Ejemplo n.º 1
def RemoveMutableParameters(ast):
    """Change all mutable parameters in a pytd AST to a non-mutable form."""
    ast = ast.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
    ast = ast.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
    ast = ast.Visit(optimize.MergeTypeParameters())
    ast = ast.Visit(visitors.AdjustSelf(force=True))
    return ast
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testCombineDifferentLengthTuples(self):
     src = textwrap.dedent("""
   x = ...  # type: tuple[int] or tuple[int, str]
     expected = textwrap.dedent("""
   x = ...  # type: tuple[int or str, ...]
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testCombineContainersMultiLevel(self):
     src = textwrap.dedent("""
   v = ...  # type: list[tuple[long or int, ...]] or list[tuple[float or bool, ...]]
     expected = textwrap.dedent("""
   v = ...  # type: list[tuple[long or int or float or bool, ...]]
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_combine_different_length_tuples(self):
     src = pytd_src("""
   x = ...  # type: Union[tuple[int], tuple[int, str]]
     expected = pytd_src("""
   x = ...  # type: tuple[Union[int, str], ...]
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_combine_containers_multi_level(self):
     src = pytd_src("""
   v = ...  # type: Union[list[tuple[Union[long, int], ...]], list[tuple[Union[float, bool], ...]]]
     expected = pytd_src("""
   v = ...  # type: list[tuple[Union[long, int, float, bool], ...]]
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def RemoveMutableParameters(ast):
    """Change all mutable parameters in a pytd AST to a non-mutable form."""
    # late import, because optimize uses utils.py.
    from pytype.pytd import optimize  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
    ast = ast.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
    ast = ast.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
    ast = ast.Visit(optimize.MergeTypeParameters())
    ast = ast.Visit(visitors.AdjustSelf(force=True))
    return ast
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testCombineDifferentLengthCallables(self):
     src = textwrap.dedent("""
   from typing import Callable
   x = ...  # type: Callable[[int], str] or Callable[[int, int], str]
     expected = textwrap.dedent("""
   from typing import Callable
   x = ...  # type: Callable[..., str]
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_combine_different_length_callables(self):
     src = pytd_src("""
   from typing import Callable
   x = ...  # type: Union[Callable[[int], str], Callable[[int, int], str]]
     expected = pytd_src("""
   from typing import Callable
   x = ...  # type: Callable[..., str]
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_absorb_mutable_parameters_from_methods(self):
     # This is a test for intermediate data. See AbsorbMutableParameters class
     # pydoc about how AbsorbMutableParameters works on methods.
     src = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     T = TypeVar('T')
     NEW = TypeVar('NEW')
     class MyClass(typing.Generic[T], object):
         def append(self, x: NEW) -> Any:
             self = MyClass[Union[T, NEW]]
     tree = self.Parse(src)
     new_tree = tree.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
     new_tree = new_tree.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
     self_type = new_tree.Lookup("MyClass").Lookup(
     self.assertEqual(pytd_utils.Print(self_type), "MyClass[Union[T, NEW]]")
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testAbsorbMutableParameters(self):
     src = textwrap.dedent("""
     def popall(x: list[?]) -> ?:
         x := list[nothing]
     def add_float(x: list[int]) -> ?:
         x := list[int or float]
     def f(x: list[int]) -> ?:
         x := list[int or float]
     expected = textwrap.dedent("""
     def popall(x: list[?]) -> ?
     def add_float(x: list[int or float]) -> ?
     def f(x: list[int or float]) -> ?
     tree = self.Parse(src)
     new_tree = tree.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
     new_tree = new_tree.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_tree, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testCombineContainers(self):
     src = textwrap.dedent("""
     def f(x: list[int] or list[float]) -> ?
     def g(x: list[int] or str or list[float] or set[int] or long) -> ?
     def h(x: list[int] or list[str] or set[int] or set[float]) -> ?
     def i(x: list[int] or list[int]) -> ?
     def j(x: dict[int, float] or dict[float, int]) -> ?
     def k(x: dict[int, bool] or list[int] or dict[bool, int] or list[bool]) -> ?
     expected = textwrap.dedent("""
     def f(x: list[float]) -> ?: ...
     def g(x: list[float] or str or set[int] or long) -> ?: ...
     def h(x: list[int or str] or set[float]) -> ?: ...
     def i(x: list[int]) -> ?: ...
     def j(x: dict[float, float]) -> ?: ...
     def k(x: dict[int or bool, bool or int] or list[int or bool]) -> ?: ...
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testAbsorbMutableParametersFromMethods(self):
     # This is a test for intermediate data. See AbsorbMutableParameters class
     # pydoc about how AbsorbMutableParameters works on methods.
     src = textwrap.dedent("""
     T = TypeVar('T')
     NEW = TypeVar('NEW')
     class MyClass(typing.Generic[T], object):
         def append(self, x: NEW) -> ?:
             self := MyClass[T or NEW]
     expected = textwrap.dedent("""
     T = TypeVar('T')
     NEW = TypeVar('NEW')
     class MyClass(typing.Generic[T], object):
         def append(self: MyClass[T or NEW], x: NEW) -> ?
     tree = self.Parse(src)
     new_tree = tree.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
     new_tree = new_tree.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_tree, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_absorb_mutable_parameters(self):
     src = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     def popall(x: list[Any]) -> Any:
         x = list[nothing]
     def add_float(x: list[int]) -> Any:
         x = list[Union[int, float]]
     def f(x: list[int]) -> Any:
         x = list[Union[int, float]]
     expected = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     def popall(x: list[Any]) -> Any: ...
     def add_float(x: list[Union[int, float]]) -> Any: ...
     def f(x: list[Union[int, float]]) -> Any: ...
     tree = self.Parse(src)
     new_tree = tree.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
     new_tree = new_tree.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_tree, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_combine_containers(self):
     src = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     def f(x: Union[list[int], list[float]]) -> Any: ...
     def g(x: Union[list[int], str, list[float], set[int], long]) -> Any: ...
     def h(x: Union[list[int], list[str], set[int], set[float]]) -> Any: ...
     def i(x: Union[list[int], list[int]]) -> Any: ...
     def j(x: Union[dict[int, float], dict[float, int]]) -> Any: ...
     def k(x: Union[dict[int, bool], list[int], dict[bool, int], list[bool]]) -> Any: ...
     expected = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     def f(x: list[float]) -> Any: ...
     def g(x: Union[list[float], str, set[int], long]) -> Any: ...
     def h(x: Union[list[Union[int, str]], set[float]]) -> Any: ...
     def i(x: list[int]) -> Any: ...
     def j(x: dict[float, float]) -> Any: ...
     def k(x: Union[dict[Union[int, bool], Union[bool, int]], list[Union[int, bool]]]) -> Any: ...
     new_src = self.ApplyVisitorToString(src, optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_src, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_absorb_mutable_parameters_from_methods(self):
     # This is a test for intermediate data. See AbsorbMutableParameters class
     # pydoc about how AbsorbMutableParameters works on methods.
     src = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     T = TypeVar('T')
     NEW = TypeVar('NEW')
     class MyClass(typing.Generic[T], object):
         def append(self, x: NEW) -> Any:
             self = MyClass[Union[T, NEW]]
     expected = pytd_src("""
     from typing import Any
     T = TypeVar('T')
     NEW = TypeVar('NEW')
     class MyClass(typing.Generic[T], object):
         def append(self: MyClass[Union[T, NEW]], x: NEW) -> Any: ...
     tree = self.Parse(src)
     new_tree = tree.Visit(optimize.AbsorbMutableParameters())
     new_tree = new_tree.Visit(optimize.CombineContainers())
     self.AssertSourceEquals(new_tree, expected)