Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,Beta,GFstruct,N_Matsubara_Frequencies=1025,**param):
        :param Beta: The inverse temperature
        :param GFstruct: The structure of the Green's functions. It must be a list of tuples,
                         each representing a block of the Green's function. The tuples have two
                         elements, the name of the block and a list of indices. For example:
                         [ ('up', [1,2,3]),  ('down', [1,2,3]) ].
        :param N_Matsubara_Frequencies: (Optional, default = 1025) How many Matsubara frequencies
                                        are used for the Green's functions.
        :param param: A list of extra parameters, described below.

        # For backward compatibility

        Parameters.check_no_parameters_not_in_union_of_dicts(param, self.Required, self.Optional)
        self.Beta = float(Beta)
        self.Verbosity = 2 if MPI.rank ==0 else 0

        # Green function in frequencies
        a_list = [a for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        glist = [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara=N_Matsubara_Frequencies) for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G0 = GF(NameList = a_list, BlockList = glist, Copy=False, Name="G0")
        self.G = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="G")
        self.F = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="F")
        self.Sigma = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma")
        self.Sigma_Old = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma_Old")
        self.Name = 'Hybridization Expansion'

         # first check that all indices of the Green Function do correspond to a C operator.
        for a,alpha_list in self.GFStruct :
          for alpha in alpha_list :
            if (a,alpha) not in Operators.ClistNames() :
              raise "Error : Some indices (%s,%s) of the Green function do not correspond to existing operator"%(a,alpha)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,Beta,GFstruct,N_Matsubara_Frequencies=1025,**param):
        :param Beta: The inverse temperature
        :param GFstruct: The structure of the Green's functions. It must be a list of tuples,
                         each representing a block of the Green's function. The tuples have two
                         elements, the name of the block and a list of indices. For example:
                         [ ('up', [1,2,3]),  ('down', [1,2,3]) ].
        :param N_Matsubara_Frequencies: (Optional, default = 1025) How many Matsubara frequencies
                                        are used for the Green's functions.
        :param param: A list of extra parameters, described below.

        # For backward compatibility

        Parameters.check_no_parameters_not_in_union_of_dicts(param, self.Required, self.Optional)
        self.Beta = float(Beta)
        self.Verbosity = 1 if MPI.rank ==0 else 0

        # Green function in frequencies
        a_list = [a for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        glist = [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara=N_Matsubara_Frequencies) for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G0 = GF(NameList = a_list, BlockList = glist, Copy=False, Name="G0")
        self.G = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="G")
        self.F = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="F")
        self.Sigma = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma")
        self.Sigma_Old = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma_Old")
        self.Name = 'Hybridization Expansion'

         # first check that all indices of the Green Function do correspond to a C operator.
        for a,alpha_list in self.GFStruct :
          for alpha in alpha_list :
            if (a,alpha) not in Operators.ClistNames() :
              raise "Error : Some indices (%s,%s) of the Green function do not correspond to existing operator"%(a,alpha)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,Beta,GFstruct,**param):
        self.Beta = float(Beta)
        Parameters.check_no_parameters_not_in_union_of_dicts (param,self.Required, self.Optional)
        if 'Nmsb' not in param : param['Nmsb'] = 1025
        if 'Nspin' not in param : param['Nspin'] = 2


        # construct Greens functions:
        self.a_list = [a for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        glist = lambda : [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara = self.Nmsb) for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G = GF(NameList = self.a_list, BlockList = glist(),Copy=False)
        self.G_Old = self.G.copy()
        self.G0 = self.G.copy()
        self.Sigma = self.G.copy()
        self.Sigma_Old = self.G.copy()
        M = [x for x in self.G.mesh]
        self.zmsb = numpy.array([x for x in M],numpy.complex_)
        # for the tails:
        for sig,g in self.G: 
            self.tailtempl[sig] = copy.deepcopy(g._tail)
            for i in range(11): self.tailtempl[sig][i].array[:] *= 0.0

        # effective atomic levels:
        if self.UseSpinOrbit: self.NSpin=2

        self.ealmat = numpy.zeros([self.Nlm*self.Nspin,self.Nlm*self.Nspin],numpy.complex_)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def Solve(self):
        """ Solve the impurity problem """

        # Find if an operator is in oplist
        def mysearch(op):
            l = [ k for (k,v) in OPdict.items() if (v-op).is_zero()]
            assert len(l) <=1
            return l[0] if l else None

        # Same but raises an error if pb
        def myfind(op):
            r = mysearch(op)
            if r==None : raise "Operator %s can not be found by myfind !"%r
            return r

        # For backward compatibility

        # Test all a parameters before solutions

        # We have to add the Hamiltonian the epsilon part of G0
        if type(self.H_Local) != type(Operator()) : raise "H_Local is not an operator"
        H = self.H_Local
        for a,alpha_list in  self.GFStruct :
            for mu in alpha_list : 
                for nu in alpha_list : 
                    H += real(self.G0[a]._tail[2][mu,nu]) * Cdag(a,mu)*C(a,nu)

        OPdict = {"Hamiltonian": H}
        MPI.report("Hamiltonian with Eps0 term  : ",H)
        # First separate the quantum Numbers that are operators and those which are symmetries.
        QuantumNumberOperators  = dict( (n,op) for (n,op) in self.Quantum_Numbers.items() if type(op) == type(Operator()))
        QuantumNumberSymmetries = dict( (n,op) for (n,op) in self.Quantum_Numbers.items() if type(op) != type(Operator()))

        # Check that the quantum numbers commutes with the Hamiltonian
        for name,op in QuantumNumberOperators.items():
            assert Commutator(self.H_Local ,op).is_zero(), "One quantum number is not commuting with Hamiltonian"

        # Complete the OPdict with the fundamental operators
        OPdict, nf, nb, SymChar, NameOpFundamentalList = Operators.Complete_OperatorsList_with_Fundamentals(OPdict)

        # Add the operators to be averaged in OPdict and prepare the list for the C-code
        self.Measured_Operators_Results = {}
        self.twice_defined_Ops = {}
        self.Operators_To_Average_List = []
        for name, op in self.Measured_Operators.items():
          opn = mysearch(op)
          if opn == None : 
              OPdict[name] = op
              self.Measured_Operators_Results[name] = 0.0
              MPI.report("Operator %s already defined as %s, using this instead for measuring"%(name,opn))
              self.twice_defined_Ops[name] = opn
              self.Measured_Operators_Results[opn] = 0.0
              if opn not in self.Operators_To_Average_List: self.Operators_To_Average_List.append(opn)

        # Time correlation functions are added
        self.OpCorr_To_Average_List = []
        for name, op in self.Measured_Time_Correlators.items():
          opn = mysearch(op[0])
          if opn == None : 
              OPdict[name] = op[0]
              MPI.report("Operator %s already defined as %s, using this instead for measuring"%(name,opn))
              if opn not in self.OpCorr_To_Average_List: self.OpCorr_To_Average_List.append(opn)
        # Create storage for data:
        Nops = len(self.OpCorr_To_Average_List)
        f = lambda L : GFBloc_ImTime(Indices= [0], Beta = self.Beta, NTimeSlices=L )
        if (Nops>0):
            self.Measured_Time_Correlators_Results = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ ( n,f(self.Measured_Time_Correlators[n][1]) ) for n in self.Measured_Time_Correlators], Copy=False)
            self.Measured_Time_Correlators_Results = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ ( 'OpCorr',f(2) ) ], Copy=False)

        # Take care of the global moves

        # First, given a function (a,alpha,dagger) -> (a', alpha', dagger')
        # I construct a function on fundamental operators
        def Map_GM_to_Fund_Ops( GM ) :
            def f(fop) :
                a,alpha, dagger = fop.name + (fop.dag,)
                ap,alphap,daggerp = GM((a,alpha,dagger))
                return Cdag(ap,alphap) if daggerp else C(ap,alphap)
            return f

        # Complete the OpList so that it is closed under the global moves
        while 1:
            added_something = False
            for n,(proba,GM) in enumerate(self.Global_Moves):
                # F is a function that map all operators according to the global move
                F = Extend_Function_on_Fundamentals(Map_GM_to_Fund_Ops(GM))
                # Make sure that OPdict is complete, i.e. all images of OPdict operators are in OPdict
                for name,op in OPdict.items() :
                    op_im = F(op)
                    if mysearch(op_im)==None :
                        # find the key and put in in the dictionnary
                        while 1:
                            new_name = name + 'GM' +  i*'_' + "%s"%n
                            if new_name not in OPdict : break
                        added_something = True
                        OPdict[new_name] = op_im
            # break the while loop
            if not added_something: break

        # Now I have all operators, I make the transcription of the global moves
        self.Global_Moves_Mapping_List = []
        for n,(proba,GM) in enumerate(self.Global_Moves):
            F = Extend_Function_on_Fundamentals(Map_GM_to_Fund_Ops(GM))
            m = {}
            for name,op in OPdict.items() :
                op_im = F(op)
                n1,n2 = myfind(op),myfind(op_im)
                m[n1] = n2
            name = "%s"%n
        #MPI.report ("Global_Moves_Mapping_List", self.Global_Moves_Mapping_List)

        # Now add the operator for F calculation if needed
        if self.Use_F :
            Hloc_WithoutQuadratic = self.H_Local.RemoveQuadraticTerms()
            for n,op in OPdict.items() :
                if op.is_Fundamental():
                    op2 = Commutator(Hloc_WithoutQuadratic,op)
                    if not mysearch(op2) : OPdict["%s_Comm_Hloc"%n] = op2

        # All operators have real coefficients. Check this and remove the 0j term
        # since the C++ expects operators with real numbers 
        for n,op in OPdict.items(): op.make_coef_real_and_check()

        # Transcription of operators for C++
        Oplist2 = Operators.Transcribe_OpList_for_C(OPdict)
        SymList = [sym for (n,sym) in SymChar.items() if n in QuantumNumberSymmetries]
        self.H_diag = C_Module.Hloc(nf,nb,Oplist2,QuantumNumberOperators,SymList,self.Quantum_Numbers_Selection,0) 

        # Create the C_Cag_Ops array which describes the grouping of (C,Cdagger) operator
        # for the MonteCarlo moves : (a, alpha) block structure [ [ (C_name, Cdag_name)]]
        self.C_Cdag_Ops = [ [ (myfind(C(a,alpha)), myfind(Cdag(a,alpha))) for alpha in al ] for a,al in self.GFStruct]

        # Define G0_inv and correct it to have G0 to have perfect 1/omega behavior
        self.G0_inv = inverse(self.G0)
        Delta = self.G0_inv.Delta()
        for n,g in self.G0_inv:
          self.G0[n] <<= GF_Initializers.A_Omega_Plus_B(identity, g._tail[0])
          self.G0[n] -= Delta[n]
          #self.G0[n] <<= iOmega_n + g._tail[0] - Delta[n]
        self.G0_inv <<= self.G0

        # Construct the function in tau
        f = lambda g,L : GFBloc_ImTime(Indices= g.Indices, Beta = g.Beta, NTimeSlices=L )
        self.Delta_tau = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,f(g,self.N_Time_Slices_Delta) )   for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='D')
        self.G_tau = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,f(g,self.N_Time_Slices_Gtau) )    for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='G')
        self.F_tau = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G_tau, Copy=True, Name='F')
        for (i,gt) in self.Delta_tau : gt.setFromInverseFourierOf(Delta[i])
        MPI.report("Inv Fourier done")
        if (self.Legendre_Accumulation):
            self.G_Legendre = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,GFBloc_ImLegendre(Indices=g.Indices, Beta=g.Beta, NLegendreCoeffs=self.N_Legendre_Coeffs) )   for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='Gl')
            self.G_Legendre = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,GFBloc_ImLegendre(Indices=[1], Beta=g.Beta, NLegendreCoeffs=1) ) for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='Gl') # G_Legendre must not be empty but is not needed in this case. So I make it as small as possible.
        # Starting the C++ code
        self.Sigma_Old <<= self.Sigma
        C_Module.MC_solve(self.__dict__ ) # C++ solver
        # Compute G on Matsubara axis possibly fitting the tail
        if self.Legendre_Accumulation:
          for s,g in self.G:
            for i,m in enumerate (g._IndicesL):
              for j,n in enumerate (g._IndicesR):
                if m==n: identity[i,j]=1
            self.G_Legendre[s].enforce_discontinuity(identity) # set the known tail
            g <<= LegendreToMatsubara(self.G_Legendre[s])
          if (self.Time_Accumulation):
            for name, g in self.G_tau:
              for i,m in enumerate (g._IndicesL):
                for j,n in enumerate (g._IndicesR):
                  if m==n: identity[i,j]=1
              g._tail[1] = identity

          # This is very sick... but what can we do???
          self.Sigma <<= self.G0_inv - inverse(self.G)
          self.G <<= inverse(self.G0_inv - self.Sigma)

        # Now find the self-energy
        self.Sigma <<= self.G0_inv - inverse(self.G)

        MPI.report("Solver %(Name)s has ended."%self.__dict__)

        # for operator averages: if twice defined operator, rename output:
        for op1,op2 in self.twice_defined_Ops.items():
            self.Measured_Operators_Results[op1] = self.Measured_Operators_Results[op2]
        for op1,op2 in self.twice_defined_Ops.items():
            if op2 in self.Measured_Operators_Results.keys(): del self.Measured_Operators_Results[op2]

        if self.Use_F :
            for (n,f) in self.F: f.setFromFourierOf(self.F_tau[n])
            self.G2 = self.G0 + self.G0 * self.F
            self.Sigma2 = self.F * inverse(self.G2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def Solve(self):
        """ Solve the impurity problem """

        # Find if an operator is in oplist
        def mysearch(op):
            l = [ k for (k,v) in OPdict.items() if (v-op).is_zero()]
            assert len(l) <=1
            return l[0] if l else None

        # Same but raises an error if pb
        def myfind(op):
            r = mysearch(op)
            if r==None : raise "Operator %s can not be found by myfind !"%r
            return r

        # For backward compatibility

        # Test all a parameters before solutions

        # We have to add the Hamiltonian the epsilon part of G0
        if type(self.H_Local) != type(Operator()) : raise "H_Local is not an operator"
        H = self.H_Local
        for a,alpha_list in  self.GFStruct :
            for mu in alpha_list : 
                for nu in alpha_list : 
                    H += real(self.G0[a]._tail[2][mu,nu]) * Cdag(a,mu)*C(a,nu)

        OPdict = {"Hamiltonian": H}
        MPI.report("Hamiltonian with Eps0 term  : ",H)
        # First separate the quantum Numbers that are operators and those which are symmetries.
        QuantumNumberOperators  = dict( (n,op) for (n,op) in self.Quantum_Numbers.items() if type(op) == type(Operator()))
        QuantumNumberSymmetries = dict( (n,op) for (n,op) in self.Quantum_Numbers.items() if type(op) != type(Operator()))

        # Check that the quantum numbers commutes with the Hamiltonian
        for name,op in QuantumNumberOperators.items():
            assert Commutator(self.H_Local ,op).is_zero(), "One quantum number is not commuting with Hamiltonian"

        # Complete the OPdict with the fundamental operators
        OPdict, nf, nb, SymChar, NameOpFundamentalList = Operators.Complete_OperatorsList_with_Fundamentals(OPdict)

        # Add the operators to be averaged in OPdict and prepare the list for the C-code
        self.Measured_Operators_Results = {}
        self.twice_defined_Ops = {}
        self.Operators_To_Average_List = []
        for name, op in self.Measured_Operators.items():
          opn = mysearch(op)
          if opn == None : 
              OPdict[name] = op
              self.Measured_Operators_Results[name] = 0.0
              MPI.report("Operator %s already defined as %s, using this instead for measuring"%(name,opn))
              self.twice_defined_Ops[name] = opn
              self.Measured_Operators_Results[opn] = 0.0
              if opn not in self.Operators_To_Average_List: self.Operators_To_Average_List.append(opn)

        # Time correlation functions are added
        self.OpCorr_To_Average_List = []
        for name, op in self.Measured_Time_Correlators.items():
          opn = mysearch(op[0])
          if opn == None : 
              OPdict[name] = op[0]
              MPI.report("Operator %s already defined as %s, using this instead for measuring"%(name,opn))
              if opn not in self.OpCorr_To_Average_List: self.OpCorr_To_Average_List.append(opn)
        # Create storage for data:
        Nops = len(self.OpCorr_To_Average_List)
        f = lambda L : GFBloc_ImTime(Indices= [0], Beta = self.Beta, NTimeSlices=L )
        if (Nops>0):
            self.Measured_Time_Correlators_Results = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ ( n,f(self.Measured_Time_Correlators[n][1]) ) for n in self.Measured_Time_Correlators], Copy=False)
            self.Measured_Time_Correlators_Results = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ ( 'OpCorr',f(2) ) ], Copy=False)

        # Take care of the global moves

        # First, given a function (a,alpha,dagger) -> (a', alpha', dagger')
        # I construct a function on fundamental operators
        def Map_GM_to_Fund_Ops( GM ) :
            def f(fop) :
                a,alpha, dagger = fop.name + (fop.dag,)
                ap,alphap,daggerp = GM((a,alpha,dagger))
                return Cdag(ap,alphap) if daggerp else C(ap,alphap)
            return f

        # Complete the OpList so that it is closed under the global moves
        while 1:
            added_something = False
            for n,(proba,GM) in enumerate(self.Global_Moves):
                # F is a function that map all operators according to the global move
                F = Extend_Function_on_Fundamentals(Map_GM_to_Fund_Ops(GM))
                # Make sure that OPdict is complete, i.e. all images of OPdict operators are in OPdict
                for name,op in OPdict.items() :
                    op_im = F(op)
                    if mysearch(op_im)==None :
                        # find the key and put in in the dictionnary
                        while 1:
                            new_name = name + 'GM' +  i*'_' + "%s"%n
                            if new_name not in OPdict : break
                        added_something = True
                        OPdict[new_name] = op_im
            # break the while loop
            if not added_something: break

        # Now I have all operators, I make the transcription of the global moves
        self.Global_Moves_Mapping_List = []
        for n,(proba,GM) in enumerate(self.Global_Moves):
            F = Extend_Function_on_Fundamentals(Map_GM_to_Fund_Ops(GM))
            m = {}
            for name,op in OPdict.items() :
                op_im = F(op)
                n1,n2 = myfind(op),myfind(op_im)
                m[n1] = n2
            name = "%s"%n
        #MPI.report ("Global_Moves_Mapping_List", self.Global_Moves_Mapping_List)

        # Now add the operator for F calculation if needed
        if self.Use_F :
            Hloc_WithoutQuadratic = self.H_Local.RemoveQuadraticTerms()
            for n,op in OPdict.items() :
                if op.is_Fundamental():
                    op2 = Commutator(Hloc_WithoutQuadratic,op)
                    if not mysearch(op2) : OPdict["%s_Comm_Hloc"%n] = op2

        # All operators have real coefficients. Check this and remove the 0j term
        # since the C++ expects operators with real numbers 
        for n,op in OPdict.items(): op.make_coef_real_and_check()

        # Transcription of operators for C++
        Oplist2 = Operators.Transcribe_OpList_for_C(OPdict)
        SymList = [sym for (n,sym) in SymChar.items() if n in QuantumNumberSymmetries]
        self.H_diag = C_Module.Hloc(nf,nb,Oplist2,QuantumNumberOperators,SymList,self.Quantum_Numbers_Selection,0) 

        # Create the C_Cag_Ops array which describes the grouping of (C,Cdagger) operator
        # for the MonteCarlo moves : (a, alpha) block structure [ [ (C_name, Cdag_name)]]
        self.C_Cdag_Ops = [ [ (myfind(C(a,alpha)), myfind(Cdag(a,alpha))) for alpha in al ] for a,al in self.GFStruct]

        # Define G0_inv and correct it to have G0 to have perfect 1/omega behavior
        self.G0_inv = inverse(self.G0)
        Delta = self.G0_inv.Delta()
        for n,g in self.G0_inv:
          self.G0[n] <<= GF_Initializers.A_Omega_Plus_B(identity, g._tail[0])
          self.G0[n] -= Delta[n]
          #self.G0[n] <<= iOmega_n + g._tail[0] - Delta[n]
        self.G0_inv <<= self.G0

        # Construct the function in tau
        f = lambda g,L : GFBloc_ImTime(Indices= g.Indices, Beta = g.Beta, NTimeSlices=L )
        self.Delta_tau = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,f(g,self.N_Time_Slices_Delta) )   for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='D')
        self.G_tau = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,f(g,self.N_Time_Slices_Gtau) )    for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='G')
        self.F_tau = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G_tau, Copy=True, Name='F')
        for (i,gt) in self.Delta_tau : gt.setFromInverseFourierOf(Delta[i])
        MPI.report("Inv Fourier done")
        if (self.Legendre_Accumulation):
            self.G_Legendre = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,GFBloc_ImLegendre(Indices=g.Indices, Beta=g.Beta, NLegendreCoeffs=self.N_Legendre_Coeffs) )   for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='Gl')
            self.G_Legendre = GF(Name_Block_Generator = [ (n,GFBloc_ImLegendre(Indices=[1], Beta=g.Beta, NLegendreCoeffs=1) ) for n,g in self.G], Copy=False, Name='Gl') # G_Legendre must not be empty but is not needed in this case. So I make it as small as possible.
        # Starting the C++ code
        self.Sigma_Old <<= self.Sigma
        C_Module.MC_solve(self.__dict__ ) # C++ solver
        # Compute G on Matsubara axis possibly fitting the tail
        if self.Legendre_Accumulation:
          for s,g in self.G:
            for i,m in enumerate (g._IndicesL):
              for j,n in enumerate (g._IndicesR):
                if m==n: identity[i,j]=1
            self.G_Legendre[s].enforce_discontinuity(identity) # set the known tail
            g <<= LegendreToMatsubara(self.G_Legendre[s])
          if (self.Time_Accumulation):
            for name, g in self.G_tau:
              for i,m in enumerate (g._IndicesL):
                for j,n in enumerate (g._IndicesR):
                  if m==n: identity[i,j]=1
              g._tail[1] = identity

          # This is very sick... but what can we do???
          self.Sigma <<= self.G0_inv - inverse(self.G)
          self.G <<= inverse(self.G0_inv - self.Sigma)

        # Now find the self-energy
        self.Sigma <<= self.G0_inv - inverse(self.G)

        MPI.report("Solver %(Name)s has ended."%self.__dict__)

        # for operator averages: if twice defined operator, rename output:
        for op1,op2 in self.twice_defined_Ops.items():
            self.Measured_Operators_Results[op1] = self.Measured_Operators_Results[op2]
        for op1,op2 in self.twice_defined_Ops.items():
            if op2 in self.Measured_Operators_Results.keys(): del self.Measured_Operators_Results[op2]

        if self.Use_F :
            for (n,f) in self.F: f.setFromFourierOf(self.F_tau[n])
            self.G2 = self.G0 + self.G0 * self.F
            self.Sigma2 = self.F * inverse(self.G2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def Solve(self,Iteration_Number=1,Test_Convergence=0.0001):
        """Calculation of the impurity Greens function using Hubbard-I"""

        # Test all a parameters before solutions
        print Parameters.check(self.__dict__,self.Required,self.Optional)
        if self.Converged :
            MPI.report("Solver %(Name)s has already converted: SKIPPING"%self.__dict__)


        MPI.report( "Starting Fortran solver %(Name)s"%self.__dict__)

        self.Sigma_Old <<= self.Sigma
        self.G_Old <<= self.G

        # call the fortran solver:
        temp = 1.0/self.Beta
        gf,tail,self.atocc,self.atmag = gf_hi_fullu(e0f=self.ealmat, ur=self.ur, umn=self.umn, ujmn=self.ujmn, 
                                                    zmsb=self.zmsb, nmom=self.Nmoments, ns=self.Nspin, temp=temp, verbosity = self.Verbosity)

        #self.sig = sigma_atomic_fullu(gf=self.gf,e0f=self.eal,zmsb=self.zmsb,ns=self.Nspin,nlm=self.Nlm)

        if (self.Verbosity==0):
            # No fortran output, so give basic results here
            MPI.report("Atomic occupancy in Hubbard I Solver  : %s"%self.atocc)
            MPI.report("Atomic magn. mom. in Hubbard I Solver : %s"%self.atmag)

        # transfer the data to the GF class:
        if (self.UseSpinOrbit): 
            nlmtot = self.Nlm*2         # only one block in this case!
            nlmtot = self.Nlm

        for a,al in self.GFStruct:
            #M[a] = gf[isp*self.Nlm:(isp+1)*self.Nlm,isp*self.Nlm:(isp+1)*self.Nlm,:]
            M[a] = gf[isp*nlmtot:(isp+1)*nlmtot,isp*nlmtot:(isp+1)*nlmtot,:]
            for i in range(min(self.Nmoments,10)):
                self.tailtempl[a][i+1].array[:] = tail[i][isp*nlmtot:(isp+1)*nlmtot,isp*nlmtot:(isp+1)*nlmtot]
        glist = lambda : [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara = self.Nmsb, Data=M[a], Tail=self.tailtempl[a]) 
                           for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G = GF(NameList = self.a_list, BlockList = glist(),Copy=False)
        # Self energy:
        self.G0 <<= GF_Initializers.A_Omega_Plus_B(A=1,B=0.0)
        M = [ self.ealmat[isp*nlmtot:(isp+1)*nlmtot,isp*nlmtot:(isp+1)*nlmtot] for isp in range((2*self.Nlm)/nlmtot) ] 
        self.G0 -= M
        self.Sigma <<= self.G0 - inverse(self.G)

        # invert G0
        def test_distance(G1,G2, dist) :
            def f(G1,G2) : 
                print abs(G1._data.array - G2._data.array)
                dS = max(abs(G1._data.array - G2._data.array).flatten())  
                aS = max(abs(G1._data.array).flatten())
                return dS <= aS*dist
            return reduce(lambda x,y : x and y, [f(g1,g2) for (i1,g1),(i2,g2) in izip(G1,G2)])

        MPI.report("\nChecking Sigma for convergence...\nUsing tolerance %s"%Test_Convergence)
        self.Converged = test_distance(self.Sigma,self.Sigma_Old,Test_Convergence)

        if self.Converged :
            MPI.report("Solver HAS CONVERGED")
        else :
            MPI.report("Solver has not yet converged")