def vtkCurvature(dataset_in, num_points): dataset = vtk.vtkPolyData() dataset.ShallowCopy(dataset_in) components, points = vtkGetLineComponents(dataset) curv = estimateCurvatures(components, points, num_points) arr = asVtkArray(curv, "curvature", vtk.vtkDoubleArray) dataset.GetPointData().AddArray(arr) return dataset
def copyPolyDataCells(dataset, cellids): """copy cell from the sequence cellids to a new vtkPolyData object""" result = vtk.vtkPolyData() result.Allocate(dataset, 10000, 1000) result.GetCellData().CopyAllocate(dataset.GetCellData(), 0, 0, False) result.GetPointData().CopyAllocate(dataset.GetPointData(), 0, 0, False) result.CopyCells(dataset, asVtkIdList(cellids), None) return result
def __init__(self, dataDir='data', streamFileInit='streamInit.vtk', streamFile='stream.vtk', dumpFile='save.vtk', interpolation='weighted', s=[]): """ Maps the streamlines from X to x. call signature: mapStream(dataDir = 'data', streamFileInit = 'streamInit.vtk', streamFile = 'stream.vtk', dumpFile = 'save.vtk', interpolation = 'weighted') Keyword arguments: *dataDir*: Data directory. *streamFileInit*: Read the initial streamline in this file. *streamFile*: Store the streamline in this file. *dumpFile*: Use this file for the mapping x(X,t). *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'weighted': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *s*: The streamlines object for t = 0. If not passed obtain it from 'streamFileInit'. """ # read the stream lines at t = 0 if (s == []): s = gm.readStream(dataDir=dataDir, streamFile=streamFileInit) #s = gm.readStream(dataDir = dataDir, streamFile = streamFileInit) # convert x0 and y0 into array in case of scalars try: len(s.x0) except: s.x0 = np.array([s.x0]) s.y0 = np.array([s.y0]) # read the current state data = gm.readDump(dataDir=dataDir, fileName=dumpFile) p = data.p xx = data.grid # mapped tracers tracersNew = np.zeros(s.tracers.shape, dtype=s.tracers.dtype) # interpolate x(X,t) at S to get x(S,t), where S is the initial streamline for i in range(len(s.x0)): for j in range(len(s.y0)): for sl in range([i, j]): tracersNew[:, i, j, sl] = vecInt(s.tracers[:, i, j, sl], xx, p, interpolation) self.x0 = s.x0 self.y0 = s.y0 = self.tracers = tracersNew self.p = p #self.tracers = s.tracers self.sub = s.sub self.hMin = s.hMin self.hMax = s.hMax self.lMax = s.lMax self.tol = s.tol self.iterMax = s.iterMax # save into vtk file if (streamFile != []): writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileName(dataDir + '/' + streamFile) polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() fieldData = vtk.vtkFieldData() # fields containing initial x and y values field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.x0) field.SetName('x0') fieldData.AddArray(field) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.y0) field.SetName('y0') fieldData.AddArray(field) # field containing length of stream lines for later decomposition field = VN.numpy_to_vtk( field.SetName('sl') fieldData.AddArray(field) # streamline parameters tmp = range(10) tmp[0] = np.array([s.sub], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[0]) field.SetName('sub') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[1] = np.array([s.hMin], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[1]) field.SetName('hMin') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[2] = np.array([s.hMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[2]) field.SetName('hMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[3] = np.array([s.lMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[3]) field.SetName('lMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[4] = np.array([s.tol], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[4]) field.SetName('tol') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[5] = np.array([s.iterMax], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[5]) field.SetName('iterMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) # fields containing simulation parameters stored in paramFile dic = dir(p) params = range(len(dic)) i = 0 for attr in dic: if (attr[0] != '_'): params[i] = getattr(p, attr) params[i] = np.array([params[i]], dtype=type(params[i])) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(params[i]) field.SetName(attr) fieldData.AddArray(field) i += 1 # all stremlines as continuous array of points points = vtk.vtkPoints() for i in range(len(s.x0)): for j in range(len(s.y0)): for k in range([i, j]): points.InsertNextPoint(self.tracers[:, i, j, k]) polyData.SetPoints(points) polyData.SetFieldData(fieldData) writer.SetInput(polyData) writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.Write()
def __init__(self, dataDir='data', B0File='B0.vtk', streamFileInit='streamInit.vtk', paramFile='save.vtk', interpolation='weighted', integration='simple', sub=1, hMin=2e-3, hMax=2e4, lMax=500, tol=1e-2, iterMax=1e3, x0=[], y0=[]): """ Creates, saves and returns the initial streamline map. call signature: streamInit(dataDir = 'data', B0File = 'B0.vtk', streamFileInit = 'streamInit.vtk', paramFile = 'save.vtk', interpolation = 'weighted', integration = 'simple', sub = 1, hMin = 2e-3, hMax = 2e2, lMax = 500, tol = 2e-3, iterMax = 1e3, x0 = [], y0 = []) Trace magnetic streamlines for t = 0 and store the positions in a file. Keyword arguments: *dataDir*: Data directory. *B0File*: Name of the file storing B(X,0) = B0. *streamFileInit*: Store the streamline in this file. If it is empty [] don't write. *paramFile*: Dump file from where to read the simulation parameters. *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'weighted': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *integration*: Integration method. 'simple': low order method. 'RK6': Runge-Kutta 6th order. *sub*: Subsampling of the streamlines. *hMin*: Minimum step length for and underflow to occur. *hMax*: Parameter for the initial step length. *lMax*: Maximum length of the streamline. Integration will stop if l >= lMax. *tol*: Tolerance for each integration step. Reduces the step length if error >= tol. *iterMax*: Maximum number of iterations. *x0*: Initial seed in x-direction. *y0*: Initial seed in y-direction. """ data = gm.readB0(dataDir=dataDir, fileName=B0File) B0 = data.bfield p = gm.readParams(dataDir=dataDir, fileName=paramFile) self.p = p self.p.t = 0 # streamline parameters self.sub = sub self.hMin = hMin self.hMax = hMax self.lMax = lMax self.tol = tol self.iterMax = iterMax # create initial seeds if (x0 == []): x0 = np.float32( np.linspace(p.Ox - p.dx, p.Ox + p.Lx + p.dx, np.round(1 + (2 * p.dx + p.Lx) / p.dx * sub))) if (y0 == []): y0 = np.float32( np.linspace(p.Oy - p.dy, p.Oy + p.Ly + p.dy, np.round(1 + (2 * p.dy + p.Ly) / p.dy * sub))) self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 try: len(x0) except: x0 = np.array([x0]) y0 = np.array([y0]) self.tracers = np.zeros([3, len(x0), len(y0), iterMax], dtype='float32') # tentative streamline length = np.zeros([len(x0), len(y0)], dtype='int32') tol2 = tol**2 # declare vectors xMid = np.zeros(3) xSingle = np.zeros(3) xHalf = np.zeros(3) xDouble = np.zeros(3) # initialize the coefficient for the 6th order adaptive time step RK a = np.zeros(6) b = np.zeros((6, 5)) c = np.zeros(6) cs = np.zeros(6) k = np.zeros((6, 3)) a[1] = 0.2 a[2] = 0.3 a[3] = 0.6 a[4] = 1 a[5] = 0.875 b[1, 0] = 0.2 b[2, 0] = 3 / 40. b[2, 1] = 9 / 40. b[3, 0] = 0.3 b[3, 1] = -0.9 b[3, 2] = 1.2 b[4, 0] = -11 / 54. b[4, 1] = 2.5 b[4, 2] = -70 / 27. b[4, 3] = 35 / 27. b[5, 0] = 1631 / 55296. b[5, 1] = 175 / 512. b[5, 2] = 575 / 13824. b[5, 3] = 44275 / 110592. b[5, 4] = 253 / 4096. c[0] = 37 / 378. c[2] = 250 / 621. c[3] = 125 / 594. c[5] = 512 / 1771. cs[0] = 2825 / 27648. cs[2] = 18575 / 48384. cs[3] = 13525 / 55296. cs[4] = 277 / 14336. cs[5] = 0.25 # do the streamline tracing r = 0 for u in x0: s = 0 for v in y0: # initialize the streamline xx = np.array([u, v, p.Oz]) self.tracers[:, r, s, 0] = xx dh = np.sqrt(hMax * hMin) # initial step size sl = 0 l = 0 outside = False if (integration == 'simple'): while ((l < lMax) and (xx[2] < p.Oz + p.Lz) and (sl < iterMax - 1) and (not (np.isnan(xx[0]))) and (outside == False)): # (a) single step (midpoint method) xMid = xx + 0.5 * dh * gm.vecInt( xx, B0, p, interpolation) xSingle = xx + dh * gm.vecInt(xMid, B0, p, interpolation) # (b) two steps with half stepsize xMid = xx + 0.25 * dh * gm.vecInt( xx, B0, p, interpolation) xHalf = xx + 0.5 * dh * gm.vecInt( xMid, B0, p, interpolation) xMid = xHalf + 0.25 * dh * gm.vecInt( xHalf, B0, p, interpolation) xDouble = xHalf + 0.5 * dh * gm.vecInt( xMid, B0, p, interpolation) # (c) check error (difference between methods) dist2 = np.sum((xSingle - xDouble)**2) if (dist2 > tol2): dh = 0.5 * dh if (abs(dh) < hMin): print("Error: stepsize underflow") break else: l += np.sqrt(np.sum((xx - xDouble)**2)) xx = xDouble.copy() if (abs(dh) < hMin): dh = 2 * dh sl += 1 self.tracers[:, r, s, sl] = xx.copy() if ((dh > hMax) or (np.isnan(dh))): dh = hMax # check if this point lies outside the domain if ((xx[0] < p.Ox - p.dx) or (xx[0] > p.Ox + p.Lx + p.dx) or (xx[1] < p.Oy - p.dy) or (xx[1] > p.Oy + p.Ly + p.dy) or (xx[2] < p.Oz) or (xx[2] > p.Oz + p.Lz)): outside = True if (integration == 'RK6'): while ((l < lMax) and (xx[2] < p.Oz + p.Lz) and (sl < iterMax) and (not (np.isnan(xx[0]))) and (outside == False)): k[0, :] = dh * gm.vecInt(xx, B0, p, interpolation) k[1, :] = dh * gm.vecInt(xx + b[1, 0] * k[0, :], B0, p, interpolation) k[2, :] = dh * gm.vecInt( xx + b[2, 0] * k[0, :] + b[2, 1] * k[1, :], B0, p, interpolation) k[3, :] = dh * gm.vecInt( xx + b[3, 0] * k[0, :] + b[3, 1] * k[1, :] + b[3, 2] * k[2, :], B0, p, interpolation) k[4, :] = dh * gm.vecInt( xx + b[4, 0] * k[0, :] + b[4, 1] * k[1, :] + b[4, 2] * k[2, :] + b[4, 3] * k[3, :], B0, p, interpolation) k[5, :] = dh * gm.vecInt( xx + b[5, 0] * k[0, :] + b[5, 1] * k[1, :] + b[5, 2] * k[2, :] + b[5, 3] * k[3, :] + b[5, 4] * k[4, :], B0, p, interpolation) xNew = xx + c[0] * k[0, :] + c[1] * k[1, :] + c[2] * k[ 2, :] + c[3] * k[3, :] + c[4] * k[4, :] + c[5] * k[ 5, :] xNewS = xx + cs[0] * k[0, :] + cs[1] * k[ 1, :] + cs[2] * k[2, :] + cs[3] * k[ 3, :] + cs[4] * k[4, :] + cs[5] * k[5, :] delta2 = - xNewS), (xNew - xNewS)) delta = np.sqrt(delta2) if (delta2 > tol2): dh = dh * (0.9 * abs(tol / delta))**0.2 if (abs(dh) < hMin): print("Error: step size underflow") break else: l += np.sqrt(np.sum((xx - xNew)**2)) xx = xNew if (abs(dh) < hMin): dh = 2 * dh sl += 1 self.tracers[:, r, s, sl] = xx if ((dh > hMax) or (np.isnan(dh))): dh = hMax # check if this point lies outside the domain if ((xx[0] < p.Ox - p.dx) or (xx[0] > p.Ox + p.Lx + p.dx) or (xx[1] < p.Oy - p.dy) or (xx[1] > p.Oy + p.Ly + p.dy) or (xx[2] < p.Oz) or (xx[2] > p.Oz + p.Lz)): outside = True if ((dh > hMax) or (delta == 0) or (np.isnan(dh))): dh = hMax[r, s] = sl + 1 s += 1 r += 1 # save into vtk file if (streamFileInit != []): writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileName(dataDir + '/' + streamFileInit) polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() fieldData = vtk.vtkFieldData() # fields containing initial x and y values field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.x0) field.SetName('x0') fieldData.AddArray(field) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.y0) field.SetName('y0') fieldData.AddArray(field) # field containing length of stream lines for later decomposition field = VN.numpy_to_vtk( field.SetName('sl') fieldData.AddArray(field) # streamline parameters tmp = range(10) tmp[0] = np.array([sub], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[0]) field.SetName('sub') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[1] = np.array([hMin], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[1]) field.SetName('hMin') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[2] = np.array([hMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[2]) field.SetName('hMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[3] = np.array([lMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[3]) field.SetName('lMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[4] = np.array([tol], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[4]) field.SetName('tol') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[5] = np.array([iterMax], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[5]) field.SetName('iterMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) # fields containing simulation parameters stored in paramFile dic = dir(p) params = range(len(dic)) i = 0 for attr in dic: if (attr[0] != '_'): params[i] = getattr(p, attr) params[i] = np.array([params[i]], dtype=type(params[i])) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(params[i]) field.SetName(attr) fieldData.AddArray(field) i += 1 # all streamlines as continuous array of points points = vtk.vtkPoints() for r in range(len(x0)): for s in range(len(y0)): for sl in range([r, s]): points.InsertNextPoint(self.tracers[:, r, s, sl]) polyData.SetPoints(points) polyData.SetFieldData(fieldData) writer.SetInput(polyData) writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.Write()
def __init__(self, dataDir='data', poincareInit='poincareInit.vtk', poincare='poincare.vtk', dumpFile='save.vtk', interpolation='weighted', po=[]): """ Maps the streamlines from X to x. call signature: mapPoincare(dataDir = 'data', poincareInit = 'poincareInit.vtk', poincareFile = 'poincare.vtk', dumpFile = 'save.vtk', interpolation = 'weighted', po = []) Keyword arguments: *dataDir*: Data directory. *poincareInit*: Read the initial Poincare maps from this file. *poincareFile*: Store the Poincare map in this file. *dumpFile*: Use this file for the mapping x(X,t). *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'weighted': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *po*: The Poincare object for t = 0. If not passed obtain it from 'poincareInit'. """ # read the Poincare map at t = 0 if (po == []): po = gm.readPoincare(dataDir=dataDir, poincare=poincareInit) # read the current state data = gm.readDump(dataDir=dataDir, fileName=dumpFile) p = data.p xx = data.grid # mapped tracers tracersNew = np.zeros(po.tracers.shape, dtype=po.tracers.dtype) # mapped Poincare map xNew = np.zeros(po.x.shape) yNew = np.zeros(po.y.shape) # interpolate x(X,t) at S to get x(S,t), where S is the initial streamline for j in range(po.x.shape[1]): for sl in range([j]): tracersNew[:, j, sl] = gm.vecInt(po.tracers[:, j, sl], xx, p, interpolation) for i in range(po.x.shape[0]): if (i == 0): #xyz = np.array([po.x[i,j], po.y[i,j],]) xyz = np.array([po.x[i, j], po.y[i, j], p.Oz]) else: #xyz = np.array([po.x[i,j], po.y[i,j],]) xyz = np.array([po.x[i, j], po.y[i, j], p.Oz + p.Lz]) tmp = gm.vecInt(xyz, xx, p, interpolation) xNew[i, j] = tmp[0] yNew[i, j] = tmp[1] self.x = xNew self.y = yNew = self.tracers = tracersNew self.p = p self.hMin = po.hMin self.hMax = po.hMax self.lMax = po.lMax self.tol = po.tol self.iterMax = po.iterMax self.nIter = po.nIter self.nSeeds = po.nSeeds # save into vtk file if (poincare != []): writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileName(dataDir + '/' + poincare) polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() fieldData = vtk.vtkFieldData() # fields containing x and y values field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.x) field.SetName('x') fieldData.AddArray(field) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.y) field.SetName('y') fieldData.AddArray(field) # field containing length of stream lines for later decomposition field = VN.numpy_to_vtk( field.SetName('sl') fieldData.AddArray(field) # streamline parameters tmp = range(10) tmp[0] = np.array([po.hMin], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[0]) field.SetName('hMin') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[1] = np.array([po.hMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[1]) field.SetName('hMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[2] = np.array([po.lMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[2]) field.SetName('lMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[3] = np.array([po.tol], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[3]) field.SetName('tol') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[4] = np.array([po.iterMax], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[4]) field.SetName('iterMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[5] = np.array([po.tol], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[5]) field.SetName('nSeeds') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[6] = np.array([po.tol], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[6]) field.SetName('nIter') fieldData.AddArray(field) # fields containing simulation parameters stored in paramFile dic = dir(p) params = range(len(dic)) i = 0 for attr in dic: if (attr[0] != '_'): params[i] = getattr(p, attr) params[i] = np.array([params[i]], dtype=type(params[i])) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(params[i]) field.SetName(attr) fieldData.AddArray(field) i += 1 # all streamlines as continuous array of points points = vtk.vtkPoints() for q in range(self.x.shape[1]): for l in range([q]): points.InsertNextPoint(self.tracers[:, q, l]) polyData.SetPoints(points) polyData.SetFieldData(fieldData) writer.SetInput(polyData) writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.Write()
def __init__(self, dataDir='data', B0File='B0.vtk', poincare='poincareInit.vtk', paramFile='save.vtk', dumpFile=[], interpolation='weighted', integration='simple', hMin=2e-3, hMax=2e2, lMax=500, tol=2e-3, iterMax=1e3, x0=[], y0=[], nSeeds=10, nIter=10): """ Creates, saves and returns the initial streamline map for a few lines and the Poincare map. call signature: streamInit(dataDir = 'data', B0File = 'B0.vtk', poincare = 'poincareInit.vtk', paramFile = 'save.vtk', dumpFile = [], interpolation = 'weighted', integration = 'simple', sub = 1, hMin = 2e-3, hMax = 2e2, lMax = 500, tol = 2e-3, iterMax = 1e3, x0 = [], y0 = []) Trace magnetic streamlines for t = 0 and store the positions in a file. Keyword arguments: *dataDir*: Data directory. *B0File*: Name of the file storing B(X,0) = B0. *poincare*: Store the Poincare map in this file. *paramFile*: Dump file from where to read the simulation parameters. *dumpFile*: If not empty map the streamlines from B0.vtk to the time of dumpFile. *interpolation*: Interpolation of the vector field. 'mean': takes the mean of the adjacent grid point. 'weighted': weights the adjacent grid points according to their distance. *integration*: Integration method. 'simple': low order method. 'RK6': Runge-Kutta 6th order. *hMin*: Minimum step length for and underflow to occur. *hMax*: Parameter for the initial step length. *lMax*: Maximum length of the streamline. Integration will stop if l >= lMax. *tol*: Tolerance for each integration step. Reduces the step length if error >= tol. *iterMax*: Maximum number of iterations. *x0*: Initial seed in x-direction. *y0*: Initial seed in y-direction. *nSeeds*: Number of initial seeds. *nIter*: Number of times the streamlines go through the domain. """ p = gm.readParams(dataDir=dataDir, fileName=paramFile) if (len(x0) != len(y0)): print("error: length of x0 != length of y0.") return -1 if ((len(x0) == 0) and (len(y0) == 0)): x0 = np.random.random(nSeeds) * p.Lx + p.Ox y0 = np.random.random(nSeeds) * p.Ly + p.Oy else: nSeeds = len(x0) x = np.zeros((nIter + 1, nSeeds)) y = np.zeros((nIter + 1, nSeeds)) x[0, :] = x0 y[0, :] = y0 streams = range(nSeeds) tracers = range(nSeeds) sl = np.zeros(nSeeds, dtype='int32') for q in range(len(x0)): tracers[q] = [] for i in range(nIter): # stream the lines until they hit the upper boundary s = gm.streamInit(dataDir=dataDir, B0File=B0File, streamFileInit=[], paramFile=paramFile, interpolation=interpolation, integration=integration, hMin=hMin, hMax=hMax, lMax=lMax, tol=tol, iterMax=iterMax, x0=x[i, q], y0=y[i, q]) # in case the initial time is not 0, map the streamline accordingly if (dumpFile != []): s = gm.mapStream(dataDir=dataDir, streamFileInit='streamInit.vtk', streamFile=[], dumpFile=dumpFile, interpolation=interpolation, s=s) # interpolate the final values for points hitting through the boundary l = (p.Oz + p.Lz - s.tracers[2, 0, 0, - 2]) / ( s.tracers[2, 0, 0, - 1] - s.tracers[2, 0, 0, - 2]) x[i + 1, q] = (s.tracers[0, 0, 0, - 1] - s.tracers[0, 0, 0, - 2]) * l + s.tracers[0, 0, 0, - 2] y[i + 1, q] = (s.tracers[1, 0, 0, - 1] - s.tracers[1, 0, 0, - 2]) * l + s.tracers[1, 0, 0, - 2] # add the tracers to the existing ones tracers[q].extend( list(np.swapaxes(s.tracers[:, 0, 0,], 0, 1))) sl[q] += p = s.p self.p = p self.x = x self.y = y = sl maxLen = sl.max() self.tracers = np.zeros((3, nSeeds, maxLen)) for q in range(len(x0)): self.tracers[:, q, :sl[q]] = np.swapaxes(np.array(tracers[q]), 0, 1) # streamline parameters self.hMin = hMin self.hMax = hMax self.lMax = lMax self.tol = tol self.iterMax = iterMax self.nSeeds = nSeeds self.nIter = nIter # safe in vtk file if (poincare != []): writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileName(dataDir + '/' + poincare) polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() fieldData = vtk.vtkFieldData() # fields containing x and y values field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.x) field.SetName('x') fieldData.AddArray(field) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(self.y) field.SetName('y') fieldData.AddArray(field) # field containing length of stream lines for later decomposition field = VN.numpy_to_vtk( field.SetName('sl') fieldData.AddArray(field) # streamline parameters tmp = range(10) tmp[0] = np.array([s.hMin], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[0]) field.SetName('hMin') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[1] = np.array([s.hMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[1]) field.SetName('hMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[2] = np.array([s.lMax], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[2]) field.SetName('lMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[3] = np.array([s.tol], dtype='float32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[3]) field.SetName('tol') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[4] = np.array([s.iterMax], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[4]) field.SetName('iterMax') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[5] = np.array([nSeeds], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[5]) field.SetName('nSeeds') fieldData.AddArray(field) tmp[6] = np.array([nIter], dtype='int32') field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(tmp[6]) field.SetName('nIter') fieldData.AddArray(field) # fields containing simulation parameters stored in paramFile dic = dir(p) params = range(len(dic)) i = 0 for attr in dic: if (attr[0] != '_'): params[i] = getattr(p, attr) params[i] = np.array([params[i]], dtype=type(params[i])) field = VN.numpy_to_vtk(params[i]) field.SetName(attr) fieldData.AddArray(field) i += 1 # all streamlines as continuous array of points points = vtk.vtkPoints() for q in range(len(x0)): for l in range([q]): points.InsertNextPoint(self.tracers[:, q, l]) polyData.SetPoints(points) polyData.SetFieldData(fieldData) writer.SetInput(polyData) writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.Write()