Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testConstructor (self):
     ln = 'local'
     ns_uri = 'urn:ns'
     en = ExpandedName(ln)
     self.assertEqual(en.namespace(), None)
     self.assertEqual(en.localName(), ln)
     en2 = ExpandedName(en)
     self.assertEqual(en2, en)
     dom = pyxb.utils.domutils.StringToDOM('<ns1:%s xmlns:ns1="%s" attr="52">content</ns1:%s>' % (ln, ns_uri, ln))
     en = ExpandedName(dom.documentElement)
     ns = pyxb.namespace.NamespaceForURI(ns_uri)
     self.assertTrue(ns is not None)
     self.assertEqual(ns, en.namespace())
     self.assertEqual(ln, en.localName())
     en2 = ExpandedName(ns, ln)
     self.assertEqual(en, en2)
     attr = dom.documentElement.getAttributeNodeNS(None, 'attr')
     self.assertTrue(attr is not None)
     en = ExpandedName(attr)
     self.assertEqual(xml.dom.EMPTY_NAMESPACE, en.namespaceURI())
     self.assertEqual('attr', en.localName())
     child = dom.documentElement.firstChild
     self.assertTrue(child is not None)
     self.assertEqual(xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE, child.nodeType)
     self.assertRaises(pyxb.LogicError, ExpandedName, child)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testRichComparisons (self):
     s1 = 'alpha'
     s2 = 'beta'
     an1 = ExpandedName(None, s1)
     en1 = ExpandedName(xsd, s1)
     an2 = ExpandedName(None, s2)
     en2 = ExpandedName(xsd, s2)
     # an1 ? an2
     self.assertFalse(an1 == an2)
     self.assertTrue(an1 != an2)
     self.assertTrue(an1 <= an2)
     self.assertTrue(an1 < an2)
     self.assertFalse(an1 >= an2)
     self.assertFalse(an1 > an2)
     # an1 ? en1
     self.assertFalse(an1 == en1)
     self.assertTrue(an1 != en1)
     self.assertTrue(an1 <= en1)
     self.assertTrue(an1 < en1)
     self.assertFalse(an1 >= en1)
     self.assertFalse(an1 > en1)
     # s1 ? an1
     self.assertTrue(s1 == an1)
     self.assertFalse(s1 != an1)
     self.assertTrue(s1 <= an1)
     self.assertFalse(s1 < an1)
     self.assertTrue(s1 >= an1)
     self.assertFalse(s1 > an1)
     # an1 ? a1
     self.assertTrue(an1 == s1)
     self.assertFalse(an1 != s1)
     self.assertTrue(an1 <= s1)
     self.assertFalse(an1 < s1)
     self.assertTrue(an1 >= s1)
     self.assertFalse(an1 > s1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testOrdering (self):
     s1 = "one"
     s2 = "two"
     en1 = ExpandedName(None, s1)
     en2 = ExpandedName(None, s2)
     xn1 = ExpandedName(xsd, s1)
     xn2 = ExpandedName(xsd, s2)
     self.assertTrue(s1 < s2)
     self.assertTrue(s2 > s1)
     self.assertTrue(en1 < s2)
     self.assertTrue(en2 > s1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testEquivalence (self):
     an1 = ExpandedName(None, 'string')
     en1 = ExpandedName(xsd, 'string')
     en2 = ExpandedName(xsd, 'string')
     en3 = ExpandedName(xsd, 'notString')
     self.assertEqual(en1, en2)
     self.assertEqual(en1, ( en1.namespace(), en1.localName() ))
     self.assertTrue(en1 == en2)
     self.assertFalse(en1 == en3)
     self.assertTrue(en1 != en3)
     self.assertTrue(an1 == an1.localName())
     self.assertFalse(an1 == en3.localName())
     self.assertTrue(an1 != en3.localName())
     self.assertFalse(an1 != an1.localName())
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testAbsent (self):
     an = pyxb.namespace.CreateAbsentNamespace()
     an2 = pyxb.namespace.CreateAbsentNamespace()
     self.assertNotEqual(an, an2)
     self.assertEqual(an.uri(), an2.uri())
     ln = 'local'
     en1 = ExpandedName(None, ln)
     en2 = ExpandedName(an, ln)
     en3 = ExpandedName(an2, ln)
     self.assertEqual(en1, en2)
     self.assertEqual(en1, en3)
     self.assertEqual(en2, en3)
     self.assertEqual(hash(en1), hash(en2))
     self.assertEqual(hash(en1), hash(en3))
     self.assertEqual(hash(en2), hash(en3))
 def _parse_doc(self, s):
     self.logger.debug("Reading XML input: %s", s)
         return binding.CreateFromDocument(s)
     except UnrecognizedDOMRootNodeError:
         raise SCLSyntaxError("Unrecognized document root node.")
     except UnrecognizedContentError as e:
             nameinfo = e[2]._Name()
         except AttributeError:
             nameinfo = ExpandedName(e[2])
         location = "%s:%s" % (e[3].lineNumber, e[3].columnNumber)
         raise SCLSyntaxError("Unrecognized element: %s at %s" %
                              (nameinfo, location))
     except UnrecognizedAttributeError as e:
         raise SCLSyntaxError("Unrecognized attribute: {%s}%s" %
     except SimpleFacetValueError as e:
         raise SCLValueError("Illegal value for %s: %s" %
                             (e[0]._ExpandedName, e[1]))
     except (NonElementValidationError, SimpleTypeValueError) as e:
         raise SCLValueError(e)
     except IncompleteElementContentError as exc:
         cfg = exc[1]
         msg = 'Incomplete content, expect %s' % (' or '.join(
             map(str, cfg.acceptableSymbols())))
         raise SCLMissingValue(msg)
     except Exception as e:
         self.logger.exception("Parse error")
         raise SCLSyntaxError("Failed to parse XML: %r" % (e, ))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testMapping (self):
     an1 = ExpandedName(None, 'string')
     en1 = ExpandedName(xsd, 'string')
     en2 = ExpandedName(xsd, 'string')
     mymap = { }
     mymap[en1] = 'Yes'
     mymap[an1] = 'No'
     mymap['key'] = 'Key'
     self.assertEqual(mymap[en2], 'Yes')
     self.assertEqual(mymap[an1], 'No')
     self.assertEqual(mymap[an1.localName()], 'No')
     self.assertNotEqual(mymap[en2.localName()], 'Yes')
     self.assertEqual(mymap['key'], 'Key')
     self.assertEqual(mymap[ExpandedName(None, 'key')], 'Key')
     self.assertEqual(None, mymap.get('nokey'))
     del mymap[en2]
     self.assertEqual(None, mymap.get(en1))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_attribute_value(self, att_name):
     This function is a handy extension that allows us to easily look up attribute values regardless whether they
     are local or namespaced attribute names. I did not find its equivalent in PyXB.
     :param att_name:
     attr_en = ExpandedName(*att_name.split(':'))
     # NOTE: At this point we should go to attribute map locate the attribute but for that the namespace has to be
     # located too because its fully qualified name is required... etc. cutting corners here as we don't mix local
     # and namespaced attributes of the same name so fairly safe to just take the localname bit. But this
     # is not a fully XML compliant way to support all possibilities in all cases.
     return getattr(self, attr_en.localName())
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

        attributeDict = value._AttributeMap.copy()
        xml_id_attr = ExpandedName('http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace', 'id')
        attributeDict.pop(xml_id_attr) # This shouldn't throw an error, but if it does, something's wrong

        # sorted to make sure that for two elements with the same set of
        # attributes the values are put into the hash string in the same order
        sortedDict = sorted(attributeDict.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])

        concatenatedStyleString = u''
        for key,val in sortedDict:
            styleValue = ReplaceNone(val.value(value))
            concatenatedStyleString += str(styleValue) + '%'

        for key,val in value.wildcardAttributeMap().items():
            namespace = ReplaceNone(key.namespaceURI())
            localName = key.localName()
            wildcardValue = ReplaceNone(val)
            concatenatedStyleString += namespace + '%' + localName + '%' + wildcardValue

        self.my_hash = hash(concatenatedStyleString)