Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, directory, uri, server_conf, dav_conf, verbose=False):
     """Simply call parent constructor"""
     FilesystemHandler.__init__(self, directory, uri, verbose)
     self.root = directory
     self.daemon_conf = server_conf.daemon_conf
     self.chroot_exceptions = self.daemon_conf['chroot_exceptions']
     self.chmod_exceptions = self.daemon_conf['chmod_exceptions']
Ejemplo n.º 2
def webdav_server():
    class DummyConfigDAV:
        def getboolean(self, name):
            return False

    class DummyConfig:
        DAV = DummyConfigDAV()

    host = 'localhost'
    port = 4242

    handler = DAVAuthHandler
    handler._config = DummyConfig()

    handler.DO_AUTH = False
    handler.IFACE_CLASS = FilesystemHandler('/tmp',
                                            'http://%s:%d/' % (host, port))
    handler.IFACE_CLASS.baseurl = ''

    httpd = HTTPServer((host, port), handler)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def runserver(
         port = 8008, host='localhost',
         verbose = False,
         noauth = False,
         user = '',
         password = '',
         handler = DAVAuthHandler,
         server = ThreadedHTTPServer):

    directory = directory.strip()
    directory = directory.rstrip('/')
    host = host.strip()

    if not os.path.isdir(directory):
        # log.error('%s is not a valid directory!' % directory)
        # return sys.exit(233)

    # basic checks against wrong hosts
    if host.find('/') != -1 or host.find(':') != -1:
        log.error('Malformed host %s' % host)
        return sys.exit(233)

    # no root directory
    if directory == '/':
        log.error('Root directory not allowed!')

    # dispatch directory and host to the filesystem handler
    # This handler is responsible from where to take the data
    handler.IFACE_CLASS = FilesystemHandler(directory, 'http://%s:%s/' % (host, port), verbose )

    # put some extra vars
    handler.verbose = verbose
    if noauth:
        log.warning('Authentication disabled!')
        handler.DO_AUTH = False

    log.info('Serving data from %s' % directory)

    if handler._config.DAV.getboolean('lockemulation') is False:
        log.info('Deactivated LOCK, UNLOCK (WebDAV level 2) support')

    handler.IFACE_CLASS.mimecheck = True
    if handler._config.DAV.getboolean('mimecheck') is False:
        handler.IFACE_CLASS.mimecheck = False
        log.info('Disabled mimetype sniffing (All files will have type application/octet-stream)')

    if handler._config.DAV.baseurl:
        log.info('Using %s as base url for PROPFIND requests' % handler._config.DAV.baseurl)
    handler.IFACE_CLASS.baseurl = handler._config.DAV.baseurl

    # initialize server on specified port
    runner = server( (host, port), handler )
    print(('Listening on %s (%i)' % (host, port)))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        log.info('Killed by user')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_data(self, uri, range=None):
     """return the content of an object"""
     reply = FilesystemHandler.get_data(self, uri, range)
     logger.info("returning get_data reply: %s" % reply)
     return reply