def predict(self, posTestDict, negTestDict, predictDict):
            posTestDict, negTestDict, predictDict: { fnameToMetadata: { weight:int }
        netDataPath = self._getExtraPath('nnetData')
        if not os.path.isdir(netDataPath) and self.doContinue.get():
            prevRunPath = self.continueRun.get()._getExtraPath('nnetData')
            copyTree(prevRunPath, netDataPath)

        if self.usesGpu():
            numberOfThreads = None
            gpuToUse = self.getGpuList()[0]
            numberOfThreads = self.numberOfThreads.get()
            gpuToUse = None

        outParticlesPath = self._getPath("particles.xmd")
        fnamesPred, weightsPred = self.__dataDict_toStrs(predictDict)

        args = " -n %s --mode score -i %s -o %s " % (netDataPath, fnamesPred,

        if posTestDict and negTestDict:
            fnamesPosTest, weightsPosTest = self.__dataDict_toStrs(posTestDict)
            fnamesNegTest, weightsNegTest = self.__dataDict_toStrs(negTestDict)
            args += " --testingTrue %s --testingFalse %s " % (fnamesPosTest,

        if not gpuToUse is None:
            args += " -g %s" % (gpuToUse)
        if not numberOfThreads is None:
            args += " -t %s" % (numberOfThreads)
        self.runJob('xmipp_deep_consensus', args, numberOfMpi=1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def polishStep(self, params):
     """ Create the input file in STAR format as expected by Relion.
     If the input particles comes from Relion, just link the file. 
     from pyworkflow.utils.path import copyTree
     copyTree(self.refineRun.get()._getExtraPath(), self._getExtraPath())
     self.runJob(self._getProgram('relion_particle_polish'), params)
    def train(self, posTrainDict, negTrainDict):
            posTrainDict, negTrainDict: { fnameToMetadata: weight (int) }
        nEpochs = self.nEpochs.get()
        netDataPath = self._getExtraPath('nnetData')
        if self.doContinue.get():
            prevRunPath = self.continueRun.get()._getExtraPath('nnetData')
            copyTree(prevRunPath, netDataPath)
            if not self.keepTraining.get():
                nEpochs = 0

        if self.usesGpu():
            numberOfThreads = None
            gpuToUse = self.getGpuList()[0]
            numberOfThreads = self.numberOfThreads.get()
            gpuToUse = None

        fnamesPos, weightsPos = self.__dataDict_toStrs(posTrainDict)
        fnamesNeg, weightsNeg = self.__dataDict_toStrs(negTrainDict)
        args = " -n %s --mode train -p %s -f %s --trueW %s --falseW %s" % (
            netDataPath, fnamesPos, fnamesNeg, weightsPos, weightsNeg)
        args += " -e %s -l %s -r %s -m %s " % (nEpochs, self.learningRate.get(
        ), self.l2RegStrength.get(), self.nModels.get())
        if not self.auto_stopping.get():
            args += " -s"

        if not gpuToUse is None:
            args += " -g %s" % (gpuToUse)
        if not numberOfThreads is None:
            args += " -t %s" % (numberOfThreads)
        self.runJob('xmipp_deep_consensus', args, numberOfMpi=1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def polishStep(self, params):
     """ Create the input file in STAR format as expected by Relion.
     If the input particles comes from Relion, just link the file. 
     from pyworkflow.utils.path import copyTree
     copyTree(self.refineRun.get()._getExtraPath(), self._getExtraPath())
     self.runJob(self._getProgram('relion_particle_polish'), params)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def copyMicDirectoryStep(self, micId):
        """ Copy micrograph's directory tree for recalculation"""
        ctfModel = self.recalculateSet[micId]
        mic = ctfModel.getMicrograph()

        prevDir = self._getPrevMicDir(ctfModel)
        micDir = self._getMicrographDir(mic)
        if not prevDir == micDir:
            # Create micrograph dir under extra directory
            if not exists(micDir):
                raise Exception("No created dir: %s " % micDir)
            copyTree(prevDir, micDir)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def copyMicDirectoryStep(self, id):
     """ Copy micrograph's directory tree for recalculation"""
     ctfModel = self.recalculateSet[id]
     mic = ctfModel.getMicrograph()
     prevDir = self._getPrevMicDir(ctfModel)
     micDir = self._getMicrographDir(mic)
     if not prevDir == micDir:
         # Create micrograph dir under extra directory
         if not exists(micDir):
             raise Exception("No created dir: %s " % micDir)
         copyTree(prevDir, micDir)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _preprocessMicrographRow(self, img, imgRow):
        if self._imgPath:
            # Create a link or copy files to extraPath
            # and update the Row properly
            micFile = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH)
            micBase = basename(micFile)
            micDst = self.protocol._getExtraPath(micBase)
            self.copyOrLink(join(self._imgPath, micFile), micDst)

            imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, micDst)
            self._fillMicName(img, micBase)

        if self._ctfPath:
            # Read Xmipp ctfModel parameters and add
            # to the original micrograph row
            ctfFile = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL)
            ctfPath = join(self._imgPath, ctfFile)
            ctfRow = md.Row()
            # Also copy or link to the result micrograph
            # folder output by Xmipp containing the PSD and other images
            ctfSrcDir = dirname(ctfPath)
            ctfBaseDir = basename(ctfSrcDir)
            ctfDstDir = self.protocol._getExtraPath(ctfBaseDir)

            if self.copyOrLink == createLink:
                createLink(ctfSrcDir, ctfDstDir)
            else:  # use copyTree instead of copyFile
                copyTree(ctfSrcDir, ctfDstDir)
            # Fix the path to psd files
            for label in CTF_PSD_DICT.values():
                filePath = imgRow.getValue(label)
                # Take the last part of the path including
                # the filename and the folder up to that
                fileName = basename(filePath)
                newFilePath = join(ctfDstDir, fileName)
                imgRow.setValue(label, newFilePath)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _preprocessMicrographRow(self, img, imgRow):
        if self._imgPath:
            # Create a link or copy files to extraPath
            # and update the Row properly
            micFile = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH)
            micBase = basename(micFile)
            micDst = self.protocol._getExtraPath(micBase)
            self.copyOrLink(join(self._imgPath, micFile), micDst)
            imgRow.setValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH, micDst)
            self._fillMicName(img, micBase)

        if self._ctfPath:
            # Read Xmipp ctfModel parameters and add
            # to the original micrograph row
            ctfFile = imgRow.getValue(md.MDL_CTF_MODEL)
            ctfPath = join(self._imgPath, ctfFile)
            ctfRow = md.Row()
            # Also copy or link to the result micrograph
            # folder output by Xmipp containing the PSD and other images
            ctfSrcDir = dirname(ctfPath)
            ctfBaseDir = basename(ctfSrcDir)
            ctfDstDir = self.protocol._getExtraPath(ctfBaseDir)

            if self.copyOrLink == createLink:
                createLink(ctfSrcDir, ctfDstDir)
            else: # use copyTree instead of copyFile
                copyTree(ctfSrcDir, ctfDstDir)
            # Fix the path to psd files
            for label in CTF_PSD_DICT.values():
                filePath = imgRow.getValue(label)
                # Take the last part of the path including
                # the filename and the folder up to that
                fileName = basename(filePath)
                newFilePath = join(ctfDstDir, fileName)
                imgRow.setValue(label, newFilePath)
 def copyMicAssessOutput(self, numPass):
     copyTree(self._getTmpPath('output%s' % numPass),