Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_stream_exclude(self):
     with open('tests/ffmpeg3.out', 'r') as ff:
         info = MediaInfo.parse_ffmpeg_details('/dev/null', ff.read())
         setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
         p = setup.get_profile('excl_test_1')
         streams = info.ffmpeg_streams(p)
         self.assertEqual(len(streams), 12, 'expected 6 streams (12 elements)')
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_stream_reassign_default(self):
     with open('tests/ffmpeg4.out', 'r') as ff:
         info = MediaInfo.parse_ffmpeg_details('/dev/null', ff.read())
         setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
         p = setup.get_profile('excl_test_2')
         streams = info.ffmpeg_streams(p)
         self.assertEqual(len(streams), 8, 'expected 4 streams (8 elements)')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_stream_map_all(self):
     with open('tests/ffmpeg3.out', 'r') as ff:
         info = MediaInfo.parse_ffmpeg_details('/dev/null', ff.read())
         setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
         p = setup.get_profile('qsv')
         streams = info.ffmpeg_streams(p)
         self.assertEqual(len(streams), 2, 'expected -map 0')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_default_profile(self):
     info = TranscoderTests.make_media(None, None, None, 720, 45, 3000, 25, None, [], [])
     config = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
     rule = config.match_rule(info)
     self.assertIsNotNone(rule, 'expected to match a rule')
     self.assertEqual(rule.profile, 'hevc_cuda')
     self.assertEqual(rule.name, 'default')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_skip_profile(self):
     with open('tests/ffmpeg.out', 'r') as ff:
         info = MediaInfo.parse_ffmpeg_details('/dev/null', ff.read())
         info.filesize_mb = 499
         config = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
         rule = config.match_rule(info)
         self.assertIsNotNone(rule, 'Expected rule match')
         self.assertTrue(rule.is_skip(), 'Expected a SKIP rule')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_automap_include(self):
     info = TranscoderTests.make_media(None, None, None, 720, 45, 3000, 25, None,
                                       [{'lang': 'eng', 'stream': '1'},
                                        {'lang': 'ger', 'stream': '2', 'default': True}], [])
     setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
     p = setup.get_profile('hevc_cuda')
     options = info.ffmpeg_streams(p)
     self.assertEqual(options, ['-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-disposition:a:0', 'default'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_include_overides(self):
     info = TranscoderTests.make_media(None, None, None, 720, 45, 3000, 25, None,
                                       [{'lang': 'eng', 'stream': '1'},
                                        {'lang': 'ger', 'stream': '2', 'default': True}], [])
     setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
     p = setup.get_profile('hevc_cuda_8bit')
     self.assertEqual(p.threshold, 0, 'Threshold should be 0')
     self.assertEqual(p.threshold_check, 100, 'Threshold check should be 100')
     self.assertIn("-cq:v 21", p.output_options.as_list(), 'Expected -cq:v 21')
     self.assertIn('-pix_fmt yuv420p', p.output_options.as_list(), 'expected pix_fmt')
 def test_include_overides(self):
     setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
     p = setup.get_profile('hevc_cuda_8bit')
     self.assertEqual(p.threshold, 0, 'Threshold should be 0')
     self.assertEqual(p.threshold_check, 100,
                      'Threshold check should be 100')
     self.assertIn("-cq:v 21", p.output_options.as_list(),
                   'Expected -cq:v 21')
     self.assertIn('-pix_fmt yuv420p', p.output_options.as_list(),
                   'expected pix_fmt')
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_cluster_match_default_queue(self, mock_ffmpeg_details, mock_info_parser, mock_os_rename, mock_os_remove,
                                         mock_filter_threshold, mock_run_remote):

        setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())

        # setup all mocks
        mock_run_remote.return_value = 0
        mock_filter_threshold.return_value = True
        mock_os_rename.return_value = None
        mock_os_remove.return_value = None
        info = TranscoderTests.make_media('/dev/null', 'x264', 500, 480, 30 * 60, 420, 24, None, [], [])
        mock_info_parser.return_value = info
        mock_ffmpeg_details.return_value = info

        # configure the cluster, add the job, and run
        cluster = self.setup_cluster1(setup)
        qname, job = cluster.enqueue('/dev/null.mp4', None)
        self.assertEqual(qname, '_default', 'Job placed in wrong queue')
        self.assertEqual(job.profile_name, 'vintage_tv', 'Rule matched to wrong profile')

        for host in cluster.hosts:
            if host.hostname == 'workstation' and len(host._complete) > 0:
                filename, elapsed = host.completed.pop()
                self.assertEqual('/dev/null.mp4', filename, 'Completed filename missing from assigned host')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_cluster_streaming_host(self, mock_run_proc, mock_ffmpeg_fetch, mock_move, mock_run, mock_info_parser,
                                    mock_os_rename, mock_os_remove,
                                    mock_filter_threshold, mock_run_remote):

        setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())

        # setup all mocks
        mock_run.return_value = 0, 'ok'
        mock_run_remote.return_value = 0
        mock_move.return_value = 0
        mock_filter_threshold.return_value = True
        mock_os_rename.return_value = None
        mock_os_remove.return_value = None
        info = TranscoderTests.make_media('/dev/null', 'x264', 1920, 1080, 110 * 60, 3000, 24, None, [], [])
        mock_info_parser.return_value = info
        mock_ffmpeg_fetch.return_value = info
        # configure the cluster, add the job, and run
        cluster = self.setup_cluster1(setup)
        qname, job = cluster.enqueue('/dev/null.mp4', None)
        self.assertEqual(qname, 'q3', 'Job placed in wrong queue')
        self.assertEqual(job.profile_name, 'qsv', 'Rule matched to wrong profile')

        for host in cluster.hosts:
            if host.hostname == 'm2' and len(host._complete) > 0:
                filename, elapsed = host.completed.pop()
                self.assertEqual('/dev/null.mp4', filename,
                                  'Completed filename missing from assigned host')
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_cluster_match_skip(self, mock_ffmpeg_details, mock_os_rename, mock_os_remove,
                                mock_filter_threshold, mock_run_remote):

        setup = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())

        # setup all mocks
        mock_run_remote.return_value = 0
        mock_filter_threshold.return_value = True
        mock_os_rename.return_value = None
        mock_os_remove.return_value = None
        info = TranscoderTests.make_media('/dev/null', 'x264', 1920, 1080, 60 * 60, 1800, 24, None, [], [])
        mock_ffmpeg_details.return_value = info

        # configure the cluster, add the job, and run
        cluster = self.setup_cluster1(setup)
        qname, job = cluster.enqueue('/dev/null.mp4', None)
        self.assertEqual(qname, None, 'Expected to skip')
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_setup():
     return ConfigFile('tests/mixinstest.yml')
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_rule_match(self):
     info = TranscoderTests.make_media(None, None, None, 1080, 45, 2300, None, None, [], [])
     config = ConfigFile(self.get_setup())
     rule = config.match_rule(info)
     self.assertIsNotNone(rule, 'Expected a matched profile')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def start():

    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-h':
        print(f'pytrancoder (ver {__version__})')
        print('usage: pytrancoder [OPTIONS]')
        print('  or   pytrancoder [OPTIONS] --from-file <filename>')
        print('  or   pytrancoder [OPTIONS] file ...')
        print('  or   pytrancoder -c <cluster> file... [--host <name>] -c <cluster> file...')
        print('No parameters indicates to process the default queue files using profile matching rules.')
            'The --from-file filename is a file containing a list of full paths to files for transcoding. ')
        print('  --host <name>  Name of a specific host in your cluster configuration to target, otherwise load-balanced')
        print('  -s         Process files sequentially even if configured for multiple concurrent jobs')
        print('  --dry-run  Run without actually transcoding or modifying anything, useful to test rules and profiles')
        print('  -v         Verbose output, helpful in debugging profiles and rules')
            '  -k         Keep source files after transcoding. If used, the transcoded file will have the same '
            'name and .tmp extension')
        print('  -y <file>  Full path to configuration file.  Default is ~/.transcode.yml')
        print('  -p         profile to use. If used with --from-file, applies to all listed media in <filename>')
        print('  -m         Add mixins to profile. Separate multiples with a comma')
        print('\n** PyPi Repo: https://pypi.org/project/pytranscoder-ffmpeg/')
        print('** Read the docs at https://pytranscoder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/')

    files = list()
    profile = None
    mixins = None
    queue_path = None
    cluster = None
    configfile: Optional[ConfigFile] = None
    host_override = None
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        files = []
        arg = 1
        while arg < len(sys.argv):
            if sys.argv[arg] == '--from-file':          # load filenames to encode from given file
                queue_path = sys.argv[arg + 1]
                arg += 1
                tmpfiles = files_from_file(queue_path)
                if cluster is None:
                    files.extend([(f, profile) for f in tmpfiles])
                    files.extend([(f, cluster) for f in tmpfiles])
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '-p':                 # specific profile
                profile = sys.argv[arg + 1]
                arg += 1
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '-y':                 # specify yaml config file
                arg += 1
                configfile = ConfigFile(sys.argv[arg])
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '-k':                 # keep original
                pytranscoder.keep_source = True
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '--dry-run':
                pytranscoder.dry_run = True
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '--host':             # run all cluster encodes on specific host
                host_override = sys.argv[arg + 1]
                arg += 1
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '-v':                 # verbose
                pytranscoder.verbose = True
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '-c':                 # cluster
                cluster = sys.argv[arg + 1]
                arg += 1
            elif sys.argv[arg] == '-m':                 # mixins
                mixins = sys.argv[arg + 1].split(',')
                arg += 1
                if os.name == "nt":
                    expanded_files: List = glob.glob(sys.argv[arg])     # handle wildcards in Windows
                    expanded_files = [sys.argv[arg]]
                for f in expanded_files:
                    if cluster is None:
                        files.append((f, profile, mixins))
                        files.append((f, cluster, profile, mixins))
            arg += 1

    if configfile is None:
        configfile = ConfigFile(DEFAULT_CONFIG)

    if not configfile.colorize:

    if len(files) == 0 and queue_path is None and configfile.default_queue_file is not None:
        # load from list of files
        tmpfiles = files_from_file(configfile.default_queue_file)
        queue_path = configfile.default_queue_file
        if cluster is None:
            files.extend([(f, profile, mixins) for f in tmpfiles])
            files.extend([(f, cluster, profile) for f in tmpfiles])

    if len(files) == 0:
        print(crayons.yellow(f'Nothing to do'))

    if cluster is not None:
        if host_override is not None:
            # disable all other hosts in-memory only - to force encodes to the designated host
            cluster_config = configfile.settings['clusters']
            for cluster in cluster_config.values():
                for name, this_config in cluster.items():
                    if name != host_override:
                        this_config['status'] = 'disabled'
        completed: List = manage_clusters(files, configfile)
        if len(completed) > 0:
            qpath = queue_path if queue_path is not None else configfile.default_queue_file
            pathlist = [p for p, _ in completed]
            cleanup_queuefile(qpath, set(pathlist))

    host = LocalHost(configfile)
    # start all threads and wait for work to complete
    if len(host.complete) > 0:
        completed_paths = [p for p, _ in host.complete]
        cleanup_queuefile(queue_path, set(completed_paths))

    os.system("stty sane")
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_loadconfig(self):
     config = ConfigFile('transcode.yml')
     self.assertIsNotNone(config.settings, 'Config object not loaded')
     self.assertEqual(len(config.queues), 2, 'Expected 2 queues')
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, name, configs: Dict, config: ConfigFile, ssh: str):
        :param name:        Cluster name, used only for thread naming
        :param configs:     The "clusters" section of the global config
        :param config:      The full configuration object
        :param ssh:         Path to local ssh
        super().__init__(name=name, group=None, daemon=True)
        self.queues: Dict[str, Queue] = dict()
        self.ssh = ssh
        self.hosts: List[ManagedHost] = list()
        self.config = config
        self.verbose = verbose
#        self.ffmpeg = FFmpeg(config.ffmpeg_path)
#        self.hbcli = Handbrake(config.hbcli_path)
        self.lock = Cluster.terminal_lock
        self.completed: List = list()
        self.info_processor = config.get_processor()

        for host, props in configs.items():
            hostprops = RemoteHostProperties(host, props)
            if not hostprops.is_enabled:
            hosttype = hostprops.host_type

            # make sure Queue exists for name
            host_queues: Dict = hostprops.queues
            if len(host_queues) > 0:
                for host_queue in host_queues:
                    if host_queue not in self.queues:
                        self.queues[host_queue] = Queue()

            _h = None
            if hosttype == 'local':
                # special case - using pytranscoder host also as cluster host
                for host_queue, slots in host_queues.items():
                    # for each queue configured for this host create a dedicated thread for each slot
                    for slot in range(0, slots):
                        _h = LocalHost(host, hostprops, self.queues[host_queue], self)
                        if not _h.validate_settings():

            elif hosttype == 'mounted':
                for host_queue, slots in host_queues.items():
                    # for each queue configured for this host create a dedicated thread for each slot
                    for slot in range(0, slots):
                        _h = MountedManagedHost(host, hostprops, self.queues[host_queue], self)
                        if not _h.validate_settings():

            elif hosttype == 'streaming':
                for host_queue, slots in host_queues.items():
                    # for each queue configured for this host create a dedicated thread for each slot
                    for slot in range(0, slots):
                        _h = StreamingManagedHost(host, hostprops, self.queues[host_queue], self)
                        if not _h.validate_settings():

                print(crayons.red(f'Unknown cluster host type "{hosttype}" - skipping'))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_local_host_setup(self):
     config: Dict = self.get_setup()
     host = LocalHost(ConfigFile(config))
     self.assertEqual(len(host.queues), 3, 'Expected 3 queues configured')