -> keyw

	:param keywords: dictionary containing the attributes and its values
	:type keywords: dict
	:param keyw: instance of auxK class
	:type keyw: auxK
	:return: an instance of auxK with its attributes modified with the ``keywords`` values
	:rtype: auxK

	:raise KeyError: If ``keywords`` contains a key which is not defined as attribute of ``auxK``
    #-- Sanity check
    VALID_KEYWORDS = [_name for _name in dir(keyw) if _name.find('__') == -1]
    for name, value in keywords.iteritems():
        if not name in VALID_KEYWORDS:
            message = "Invalid keyword argument '%s'\nValid keywords are '%s'" % (
                name, str(VALID_KEYWORDS))
            printError(setkeywords.__module__ + '.' + setkeywords.__name__,
                       message, KeyError)
        setattr(keyw, name, value)

    return keyw
Ejemplo n.º 6
def legend(posLeg='CR'):
    """.. function:: legend( pos='CR' ) -> leg

	Return a TLegend object positioned at 'pos'. The values
	admitted for 'pos' are::
	  UL: Up-Left corner
	  UR: Up-Right corner
	  DL: Down-Left corner
	  DR: Down-Right corner
	  CR: Center-Right 

	:param pos: where positioning the legend (default: ``CR``)
	:type pos: string 
	:return: the object legend
	:rtype: ROOT.TLegend

    import ROOT

    if posLeg == 'UL':
        leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.2, 0.69, 0.4, 0.79)
    elif posLeg == 'UR':
        leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.69, 0.7, 0.79)
    elif posLeg == 'DL':
        leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.2, 0.41, 0.4, 0.51)
    elif posLeg == 'DR':
        leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.41, 0.7, 0.51)
    elif posLeg == 'CR':
        leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.29, 0.70, 0.39)
        mess = "Position '%s' not defined" % posLeg
        printError(legend.__module__ + '.' + legeng.__name__, message,

    return leg
Ejemplo n.º 7
def diff2DMaps(refT, otherT, varX, varY, Lumi, **keywords):
    """.. function:: diff2DMaps( tnpRef, tnpOther, varX, varY, Lumi\[,title=thetitle, outputformat=format] ) 

	Differences maps from 2 datasets::
	  eff_ref-eff_other                   Comparing
          |eff_ref-eff_other|/eff_ref         ComparingRelative --> DEPRECATED

	The two files must be have the same binning. 

	:param RefT: tuple of pytnp instance for the efficiency of reference and the data name
	:type RefT: (pytnp,string)
	:param otherT: tuple pytnp instance for the second efficiency to compare and the data name
	:type otherT: (pytnp,string)
	:param varX: name of the binned variable for the x-axis
	:type varX: string
	:param varY: name of the binned variable for the y-axis
	:type varY: string
	:param Lumi: luminosity
	:param Lumi: string
	:keyword thetitle: title to appear in the canvas
	:type thetitle: string
	:keyword format: ouput format (eps, root, png, ...)
	:type format: string

	:raise RuntimeError: the first two arguments introduced are not tuples (pytnp object, dataname string)
	:raise UserWarning: some of the variables introduced are not binned variables
	:raise AttributeError: dataname not found in the root file
	:raise NameError: the object introduced as pyntp is not a pytnp instance

    import ROOT
    from math import sqrt
    from plotfunctions import plotMapTH2F
    import rootlogon
    #---- Initialiting -------------------------------
    # Input keywords and defaults
    KEYWORDS = {'title': None, 'outputformat': 'eps'}

    for key, value in keywords.iteritems():
            KEYWORDS[key] = value
        except KeyError:

    if not isinstance(refT, tuple) or not isinstance(otherT, tuple):
        Message = "The two firts arguments must be a tuples '(pytnp object, 'dataname')'"
        printError(diff2DMaps.__module__ + '.' + diff2DMaps.__name__, Message,

    tnpRef = refT[0]
    tnp2 = otherT[0]
    datanameRef = refT[1]
    dataname2 = otherT[1]

    datasets = {}
    _index = 0
    for tnp, name in [(tnpRef, datanameRef), (tnp2, dataname2)]:
            datasets[_index] = tnp.RooDataSet[name]
            for i in [varX, varY]:
                if not isbinnedVar(datasets[_index], i):
                    message = "Variable '%s' is not a binned variable in the '%s' RooDataSet" % (
                        i, dataname)
                        diff2DMaps.__module__ + '.' + diff2DMaps.__name__,
                        message, UserWarning)
        except KeyError:
            message = """Invalid dataname '%s', is not in the pytnp instance '%s'""" % (
                name, tnp)
            printError(diff2DMaps.__module__ + '.' + diff2DMaps.__name__,
                       message, AttributeError)
        except AttributeError:
            message = """The object '%s' is not a pytnp instance""" % str(tnp)
            printError(diff2DMaps.__module__ + '.' + diff2DMaps.__name__,
                       message, NameError)
        _index += 1
    #--- Name for the histo and for the plot file to be saved
    plotname = tnpRef.resonance+'_'+tnp2.resonance+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['effType']+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['objectType']+'_'+\
    plotName = 'Comparing_' + plotname
    #plotName2 = 'ComparingRelative_'+plotname
    #--- Title for the plot file
    #title2 = '|#varepsilon_{'+tnpRef_resLatex+'}'+'-#varepsilon_{'+tnp2_resLatex+'}|/#varepsilon_{'+tnpRef_resLatex+'}'+\
    #                  ' '+tnpRef[datanameRef]['objectType']+' '+dataSet.GetTitle()
    # Dictionary of objects
    #histoList = [ { 'histo': None, 'plotName': plotName, 'effList': [] }, #'title': title},
    #		{ 'histo': None,  'plotName': plotName2, 'effList': [] },# 'title': title2 }
    #		]
    #--- Checking binned variables  ##################################a
    datasetVarList, effName = getVarNames(datasets[0])

    listTableEff1 = listTableEff(datasets[0])

    xList = []
    yList = []
    effList = []
    for teff1 in listTableEff1:
        e1, e1lo, e1hi = teff1[effName]
        x, xlo, xhi = teff1[varX]
        y, ylo, yhi = teff1[varY]
            e2, e2lo, e2hi = eval('getEff( datasets[1],' + varX + '=' +
                                  str(x) + ',' + varY + '=' + str(y) + ')')
        except TypeError:
            #Not found efficiency in ptName-etaName  bin. Ignore that bin

        finalEffError = sqrt(((e1hi - e1lo) / 2.0)**2.0 +
                             ((e2hi - e2lo) / 2.0)**2.0)  #Simetrizing errors
        #finalEff = abs(e1-e2)
        finalEff = e1 - e2
        effList.append((finalEff, finalEffError))
    titles = {}
    for i in [varX, varY]:
        titles[i] = tnpRef[datanameRef]['binnedVar'][i]['latexName']
        unit = tnpRef[datanameRef]['binnedVar'][i]['unit']
        if unit != '':
            titles[i] += ' (' + unit + ') '
    #k = 0
    XbinsN, arrayX = getBinning(datasets[0].get()[varX])
    YbinsN, arrayY = getBinning(datasets[0].get()[varY])
    #histoList[0]['effList'] = effList
    #histoList[|]['effList'] = [
    #for hist in histoList:
    ztitle = 'eff'
    title = ' CMS Preliminary,' + Lumi + ' #sqrt{s}=7 TeV '
    histoname = plotName  #hist['plotName']
    hist = plotMapTH2F( xList, yList, effList, titles[varX], titles[varY], ztitle, XbinsN, arrayX, YbinsN, arrayY, \
       title=title, graphname=histoname, rangeFrame = (0.0, 1.0) )
    #	hist['histo'] = plotMapTH2F( xList, yList, effList, titles[varX], titles[varY], ztitle, XbinsN, arrayX, YbinsN, arrayY, \
    #			title=title, graphname=histoname, rangeFrame = (0.0, 1.0) )

    #-- TH2F ( and TODO: RooDataSet creation)
    mapname = tnpRef.resonance+'_'+tnp2.resonance+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['effType']+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['objectType']+'_'+\
    f = ROOT.TFile('effMaps_' + mapname + '_SYS.root', 'RECREATE')
    if f.IsZombie():
        message = 'Cannot open \'%s\' file. Check your permissions' % fileOut
        printError(diff2DMaps.__module__ + '.' + diff2DMaps.__name__, message,
    #for hist in histoList:
    #	hist['histo'].Write('TH2F_'+hist['plotName']+'_SYS' )
    hist.Write('TH2F_' + histoname + '_SYS')

Ejemplo n.º 8
def diff2DMaps( refT, otherT, varX, varY, Lumi, **keywords ):
	""".. function:: diff2DMaps( tnpRef, tnpOther, varX, varY, Lumi\[,title=thetitle, outputformat=format] ) 

	Differences maps from 2 datasets::
	  eff_ref-eff_other                   Comparing
          |eff_ref-eff_other|/eff_ref         ComparingRelative --> DEPRECATED

	The two files must be have the same binning. 

	:param RefT: tuple of pytnp instance for the efficiency of reference and the data name
	:type RefT: (pytnp,string)
	:param otherT: tuple pytnp instance for the second efficiency to compare and the data name
	:type otherT: (pytnp,string)
	:param varX: name of the binned variable for the x-axis
	:type varX: string
	:param varY: name of the binned variable for the y-axis
	:type varY: string
	:param Lumi: luminosity
	:param Lumi: string
	:keyword thetitle: title to appear in the canvas
	:type thetitle: string
	:keyword format: ouput format (eps, root, png, ...)
	:type format: string

	:raise RuntimeError: the first two arguments introduced are not tuples (pytnp object, dataname string)
	:raise UserWarning: some of the variables introduced are not binned variables
	:raise AttributeError: dataname not found in the root file
	:raise NameError: the object introduced as pyntp is not a pytnp instance

	import ROOT
	from math import sqrt
	from plotfunctions import plotMapTH2F
	import rootlogon 
	#---- Initialiting -------------------------------
	# Input keywords and defaults
	KEYWORDS = { 'title': None, 'outputformat': 'eps' }
	for key,value in keywords.iteritems():
			KEYWORDS[key] = value
		except KeyError:

	if not isinstance(refT,tuple) or not isinstance(otherT,tuple):
		Message = "The two firts arguments must be a tuples '(pytnp object, 'dataname')'"
		printError( diff2DMaps.__module__+'.'+diff2DMaps.__name__, Message, RuntimeError )

	tnpRef = refT[0]
	tnp2 = otherT[0] 
	datanameRef = refT[1]
	dataname2 = otherT[1]
	datasets = {}
	_index = 0
	for tnp, name in [(tnpRef,datanameRef), (tnp2,dataname2)]:
			datasets[_index] = tnp.RooDataSet[name]
			for i in [varX, varY]:	
				if not isbinnedVar( datasets[_index], i ):
					message = "Variable '%s' is not a binned variable in the '%s' RooDataSet" % (i, dataname)
					printError( diff2DMaps.__module__+'.'+diff2DMaps.__name__, message, UserWarning )
		except KeyError:
			message = """Invalid dataname '%s', is not in the pytnp instance '%s'""" % (name, tnp)
			printError( diff2DMaps.__module__+'.'+diff2DMaps.__name__, message, AttributeError )
		except AttributeError:
			message = """The object '%s' is not a pytnp instance""" % str(tnp)
			printError( diff2DMaps.__module__+'.'+diff2DMaps.__name__, message, NameError )
		_index += 1
	#--- Name for the histo and for the plot file to be saved
	plotname = tnpRef.resonance+'_'+tnp2.resonance+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['effType']+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['objectType']+'_'+\
	plotName = 'Comparing_'+plotname
	#plotName2 = 'ComparingRelative_'+plotname
	#--- Title for the plot file
	#title2 = '|#varepsilon_{'+tnpRef_resLatex+'}'+'-#varepsilon_{'+tnp2_resLatex+'}|/#varepsilon_{'+tnpRef_resLatex+'}'+\
        #                  ' '+tnpRef[datanameRef]['objectType']+' '+dataSet.GetTitle()
	# Dictionary of objects
	#histoList = [ { 'histo': None, 'plotName': plotName, 'effList': [] }, #'title': title},
	#		{ 'histo': None,  'plotName': plotName2, 'effList': [] },# 'title': title2 } 
	#		]
	#--- Checking binned variables  ##################################a
	datasetVarList, effName = getVarNames( datasets[0] )
	listTableEff1 = listTableEff( datasets[0] )

	xList = []
	yList = []
	effList = []
	for teff1 in listTableEff1:
		e1,e1lo,e1hi = teff1[effName]
		x,xlo,xhi = teff1[varX]
		y,ylo,yhi = teff1[varY]
			e2,e2lo,e2hi = eval('getEff( datasets[1],'+varX+'='+str(x)+','+varY+'='+str(y)+')')
		except TypeError:
			#Not found efficiency in ptName-etaName  bin. Ignore that bin

		finalEffError = sqrt( ((e1hi-e1lo)/2.0)**2.0 + ((e2hi-e2lo)/2.0)**2.0 )   #Simetrizing errors
		#finalEff = abs(e1-e2)
		finalEff = e1-e2
		effList.append( (finalEff, finalEffError) )
		xList.append( x )
		yList.append( y )
	titles = {}
	for i in [varX,varY]:
		titles[i] = tnpRef[datanameRef]['binnedVar'][i]['latexName']
		unit = tnpRef[datanameRef]['binnedVar'][i]['unit'] 
		if unit != '':
			titles[i] += ' ('+unit+') '
	#k = 0
	XbinsN, arrayX = getBinning( datasets[0].get()[varX] )
	YbinsN, arrayY = getBinning( datasets[0].get()[varY] )
	#histoList[0]['effList'] = effList
	#histoList[|]['effList'] = [ 
	#for hist in histoList:
	ztitle = 'eff'
	title =' CMS Preliminary,'+Lumi+' #sqrt{s}=7 TeV ' 
	histoname = plotName#hist['plotName']
	hist = plotMapTH2F( xList, yList, effList, titles[varX], titles[varY], ztitle, XbinsN, arrayX, YbinsN, arrayY, \
				title=title, graphname=histoname, rangeFrame = (0.0, 1.0) )
	#	hist['histo'] = plotMapTH2F( xList, yList, effList, titles[varX], titles[varY], ztitle, XbinsN, arrayX, YbinsN, arrayY, \
	#			title=title, graphname=histoname, rangeFrame = (0.0, 1.0) )

	#-- TH2F ( and TODO: RooDataSet creation)
	mapname = tnpRef.resonance+'_'+tnp2.resonance+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['effType']+'_'+tnpRef[datanameRef]['objectType']+'_'+\
	f = ROOT.TFile( 'effMaps_'+mapname+'_SYS.root' ,'RECREATE')
	if f.IsZombie():
		message = 'Cannot open \'%s\' file. Check your permissions' % fileOut
		printError( diff2DMaps.__module__+'.'+diff2DMaps.__name__, message, IOError )
	#for hist in histoList:
	#	hist['histo'].Write('TH2F_'+hist['plotName']+'_SYS' )
	hist.Write('TH2F_'+histoname+'_SYS' )
