Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_test_suites(filename=None, config=None, _globals=None, options=None):
    if options is None:  #pragma:nocover
        options = Options()
    # Add categories specified by the PYUTILIB_AUTOTEST_CATEGORIES
    if options is None or options.categories is None or len(
            options.categories) == 0:
        options.categories = set()
        if 'PYUTILIB_AUTOTEST_CATEGORIES' in os.environ:
            for cat in re.split(',',
                if cat != '':
        elif 'PYUTILIB_UNITTEST_CATEGORIES' in os.environ:
            for cat in re.split(',',
                if cat != '':
    if not filename is None:
        if options.currdir is None:
            options.currdir = dirname(abspath(filename)) + os.sep
        ep = ExtensionPoint(plugins.ITestParser)
        ftype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
        if not ftype == '':
            ftype = ftype[1:]
        service = ep.service(ftype)
        if service is None:
            raise IOError(
                "Unknown file type.  Cannot load test configuration from file '%s'"
                % filename)
        config = service.load_test_config(filename)
    # Evaluate Python expressions
    for item in config.get('python', []):
            exec(item, _globals)
        except Exception:
            err = sys.exc_info()[1]
            print("ERROR executing '%s'" % item)
            print("  Exception: %s" % str(err))
    # Create test driver, which is put in the global namespace
    driver = plugins.TestDriverFactory(config['driver'])
    if driver is None:
        raise IOError("Unexpected test driver '%s'" % config['driver'])
    _globals["test_driver"] = driver
    # Generate suite
    for suite in config.get('suites', {}):
        create_test_suite(suite, config, _globals, options)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_test_suite(suite, config, _globals, options):
    # Skip suite creation if the options categores do not intersect with the list of test suite categories
    if len(options.categories) > 0:
        flag = False
        for cat in options.categories:
            if cat in config['suites'][suite].get('categories',[]):
                flag = True
        if not flag:
    # Create test driver
    if suite in _globals:
        raise IOError("Cannot create suite '%s' since there is another symbol with that name in the global namespace!" % suite)
    def setUpClassFn(cls):
        options = cls._options[None]
    _globals[suite] = type(str(suite),(unittest.TestCase,),{'setUpClass': classmethod(setUpClassFn)})
    _globals[suite]._options[None] = options
    setattr(_globals[suite],'_test_driver', _globals['test_driver'])
    setattr(_globals[suite],'suite_categories', config['suites'][suite].get('categories',[]))
    # Create test functions
    tests = []
    if 'tests' in config['suites'][suite]:
        for item in config['suites'][suite]['tests']:
            tests.append( (item['solver'], item['problem'], item) )
        for solver in config['suites'][suite]['solvers']:
            for problem in config['suites'][suite]['problems']:
                tests.append( (solver, problem, {}) )
    for solver, problem, item in tests:
        ##sname = solver
        if options.testname_format is None:
            test_name = solver+"_"+problem
            test_name = options.testname_format % (solver, problem)
        def fn(testcase, name, suite):
            options = testcase._options[suite,name]
            fn.test_driver.setUp(testcase, options)
            ans = fn.test_driver.run_test(testcase, name, options)
            fn.test_driver.tearDown(testcase, options)
            return ans
        fn.test_driver = _globals['test_driver']
        _options = Options()
        problem_options = config['suites'][suite]['problems'][problem]
        if not problem_options is None and 'problem' in problem_options:
            _problem = problem_options['problem']
            _problem = problem
        for attr,value in config['problems'].get(_problem,{}).items():
            _options[attr] = _str(value)
        if not problem_options is None:
            for attr,value in problem_options.items():
                _options[attr] = _str(value)
        solver_options = config['suites'][suite]['solvers'][solver]
        if not solver_options is None and 'solver' in solver_options:
            _solver = solver_options['solver']
            _solver = solver
        _name = _solver
        for attr,value in config['solvers'].get(_solver,{}).items():
            _options[attr] = _str(value)
            if attr == 'name':
                _name = value
        if not solver_options is None:
            for attr,value in solver_options.items():
                _options[attr] = _str(value)
        for key in item:
            if key not in ['problem','solver']:
                _options[key] = _str(item[key])
        _options.solver = _str(_name)
        _options.problem = _str(_problem)
        _options.suite = _str(suite)
        _options.currdir = _str(options.currdir)
        _globals[suite].add_fn_test(name=test_name, fn=fn, suite=suite, options=_options)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_test_suite(suite, config, _globals, options):
    # Skip suite creation if the options categores do not intersect with the list of test suite categories
    if len(options.categories) > 0:
        flag = False
        for cat in options.categories:
            if cat in config['suites'][suite].get('categories', []):
                flag = True
        if not flag:
    # Create test driver
    if suite in _globals:
        raise IOError(
            "Cannot create suite '%s' since there is another symbol with that name in the global namespace!"
            % suite)

    def setUpClassFn(cls):
        options = cls._options[None]
        cls._test_driver.setUpClass(cls, options)

    _globals[suite] = type(
        (unittest.TestCase,), {'setUpClass': classmethod(setUpClassFn)})
    _globals[suite]._options[None] = options
    setattr(_globals[suite], '_test_driver', _globals['test_driver'])
    setattr(_globals[suite], 'suite_categories', config['suites'][suite].get(
        'categories', []))
    # Create test functions
    tests = []
    if 'tests' in config['suites'][suite]:
        for item in config['suites'][suite]['tests']:
            tests.append((item['solver'], item['problem'], item))
        for solver in config['suites'][suite]['solvers']:
            for problem in config['suites'][suite]['problems']:
                tests.append((solver, problem, {}))
    for solver, problem, item in tests:
        ##sname = solver
        if options.testname_format is None:
            test_name = solver + "_" + problem
            test_name = options.testname_format % (solver, problem)
        def fn(testcase, name, suite):
            options = testcase._options[suite, name]
            fn.test_driver.setUp(testcase, options)
            ans = fn.test_driver.run_test(testcase, name, options)
            fn.test_driver.tearDown(testcase, options)
            return ans

        fn.test_driver = _globals['test_driver']
        _options = Options()
        problem_options = config['suites'][suite]['problems'][problem]
        if not problem_options is None and 'problem' in problem_options:
            _problem = problem_options['problem']
            _problem = problem
        for attr, value in config['problems'].get(_problem, {}).items():
            _options[attr] = _str(value)
        if not problem_options is None:
            for attr, value in problem_options.items():
                _options[attr] = _str(value)
        solver_options = config['suites'][suite]['solvers'][solver]
        if not solver_options is None and 'solver' in solver_options:
            _solver = solver_options['solver']
            _solver = solver
        _name = _solver
        for attr, value in config['solvers'].get(_solver, {}).items():
            _options[attr] = _str(value)
            if attr == 'name':
                _name = value
        if not solver_options is None:
            for attr, value in solver_options.items():
                _options[attr] = _str(value)
        for key in item:
            if key not in ['problem', 'solver']:
                _options[key] = _str(item[key])
        _options.solver = _str(_name)
        _options.problem = _str(_problem)
        _options.suite = _str(suite)
        _options.currdir = _str(options.currdir)
            name=test_name, fn=fn, suite=suite, options=_options)