Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _var_repl_function(self, matchobj, context, use_current=False):
        Given a dictionary of xpaths, return a function we can use to
        replace ${varname} with the xpath to varname.
        name = matchobj.group(1)
        intro = "There has been a problem trying to replace ${%s} with the "\
            "XPath to the survey element named '%s'." % (name, name)
        if name not in self._xpath:
            raise PyXFormError(intro +
                               " There is no survey element with this name.")
        if self._xpath[name] is None:
            raise PyXFormError(intro + " There are multiple survey elements"
                               " with this name.")
        if context:
            # if context xpath and target xpath fall under the same repeat use
            # relative xpath referencing.
            steps, ref_path = share_same_repeat_parent(self, self._xpath[name],
            if steps:
                ref_path = ref_path if ref_path.endswith(
                    name) else "/%s" % name
                prefix = " current()/" if use_current else " "
                return prefix + "/".join([".."] * steps) + ref_path + " "

        return " " + self._xpath[name] + " "
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def check(update_info):
        Check if the installed release of the validator works.

        :type update_info: _UpdateInfo
        if not os.path.exists(update_info.installed_path):
            message = "\nCheck failed!\n\n" \
                      "No installed release found."
            raise PyXFormError(message)

        installed = _UpdateHandler._read_json(
        if update_info.install_check():
            template = "\nCheck success!\n\n" \
                       "The installed release appears to work.\n\n" \
                       "Installed release:\n\n{installed}"
            message = template.format(
                    json_data=installed), )
            return True
            template = "\nCheck failed!\n\n" \
                       "The installed release does not appear to work.\n\n" \
                       "Installed release:\n\n{installed}"
            message = template.format(
                    json_data=installed), )
            raise PyXFormError(message)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _var_repl_function(self, matchobj, context, use_current=False):
        Given a dictionary of xpaths, return a function we can use to
        replace ${varname} with the xpath to varname.
        name = matchobj.group(1)
        intro = ("There has been a problem trying to replace ${%s} with the "
                 "XPath to the survey element named '%s'." % (name, name))
        if name not in self._xpath:
            raise PyXFormError(intro +
                               " There is no survey element with this name.")
        if self._xpath[name] is None:
            raise PyXFormError(intro + " There are multiple survey elements"
                               " with this name.")
        if context and not (context["type"] == "calculate" and "indexed-repeat"
                            in context["bind"]["calculate"]):
            xpath, context_xpath = self._xpath[name], context.get_xpath()
            # share same root i.e repeat_a from /data/repeat_a/...
            if xpath.split("/")[2] == context_xpath.split("/")[2]:
                # if context xpath and target xpath fall under the same
                # repeat use relative xpath referencing.
                steps, ref_path = share_same_repeat_parent(
                    self, xpath, context_xpath)
                if steps:
                    ref_path = ref_path if ref_path.endswith(
                        name) else "/%s" % name
                    prefix = " current()/" if use_current else " "

                    return prefix + "/".join([".."] * steps) + ref_path + " "

        return " " + self._xpath[name] + " "
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _find_download_url(update_info, json_data, file_name):
        Find the download URL for the file in the GitHub API JSON response doc.
        rel_name = json_data["tag_name"]
        files = json_data["assets"]

        if len(files) == 0:
            raise PyXFormError("No files attached to release '{r}'.\n\n{h}"
                               "".format(r=rel_name, h=update_info.manual_msg))

        file_urls = [
            x["browser_download_url"] for x in files if x["name"] == file_name

        urls_len = len(file_urls)
        if 0 == urls_len:
            raise PyXFormError(
                "No files with the name '{n}' attached to release '{r}'."
        elif 1 < urls_len:
            raise PyXFormError(
                "{c} files with the name '{n}' attached to release '{r}'."
            return file_urls[0]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update(update_info, file_name, force=False):
        Update to the latest version, using the specified file_name.

        :type update_info: _UpdateInfo
        :type file_name: str
        :type force: bool
        if not os.path.exists(update_info.installed_path):
            installed = _UpdateHandler._install(update_info=update_info,
            latest = installed
            installed = _UpdateHandler._read_json(
            latest = _UpdateHandler._get_latest(update_info=update_info)
            if installed["tag_name"] == latest["tag_name"] and not force:
                installed_info = _UpdateHandler._get_release_message(
                latest_info = _UpdateHandler._get_release_message(
                template = "\nUpdate failed!\n\n" \
                           "The installed release appears to be the latest. " \
                           "To update anyway, use the '--force' flag.\n\n" \
                           "Installed release:\n\n{installed}" \
                           "Latest release:\n\n{latest}"
                message = template.format(installed=installed_info,
                raise PyXFormError(message)

        installed_info = _UpdateHandler._get_release_message(
        latest_info = _UpdateHandler._get_release_message(json_data=latest)
        new_bin_file_path = os.path.join(update_info.bin_new_path,
        if update_info.install_check(bin_file_path=new_bin_file_path):
            template = "\nUpdate success!\n\n" \
                       "Install check of the latest release succeeded.\n\n" \
                       "Latest release:\n\n{latest}"
            message = template.format(latest=latest_info)
            return True
            template = "\nUpdate failed!\n\n" \
                       "The latest release does not appear to work. " \
                       "It is saved here in case it's needed:\n{bin_new}\n\n" \
                       "The installed release has not been changed.\n\n" \
                       "Installed release:\n\n{installed}" \
                       "Latest release:\n\n{latest}"
            message = template.format(bin_new=new_bin_file_path,
            raise PyXFormError(message)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def process_range_question_type(row):
    """Returns a new row that includes the Range parameters start, end and

    Raises PyXFormError when invalid range parameters are used.
    def _parameters(parameters):
        parts = parameters.split(';')
        if len(parts) == 1:
            parts = parameters.split(',')
        if len(parts) == 1:
            parts = parameters.split()

        return parts

    new_dict = row.copy()
    parameters = _parameters(new_dict.get('parameters', ''))
    parameters_map = {'start': 'start', 'end': 'end', 'step': 'step'}
    defaults = {'start': '1', 'end': '10', 'step': '1'}
    params = {}

    for param in parameters:
        if '=' not in param:
            raise PyXFormError("Expecting parameters to be in the form of "
                               "'start=X end=X step=X'.")
        k, v = param.split('=')[:2]
        key = parameters_map.get(k.lower().strip())
        if key:
            params[key] = v.strip()
            raise PyXFormError(
                "Range has the parameters 'start', 'end' and"
                " 'step': '%s' is an invalid parameter." % k)

    # set defaults
    for key in parameters_map.values():
        if key not in params:
            params[key] = defaults[key]

        has_float = any(
            [float(x) and '.' in str(x) for x in params.values()])
    except ValueError:
        raise PyXFormError("Range parameters 'start', "
                           "'end' or 'step' must all be numbers.")
        # is integer by default, convert to decimal if it has any float values
        if has_float:
            new_dict['bind'] = new_dict.get('bind', {})
            new_dict['bind'].update({'type': 'decimal'})

    new_dict['parameters'] = params

    return new_dict
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def xls_value_from_sheet(sheet, row, column):
     value = sheet.cell_value(row, column)
     value_type = sheet.cell_type(row, column)
     if value is not None and value != "":
             return xls_value_to_unicode(value, value_type,
         except XLDateAmbiguous:
             raise PyXFormError(XL_DATE_AMBIGOUS_MSG %
                                (sheet.name, column, row))
         raise PyXFormError("Empty Value")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _var_repl_function(self, matchobj):
        Given a dictionary of xpaths, return a function we can use to
        replace ${varname} with the xpath to varname.
        name = matchobj.group(1)
        intro = "There has been a problem trying to replace ${%s} with the "\
            "XPath to the survey element named '%s'." % (name, name)
        if name not in self._xpath:
            raise PyXFormError(intro +
                               " There is no survey element with this name.")
        if self._xpath[name] is None:
            raise PyXFormError(intro + " There are multiple survey elements"
                               " with this name.")

        return " " + self._xpath[name] + " "
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def xml(self):
        calls necessary preparation methods, then returns the xml.

        for triggering_reference in self.setvalues_by_triggering_ref.keys():
            if not (re.match(BRACKETED_TAG_REGEX, triggering_reference)):
                raise PyXFormError(
                    "Only references to other fields are allowed in the 'trigger' column."

            # try to resolve reference and fail if can't
            self.insert_xpaths(triggering_reference, self)

        body_kwargs = {}
        if hasattr(self, constants.STYLE) and getattr(self, constants.STYLE):
            body_kwargs["class"] = getattr(self, constants.STYLE)
        nsmap = self.get_nsmap()

        return node(
            node("h:head", node("h:title", self.title), self.xml_model()),
            node("h:body", *self.xml_control(), **body_kwargs),
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def xls_value_from_sheet(sheet, row, column):
     value = sheet.cell_value(row, column)
     value_type = sheet.cell_type(row, column)
     if value is not None and value != "":
         return xls_value_to_unicode(value, value_type)
         raise PyXFormError("Empty Value")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def create_survey_element_from_dict(self, d):
        Convert from a nested python dictionary/array structure (a json dict I
        call it because it corresponds directly with a json object)
        to a survey object
        if "add_none_option" in d:
            self._add_none_option = d["add_none_option"]
        if d["type"] in self.SECTION_CLASSES:
            section = self._create_section_from_dict(d)

            if d["type"] == "survey":
                section.setvalues_by_triggering_ref = self.setvalues_by_triggering_ref

            return section
        elif d["type"] == "loop":
            return self._create_loop_from_dict(d)
        elif d["type"] == "include":
            section_name = d["name"]
            if section_name not in self._sections:
                raise PyXFormError(
                    "This section has not been included.",
            d = self._sections[section_name]
            full_survey = self.create_survey_element_from_dict(d)
            return full_survey.children
        elif d["type"] in ["xml-external", "csv-external"]:
            return ExternalInstance(**d)

            return self._create_question_from_dict(
                d, copy_json_dict(QUESTION_TYPE_DICT), self._add_none_option)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def process_range_question_type(row):
    """Returns a new row that includes the Range parameters start, end and

    Raises PyXFormError when invalid range parameters are used.
    new_dict = row.copy()
    parameters = get_parameters(new_dict.get('parameters', ''),
                                ['start', 'end', 'step'])
    parameters_map = {'start': 'start', 'end': 'end', 'step': 'step'}
    defaults = {'start': '1', 'end': '10', 'step': '1'}

    # set defaults
    for key in parameters_map.values():
        if key not in parameters:
            parameters[key] = defaults[key]

        has_float = any(
            [float(x) and '.' in str(x) for x in parameters.values()])
    except ValueError:
        raise PyXFormError("Range parameters 'start', "
                           "'end' or 'step' must all be numbers.")
        # is integer by default, convert to decimal if it has any float values
        if has_float:
            new_dict['bind'] = new_dict.get('bind', {})
            new_dict['bind'].update({'type': 'decimal'})

    new_dict['parameters'] = parameters

    return new_dict
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def create_survey_element_from_dict(self, d):
     Convert from a nested python dictionary/array structure (a json dict I
     call it because it corresponds directly with a json object)
     to a survey object
     if u"add_none_option" in d:
         self._add_none_option = d[u"add_none_option"]
     if d[u"type"] in self.SECTION_CLASSES:
         return self._create_section_from_dict(d)
     elif d[u"type"] == u"loop":
         return self._create_loop_from_dict(d)
     elif d[u"type"] == u"include":
         section_name = d[u"name"]
         if section_name not in self._sections:
             raise PyXFormError("This section has not been included.",
                                section_name, self._sections.keys())
         d = self._sections[section_name]
         full_survey = self.create_survey_element_from_dict(d)
         return full_survey.children
     elif d[u"type"] == u"xml-external":
         return ExternalInstance(**d)
         return self._create_question_from_dict(
             d, copy_json_dict(QUESTION_TYPE_DICT), self._add_none_option)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_cascading_json(sheet_list, prefix, level):
    return_list = []
    for row in sheet_list:
        if 'stopper' in row:
            if row['stopper'] == level:
                # last element's name IS the prefix; doesn't need level
                return_list[-1]["name"] = prefix
                return return_list
        elif 'lambda' in row:

            def replace_prefix(d, prefix):
                for k, v in d.items():
                    if isinstance(v, basestring):
                        d[k] = v.replace('$PREFIX$', prefix)
                    elif isinstance(v, dict):
                        d[k] = replace_prefix(v, prefix)
                    elif isinstance(v, list):
                        d[k] = map(lambda x: replace_prefix(x, prefix), v)
                return d

            return_list.append(replace_prefix(row['lambda'], prefix))
    raise PyXFormError("Found a cascading_select " + level +
                       ", but could not find " + level + "in cascades sheet.")
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _get_bin_paths(update_info, file_path):
        Get the mapping of zip file paths to extract paths for the file_name.

        The zip file paths are actually glob/fnmatch patterns to find these
        files among the files in the zip archive.
        _, file_name = os.path.split(file_path)
        file_base = os.path.basename(file_name)
        if "windows" in file_base:
            main_bin = "*validate.exe"
        elif "linux" in file_base:
            main_bin = "*validate"
        elif "macos" in file_base:
            main_bin = "*validate"
            raise PyXFormError(
                "Did not find a supported main binary for file: {p}.\n\n{h}"
                "".format(p=file_path, h=update_info.manual_msg))
        return [
            (main_bin, update_info.validator_basename),
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def validate(self):

        # make sure that the type of this question exists in the
        # question type dictionary.
        if self.type not in QUESTION_TYPE_DICT:
            raise PyXFormError("Unknown question type '%s'." % self.type)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _unzip_find_jobs(open_zip_file, bin_paths, out_path):
        For each bin file, get the zip file item file name and the output path.

        Ignore files that may appear in the __MACOSX info dir, and if two files
        have the same destination path and the same CRC then they're probably
        duplicate files so only one of them is copied out.
        zip_info = open_zip_file.infolist()
        zip_jobs = {}
        for zip_item in zip_info:
            if zip_item.filename.startswith("__MACOSX"):
            for file_target in bin_paths:
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(zip_item.filename, file_target[0]):
                    file_out_path = os.path.join(out_path, file_target[1])
                    maybe_existing_match = zip_jobs.get(file_out_path, None)
                    if maybe_existing_match is not None:
                        if maybe_existing_match.CRC == zip_item.CRC:
                    zip_jobs[file_out_path] = zip_item
        if len(bin_paths) != len(zip_jobs.keys()):
            raise PyXFormError("Expected {e} zip job files, found: {c}"
        return zip_jobs
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _add_other_option_to_multiple_choice_question(d):
     # ideally, we'd just be pulling from children
     choice_list = d.get("choices", d.get("children", []))
     if len(choice_list) <= 0:
         raise PyXFormError("There should be choices for this question.")
     other_choice = {"name": "other", "label": "Other"}
     if other_choice not in choice_list:
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _validate_uniqueness_of_section_names(self):
     root_node_name = self.name
     section_names = []
     for element in self.iter_descendants():
         if not isinstance(element, Survey) and element.name == root_node_name:
             raise PyXFormError(
                 'The name "%s" is the same as the form name. '
                 "Use a different section name "
                 '(or change the form name in the "name" column of the settings sheet).'
                 % element.name
         if isinstance(element, Section):
             if element.name in section_names:
                 raise PyXFormError(
                     "There are two sections with the name %s." % element.name
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def _validate_uniqueness_of_element_names(self):
     element_slugs = []
     for element in self.children:
         if element.name in element_slugs:
             raise PyXFormError(
                 "There are two survey elements named '%s' in the section"
                 " named '%s'." % (element.name, self.name))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def _validate_uniqueness_of_section_names(self):
     section_names = []
     for e in self.iter_descendants():
         if isinstance(e, Section):
             if e.name in section_names:
                 raise PyXFormError(
                     "There are two sections with the name %s." % e.name)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def xls_to_dict_normal_sheet(sheet):
        def iswhitespace(string):
            return isinstance(string, basestring) and len(string.strip()) == 0

        # Check for duplicate column headers
        column_header_list = list()
        for column in range(0, sheet.ncols):
            column_header = sheet.cell_value(0, column)
            if column_header in column_header_list:
                raise PyXFormError("Duplicate column header: %s" %
            # xls file with 3 columns mostly have a 3 more columns that are
            # blank by default or something, skip during check
            if column_header is not None:
                if not iswhitespace(column_header):
                    # strip whitespaces from the header
                    clean_header = re.sub(r"( )+", " ", column_header.strip())

        result = []
        for row in range(1, sheet.nrows):
            row_dict = OrderedDict()
            for column in range(0, sheet.ncols):
                # Changing to cell_value function
                # convert to string, in case it is not string
                key = "%s" % sheet.cell_value(0, column)
                key = key.strip()
                value = sheet.cell_value(row, column)
                # remove whitespace at the beginning and end of value
                if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    value = value.strip()
                value_type = sheet.cell_type(row, column)
                if value is not None:
                    if not iswhitespace(value):
                            row_dict[key] = xls_value_to_unicode(
                                value, value_type, workbook.datemode)
                        except XLDateAmbiguous:
                            raise PyXFormError(
                                XL_DATE_AMBIGOUS_MSG %
                                (sheet.name, column_header, row))
                # Taking this condition out so I can get accurate row numbers.
                # TODO: Do the same for csvs
                # if row_dict != {}:
        return result, _list_to_dict_list(column_header_list)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def _validate_uniqueness_of_element_names(self):
     element_slugs = []
     for element in self.children:
         if any(element.name.lower() == s.lower() for s in element_slugs):
             raise PyXFormError(
                 "There are more than one survey elements named '%s' "
                 "(case-insensitive) in the section named '%s'." %
                 (element.name.lower(), self.name))
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _validate_uniqueness_of_section_names(self):
     root_node_name = self.name
     section_names = []
     for element in self.iter_descendants():
         if isinstance(element, Section):
             if element.name in section_names:
                 if element.name == root_node_name:
                     # The root node name is rarely explictly set; explain
                     # the problem in a more helpful way (#510)
                     raise PyXFormError(
                         'The name "%s" is the same as the form name. '
                         "Use a different section name "
                         '(or change the form name in the "name" column of '
                         "the settings sheet)." % element.name)
                 raise PyXFormError(
                     "There are two sections with the name %s." %
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def validate(self):
     if not is_valid_xml_tag(self.name):
         invalid_char = re.search(INVALID_XFORM_TAG_REGEXP, self.name)
         msg = ("The name '{}' is an invalid XML tag, it contains an "
                "invalid character '{}'. Names must begin with a letter, "
                "colon, or underscore, subsequent characters can include "
                "numbers, dashes, and periods".format(
                    self.name, invalid_char.group(0)))
         raise PyXFormError(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def _validate_uniqueness_of_element_names(self):
     element_slugs = set()
     for element in self.children:
         elem_lower = element.name.lower()
         if elem_lower in element_slugs:
             raise PyXFormError(
                 "There are more than one survey elements named '%s' "
                 "(case-insensitive) in the section named '%s'." %
                 (elem_lower, self.name))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def request_get(url):
    Get the response content from URL.
        r = Request(url)
        r.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
        with closing(urlopen(r)) as u:
            content = u.read()
        if len(content) == 0:
            raise PyXFormError("Empty response from URL: '{u}'.".format(u=url))
            return content
    except HTTPError as e:
        raise PyXFormError("Unable to fulfill request. Error code: '{c}'. "
                           "Reason: '{r}'. URL: '{u}'."
                           "".format(r=e.reason, c=e.code, u=url))
    except URLError as e:
        raise PyXFormError("Unable to reach a server. Reason: {r}. "
                           "URL: {u}".format(r=e.reason, u=url))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def parse_file_to_workbook_dict(path, file_object=None):
    Given a xls or csv workbook file use xls2json_backends to create
    a python workbook_dict.
    workbook_dicts are organized as follows:
    {sheetname : [{column_header : column_value_in_array_indexed_row}]}
    (filepath, filename) = os.path.split(path)
    if not filename:
        raise PyXFormError("No filename.")
    (shortname, extension) = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if not extension:
        raise PyXFormError("No extension.")

    if extension == ".xls" or extension == ".xlsx":
        return xls_to_dict(file_object if file_object is not None else path)
    elif extension == ".csv":
        return csv_to_dict(file_object if file_object is not None else path)
        raise PyXFormError("File was not recognized")
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_parameters(raw_parameters, allowed_parameters):
    parts = raw_parameters.split(';')
    if len(parts) == 1:
        parts = raw_parameters.split(',')
    if len(parts) == 1:
        parts = raw_parameters.split()

    params = {}
    for param in parts:
        if '=' not in param:
            raise PyXFormError("Expecting parameters to be in the form of "
                               "'parameter1=value parameter2=value'.")
        k, v = param.split('=')[:2]
        key = k.lower().strip()
        if key in allowed_parameters:
            params[key] = v.lower().strip()
            raise PyXFormError("Accepted parameters are "
                               "'%s': '%s' is an invalid parameter." %
                               (", ".join(allowed_parameters), key))

    return params
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _add_none_option_to_select_all_that_apply(d_copy):
     choice_list = d_copy.get("choices", d_copy.get("children", []))
     if len(choice_list) <= 0:
         raise PyXFormError("There should be choices for this question.")
     none_choice = {"name": "none", "label": "None"}
     if none_choice not in choice_list:
         none_constraint = "(.='none' or not(selected(., 'none')))"
         if "bind" not in d_copy:
             d_copy["bind"] = {}
         if "constraint" in d_copy["bind"]:
             d_copy["bind"]["constraint"] += " and " + none_constraint
             d_copy["bind"]["constraint"] = none_constraint