Ejemplo n.º 1
 def renderAttributes(self, map):
   html = ""
   ignore= self.getIgnoreAttributes()
   for key in map.keys():
     if not key in ignore:
       html += ' %s="%s"' % (key, htmlutil.escapeAttribute(map[key]))
   return html
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def renderNormal(self,request, mapping, name, value, cssClass, **kwargs):
   if self.multiSelect:
     type = 'checkbox'
     type = 'radio'
   html = ""
   options = kwargs["options"]
   del kwargs["options"]
   for option in options:
     html += '<input type="%s" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s"' % (type,
       name, name, htmlutil.escapeAttribute(option["value"]))
     if value is not None and (
        (isinstance(value,ListType) and option["value"] in value) or
        (option["value"] == unicode(value))):
       html += ' checked="checked"'
     html += self.renderAttributes(kwargs)
     html += '>&nbsp;<span onclick="this.previousSibling.previousSibling.click();" style="cursor: pointer;">%s</span>' % (request.bundle[option["label"]])
     if self.insertBreak:
       html += "<br>"
   return html
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def renderNormal(self, request, mapping, name, value, cssClass, **kwargs):
   if kwargs.has_key("id"):
     id = kwargs["id"]
     id = name
   inputHtml = '<input type="%s" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s"' % (self.type, id, name, htmlutil.escapeAttribute(unicode(value)))
   if cssClass:
     inputHtml += ' class="%s"' % (cssClass)
   argsCopy = kwargs.copy()
   appendJavascriptToValue(argsCopy, 'onkeypress',  'returnKeyPressedInIEHandler(event)')
   inputHtml += self.renderAttributes(argsCopy)
   inputHtml += '>'
   return inputHtml
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def render(self,request, mapping, name, value, *args, **kwargs):
   return ( '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" %s>' %
           (name, htmlutil.escapeAttribute(unicode(value)), self.renderAttributes(kwargs)) )
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def renderNormal(self, request, mapping, name, value, cssClass, label = None, **kwargs):
   if kwargs.has_key("display") and kwargs["display"] != metadata.DISPLAY_NORMAL:
     return ""
   if name == "submit":
     raise ValueError("\"submit\" is not a valid field name")
   if not label:
     label = request.bundle[mapping.getFormMetadata(request).getFieldMetadata(name).getLabel(request,mapping)]
   html = '<button'
   if cssClass:
     kwargs["class"] = cssClass
   if kwargs.has_key("onclick"):
     onclick = kwargs["onclick"]+";"
     onclick = ""
   onclick += "resetSubmitButtons(); this.nextSibling.disabled = false; var p = this.parentNode; while (p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'form') p = p.parentNode; try { p.submit(); } catch (e) {this.nextSibling.disabled = true;}"
   kwargs["onclick"] = onclick
   html += self.renderAttributes(kwargs)
   html += ' pwmvctype="submit">%s</button>' % htmlutil.escapeHtml(label)
   html += '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" disabled="disabled">' % (name, htmlutil.escapeAttribute(value))
   return html