Ejemplo n.º 1
    def toHTMLFile(self,filename):
        toHTMLFile: Overrides parent method and stores CorrelationMatrixJob to HMTL
        @param filename: HTML filename
        from lxml import etree
        import io
        from pytom.tools.files import getPytomPath,readStringFile
        pytomPath = getPytomPath()
        xsltString = readStringFile(pytomPath + '/xslt/CorrelationMatrix.xsl')
        xsltStringIO = io.StringIO(xsltString)
        selfHTML = self.xsltTransform(xsltStringIO)
        htmlString = etree.tostring(selfHTML,pretty_print=True)

        file = open(filename, "w")

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def readRotationsFromEMFile(self, filename, inputIsInRadians=True):
        readRotationsFromEMFile: Reads rotations from EM file and optionally converts them from radians to degrees
        @param filename: Name of EM file
        @param inputIsInRadians: 
        @type inputIsInRadians: bool   
        self._angleList = []

        if not filename == '':
            import pytom_volume
            from pytom.angles.angle import rad2deg

                angs = pytom_volume.read(filename)
            except RuntimeError:
                from pytom.tools.files import checkFileExists, getPytomPath

                if not checkFileExists(filename):
                    filename = getPytomPath(
                    ) + '/angles/angleLists/' + filename

                angs = pytom_volume.read(filename)

            for i in range(angs.sizeY()):
                phi = angs.getV(0, i, 0)
                psi = angs.getV(1, i, 0)
                the = angs.getV(2, i, 0)

                if inputIsInRadians:
                    phi = phi * rad2deg
                    psi = psi * rad2deg
                    the = the * rad2deg

                self._angleList.append([phi, psi, the])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def createRunscripts(filename, jobFile):
    from pytom.tools.files import dump2TextFile, getPytomPath
    text = '#!/bin/bash\n'
    text += 'pytom ' + getPytomPath() + '/bin/mcoEXMX.py -j ' + jobFile + '\n'

    dump2TextFile(filename, text, append=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def createRunscripts(filename,parameters):
    from pytom.tools.files import dump2TextFile,getPytomPath
    text  = '#!/bin/bash\n'
    text += 'pytom ' + getPytomPath() + '/bin/reconstructWB.py ' + parameters
    dump2TextFile(filename, text,append = False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def createRunscripts(filename, jobFile, x, y, z):
    from pytom.tools.files import dump2TextFile, getPytomPath
    text = '#!/bin/bash\n'
    text += 'pytom ' + getPytomPath(
    ) + '/bin/localization.py ' + jobFile + ' %d %d %d' % (x, y, z) + '\n'

    dump2TextFile(filename, text, append=False)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def showRotations(self,volume,directory,mask=None):
     showRotations: Will store x,y,z slice through volume after each rotation was applied 
     from pytom.tools.toImage import volumeToPNG
     from pytom.tools.files import dump2TextFile
     from pytom_volume import vol,rotateSpline
     from pytom.tools.files import getPytomPath,readStringFile
     from pytom.frontend.htmlDefines import headResponse200,copyright
     pytomPath = getPytomPath()
     cssDefines = readStringFile(pytomPath + '/frontend/htmlDefines/CSS.css')
     html = '<html>' + cssDefines
     html = html + '\n<title>PyTom Alignment</title>\n'
     html = html + '<body><center><h1 type="Main">List of Rotations</h1></center>\n'
     html = html + '</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br><center>\n'
     html = html + '<table>\n'
     html = html + '<tr><td>Z1 (Phi) Z2 (Psi) X(Theta)</td><td>x-Slice</td><td>y-Slice</td><td>z-Slice</td></tr>'
     rotated = vol(volume.sizeX(),volume.sizeY(),volume.sizeZ())
     if not mask:
         mask = vol(volume.sizeX(),volume.sizeY(),volume.sizeZ())
     volume = volume * mask    
     rotation = self.nextRotation()
     rotationCounter = 0
     while not rotation == [None,None,None]:
         html = html + '<tr><td>' + str(rotation[0]) + ' ' + str(rotation[1]) + ' ' + str(rotation[2]) +'</td>/n'
         volumeToPNG(rotated,directory + str(rotationCounter) + '-x.png',rotated.sizeX()/2,'x')
         html = html + '<td><img src="' + directory + str(rotationCounter) + '-x.png"/></td>'
         volumeToPNG(rotated,directory + str(rotationCounter) + '-y.png',rotated.sizeY()/2,'y')
         html = html + '<td><img src="' + directory + str(rotationCounter) + '-y.png"/></td>'
         volumeToPNG(rotated,directory + str(rotationCounter) + '-z.png',rotated.sizeZ()/2,'z')
         html = html + '<td><img src="' + directory + str(rotationCounter) + '-z.png"/></td>'
         rotation = self.nextRotation()
         rotationCounter = rotationCounter + 1 
     html = html + '</body></html>'
     dump2TextFile(directory + 'rotations.html',html)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run(parameters, verbose=True):
    run: Determines Path / URL to documentation files

    from pytom.tools.files import getPytomPath

    pytomPath = getPytomPath()

    apiDocPath = pytomPath + '/doc/index.html'

    if verbose:
        print('API DOC PATH : ', apiDocPath)

    return apiDocPath
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,
        @param filename: Filename of em file storing rotations. New files must have the naming (angles_INCREMENT_NUMBERROTATIONS.em) below. Set to either one of these:  
        angles_3_553680.em angles_07_45123.em angles_11_15192.em angles_12.85_7112.em angles_17.86_3040.em angles_18_3040.em angles_19.95_1944.em  angles_25.25_980.em angles_35.76_320.em angles_38.53_256.em angles_50_100.em angles_90_26.em angles_inf_0.em
        @param inputIsInRadians: Are the input values in radiants (True is assumed as default)
        @param refinementParameters: Parameters for next refinement step 
        @author: Thomas Hrabe  
        from pytom.tools.files import checkFileExists, getPytomPath
        import os
        if checkFileExists(filename):
            self._filename = filename

            if os.sep in filename:
                #parse angle file name out of filename
                splitName = filename.split(os.sep)
                filename = splitName[-1]

            if not filename[-3:] == '.em':
                filename = filename + '.em'

            self._filename = getPytomPath() + '/angles/angleLists/' + filename

        if checkFileExists(self._filename):
            self.readRotationsFromEMFile(self._filename, inputIsInRadians)

        self._currentIndex = 0

        self._refinementParameters = refinementParameters or [
            self._defaultShells, self._defaultIncrement
        ]  #shells,increment
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run(parameters, verbose=False):
    run: Answers a http request depending on the provided parameters.
    Parameters can be
    @param parameters: 
    from pytom.basic.structures import ParticleList
    from pytom.tools.files import checkDirExists, checkFileExists

    if verbose:
        print("Parsing particleList request!")

    splitParameters = parameters.split('&')

    if splitParameters.__class__ == list:
        if verbose:

        for i in range(len(splitParameters)):

            parameter = splitParameters[i]

            split = parameter.split('=')

            keyword = split[0]
            argument = split[1]

            if verbose:
                print('Keyword : ', keyword)
                print('Arguments : ', argument)

            if keyword == 'XML':
                from pytom.tools.files import readStringFile, getPytomPath
                import io
                from lxml import etree

                if not checkFileExists(argument):
                    raise IOError('File not found!')

                pl = ParticleList('/')

                xsltString = readStringFile(
                    getPytomPath() + '/frontend/html/xslt/ParticleList.xsl')
                xsltTransform = io.StringIO(xsltString)

                transformed = pl.xsltTransform(xsltTransform)

                return etree.tostring(transformed, pretty_print=True)

            elif keyword == 'DIR':
                from pytom.tools.files import checkDirExists, getPytomPath, readStringFile
                import io
                from lxml import etree

                if not checkDirExists(argument):
                    raise IOError('File not found!')

                pl = ParticleList(argument)

                xsltString = readStringFile(
                    getPytomPath() + '/frontend/html/xslt/ParticleList.xsl')
                xsltTransform = io.StringIO(xsltString)

                transformed = pl.xsltTransform(xsltTransform)

                return etree.tostring(transformed, pretty_print=True)

            elif keyword == 'ALIG':

                from pytom.tools.files import checkDirExists, getPytomPath, readStringFile
                import io
                from lxml import etree

                if not checkDirExists(argument):
                    raise IOError('File not found!')

                pl = ParticleList(argument)

                xsltString = readStringFile(
                    getPytomPath() + '/frontend/html/xslt/ParticleList.xsl')
                xsltTransform = io.StringIO(xsltString)

                transformed = pl.xsltTransform(xsltTransform)

                return etree.tostring(transformed, pretty_print=True)

    elif splitParameters.__class__ == str:
        if verbose:
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run(parameters, verbose=False):
    run: Answers a http request depending on the provided parameters.
    Parameters can be
    @param parameters: 

    from pytom.reconstruction.reconstructionStructures import ProjectionList
    from pytom.tools.files import checkDirExists, checkFileExists
    from pytom.frontend.serverpages.serverMessages import ErrorMessage

    splitParameters = parameters.split('&')

    if splitParameters.__class__ == list:
        if verbose:

        for i in range(len(splitParameters)):

            parameter = splitParameters[i]

            split = parameter.split('=')

            keyword = split[0]
            argument = split[1]

            if verbose:
                print('Keyword : ', keyword)
                print('Arguments : ', argument)

            if keyword == 'XML':
                from pytom.tools.files import readStringFile, getPytomPath
                import io
                from lxml import etree

                if not checkFileExists(argument):
                    print(ErrorMessage('File / directory not found!'))
                    return str(ErrorMessage('File / directory not found!'))

                pl = ProjectionList()

                xsltString = readStringFile(
                    getPytomPath() + '/frontend/html/xslt/ProjectionList.xsl')
                xsltTransform = io.StringIO(xsltString)

                transformed = pl.xsltTransform(xsltTransform)
                return etree.tostring(transformed, pretty_print=True)

            elif keyword == 'DIR':
                from pytom.tools.files import checkDirExists, getPytomPath, readStringFile
                import io
                from lxml import etree

                if not checkDirExists(argument):
                    print(ErrorMessage('File / directory not found!'))
                    return str(ErrorMessage('File / directory not found!'))

                pl = ProjectionList()

                xsltString = readStringFile(
                    getPytomPath() + '/frontend/html/xslt/ProjectionList.xsl')
                xsltTransform = io.StringIO(xsltString)

                transformed = pl.xsltTransform(xsltTransform)
                return etree.tostring(transformed, pretty_print=True)