Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _compute_matrix_profile(self):
     Compute the matrix profile using STOMP.
     mu_T, sigma_T = utils.rolling_avg_sd(self.ts1, self.window_size)
     QT = utils.sliding_dot_product(self.ts2[:self.window_size], self.ts1)
     if self._same_ts:
         mu_Q, sigma_Q = mu_T, sigma_T
         TQ = np.copy(QT)
         mu_Q, sigma_Q = utils.rolling_avg_sd(self.ts2, self.window_size)
         TQ = utils.sliding_dot_product(self.ts1[:self.window_size], self.ts2)
     D = utils.calculate_distance_profile(QT, self.window_size, mu_Q[0], sigma_Q[0], mu_T, sigma_T)
     if self._same_ts:
         lower_ez_bound = 0
         upper_ez_bound = min(len(self.ts2), self.exclusion_zone) + 1
         D[lower_ez_bound:upper_ez_bound] = np.inf
     self._matrix_profile = np.copy(D)
     self._index_profile = np.zeros((len(self.ts1) - self.window_size + 1,))
     for idx in self._iterator:
         QT[1:] = QT[:len(self.ts1)-self.window_size] - self.ts1[:len(self.ts1)-self.window_size] * self.ts2[idx-1] \
                  + self.ts1[self.window_size:] * self.ts2[idx + self.window_size - 1]
         QT[0] = TQ[idx]
         D = utils.calculate_distance_profile(QT, self.window_size, mu_Q[idx], sigma_Q[idx], mu_T, sigma_T)
         self._elementwise_min(D, idx)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_sliding_dot_product_sanity1(self):
     q = np.zeros(200)
     t = np.random.rand(1000)
     sdp = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     assert len(sdp) == len(t) - len(q) + 1, "sliding_dot_product_sanity1: result should have correct length"
     assert np.array_equal(sdp, np.zeros(len(t) - len(q) + 1)), \
         "sliding_dot_product_sanity1: dot product of zero vector should be zero"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_sliding_dot_product_data1(self):
     t = np.loadtxt("./data/random_walk_data.csv")
     q = t[:1000]
     sdp = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     ans = np.loadtxt("./data/random_walk_data_sdp.csv")
     assert len(sdp) == len(t) - len(q) + 1, "sliding_dot_product_data1: result should have correct length"
     assert np.allclose(sdp, ans), "sliding_dot_product_data1: sliding dot product should be computed correctly"
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_sliding_dot_product_random_data(self):
     n = np.random.randint(100, 1000)
     m = np.random.randint(10, n)
     q = np.random.rand(m)
     t = np.random.rand(n)
     sdp = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     ans = helpers.naive_sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     assert len(sdp) == n - m + 1, "sliding_dot_product_random_data: sliding dot product should have correct length"
     assert np.allclose(sdp, ans), "sliding_dot_product_random_data: sliding dot product should be computed correctly"
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_calculate_distance_profile_constant_sequence_and_query(self):
     n = 100
     m = np.random.randint(10, n // 2)
     t = np.full(n, np.random.rand())
     q = np.full(m, np.random.rand())
     qt = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     rolling_mean, rolling_std = utils.rolling_avg_sd(t, m)
     dp = utils.calculate_distance_profile(qt, m, np.mean(q), np.std(q), rolling_mean, rolling_std)
     assert np.allclose(dp, np.full(n - m + 1, 0)), "calculate_distance_profile_constant_sequence_and_query: " \
                                     "distance of constant query to constant sequence is ero by definition."
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_calculate_distance_profile_constant_query(self):
     n = 100
     m = np.random.randint(10, n // 2)
     t = np.random.rand(n)
     q = np.full(m, np.random.rand())
     qt = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     rolling_mean, rolling_std = utils.rolling_avg_sd(t, m)
     dp = utils.calculate_distance_profile(qt, m, q[0], 0, rolling_mean, rolling_std)
     assert np.allclose(dp, np.full(n - m + 1, np.sqrt(m))), "calculate_distance_profile_constant_query: " \
                                     "distance of nonconstant sequence to constant query is sqrt(m) by definition."
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_sliding_dot_product_sanity2(self):
     q = np.array([1])
     t = np.random.rand(1000)
     sdp = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)
     assert len(sdp) == len(t) - len(q) + 1, "sliding_dot_product_sanity2: result should have correct length"
     assert np.allclose(sdp, t), "sliding_dot_product_sanity2: dot product of a vector with [1] should contain itself"
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_sliding_dot_product_query_too_long(self):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         q = np.random.rand(1000)
         t = np.random.rand(200)
         sdp = utils.sliding_dot_product(q, t)