Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_component_by_type(self,
        Create a component of the requested uvm_component type.

        :param requested_type: Type type to be overridden
        :param parent_inst_path: The inst path if we are looking
        for inst overrides
        :param name: Concatenated with parent_inst_path if it
        exists for inst overrides
        :param parent: The parent component
        :return: a uvm_component with the name an parent given.

        If the type is is not in the factory we raise UVMFactoryError

        if name is None:
            raise error_classes.UVMFactoryError(
                "Parameter name must be specified in function call.")

        new_type = self.__find_override(requested_type, parent_inst_path, name)

        if new_type is None:
            raise error_classes.UVMFactoryError(
                f"{requested_type} not in uvm_factory()")

        new_comp = new_type(name, parent)
        return new_comp
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create_component_by_name(self,
        Create a components using the name of the requested uvm_component type

        :param requested_type_name: the type that could be overridden
        :param parent_inst_path: A path if we are checking for inst overrides
        :param name: The name of the new object.
        :param parent: The component's parent component
        :return: A uvm_object with the name given
        if name is None:
            raise error_classes.UVMFactoryError(
                "Parameter name must be specified in create_component_by_name")

            requested_type = utility_classes.FactoryData().classes[
                requested_type_name]  # noqa
        except KeyError:
            requested_type = requested_type_name

        new_obj = self.create_component_by_type(requested_type,
                                                parent_inst_path, name, parent)
        return new_obj
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_type_override_by_name(self,
        Override one type with another type globally using strings containing the type names.

        :param original_type_name: The name of the type to be overridden or an arbitrary string.
        :param override_type_name: The name of the overriding type. It must have been declared.
        :param replace: If the override already exists only replace if this is True
        assert isinstance(original_type_name,
                          str), "Original_name must be a string"
        assert isinstance(override_type_name,
                          str), "Override_name must be a string"
            override_type = self.fd.classes[override_type_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise error_classes.UVMFactoryError(f"{override_type_name}" +
                                                " has not been defined.")

        # Set type override by name can use an arbitrary string as a key instead of a type
        # Fortunately Python dicts don't care about the type of the key.
            original_type = self.fd.classes[original_type_name]
        except KeyError:
            original_type = original_type_name

        if (original_type not in self.fd.overrides) or replace:
            self.__set_override(original_type, override_type)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def find_override_by_name(self, requested_type_name, full_inst_path):
        Given a path and the name of a class return its overriding class object

        :param requested_type_name:
        :param full_inst_path:
        :return: class object
        assert (isinstance(requested_type_name, str)), \
            f"requested_type_name must be a string not a {type(requested_type_name)}"  # noqa
        requested_type = None  # Appeasing the linter
            requested_type = self.fd.classes[requested_type_name]
        except KeyError:
                f"{requested_type_name} is not a defined class name")
        return self.find_override_by_type(requested_type, full_inst_path)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def create_object_by_type(self,
     """ Creation
     :param requested_type: The type that we request but that can be
     :param parent_inst_path: The get_full_name path of the parent
     :param name: The name of the instance requested_type("name")
     :return: Type that is child of uvm_object.
     If the type is is not in the factory we raise UVMFactoryError
     new_type = self.__find_override(requested_type, parent_inst_path, name)
     if new_type is None:
         raise error_classes.UVMFactoryError(
             f"{requested_type} not in uvm_factory()")
     return new_type(name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_inst_override_by_name(self, original_type_name, override_type_name,
        Override a specific instance  using strings that contain
        the names of the types.
        :param original_type_name: the name of type being replaced
        :param override_type_name: the name of the substitute type
        :param full_inst_path: The path to the instance

        # Here we use the names of classes instead of the classes.
        # The original_name doesn't need to be the name of a class,
        # it can be an arbitrary string. The override_name must
        # be the name of a class.
        # Later we will retrieve this by searching through the
        # keys for a match to a path and then checking that
        # the name given in the search matches the original_name

        assert isinstance(full_inst_path, str), \
            "The inst_path must be a string"
        assert isinstance(original_type_name, str), \
            "Original_name must be a string"
        assert isinstance(override_type_name, str), \
            "Override_name must be a string"
            override_type = self.fd.classes[override_type_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise error_classes.UVMFactoryError(f"{override_type_name}" +
                                                " has not been defined.")

        # Set type override by name can use an arbitrary string as a key
        # instead of a type. Fortunately Python dicts don't care about
        # the type of the key.
            original_type = self.fd.classes[original_type_name]
        except KeyError:
            original_type = original_type_name

        self.__set_override(original_type, override_type, full_inst_path)