Ejemplo n.º 1
def subtractMeanUnderMask(volume, mask):
    subtract mean from volume/image under mask

    @param volume: volume/image
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param mask: mask
    @type mask: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @return: volume/image
    @rtype: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    # npix = volume.sizeX() * volume.sizeY() * volume.sizeZ()
    normvol = volume * mask
    normvol = xp.sum(normvol) / xp.sum(mask)
    return normvol
Ejemplo n.º 2
def normaliseUnderMask(volume, mask, p=None):
    normalize volume within a mask - take care: only normalization, but NOT multiplication with mask!

    @param volume: volume for normalization
    @type volume: pytom volume
    @param mask: mask
    @type mask: pytom volume
    @param p: sum of gray values in mask (if pre-computed)
    @type p: C{int} or C{float}
    @return: volume normalized to mean=0 and std=1 within mask, p
    @rtype: C{list}
    @author: FF
    from pytom.tompy.correlation import meanUnderMask, stdUnderMask
    # from math import sqrt
    if not p:
        p = xp.sum(mask)
    # meanT = sum(volume) / p
    ## subtract mean and mask
    # res = mask * (volume - meanT)
    # stdT = sum(res*res) / p
    # stdT = sqrt(stdT)
    # res = res / stdT

    meanT = meanUnderMask(volume, mask, p)

    stdT = stdUnderMask(volume, mask, meanT, p)
    print(meanT, stdT)
    res = (volume - meanT) / stdT
    return (res, p)
def normalised_cross_correlation_mask(first, second, mask):
    Do cross correlation with a running mask based on numpy

    @param first: The first dataset (numpy 2D)
    @type first: numpy array 2D
    @param second: The second dataset (numpy 2D)
    @type second: numpy array 2D
    @param mask: The mask
    @type mask: numpy array 2D
    @return: The cross correlation result
    @returntype: numpy array 2D

    @requires: the shape of first to be equal to the shape of second and the shape of the mask
    # assert first.shape == second.shape
    # assert first.shape == mask.shape
    # assert len(first.shape) == 2

    import xp.fft as nf

    a = norm_inside_mask(first, mask)
    b = norm_inside_mask(second, mask)

    return xp.real(
        nf.fftshift(nf.ifftn(xp.multiply(nf.fftn(b), xp.conj(
            nf.fftn(a)))))) / xp.sum(mask)
def norm_inside_mask(inp, mask):
    To normalise a 2D array within a mask

    @param inp: A 2D array to be normalized.
    @type inp: numpy array 2D
    @param mask: A 2D array of the same size as the input to mask of parts of the ixp.
    @type mask: numpy array 2D
    @return: A normalized 2D array.
    @returntype: numpy array 2D

    @requires: the shape of inp to be equal to the shape of the mask
    # assert ixp.shape == mask.shape
    # assert len(ixp.shape) == 2

    mea = xp.divide(xp.sum(xp.multiply(inp, mask)), xp.sum(mask))
    st = xp.sqrt(
        xp.sum((xp.multiply(mask, mea) + xp.multiply(inp, mask) - mea)**2) /
    return xp.multiply((inp - mea) / st, mask)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def rotation_distance(ang1, ang2):
    """Given two angles (lists), calculate the angular distance (degree).

    @param ang1: angle 1. [Phi, Psi, Theta], or [Z1, Z2, X] in Pytom format.
    @param ang2: angle 2. [Phi, Psi, Theta], or [Z1, Z2, X] in Pytom format.
    @return: rotation distance in degree.
    mtx1 = rotation_matrix_zxz(ang1)
    mtx2 = rotation_matrix_zxz(ang2)
    res = xp.multiply(mtx1, mtx2)  # elementwise multiplication
    trace = xp.sum(res)

    from math import pi, acos
    temp = 0.5 * (trace - 1.0)
    if temp >= 1.0:
        return 0.0
    if temp <= -1.0:
        return 180
    return acos(temp) * 180 / pi
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bandCC(volume, reference, band, verbose=False, shared=None, index=None):
    bandCC: Determines the normalised correlation coefficient within a band
    @param volume: The volume
    @type volume: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param reference: The reference
    @type reference: L{pytom_volume.vol}
    @param band: [a,b] - specify the lower and upper end of band.
    @return: First parameter - The correlation of the two volumes in the specified band. 
             Second parameter - The bandpass filter used.
    @rtype: List - [float,L{pytom_freqweight.weight}]
    @author: Thomas Hrabe    

    if not index is None: print(index)

    from pytom.tompy.filter import bandpass
    from pytom.tompy.correlation import xcf
    #from pytom.tompy.filter import vol_comp

    if verbose:
        print('lowest freq : ', band[0], ' highest freq', band[1])

    vf, m = bandpass(volume,
    rf = bandpass(reference, band[0], band[1], mask=m,
                  fourierOnly=True)  #,vf[1])
    #ccVolume = vol_comp(rf[0].shape[0],rf[0].shape[1],rf[0].shape[2])

    vf = vf.astype(xp.complex128)
    ccVolume = rf.astype(vf.dtype)

    ccVolume = ccVolume * xp.conj(vf)

    cc = ccVolume.sum()

    cc = cc.real
    v = vf
    r = rf

    absV = xp.abs(v)
    absR = xp.abs(r)

    sumV = xp.sum(absV**2)
    sumR = xp.sum(absR**2)

    sumV = xp.abs(sumV)
    sumR = xp.abs(sumR)

    if sumV == 0:
        sumV = 1

    if sumR == 0:
        sumR = 1

    cc = cc / (xp.sqrt(sumV * sumR))

    #numerical errors will be punished with nan
    if abs(cc) > 1.1:
        cc = float('nan')

    return float(cc)