Ejemplo n.º 1
def rate_of_recovery():
    print 'Computing rate of recovery of OMP'
    n = 256
    m = 64

    trials = 200
    ks = range(2, 21, 2)
    succs = []
    for k in ks:
        succ = 0
        print 'Running trials for k = %d' % k
        for _ in range(trials):
            x = make_sparse_x(n, k)
            A = make_A(m, n, normalize=True)
            y = np.dot(A, x)
            x_hat = omp(A, y)
            error = np.linalg.norm(x - x_hat)
            if error < 1e-3:
                succ += 1
        succs.append(float(succ) / trials)

    plt.plot(ks, succs)
    plt.xlabel('sparsity k')
    plt.ylabel('rate of recovery')
    plt.title('Rate of recovery usigin OMP\n n = %d m = %d' % (n, m))
    plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rate_of_recovery():
    print 'Computing rate of recovery of BOMP and OMP'
    n = 256
    m = 64
    J = 3
    trials = 100
    ks = range(1, 16)
    succs_omp, succs_bomp = [], []
    for k in ks:
        succ_omp, succ_bomp = 0, 0
        print 'Running trials for k = %d' % k
        for _ in range(trials):
            x = make_group_sparse_x(n, k, J)
            A = make_A(m, n, normalize=True)
            y = np.dot(A, x)
            x_hat_omp = omp(A, y)
            x_hat_bomp = bomp(A, y, J)
            error_omp = np.linalg.norm(x - x_hat_omp)
            error_bomp = np.linalg.norm(x - x_hat_bomp)
            if error_omp < 1e-3:
                succ_omp += 1
            if error_bomp < 1e-3:
                succ_bomp += 1
        succs_omp.append(float(succ_omp) / trials)
        succs_bomp.append(float(succ_bomp) / trials)

    plt.plot(ks, succs_omp, label='omp')
    plt.plot(ks, succs_bomp, label='bomp')
    plt.xlabel('group sparsity k')
    plt.ylabel('rate of recovery')
    plt.title('Rate of recovery usigin OMP\n n = %d m = %d J = %d' % (n, m, J))
    plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def rate_of_recovery():
    print 'Computing rate of recovery of OMP'
    n = 256
    m = 64

    trials = 200
    ks = range(2, 21, 2)
    succs = []
    for k in ks:
        succ = 0
        print 'Running trials for k = %d' % k
        for _ in range(trials):
            x = make_sparse_x(n, k)
            A = make_A(m, n, normalize=True)
            y = np.dot(A, x)
            x_hat = omp(A, y)
            error = np.linalg.norm(x - x_hat)
            if error < 1e-3:
                succ += 1
        succs.append(float(succ) / trials)

    plt.plot(ks, succs)
    plt.xlabel('sparsity k')
    plt.ylabel('rate of recovery')
    plt.title('Rate of recovery usigin OMP\n n = %d m = %d' % (n, m))
    plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def rate_of_recovery():
    print 'Computing rate of recovery of BOMP and OMP'
    n = 256
    m = 64
    J = 3
    trials = 100
    ks = range(1, 16)
    succs_omp, succs_bomp = [], []
    for k in ks:
        succ_omp, succ_bomp = 0, 0
        print 'Running trials for k = %d' % k
        for _ in range(trials):
            x = make_group_sparse_x(n, k, J)
            A = make_A(m, n, normalize=True)
            y = np.dot(A, x)
            x_hat_omp = omp(A, y)
            x_hat_bomp = bomp(A, y, J)
            error_omp = np.linalg.norm(x - x_hat_omp)
            error_bomp = np.linalg.norm(x - x_hat_bomp)
            if error_omp < 1e-3:
                succ_omp += 1
            if error_bomp < 1e-3:
                succ_bomp += 1
        succs_omp.append(float(succ_omp) / trials)
        succs_bomp.append(float(succ_bomp) / trials)

    plt.plot(ks, succs_omp, label='omp')
    plt.plot(ks, succs_bomp, label='bomp')
    plt.xlabel('group sparsity k')
    plt.ylabel('rate of recovery')
    plt.title('Rate of recovery usigin OMP\n n = %d m = %d J = %d' % (n, m, J))
    plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)